Personal Challenges Early On In Term Paper


My decision to transfer to another school was anchored on two objectives. My first objective was to transfer to a school where I will develop my knowledge and know my limits in studying, particularly in the field of natural science. My second objective, meanwhile, was to attend a school that has a curriculum structure and format that complements my needs -- that is, to attend classes centering on natural science and mathematics. It was noticeable during my junior year that I experienced difficulty in excelling in my humanities class. This was due to the difference in the format of teaching humanities between my old and new school. In the new school I enrolled in, humanities class was handled differently, requiring greater classroom (teacher-student) interaction, which my humanities class in my old school did not engage in. However, this difficulty was just a transitional phase; soon after I became acquainted with my new school's curriculum format and getting used to my new schedule and classes, I started improving my grades, and successfully excelled in my classes.

My adjustment in my new school also enabled me to cultivate new relationships with other people. I met new people who share with me the same passion I have for...


I have become a familiar face to teachers and mentors who I constantly inquire about not only academic concerns, but mundane issues relevant to us as well. I have come full circle in my new school, and the great period of adjustment had passed.
Looking back, my decision to change schools and take on greater academic responsibility and workload is still the hardest and most stressful yet bravest decision I ever did in my life. I knew that transferring during my junior year would have serious repercussions in my academic record; my difficult adjustment in my humanities class was an example of these repercussions. However, I considered these consequences as minor setbacks that had ultimately aided me in becoming wiser in my decisions, be it academics-related or not.

The most important insight I gained from all these changes in my education is that I decided to undergo academic change and developed a strong conviction in pursuing and accomplishing it. I realized that in the long run, what would become most useful to me will not be just my good grades, but my willingness to challenge myself to get a good education, and learn new experiences about adjusting to changes in the process.

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