Assertiveness Essays (Examples)

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Assertiveness Curiosity Towards Assertive Social
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Assertive managers make the assumption that their direct reports have missing links also and can benefit from feedback that comes in a straightforward fashion. (Savage, 1998)
Assertive managers are increasingly effectual in molding and transforming the behavior of other people. They vividly define behavior and its outcomes as against ascribing inspiration in case of others. For instance, instead of branding the behavior of employees who are late to meetings as incompetent, lack responsibility or ineffectual, an assertive manager deals with the behavior and not the motivation by expressing in an adaptive voice: "I have marked that you have been delaying for three of the past four meetings. The meeting begins at 8:00 A.M. I suppose that you will be present for the next meeting on time." (Savage, 1998) it is the assertive managers who head their feedback and remarks to the right person, which is the person whose behavior is…...

Assertiveness Many People Believe the Word Assertive
Pages: 3 Words: 1100

Many people believe the word "assertive" is a synonym for "aggressive" and that is not the case. Assertiveness also has been misunderstood to mean something like pushiness, or even bullying. The actual meaning of assertiveness relates to a person taking into account one's own personal rights and the rights of others. "Appropriate assertiveness" is an important skill, according to the book Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (Zastrow, et al., 2009). Assertive communication can involve verbal and nonverbal behavior, and it allows the speaker to make points "…clearly and straightforwardly"; as an assertive person, you have the right to "stand up for yourself without unwarranted anxiety"; you have the right to express ideas and opinions "openly and honestly"; you also have the right "to be wrong," and to "not be liked by everyone" (Zastrow, p. 312).

Reflective Account on Being Assertive

My midwife / nursing position in the clinic puts me…...


Works Cited

Ames, Daniel R. (2008). In Search of the Right Touch. Current Directions in Psychological

Science, 17(6), 381-385.

Zastrow, Charles, and Kirst-Ashman, Karen K. (2009). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning.

Rating Your Own Assertiveness
Pages: 5 Words: 1751

rights are in conflict with others' rights, do I
If somebody does something that makes me angry, do I

If I want something to happen, do I

If I must confront a difference or issue, do I

Group Pressure

Conflict Management

Increase Morale and Productivity

Assess Your Assertiveness

Assertiveness Assessment Form

If I think my rights are in conflict with others' rights, do I:

Feel empathy with their positions, yet know I have a right to my own

This is exactly the position that I take whenever there is such a conflict. While it is imperative to consider the feelings and be considerate of the rights of others -- especially the colleagues, it is also imperative that one should assert his or her rights even if it goes against the rights of others. However, in real life, it is also imperative to stay away from personal issues and not make assertions of one's rights a personal issue with the other's…...



Lumsden, G., & Lumsden, D. (2001). Qun ti yu tuan dui gou tong. Beijing: Ji xie gong ye chu ban she.

Lumsden, G., Lumsden, D., & Wiethoff, C. (2010). Communicating in groups and teams: Sharing leadership. Boston: MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Noe, R. (2013). Human resource management. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Rothwell, J. (2010). In the company of others. New York: Oxford University Press.

Leadership Is Absolutely Necessary in
Pages: 4 Words: 1136

For some leaders this means acting as a mediator to help those who are conflicted to resolve their issues (Hernez-Broome and Hughes). In addition most large organizations actually have conflict management procedures in place to assists with conflicts that arise. Leaders are often responsible for making sure that these procedures are followed and carried out.
hat is motivation and how does a leader motivate others?

Motivation is the act of persuading an individual to perform in a manner that is conducive with the goal that needs to be met (illiams). There are several ways that leaders motivate the people that they manage. These modes of motivation may include everything from reward systems to promotions. Good leaders want those that they manage to be intrinsically motivated as opposed to being extrinsically motivated. Individuals who are intrinsically motivated tend to perform in a way that is expected without needing any type of external…...


Works Cited

Hernez-Broome, Gina, and Richard L. Hughes. "Leadership Development: Past, Present, and Future." Human Resource Planning 27.1 (2004): 24+.

Williams, Michael. Leadership for Leaders. London: Thorogood, 2005.

Dream I Become a Business Consultant in
Pages: 6 Words: 1556

Dream: I become a business consultant in a company that specializes in developing marketing strategies for cosmetics products.
• My Life Role: College student

• My Long-Term Goals in This Role:

I earn an associate of arts (A.A.) degree by June 2012.

I earn a bachelor of arts (B.A.) degree by June 2014.

I participate in a two-month business internship in an advertising company in the summer of 2014.

I earn a master of business administration (MBA) degree by June 2016.

I publish a scholarly business journal article by the time I earn my master's degree.

• My Short-Term Goals in This Role: (this semester)

I achieve an A in my English 1, Counseling, Introduction to Business, and Business Law classes by May 12.

I complete a research paper about the importance of marketing strategies for my introductory business class by April 14.

I discuss the findings of my paper with my family over skype and explain them why I…...

Facilitating Group Interaction Group Interaction
Pages: 5 Words: 2052

A particular individual might look for a solution to a problem which will have a least effect on the organization, whereas another individual might look for a solution to shake the organization. (Scott, 2007)
4) if a team is not at its most efficient, discuss how performance could be improved in each of these areas.

It has been observed that a lot of managers have been toying with the use of small groups in their learning abilities and the available literature on the subject has been on the rise. The most interesting part on this score is that there are a lot of interesting and divergent ideas regarding the manner in which to teach small groups. The difficult part is the fact that the vast multitude of ideas can create confusion by managers who are merely learning about small groups and also regarding what they should do or refrain from doing.…...



Brannick, Michael. T; Salas, Eduardo; Prince, Carolyn. (1997) "Team performance

Assessment and Measurement: Theory, Methods and Applications" Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Michaelsen, Larry. K; Kinght, Arletta Bauman; Fink, Dee. L. (2002) "Team-based Learning:

Transformative Use of Small Groups" Westport.

Personality and MBA Studies There Are Various
Pages: 3 Words: 1073

Personality and MBA Studies
There are various personalities that are displayed by different people in the society. That is what makes up a diverse society. The personality that I am considered to be is the innovative, individualistic, versatile and entrepreneurial personality. At times this is referred to as Jungian 16-Type Personality specifically the ENTP character. This is because I am resourceful, creative, and quick in the intellectual field. I also like to engage in debates and am excited over new ideas and always assertive as well as outspoken. I like having people around me and I have that ability to grasp concepts and apply logic to get amicable solutions (BSM Consulting Inc., 2011).

Apart from my character traits, there are those values that I hold dearly to and would like to see myself applying in life and getting from life as well. Values, according to National Defense University (2011) are those things…...



BSM Consulting Inc., (2011). High-Level Description of the Sixteen Personality Types.

Retrieved July 4, 2011 from 

Maggie Fox, (2010). U.S. scores dead last again in healthcare study. Health and Science Editor;

Reuters. Retrieved July 4, 2011 from

Leadership Is a Complex Process Involving the
Pages: 3 Words: 997

Leadership is a complex process involving the ability of an individual to inspire, motivate and redirect ways of thinking. It refers to the ability to bring out the best in oneself and others. In any set up, there must be rules and regulations to guide the relationships between people and activities. In a set up like an organization, there are goals and objectives that the organization aims to achieve. These objectives and targets rely on the ability of a leader to organize and direct activities towards their attainment. Leadership is the ability of one individual to stir the sentiments and behaviors of others towards the achievement of the set goals. The leader does this by transforming the goals to be a common goal to others.
Methods used by leaders to influence group members

Leaders can use power to get things done. How a leader uses these powers determines the success or failure…...



Gitlow, L.A. Being the boss: The importance of leadership and power. Washington D.C: Beard

book, 2004. Print.

Hellriegel, D & Slocum, W.J. Organizational behavior. Mason U.S.A: Cengage learning, 2009.


Yeats' Implications of Female Power
Pages: 7 Words: 2310

Thus, at the end of the poem, Yeats uses words to suggest that Leda has made a full transformation from weak women to one with a sexual assertiveness that can only be described as a shudder and a power that is greater than Zeus's. Through this suggestion, Yeats also points out that women are different than the Greek's conception of them in the myth. Instead of being weak, his word choices argue that they are powerful enough to overcome even the greatest of powerful men, and that this struggle to become powerful is what makes them gain that ability.
Finally, the structure of Yeats' poem itself suggests Leda's eventual rise from a weak, sexually conquered, "staggering girl" (2), to a strong, sexually assertive woman. This can be seen, first, through the chronological nature of the poem. Content, imagery, and word choice all trace Leda's evolution in a chronological fashion. In…...


Works Cited

Yeats, William Butler. "Leda and the Swan." n.d. The Literature Network. 3 April 2009.

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Substance Abuse Treatment in Community
Pages: 10 Words: 3814

The inclusion of alcohol and drug education is a vital component of most drug and alcohol abuse interventions, for both the users and non-user. (Montagne et al., 1992). This education can be offered as a preventive measure to beginners of abuse of substances of to the vulnerable group to save the future generations from the menace and the whole society from the drug's association with crime. Alternatively, it should be offered to be taught as part of the educational curriculum in schools

ecent literature reviews have not found enough evidence to convince many researchers that drug and alcohol awareness programs have great impact on changing substance and drug use, attitude and behavior (Eliany et al., 1993). Although it is of great effort, it has been observed that education alone is not enough to change the actual behavior of alcohol and drug use (Tobler et al1976), in the actual examination of the…...



ADAM (1998) Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program):1998 Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees. Addiction Research Foundation ( 1994). Alcohol and Drug Treatment in Ontario, Toronto:

BUREAU of JUSTICE STATISTICS (1998). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Burrell, N. And K. English. 2006. "Successful completion rates from Community Corrections in Colorado decreased for the first time in many years." Elements of Change: Highlighting Trends & Issues in the Criminal Justice System. Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Research and Statistics. Vol. 10, No.1. Viewed December 26, 2007 at .

Bloom, B.E., and Covington, S.S. (2001) "Effective gender-responsive interventions in juvenile

China IR Study Notes
Pages: 11 Words: 3601

Is China a status quo or aggressive power?

Johnston (2013) argues that China's allegedly new assertiveness is nothing of the sort. He makes the case that this view underestimates the aggressiveness of past Chinese foreign policy, and that the country has not really changed its level of assertiveness. This aligns with the explanations that Fravel (2007) has of past hard power that China has used in border disputes, which also highlights that there has been aggression in the past. The author also argues that the assertiveness level of Chinese foreign policy since 2010 has been overstated. The crux of the argument made is that China was always assertive in certain contexts with respect to foreign policy, and it remains assertive in those contexts. The level of assertiveness has not actually changed much. Perhaps people are just noticing it more -- he literally shows a graph of news articles about Chinese foreign…...



Callahan, W. (2012). China's strategic futures. Asian Survey. Vol. 52 (4) 617-642.

Fravel, M. (2007). Power shifts and escalation explaining China's use of force in territorial disputes. International Security. Vol. 32 (3) 44-83.

Huang, Y. & Ding, S. (2006). Dragon's underbelly: An analysis of China's soft power. East Asia Vol. 23 (4) 22-44.

Hughes, C. (2011). Reclassifying Chinese nationalism: The geopolitik turn. Journal of Contemporary China Vol. 20 (71) 601-620.

Organizational Bahavior Conflict and Decision
Pages: 8 Words: 2320

However, according to this model, what can be termed as the best way is defined by how the decision made marries with the content and context of the matter at hand. The contingency model establishes that a decision that is made for a particular context may not be applicable in another, even though the contexts may be similar. It also establishes that a unified role is played by the managers who have the decision making capacity. When faced with a particular issue, the managers must find the best way to deal with the situation and they have to create an effective decision process which minimizes conflict. Whatever the situation, the management has the obligation to analyze it and evaluate the assumption that need to be drawn to align the organization with the changed environment. The conclusion must be evaluated on the basis of the effectiveness, efficiency and the solution…...

Management to Leadership Organization Where
Pages: 8 Words: 2213

These are the systems in which people are eager to utilize all of their capabilities for their jobs and carry out their task effectively. (Lancioni, 2002) These Workshop engage all the participants rapidly in the simulations. Throughout these simulations participants agree upon the fact that everyone -- every individual -- at different times, experience being on the Top, or sometimes in the Middle, sometimes in the Bottom, we are sometimes Customer and sometimes Supplier -- and our position changes a lot of times even in one day. The Organizational Workshops are highly effective in increasing knowledge and giving insight of systemic conditions that are present in an organization and how everyone react individually towards such conditions. They provide an opportunity to learn latest leadership and other related strategies to handle these systemic conditions as soon they take place. These workshops teach how to improve team collaboration, job performance every…...



Collins, J., (2001) Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... And Others Don't, HarperBusiness; 1 edition, 50- 70.

Heath, C., (2010) Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, Crown Business, 300- 310.

Kouzes, J, M and Posner, B, Z., (2012) The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, Jossey-Bass; 5 edition, 315- 350.

Lancioni, P., (2002) The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable, Jossey-Bass; 1st edition (April 11, 2002, 170- 180.

Globe Study Leader Effectiveness and Culture
Pages: 4 Words: 1362

Leader Effectiveness and Culture: The GLOBE Study
The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness esearch Program (GLOBE) is a multi-phase, cross-cultural project that was carried out by investigators around the world to investigate inter-relationships between organizational culture, societal culture and organizational leadership (House et al. 2002). obert, J. House saw the need for cross cultural leadership theory as well as research and conceived the action point of a global research undertaking in 1991. The program formally began in 1993 with a team of 160 scholars who studied societal and organizational structure, and the attributes of effective leadership in 62 countries (Ahlstrom and Bruton, 2010). The researchers measured culture at different levels of industry organization and society and presented results in the form of qualitative and quantitative data sourced from responses of 17,000 managers from a number of entities (951 organizations to be specific), from the 62 societies. This text compares societal…...



Ahlstrom, D. & Bruton, G.D. (2010). International Management: Strategy and Culture in the Emerging World. South-Western: Cengage learning

Alon, I. (Ed). (2003). Chinese Culture, Organizational Behavior, and International Business Management. Westport: Praeger Publishers

House R.J. And Hanges P.J., Javidan M., Dorfman P.W., Gupta V. (2004). Culture, Leadership, and Organizations. The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

House R.J. And Hanges P.J., Javidan M., Dorfman P.W., Gupta V. (2002). Understanding Cultures and Implicit Leadership Theories Across the Globe: An Introduction to Project Globe. The Journal of World Business (37) Retrieved 13 January 2015 from

Business Ethics Has Been Increasingly
Pages: 6 Words: 2073

An example of this can be seen with the Gray Matter Ethics Game at Lockheed Martin. This is a simulation that will take the employee through a host of ethical situations that they could be facing. Where, employees and managers will be able to learn how to apply the standards to various ethical issues that are being faced. This is significant, because it shows how the company is continually practicing and addressing different ethical challenges on a regular basis. In many ways, one could argue that this is what has helped the company to become so successful. As these standards will change the culture within an environment, helping to improve the professionalism of staff and the relationship that they have with customers / suppliers. When you put these two different elements together, this highlights the how Lockheed Martin has been able to use their ethics policy, to change the…...



Background on Enron's Dabhol Power Project. (2002). Committee on Government Reform. Retrieved from:

Essential Steps for Ethical Problem Solving. (2010). Social Workers. Retrieved from: 

Lockheed Martin Gray Matters Game. (n.d.). E-Business Ethics. Retrieved from:

Setting the Standard. (2008). Lockheed Martin. Retrieved from:

Share your best advice on writing a compelling anxiety and depression thesis statement!?
Words: 643

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement for an Anxiety and Depression Research Paper

Anxiety and depression are prevalent mental health concerns affecting a significant portion of the global population. Research in this area aims to explore the complexities of these conditions, understand their underlying mechanisms, and develop effective interventions for prevention, treatment, and management. Writing a compelling thesis statement for an anxiety and depression research paper is crucial for guiding your research and setting the stage for a successful project.

 1. Choose a Focused and Manageable Topic:

- Select a specific aspect of anxiety or depression that genuinely interests you and aligns with your....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on getting to know yourself?
Words: 486

Embarking on the Journey of Self-Discovery

Introspection and Identity

Exploring the Layers of Identity: Unraveling the multifaceted aspects that shape our sense of self
The Impact of Experiences on Identity Formation: How life events mold and refine our self-perception
Embracing the Paradox of Identity: Understanding the dynamic and evolving nature of the self

Understanding Our Values and Beliefs

Uncovering Our Core Values: Identifying the principles that guide our actions and aspirations
The Role of Beliefs in Shaping Our Perspectives: Exploring the influence of our beliefs on our worldview and decision-making
Reconciling Values and Beliefs: Navigating the complexities and potential conflicts within our....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on self concept is the mental image or idea?
Words: 564

Topic 1: The Nature of Self-Concept

Explore the different theoretical perspectives on self-concept, discussing the cognitive, social, and developmental factors that shape its formation.
Analyze the relationship between self-concept and identity, examining how individuals construct a coherent sense of self across different contexts and experiences.
Discuss the malleability of self-concept, examining evidence for its ability to change and adapt over time.

Topic 2: The Impact of Self-Concept on Behavior and Well-being

Examine the relationship between self-concept and academic achievement, exploring how positive and negative self-perceptions can influence motivation, effort, and performance.
Analyze the impact of self-concept on physical health and well-being,....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on leadership in nursing ?
Words: 194

1. The Impact of Effective Leadership on Nursing Practice

2. Challenges and Opportunities in Leadership Development for Nurses

3. Transformative Leadership in Nursing: Inspiring Change and Innovation

4. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Nursing Leadership

5. Strategies for Developing Strong Nurse Leaders in Healthcare Organizations

6. The Importance of Ethical Leadership in Nursing: Fostering Trust and Integrity

7. Overcoming Barriers to Leadership Advancement for Nurses

8. The Influence of Gender and Diversity in Nursing Leadership

9. Building Resilience and Well-being in Nurse Leaders

10. Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Strong Nursing Leadership
11. Empowering Nurses to Lead: A Call to Action for Change
12. The Evolution of Leadership Styles in....

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