Audience Essays (Examples)

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Ivey (n.d.) furthers that, "By analyzing audience data we can establish the framework for strong and relevant presentation content. We should now have a good idea of the particular interests of our audience, their requisite needs, their dislikes, and their primary drivers. With this information we can incorporate topical elements into the presentation's content" (par. 5).
Communication Channels: Channeling Your Way to Audience etention

Visual Aids. esults of an empirical study conducted by the researchers from Management Information Systems esearch Center at the University of Minnesota showed that presentations employing visual aids are 43% more persuasive than unaided presentations (Vogel, Dickson, and Lehman, 1986). Indeed visual aids are important in presentations but one needs to be extra careful in using them. emember that visual aids should only aid the presentation, not become the presentation itself as some visual aids tend to become a distraction that overshadows the presenter and bury the….

Audience -- There is actually a rather broad audience for this paper on Eating Disorders, ADHD and Poor Self-Awareness. First, in the medical profession, the General Practitioner, RN and APN Nurse, Counselors, Eating Disorder Clinics, Educators specializing in Special Education, Public Health Officials, and any parent or caregiver with someone who may have some of the symptoms expressed. An ancillary audience might be the sociological or anthropological professional who deals with ethnic issues.
The purpose of the essay is twofold: to inform an audience about a specific problem and to present an argument reading relationships between eating disorders and ADHD and/or eating disorders and poor self-awareness caused by ethic or cultural identities. The interest level comes from the high degree of scholarship and the novelty of linking the disorders.

Part 3 -- Thesis: Is there a relationship between eating disorders and attention deficit disorder (ADHD), and between eating disorders and poor self-awareness….

Information security is only a part of the piece in the provision of a reliable service. It cannot, therefore, be addressed separately. Different sectors use information differently and there needs to be an implicit recognition of this in the analysis of business processes."

The main purpose of having information assurance in any organization is to promote trust and confidence and thus system needs to be reliable, secure and private. IA is this concerned with maintenance of accuracy of the information and its protection, and encompasses such broad things as information security management, risk management and business continuity management.

It is important for organizations to embrace information assurance as not just an add-on but as an essential and integral part of the system. Thus the aim of IA should be develop a "culture of Information Assurance" in which all stakeholders, from junior employees through to the top management understand their responsibilities.

For IA to….

This overview is intended for existing users of desktop computers that may be considering a notebook to either replace or supplement their desktop computer. This paper covers only those external notebook features that may vary from a desktop computer.

Notebook Computer notebook computer is a battery- or AC-powered personal computer generally smaller than a briefcase. Unlike desktop machines, notebooks can easily be transported and conveniently used in temporary spaces such as on airplanes, in libraries, temporary offices, and at meetings. A notebook computer, sometimes called a laptop computer, typically weighs less than 5 pounds and is 3 inches or less in thickness.

Even when in their own office, many use their notebook instead of a desktop computer. A docking station is a hardware frame that supplies connections for peripheral input/output devices such as a printer or larger monitor. This hardware is not required to connect input/out devices, but makes the process easier….

Audience and Style in Dr

By bringing personal memories and anecdotes into the speech, Pausch also allows his children to put him in their own history, even though he will have passed away before they reach the age of majority. Through telling silly stories of his past, Pausch allows his children to experience a bit of his life, just as they would if he were there to tell them these stories throughout their lives. Thus, Pausch's lecture is clearly intended for his two children, through he offers instructions, as well as a snippet of himself through which they can remember him.
But if this lecture is for an audience of Pausch's children, then why is an entire audience of Oprah Show viewers and You Tube users awed by it? hy has it inspired books and conversations around the country? The answer to this question is contained within the speech's content and the orator. As already….

Part and parcel to creating content that is engaging and effective is defining who exactly content is designed for so that when those people engage in the content, they end up finding what they are expecting and/or are entertained by the same. Failure to have a good fix on what the desired audience wants leads to them disengaging quickly when they find given content and/or they do not engage in the first place and either one would be a failure for most content as discussed in this report.

One major precursor to defining the audience is to see what the competition is doing in the same regard because that will typically inform, at least in part, what that company will do to attract the same general audience. That is not to say that the new company to the fray will not trying a little different but the form and function….

Still, the central message of the book was peace within the self and towards others, although it does also advocate self-defense. The Koran for example states "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors"
Human beings are to control their baser instincts, even when injustice has wounded them in some way. There is "great reward" for those who answer the call to become pure

3. Persuasion of Writing

When considering the Muslim audience today, one might say that the work is extremely persuasive. Muslims today still accept it as the ultimate spiritual guide directly from God by means of Muhammad. However, there are some unintended consequences for the modern audience. The term Jihad in the book for example, is meant to denote the spiritual quest for purity as required by Allah. Some extremists have however translated this to literally mean….


Since this is a comparison of sites for a new computer, we shall compare the brands of computers that exist out there. But first, there are the list of audiences that exist out there. Examples include regular users, small business users, large business/corporate users, educational users (e.g. students), teachers/professors, vendors/resellers of computers (e.g. Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Amazon, etc. And the computer companies themselves, which would include people like Acer, Apple (Macintosh), Gateway, HP and Dell.

Scenario ideas include the following

A first-time computer buyer that just needs a desktop computer for web surfing, music playing and productivity software (Word, Excel, etc.)

A power-user that wants a high-powered laptop for video/audio editing or gaming

A corporate user that needs a functional yet not flashy computer with high network speed and processing capability

A student who needs a cheap but functional laptop for classwork/note-taking

A store chain that would like to sell laptops that you make

The screen….

Over the last several years, the issue of effective business communications has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because the way an organization is able to communicate with stakeholders will have an impact on the underlying levels of economic growth. To determine the result of these strategies requires focusing on how the Chamber of Commerce is able to connect with different parties. This will be accomplished by looking at Carmel, Indiana with a particular emphasis on: the message, analyzing the community, providing recommendations to improve this image and rationalizing why this is better. Together, these elements will highlight how the Chamber of Commerce is connecting with stakeholders and what strategies must be utilized to improve the image of the community.

Illustrate the message's view of the audience and stakeholders based on the written profile.

The written profile is showing how the Chamber of Commerce is focused on reaching out….

The presentation is to be made to three officers of Distance Learning Investment Company -- the Chief Executive Officer, the Financial Director and the Branch Director. The Chief Executive Officer is in charge of deciding whether the proposals that are submitted are workable at all or not. Financial director is in charge of deciding whether the amount of loan that is sought for is reasonable or not, and Branch Director is to decide whether they would require some facilities in that particular area or not. Thus it is important that the proposal be of interest to all of them for it to be approved by the company and for me to get the loan.

State the objectives for your presentation

The ultimate objective of this proposal is to get the loan sanctioned. What has been asked for in the proposal is for Distance Learning to assist my company with supply of….

owever, the tenure review process is also not without some controls -- periodic reviews take place as a form of performance evaluation, even if dismissals are only granted to tenured faculty based upon extreme misconduct. And there is a new trend towards creating a post-tenure review process with more stringent penalties such as salary reduction, dismissal, censure, and a reduction in workload for professors with poor records (McPherson & Schapiro 1991, 95).

Concerns still remain that the longevity of tenured faculty can cause a department to grow stale, and how this can impinge upon the quality of student education (Johnson & Kelly 1998, 740). Finally, the principles of capitalism to some extent seem to be undercut by tenure -- what incentive does a faculty member have to succeed in the face of a secure job? Yet if the institution fails, so does the career of the tenured faculty member (Johnson &….

Creating Speeches
I work for a local car dealership. After being requested by the chamber of commerce to deliver a presentation to my community on the various aspects of buying a car, I decided to conduct an audience analysis. My town has a population of approximately 40,000. At this point, I do not know who will attend the presentation. Neither do I know the exact needs of this population.

The relevance of conducting an audience assessment cannot be overstated. This is particularly the case given that the said assessment comes in handy in the determination of not only the needs and opinions of the audience but also the background information it posses with regard to the topic at hand. In seeking to conduct audience assessment, I would make use of the various components of the three approaches to audience assessment, as highlighted by Wrench, Goding, Johnson, and Attias in their informative piece….

Audience Analysis: The Feasibility of Developing a Company Intranet

Unlike the 'Internet' an intranet is a hub of the larger World Wide Web, involving a connection of local rather than national and international sources and people. This project would involve the creation of a corporate, in-house intranet, involving sharing of data, files, and emails between management staffers. Intranets are also not usually accessible by a large network of people. Because the project would involve the creation of an in-house corporate intranet for management alone, it would enable the members of the company to communicate more efficiently, but with greater safety and protection than would be possible on the Internet at large.

Primary and Secondary Audience Analysis

The primary audience of the speech, the company managers would be interested in how the company intranet could increase potential employee communication. These managers are the members of the company the intranet would be developed for, and….

Clarify the "i." Most of the drawings in the Besta Norum instruction manual are clear, with the exception of those on pages 5 and 6 (6 and 7 in the PDF). One of the problems with these two pages is the unclear use of the "i" symbol, as well as what that symbol denotes. If "i" means information, then the manual designer must make sure that the information is clearly communicated. One of the information boxes on page 6 of the PDF appears to be telling the user what type of bracket to use, but the other is woefully unclear. That same picture appears on page 7.

Redo the Illustrations on pages 5 and 6 (pages 6 and 7 of the PDF). Page 6 includes two problematic pictures, and page 7 includes the same suspect "i" box drawing as on page 6. That drawing seems to be suggesting that the user….

Architectures for Websites
Audience Definition

Earlier the team defined the target market as 18- to 45-year-old students and professionals. Throughout the following discussions greater granularity of definitions have been achieved. These specific audiences each have significantly different needs for a customizable tablet PC. All however share a common baseline of expectations that any product that includes the option of mass customization needs to allow them to also customize the user experience (Piller, Moeslein, Stotko, 2004). This is a complex yet highly respected part of managing expectations of customers; they expect products that are customizable to be flexible enough in definition and structure to meet their needs (Piller, Moeslein, Stotko, 2004). With this requirement in mind the following audiences are defined:

Academic High Performers -- this audience is most concerned about configuring their Samsung Android-powered device for very rapid 3G and 4G access, including support for advanced authentication to their favorite academic databases….

In August Wilson’s Fences, the author explores several themes as they relate to the central themes of race, fatherhood, and manhood in the United States.  One of the themes that he tackles is the concept of fate, though the approach is less about life being preordained as it is an examination of how history, social circumstances, and upbringing can combine to make some events appear preordained or fated rather than the intervention of some type of divine or supernatural fate.  This contextual analysis of manhood in a political situation that seems designed to challenge it was explored by

Full confession.  We find Romeo and Juliet to be one of Shakespeare’s least appealing plays, and one of the reasons is because, while the theme of truth (and the related theme of lies) plays a significant role in the play, there is also the questions of whether the characters are even old enough to possess the self-awareness that is required for lying about feelings. 

When Romeo professes his love for Juliet, she wonders if his words are true.  Her worries are based in the fact that, even at her young age, Juliet seems to know that sometimes boys....

How to approach a future plans essay depends on the exact prompt used in the essay.  So, the first thing that you want to do is to make sure that you understand the question.  The first thing to do is to consider your audience? Are you writing a future plans essay for college admissions, for a scholarship, or as part of the interview process for an internship or job?  You want to make sure and write your essay with your audience in mind; your future plans need to align with the plans that the audience may have....

We are starting with the assumption that the two movies in your assignment are A Twist of Faith and Never Heard.  We cannot locate a movie called Never Hear, but Never Heard is a popular movie for pastoral or theological classes because it explores the role that faith plays in redemption set against the backdrop of some pretty significant criminal activity.  We are proceeding as if that is the movie being discussed.

Both of the movies focus on crimes, specifically on the crime of murder.  In one movie, the main character is accused of murder, though he claims....

4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Audience Analysis -- Corporate Presentations

Words: 1300
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ivey (n.d.) furthers that, "By analyzing audience data we can establish the framework for strong and relevant presentation content. We should now have a good idea of the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Audience -- There Is Actually a Rather

Words: 981
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Audience -- There is actually a rather broad audience for this paper on Eating Disorders, ADHD and Poor Self-Awareness. First, in the medical profession, the General Practitioner, RN and…

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2 Pages


Audience and Purpose In This

Words: 545
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Information security is only a part of the piece in the provision of a reliable service. It cannot, therefore, be addressed separately. Different sectors use information differently and there…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Audience This Overview Is Intended for Existing

Words: 758
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Audience This overview is intended for existing users of desktop computers that may be considering a notebook to either replace or supplement their desktop computer. This paper covers only those…

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3 Pages


Audience and Style in Dr

Words: 865
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

By bringing personal memories and anecdotes into the speech, Pausch also allows his children to put him in their own history, even though he will have passed away…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Audience Part and Parcel to Creating Content

Words: 616
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Audience Part and parcel to creating content that is engaging and effective is defining who exactly content is designed for so that when those people engage in the content,…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Audience of Ancient Writings Plato's

Words: 1571
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Still, the central message of the book was peace within the self and towards others, although it does also advocate self-defense. The Koran for example states "Fight in…

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1 Pages

Education - Computers

Audience Sites Since This Is a Comparison

Words: 396
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Audience Sites Since this is a comparison of sites for a new computer, we shall compare the brands of computers that exist out there. But first, there are the list…

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3 Pages


Audience Over the Last Several Years the

Words: 787
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Audience Over the last several years, the issue of effective business communications has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because the way an organization is able to…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Audience the Presentation Is to Be Made

Words: 1487
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Audience The presentation is to be made to three officers of Distance Learning Investment Company -- the Chief Executive Officer, the Financial Director and the Branch Director. The Chief…

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1 Pages


Audience Tenure and the Tenure

Words: 475
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

owever, the tenure review process is also not without some controls -- periodic reviews take place as a form of performance evaluation, even if dismissals are only granted to…

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2 Pages


Audience Assessment and Analysis Creating Speeches

Words: 793
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Creating Speeches I work for a local car dealership. After being requested by the chamber of commerce to deliver a presentation to my community on the various aspects of buying…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Audience Analysis on Feasibility of Developing an Intranet

Words: 418
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Intranet Audience Analysis: The Feasibility of Developing a Company Intranet Unlike the 'Internet' an intranet is a hub of the larger World Wide Web, involving a connection of local rather than…

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6 Pages

Business - Advertising

Audience Analysis End User Consumer With

Words: 1734
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Clarify the "i." Most of the drawings in the Besta Norum instruction manual are clear, with the exception of those on pages 5 and 6 (6 and 7 in…

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2 Pages


Architectures for Websites Audience Definition Earlier the

Words: 963
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Architectures for Websites Audience Definition Earlier the team defined the target market as 18- to 45-year-old students and professionals. Throughout the following discussions greater granularity of definitions have been achieved.…

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