Ap Essays (Examples)

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Furthermore, the date of the photograph is illustrative: the city had been submerged for days, and federal disaster relief in the form of food and other types of assistance had not yet arrived. The food would have spoiled had it not been consumed, given that the electricity of the city was not functioning.
Just like a print journalist, a photographer has the responsibility to consider the larger social history of the image he or she is creating, as well as the personal history of the subject. The image of young black men as criminals and looters is unfortunately reinforced through fictional television programs as well as on the news: taking particular care to evaluate how the image of the 'looter' might be perceived is an ethical imperative for photographers, who can create such emotional and visceral reactions with their journalism. Photos can truth claims equally -- if not more --….

S. private-equity firm Blackstone Group LP I a deal that marks the country's long-anticipated move to expand how it invests its massive foreign exchange service." (AP, 1) China has shown itself to be increasingly less isolated than it had been in the years immediately following the end of the Cold ar. However, it appears that today, China fully understands its role in the world and had facilitated its own growth within the framework of global systems initially sponsored by western powers. Its growth suggests that it has adapted to the extent of eclipsing many of its western counterparts while simultaneously assessing capitalism according to its own terms.
As the Reich article points out, drawing in one of the core ironies of capitalism and its relationship to globalization, "for years, we've assumed that capitalism and democracy fit hand in glove. e took it as an article of faith that you can't have….

Fibromyalgia is a common cause of multi-regional pain and disability. This condition shows a female preponderance and is a condition whose etiology is poorly understood, despite the various intensive and invasive investigations of modern medicine. Two hypotheses have been proposed to be the underlying etiological factors in relation to this condition. The first being an abnormality in the non-rapid eye movement sleep stage, which may be due to biochemical disturbances in the body. Abnormal pain processing is the second theory that may be responsible for the exaggerated pain in response to a stimulus. (Sarac & Gur, 2006)
Worldwide literature on the subject has established that stress is an important and established risk factor to this condition. Such life stressors can cause significant psychosocial distress. In some cases of fibromyalgia, the pain remains refractory to medications. In such cases, non-pharmacologic modalities are used, such as, psycho-social modification and relaxation therapies.

Non-pharmacological modalities can….

Nature Is Being Apart From

Animals have been overused both in terms of their skins and pelts and in terms of consumption by the standards of greed. It is common knowledge that chickens are kept in cramped quarters and live short lives of being shot full of steroids toward the ends of bigger chickens faster to sell on today's inflated food market. Not only is food more contaminated it is also less bountiful that in times past when the earth's population was not at such a burdensome level for Earth to sustain.

Summary and Conclusion:

Sustainable development" is a commonly used terms in today's society. Sustainable development refers to a level of development in all matters, industrial, construction focused, agriculturally speaking and indeed in all areas of life on earth it is a lifestyle of development which the earth has the ability to sustain and one that does not overtax or work against the sustenance that earth….

Black White Achievement Gap

Black-White Achievement Gap
As recently as 1998, the press was reporting that African-Americans score lower than European-Americans on vocabulary, reading, and math skills tests in general, as well as on standardized tests claiming to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. Although the gap had narrowed somewhat after 1970, the American black child still scored lower than whites, as much as 15% lower. Despite abundant speculation and a wealth of research, no one had yet come up with a 'magic bullet' to put a stop to the disparity; in fact, research had shown that the problem was extremely difficult to overcome, despite integration (a fact for more than 40 years) and improvement in other socioeconomic factors. "It is true that the gap shrinks only a little when black and white children attend the same schools. It is also true that the gap shrinks only a little when black and white families have the….

Criminal Justice -- Analyzing Approaches to Gangs
Gang violence has plagued American cities for many decades. In response, cities have adopted several approaches to reducing or eliminating gang violence through several methods. Information gathered over several decades has shown that one approach is more successful than the others and is being effectively used even in the "gang capital" of America.

Different Approaches to Gangs

American cities with high gang violence have dealt with this urban problem by three basic approaches: suppression, social intervention and organizational change (Fearn, Decker, & Curry, 2006, p. 313). Suppression, as our text shows, is the attempt to annihilate gangs through surveillance, arrest and imprisonment (Fearn, Decker, & Curry, 2006, p. 313). Social intervention is an immediate, short-term response to an act of violence or a crisis (Fearn, Decker, & Curry, 2006, p. 313). Organizational change is a task-force oriented approach that studies the underlying causes and long-term remedies….

This is a seven page paper concerning the economy for the past three years and a two year future prediction. It will cover the Federal reserve, GDP, CPI , PPI, inflation, interest rates, political changes, money supply, taxes, government spending, economic cycles and trends and international trends. The Airline Industry will be looked at in terms of competition, market share and developments. There are nineteen references used. Introduction
The past three years have been a roller coaster ride for the economy. The changes that have been seen are a new President, the stock market dropping, interest rates at a 30 year low and unemployment rates rising. The Airline Industry has also seen changes. There are fewer people flying, and some airlines have had to file for bankruptcy protection.
1999-A Strong Economy
1999 was a year that saw three interest rate increases from June to December by the Federal….

Life After Napster

ife After Napster
Napster, first started by college student Shawn Fanning in 1999 that facilitated the sharing of recorded songs over the Internet, had been completely shut down by September of 2002, due to multiple charges that the website violated copyright infringement

The issues surrounding the birth and death of Napster are not new. The music industry became concerned when cassette tapes were invented, and tried to prevent the manufacture and sale of VCR's (evy, 2000). Ultimately these new media forms worked to the benefit of music and movie industries. Eventually the Supreme Court ruled that making single copies of TV shows or movies broadcast on TV for personal use was legal. Distribution of VCR or DVD versions of movies is now a major part of the movie industry's income.

Napster, however, was not a new form of media. It was a new form of distribution, using the Internet to send music files….

Aphra Behn is known for her substantial contributions to British writers, very little is known about her. She lived from 1640-1689 and she was a major contributor the Restoration movement. She wrote plays -- for which she is most known for, but she also wrote poems and stories that covered a wide range of topics. Among her plays are "The Forced Marriage," or "The Rover," "The Jealous Bridegroom," "The Town Fop, The Amorous Prince," "and The Roundheads." She possessed a great ingenuity, and showed an admirable comprehension of stage business, while her wit and vivacity were unfailing. Of her short tales, or novelettes, the best is the story of Oroonoko, which was made the basis of Thomas Southerne's popular tragedy. e do know the she lead an interesting and colorful life. hen she was but a young 16 years old she traveled Surinam with her father, an appointed lieutenant….

Exercise 1. 1) For a profit-maximizing firm, there is a difference between the short run and the long run. In both situations, the company wants to maximize profit: P = T -- TC (Skaggs, 2010). In the short run, such a firm should increase its output so long as the marginal revenue is greater than the marginal costs (Ibid). Production therefore is expanded only to the point where M=MC, because after that point the profit begins to shrink. The major difference is that in the long-run, if the firm is struggling, it may produce even if M.

Abraham Path Initiative
The Abraham Path: The evolution of the enterprise over time

One of the most divisive regions of the world is the Middle East. The Middle East is fraught with conflict not simply because of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian territorial dispute but also because of a host regional and sectarian struggles that are tearing this area of the world apart. With this in mind: "in the face of daunting barriers, the Abraham Path Initiative envisions uncovering and revitalizing a route of cultural tourism that follows the path of Abraham and his family some 4000 years ago across the Middle East…As it takes fuller shape, the Path variously serves as a catalyst for sustainable tourism and economic development, a platform for the energy and idealism of young people, a beacon for pilgrims and peacebuilders, as well as a focus for seemingly endless media inquiries from reporters, producers" (Leary, Sebenius, & Weiss….

I intend to pursue a career in medicine, a career that I regard as a calling as well as an aspiration. My sports activities have disciplined me, toughened me, and honed my competitive instincts in a way that I believe is necessary for pre-medical studies, and later, perhaps, for medical school. I intend to enter the health care field, either a practitioner, or perhaps from a business angle, as I have grown convinced, after seeing my own family's struggle with the bureaucratic aspects of the American medical system, that there is a need for an infusion of compassion and reform into the system from all areas, on the part of administrators as well as doctors.
At present, to give me a strong academic founding for my rigorous college studies in science and business, I am currently enrolled in three AP classes: Calculus AB AP, Psychology AP, and Spanish V AP.….

Whirl Pool Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Critical appraisal of Whirlpool's Supply Chain Management

Company Overview

Products and Services

Critical review of Operations

Contribution to business performance

System Changes

Changes in Internal Forecasting Process

usiness Performance Results

Criteria for trade Partner Fit

Competitive advantage

Critical Evaluation of System

Customer Centric-Supply Chain Management System

Collaborative Supply Chain

Whirlpool's production

Current System Changes

Planning and sourcing decisions



Drawbacks of Whirlpool delivery system



Factors for taking supply chain management decision

Figure: Supply Chain Performance factors

Gap Analysis

Strategic partnership


Reduced Cost and Inventory

Future trends in home appliances supply chain management

RFID usage

RFIDs to Individual Products

Vendor Managed Inventories

Challenges for home appliances businesses in managing supply chain

Complex features

Multiple Channels Conflicts

Short life Cycles



Executive summary

Whirlpool is renowned as a global electronic appliances manufacturer and marketer. The company's products and operations are present throughout the globe. The company has gained tremendous growth rate through effective implementation of supply chain methodologies. The comparison of previous results for the business reveals that an overall improvement in revenues is observed after implementation of….

During my junior year, I decided to undergo a significant change in my educational career, which is to transfer from Los Angeles to San Francisco. My decision to transfer to another school was anchored on two objectives. My first objective was to transfer to a school where I will develop my knowledge and know my limits in studying, particularly in the field of natural science. My second objective, meanwhile, was to attend a school that has a curriculum structure and format that complements my needs -- that is, to attend classes centering on natural science and mathematics.

It was noticeable during my junior year that I experienced difficulty in excelling in my humanities class. This was due to the difference in the format of teaching humanities between my old and new school. In the new school I enrolled in, humanities class was handled differently, requiring greater classroom (teacher-student) interaction, which my….

hat information will you need?

Critical information from this point forward would regard the faculty of teachers. Our leadership must take a distributive form, within which teachers are also part of a leadership structure. Because there will be so many practical and educational challenges in this new environment, and likely some sense of resentment or resistance amongst transferred teachers, it will be necessary to let educators feel that they have a direct stake in the leadership structure at Misery. e must therefore identify based on experience and reputation those instructors who should be tapped for internal leadership

hat will your first actions be?

Thereafter, the first action will be to appoint department heads and others who can be dispatched as leaders and positive examples to the many young teachers and the share of resentful transfers that will make up the staff. This approach is justified by Lumby (2003), who asserts that "leadership is….

Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....

To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....

Citing a web resource in MLA format requires you to provide specific information about the source you used. In some cases, you won't be able to locate all the information. When that happens, provide as much as you can. Overall, you should provide the name(s) of the author(s), the name of the article (in quotation marks), the title of the webpage, project, or book (in italics), the publisher information, the page numbers (if there are any), and publication medium, and the date accessed. As an example: Author, A. "Article about MLA style." The webpage where you found the article. The place....

4 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Ethics of Publishing Disturbing Photographs

Words: 1532
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Furthermore, the date of the photograph is illustrative: the city had been submerged for days, and federal disaster relief in the form of food and other types of…

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8 Pages


China Capitalism China's Opportunistic Capitalist

Words: 2526
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

S. private-equity firm Blackstone Group LP I a deal that marks the country's long-anticipated move to expand how it invests its massive foreign exchange service." (AP, 1) China has…

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7 Pages


Fibromyalgia a Physiological and Psychological Approach

Words: 2299
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Fibromyalgia is a common cause of multi-regional pain and disability. This condition shows a female preponderance and is a condition whose etiology is poorly understood, despite the various intensive…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Nature Is Being Apart From

Words: 1578
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Animals have been overused both in terms of their skins and pelts and in terms of consumption by the standards of greed. It is common knowledge that chickens are…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Black White Achievement Gap

Words: 3149
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Black-White Achievement Gap As recently as 1998, the press was reporting that African-Americans score lower than European-Americans on vocabulary, reading, and math skills tests in general, as well as on…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Analyzing Approaches to Gangs

Words: 1250
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Chapter

Criminal Justice -- Analyzing Approaches to Gangs Gang violence has plagued American cities for many decades. In response, cities have adopted several approaches to reducing or eliminating gang violence through…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


This Is a Seven Page Paper Concerning

Words: 1864
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is a seven page paper concerning the economy for the past three years and a two year future prediction. It will cover the Federal reserve, GDP, CPI…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Life After Napster

Words: 1441
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ife After Napster Napster, first started by college student Shawn Fanning in 1999 that facilitated the sharing of recorded songs over the Internet, had been completely shut down by September…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Aphra Behn Is Known for Her Substantial

Words: 2108
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Aphra Behn is known for her substantial contributions to British writers, very little is known about her. She lived from 1640-1689 and she was a major contributor the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Economics Exercise 1 1 for a Profit-Maximizing

Words: 454
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economics Exercise 1. 1) For a profit-maximizing firm, there is a difference between the short run and the long run. In both situations, the company wants to maximize profit: P…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Abraham Path Evolution of the Enterprise Over Time

Words: 2309
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Abraham Path Initiative The Abraham Path: The evolution of the enterprise over time One of the most divisive regions of the world is the Middle East. The Middle East is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Dedicate Myself to an Interest

Words: 675
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I intend to pursue a career in medicine, a career that I regard as a calling as well as an aspiration. My sports activities have disciplined me, toughened…

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14 Pages
Case Study


Case Study Supply Chain Whirl

Words: 5412
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Case Study

Whirlpool Whirl Pool Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Critical appraisal of Whirlpool's Supply Chain Management Company Overview Products and Services Critical review of Operations Contribution to business performance System Changes Changes in Internal Forecasting Process usiness Performance…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Challenges Early on in

Words: 874
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

During my junior year, I decided to undergo a significant change in my educational career, which is to transfer from Los Angeles to San Francisco. My decision to transfer…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Assistant Principal Assistant Principle Scenario

Words: 540
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hat information will you need? Critical information from this point forward would regard the faculty of teachers. Our leadership must take a distributive form, within which teachers are also part…

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