Biblical Perspective Essays (Examples)

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Biblical Perspective and Students
Pages: 3 Words: 916

drug addiction and related behavioral problems evident in young children at public schools. An organizational behavior perspective can shed light on the causes and solutions to this problem. David Wood Elementary School can use some of the tools available from a Biblical perspective of organizational behavior in order to help students like James. A Biblical perspective can parallel any of the "images of organization" that Morgan (2006) proposes, but particularly the "organizations as brains" model of learning and self-organization and the "organization as flux and transformation" image of "unfolding logics of change," (Morgan, 2006). Organizations like schools have trouble with the types of changes required to address James' problems. The reasons why schools may have trouble with change include the bureaucratic structure of the organization and the political influences on its leaders. A Biblical perspective can inject new life and power into the leadership of schools, in order to…...



"The Christian Philosophy of Education," (n.d.). BJU Press. Retrieved online: 

Morgan, G. (2006). Images of Organization. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Whittington, J.L. (2016). Biblical Perspectives on Leadership and Organizations. Springer.

Court Religion a Biblical Perspective
Pages: 6 Words: 1783

As the text by Thompson indicates, one of the crucial dimensions of the Biblical orldview is its attention to the relationships formed between men. The interest in assuring justice in the affairs between individuals, this view holds, is part and parcel to the interest of protecting God's morality through the court of law.
This strikes us as particularly important in the case of hite v. Gibbs because it helps us to direct our focus to the matter at the heart of the case. The resolution that the presence of Mr. Hart's malice was a defining, intervening and superceding factor suggests that in fact the statutes designed to help us wade through the details of the present case are in some manner a reflection of this worldview. The use of proximate cause, while relevant to common law proceedings, diverts from a focus on the direct cause of the death of Mr.…...


Works Cited:

Baker, J. (1997). Fast Eddie v. Hall. Court of Appeals of Indiana.

Thompson, G.R. (2003). A Biblical Worldview. The Laws of Nature and Nature's God.

Biblical Perspectives on Urban Development
Pages: 2 Words: 653

esponses to Heather and StephenHeatherUrban form theory and procedural planning theory are applicable to the subject of urban planning in the US, and the biblical perspective you provide is also appropriate: as you point out, Psalms 69:35 states, For God will save Zion and build cities of Judah, that they may dwell there and possess it. This shows that God wants His people to care for the creation that he made and to value its beauty and order. This, therefore, is something to be considered by urban planners. Urban form theory and procedural planning align well with this perspective.I would say, however, that procedural planning is more about inclusivity than it is about how the built environment impacts lives (Calderon, 2020). Still, together they help to show a comprehensive approach to bringing Gods word to the built environment. Urban form theory is an approach that focuses on the physical form…...


ReferencesSijmons, D. (2020). Contrast, Contact, Contract; Pathways to Pacify Urbanization and Natural Processes. In Nature Driven Urbanism (pp. 9-42). Springer, Cham.

Biblical Perspective on Public Budgetary Process
Pages: 2 Words: 712

eplies to Megan and TeresaMeganYou are right to point out that an important practical pressure affecting public sector budgeting is a higher debt level because it does represent a burden on future interest fees and principal repayment. As government debt levels have increased in recent years, so too has the amount of interest that must be paid on that debt (Mikesell, 2018). This is an important factor to consider when developing a budget, as it can have a significant impact on the amount of money available for other expenditures. In addition, when debt levels are high, it can be more difficult to obtain financing for new projects, as lenders may be hesitant to lend to governments with high levels of debt. Therefore, it is important for government officials to carefully consider the implications of taking on new debt when developing their budgets.From a biblical standpoint, government should really think about…...


ReferencesLehtonen, P. (2022). Policy on the move: the enabling settings of participation in participatory budgeting. Policy studies, 43(5), 1036-1054.Mærøe, A. R., Norta, A., Tsap, V., & Pappel, I. (2021). Increasing citizen participation in e-participatory budgeting processes. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 18(2), 125-147.

Theist Position Biblical Perspective
Pages: 2 Words: 716

WOLDVIEW EFLECTION PAPEWorldview eflection PaperMy current worldview is based on theism whereby I believe that God exists and life would not have meaning if we did not believe in Him. The fact that God exists makes me believe in what He says in His word which is the Bible. From a biblical perspective, I believe that I was created by God and everything that is in this world was created by Him (Col 1:16). Given that God is the creator of everything, I therefore believe that I was created by God and that God created me in his own image to fulfil the purpose that he has called me to accomplish. Essentially, God desires that I love others and relate well with them since they were also created in his image. eading Gods word helps me distinguish what is good from what is wrong which helps me live a morally…...


ReferencesCuellar De la Cruz, Y., & Robinson, S. (2017). Answering the call to accessible quality health care for all using a new model of local community not-for-profit charity clinics: A return to Christ-centered care of the past. The Linacre quarterly, 84(1), 44–56. R. (n. d). The Christian Contribution to Healthcare.,

What the Bible Says About Science and How the Utilitarians Would Have Viewed the Biblical View
Pages: 3 Words: 1052

Biblical Views of Science, Technology, And Business
One of the more difficult aspects of trying to live a biblically-inspired life is that the Bible is, in many ways, a historical document. It was written thousands of years ago and describes events that are, in many ways, very unlike the challenges faced by modern human beings. This is particularly true in the 21st century, when modern science, technology, and business advances seem to be, at times, in direct opposition to the Bible or biblical teachings. That view ignores the basic underlying premise of the Bible, which is that it is both a historical document and a living document. As a living document, it has the ability to grow with the advances of mankind. In fact, it does not actually grow with mankind; on the contrary, as man's understanding expands to encompass more of the universe, as reflected in advances in science, technology,…...



Crampton, W.G. 1997. The biblical view of science. Retrieved September 2, 2014 from The

Trinity Foundation website: 

Fooshee, G. 2014. 10 financial principles that are biblical. Retrieved September 2, 2014 from Back to the Bible website: 

Hibberd, P. Unk. To what extent is utilitarianism compatible with Christian theology? Discuss

Biblical Summaries and Significance II Corinthians 5 11-21
Pages: 4 Words: 1221

Biblical Summaries and Significance
II Corinthians 5:11-21

Life is full of sacrifices, even in the life of a believer and Paul wanted believers to know that Christianity would not be a walk in the park. Paul is quick to assure readers that he is motivated by a fear of the Lord, which is a good thing from the Christian perspective. This kind of fear is not the same kind of fear we realize when we are afraid of something bad happening to us. When Paul is speaking about being a good influence on those around him, he is pointing to the fact that he is doing it for the glory of God and for no kind of personal gain. Paul also wants believers to be motivated by the awesome nature and love of God. Paul also exhorts believers to spread the word about Christ. This is


These scriptures are important because they instruct…...

Jezebel the Historical and Biblical
Pages: 10 Words: 3278

In other words she is seen in this light as a double threat to the country.
Consequently, she interferes in the issues and "frames" Naboth in a clever and callous plot. She succeeds in enlisting others in the community to support her actions against Naboth and he is accused of blaspheming against God and going against the King. She encourages the King to kill Naboth and to "...take him out and stone him to death." As a result Naboth is murdered and Jezebel is seen as being a cold and manipulative figure who will go to any lengths to achieve her ends.

However, from a more pragmatic historical perspective some scholars question the iblical text. As one study states,

The fantastical tale of Naboth's death... stretches the reader's credulity. If Jezebel were as hateful as the Deuteronomist claims, surely at least one nobleman in Jezreel would have refused to assist in the…...



Atkinson J. Jezebel.   (Accessed 9 May 2008) .

Kings 18:4. IBS. (Accessed 9 May 2008)

Biblos com. (Accessed 9 May 2008).

Courteau, Sarah L. "Was the Lady a Tramp?." The Wilson Quarterly, Autumn 2007, 92+. Database online. Available from Questia,   11 May 2008). .(Accessed

Biblical Hope
Pages: 9 Words: 2401

iblical Hope" from the perspective of an Evangelical Christian and as to what exactly "iblical Hope" means. Further this paper will examine what the Holy ible has to say about hope and will contrast "iblical Hope" with worldly hope. This paper will further examine a case of someone without hope and finally examine a personal view of hope.
There are many views and perspectives of hope throughout the many religions and beliefs of mankind. Hope is defined by Webster as being: "belief that something good may happen" "cause or belief for hope." There are two types of hope expressed by an individual one of which is worldly hope and the other being that termed iblical Hope.

Worldly hope will last only so long and will not assist one with eternal matters, that being those things of the spirit of a person. Eternal hope is the only hope that in actuality bring…...



Biblical Hope" (nd) located [Online] at: 

"When Hope is Lost: Dealing with Depression" (nd) located at:   / ds/cb973/page4.html 

The Holy Bible.1990)King James Version Thomas Nelson Inc.

"Admitting the Failure of Misplaced Hopes" is key to finding hope

Biblical Mission
Pages: 7 Words: 2633

Christian Church acknowledges its missionary function as truly the core of Christianity, the heart of the Church. Through Christ's teachings, mission is the foreground of His legacy to the Church, the instrument for redemption. The guiding principles at the basis of the Church's mission exist as transparently related by the ible which in itself transcends all worldly knowledge and phenomena. God, as the Holy Trinity, reveals Himself through the biblical record in order to communicate with man candidly and openly, sends His only son into the world in order to claim Him back to the offspring of wholeness, and puts forth a missionary pattern for His followers: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." (John 13:34, 15:17 King James ible) "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach…...



Abraham, William, James. The Logic of Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1989.

Blauw, Johannes. The Missionary Nature of the Church. New York, Toronto, London: McGraw-Hill Company Inc., 1974.

Bosch, David, C. Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission. New York: Orbis Books, 1991.

Flett, John, G. The Witness of God: The Trinity, Missio Dei, Karl Barth, and the Nature of Christian Community. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2000.

Biblical Counseling Movement by David Powlison
Pages: 5 Words: 1546

Summary Primary Goal
The purpose of David Powlison’s Biblical Counseling Movement is to provide readers with a history of the approach and then to provide readers with Powlison’s own perspective on what works and why. The aim of the book is to provide context about the nature of Biblical counseling, how it has been used throughout history, and then to make rational, common sense assessments about how it can be applied in one’s own life and career. Thus, the primary goal of the book is to give the reader context and the ability to implement the acquired knowledge in practice.
Development of Problems and Personal Need
The issues came about when Jay Adams reasoned that modern psychology was really just “bad theology” as Powlison puts it. There was a personal need among patients and providers who knew better to provide a Biblical counseling approach that could truly address the needs of the modern patient…...

Biblical Preaching
Pages: 9 Words: 2434

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of Exegesis in Effective Biblical reaching:
     This essay would explore the importance of exegesisthe critical explanation or interpretation of biblical textsin preaching. It would discuss how in-depth analysis of scripture contributes to an accurate and meaningful sermon that stays true to the text's original intent and context.

2. The History and Evolution of Biblical reaching:
     This topic would examine how the art and practice of preaching have changed from ancient times to the present day. It would highlight key historical figures, changes in style and approach, and the impact of cultural and theological shifts on the way the Bible is preached.

3. The Impact of Technology on Contemporary Biblical reaching:
     This essay would look at how modern technology has transformed biblical preaching. It might cover the use of social media, podcasting, and live streaming services in expanding the reach and methods of preaching, and how these tools…...


Primary Sources

Robinson, Haddon W. Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. Baker Academic, 2014.

Greidanus, Sidney. The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching Biblical Literature. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1988.

Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon. Baker Academic, 2005.

Stott, John R. W. Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1982.

Goldsworthy, Graeme. Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture: The Application of Biblical Theology to Expository Preaching. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2000.

Biblical Texts While Innovation Is
Pages: 2 Words: 596

However, the narrator eventually comes to acknowledge his ignorance after the blind man presents him with matters as seen from his point-of-view. John 14:22 applies perfectly in this situation, considering that it promotes the concept that individuals are probable to express more appreciation toward the world as a whole and toward things that previously seemed uninteresting. James 3:16 also applies in this situation because it emphasizes that jealousy and selfish ambition are probable to disrupt the peace within a family. The narrator has trouble enjoying life to the fullest because he is jealous and envious with regard to his wife's friends.
"The Lottery" shows Mr. Adams as the first persons who draws a ticket during the lottery and it would be absurd for someone to consider that this does not stand as a reference to Adam as the first man that God created. The fact that Tessie Hutchinson refrains from…...


Works cited:

Carver, Raymond, "Cathedral," (Random House, 01.12.2009)

Jackson, Shirley, "The Lottery," (Dramatic Publishing Company, 1953)

Ross, Gary, "The Hunger Games"

Biblical Model of Government and Stewardship
Pages: 2 Words: 633

Discussion: Personal Action PlanPart 1: So What?Managing information and maximizing technology are important for elected or appointed public officials, administrators, citizens, or other public sector stakeholders. In today\\\'s digital age, information is critical in making informed decisions, improving service delivery, and enhancing public engagement. Efficient management of information can help organizations and individuals to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve performance.Similarly, technology plays a crucial role in enhancing public sector operations, improving service delivery, and facilitating communication between citizens and government (Glyptis et al., 2020). Maximizing the use of technology can help organizations to automate processes, reduce manual errors, and increase transparency and accountability. Therefore, as a public sector stakeholder, it is crucial to understand the importance of managing information and maximizing technology to ensure effective service delivery, improve citizen engagement, and promote good governance. As the Biblical model of government suggests, it is important for public sector workers to…...


ReferencesGlyptis, L., Christofi, M., Vrontis, D., Del Giudice, M., Dimitriou, S., & Michael, P. (2020). E-Government implementation challenges in small countries: The project manager\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s perspective. Technological Forecasting and social change, 152, 119880.Resnik, D. B. (2019). Stewardship of research resources. Accountability in research, 26(3), 246-251.

Biblical Vision of Wall-E
Pages: 5 Words: 1755

all-E's appreciation for the world and his Eden-like naivete (versus the terrible knowledge brought about by Eve's discovery of the living plant that will bring back humanity), shows how false and world-weary the humans have become in their consumerist bubbles.
There is one particularly marked difference between all-E and the traditional Christian vision of divine grace offered in the Bible, thought. The concept of salvation is usually conceptualized as ascending to heaven and losing one's ties to the earth. For all-E, however, the only grace comes when human beings and the robot return to the planet and reconnect with the ability to move in an earthbound way and to love the earth, as embodied in the tiny planet that still survives and leads them there.

orks Cited

French, Phillip. "all-E." The Guardian. 20 Jul 2008. 6 May 2014.

Genesis. Bible Gateway. 6 May 2014.

Murphy, M. "Anatomy of a scene." The New York Times.…...


Works Cited

French, Phillip. "Wall-E." The Guardian. 20 Jul 2008. 6 May 2014. 

Genesis. Bible Gateway. 6 May 2014.

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Origin of language and people groups from a Christian perspective ?
Words: 250

I. Introduction
A. Background information on the topic
B. Thesis statement

II. The Biblical perspective on the origin of language and people groups
A. Creation account in Genesis
B. Tower of Babel story
C. God's role in the dispersal of people and the development of languages

III. Scientific perspectives on the origin of language and people groups
A. Theories on the development of language
B. Anthropological findings on the origins of people groups
C. Possible intersections between scientific theories and Biblical accounts

IV. Christian interpretations of scientific findings
A. Acknowledgment of the diversity of viewpoints within Christianity
B. Discussion on how Christians reconcile scientific theories with Biblical narratives
C. Importance of open-mindedness and critical....

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