Biometric Essays (Examples)

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The truth of the matter is the biometric templates for identity enrolment that are stored on a server are not in the real since images rather they are mathematical representations of the data points that the biometric algorithm is able to extract from the scanned fingerprint, finger vein, palm vein or iris. The identifying template is a binary file that has a series of zeros and ones. The algorithm then uses the template in a positive way for the identification of an individual during subsequent fingerprint scans. Therefore it is safe to say that no image is ever stored or even transmitted across any network. Furthermore, the algorithms are usually one way-based meaning that it is impossible for the recreation of the original biometric image when a template has been extracted. It is hence nearly impossible to reverse engineer the data that has been set to positively identify an individual….

It also helps to reduce the threat of identity theft as this is frequently initiated through the hacking of such highly vulnerable wireless communication devices. According to ThirdFactor, the same BioLock technology is currently being adapted to meet the needs of the Microsoft indows and Mac OS packages on the market's near horizon. This suggests that the pacesetting consumer brands in the technology, software, cell phone and computing industries all view biometric security as one of the paths for innovation. This is underscored by a view both governmentally and commercially that online and cyber-security need to be major concerns for business, agencies and private citizens alike.
That said, many of the cutting edge biometric technologies are still not impervious to the ingenuity of hackers and identity thieves. According to Rick Smith, a private researcher who has worked with the National Security Agency in testing its it vulnerabilities, hackers remain always….

iometric Safeguards and Risks
iometric Safeguarding

Itakura and Tsujii are proposing to allow an external organization, such as PKI, to issue biological certification as a way to ensure the validity of biological information. (Itkura, 2005) It would consist of three cryptographic keys; a public key and two secret keys. The public key would be defined as the representative template for personal biological information registration. The algorithm selects the representative template to be stored in the iometric Specific Memory lock defined by CEFF standards. The two secret keys would be done separate from the public key and each other to ensure the guarantee of the security of the overall personal authentication. They would be defined as a random number generated by conventional mathematical calculation. The public key and the first secret key would work together to guarantee the security of the information. In case that the public key and the first secret key….

iometric Controls
iometric Cost Analysis

There are some questions that will help determine the cost benefit analysis of a new biometric system (Cooper). The level of security, the level of reliability, need of backup, the acceptable time for enrollment, level of privacy, and storage needed are things that need to be determined first. Will the system be attended or not? Does the system need to be resistant to spoofing? Will the system operate 24 hours a day? The system will need to be designed based on the individual organization's needs.

Fingerprint devices are low in cost, can be placed on a smartcard, have a low rate of fraudulent users, and are easy to integrate. They operate on the grooves and ridges naturally embedded in the skin to detect the uniqueness of the finger. They also have a higher risk of false rejection and degradation of the fingerprint due to occupation or injury. The….

Biometric for Security

This was done by creating an artificial fingerprint from the little traces that are left on the biometric scanners. This entailed the process of obtaining the relevant biometric data. The second approach involved employment of a technique that is commonly referred to as deploying a replay attack. In this approach is equivalent to the man-in-the-middle attack that is common in various communication data breaches. The process involves the tapping or rather eavesdropping on the biometric data as it is being sent from the scanner to the system in the process of authenticating a genuine system user. The data collected is then sent over the communication link again in order to replay the previous authentication process and viola!, the fake user is granted unauthorized access to the system.
The final approach involved the process of breaching the biometric database itself. In this kind of a breach, the attacker would enroll fake….

However, a very determined criminal, as mentioned above, might go as far as cutting off fingers in order to circumvent this problem. Nonetheless, fingerprinting appears to make car theft somewhat more challenging than the ordinary immobilizing device.
Main Conclusions

Because of its groundbreaking technology and the fact that it makes car theft more difficult than ordinary immobilizing devices, biometric fingerprinting devices for immobilizing and car door locking holds particular advantages over other anti-theft devices. The main advantage is that thieves who steal the car keys cannot either unlock or start vehicles with such devices. This is also useful for other vehicles such as trucks that hold valuable cargo. Of course there is the possibility of cutting off fingers, but the availability of easier targets of car theft can make this fairly unlikely.

Generally, the use of fingerprinting in developing anti-theft devices for cars appears to have a very bright future. As the….

This research will aim to address this gap.
esearch Objectives

The primary objective of this research is to develop a SIFT-based algorithm that will improve the efficacy of handwritten signature feature extractions and enable a more powerful and accurate tool for the assessment of signature validity, with lower rates of false rejection of valid signatures and false acceptance of forged (invalid) signatures. To this end, a comparison between measurements of Euclidean distance and Mahalanobis distance in signature features will be conducted, and the most efficacious, efficient, and accurate means of measurement will be identified. From this, it will be possible to construct a more effective and accurate algorithm as the parameters of that algorithm and the data utilized in its functioning will be more accurate and more effectively and comprehensively obtained. These objectives will serve the research community in addition to providing practical benefits in signature verification and validation, reducing costs….

The Homeland Security main division is also located in California. Security, not only in terms of personal banking security but as well home security is an issue in Southern California as evidenced in a February 7, 2007 news report entitled: "Police: illionaire Robbed by Man Posing as Delivery Person." The report relates a Southern California financier whose home was invaded by a deliveryman. The report states the fact that: "...there was no security of any type in place to stop the "phony deliveryman from forcing his way into the house and holding Rad, his wife and housekeeper bound with duct tape for hours before making off with a few hundred dollars in cash..." (KAC.TV Los Angeles News, 2007) the news report additionally states: "Investigators suspect the intruder specifically targeted Rady, a financier who was ranked No. 140 last year on Forbes magazine list of 400 richest Americans." (Ibid)
Summary and….

2) False acceptance which is through confusion of one user and another or the acceptance of an invalid individual as being a user that is legitimate.

Although the rate of failure is easily adjusted through modifying the threshold through decreasing the rate of failure on the end of rejection or acceptance the increase of failure on the other end of the spectrum increases In the act of choosing equipment with biometric functions the considerations are stated to be:

1) Equipment cost and 2) Failure ates.

Drawbacks to consumer embrasure of the retinal scanners are due to the requirement of the eye to be one to two inches away from the scanner while an LED is focused directly into the individual's eye.

IV. Specifics of the Biometric Technology Application

This type of technology is an application that through locating the iris with a monochrome camera approximately three feet from the eye. The narrowing of the algorithm….

Unsophisticated biometric systems are already available at relatively affordable prices but they are unsuitable for many sensitive assets and applications. Sufficiently sophisticated biometrics systems to safeguard highly sensitive assets and information systems are comparatively cost prohibitive for small and medium-sized business entities (Mills & Byun, 2006).
For example, fingerprint biometric identification systems are perfectly appropriate for low-level information systems and assets, particularly where those systems are used I conjunction with highly-trafficked areas that preclude extended private access. However, the same biometrics measures are insufficient in conjunction with low-traffic areas that permit potential intruders extended opportunities to work on bypassing the system without their efforts being observed or discovered. That is simply a function of the proven ability of forged fingerprints reproduced onto a synthetic film placed over the infiltrator's finger.

Ultimately, biometrics offers enhanced security, but sensitive national security assets require very careful consideration of the entire risk matrix in connection….


(Kanade; Jain; atha, 4, 12)
etina person can be identified from his retina by evaluating the picture of the blood vessels behind the eyes. These blood vessels are called choroidal vasculature. While taking the picture of the retina using infrared rays, the retina is not clearly seen. But certain equipments catch a glimpse of the visual spectrum that assists the evaluation of the retina. The exclusive model of the blood vessels is the identifying factor in a retina. (Bolle, 53) it is not the same even in the case of twins. (U.S. General Accounting Office (a), 27) EyeDentify equipments used to verify retina can check almost three thousand people. Verification of around 1500 people may be conducted in less than five seconds by this equipment. This equipment however cannot capture the image of individuals who has poor vision or severe astigmation. The person under question should be placed near the….

Even public schools are not immune to the growing biometrics trend, as the scanning of the literal 'student body' is becoming commonplace. Some schools use portable scanners to collect digital images of the students' fingerprints, which need to be updated regularly as the students grow and their fingers change. Biometrics is used for everything from the authentication of new transfer students, to providing the ability to buy lunch in the cafeteria without cash, to checking out books from the library to recording student attendance (Graziano 1).

As this trend continues to grow, there is some concern about privacy issues, which are especially sensitive when minors are involved. For example, Claudia Graziano reports in the article Learning to Live with Biometrics, Chris Hoofnagle, associate director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in ashington, D.C. believes that fingerprint scanning schools "sets a dark precedent, conditioning students at a young age to embrace the….

Some Key applications are:Physical Acces facility and secure-area access, time-and-attendance monitoring. Growth: Flat, starting at 13% of total market revenues and ending at 14%. Logical Access: PC, networks, mobile devices, kiosks, accounts. Growth: From 21% to 31% of total market revenues. Identity Services: Background check enrollment, credentialing, document issuance. Growth: Decline from 65% to 47% of total market revenues. Surveillance and Monitoring: Time and attendance, watchlists. Growth: From less than 1% to nearly 8% of total market revenue.
Virtualisation is the key technology to transform what's happening in the data centre and link it to external service providers using common technology, common formats, common shipping containers. Add information and security to the picture and we have an interesting view of the future of it, where we combine the attributes of what we like about data centres and what we like about clouds for fully virtualised assets in the data centre….

Biometrics elates to IT Security
Enterprises are more reliant on their information assets and computer systems than factory machinery or production equipment. Ironically these fixed assets of companies are protected more effectively than the main IT systems of a business. While there are a myriad of security technologies available today, biometrics shows the most potential for creating and sustaining a unified, enterprise wide security for a company's IT and information assets better than any other (Crosbie, 2005). The intent of this research design and methodology is to define the financial and operational benefits of biometrics being used as an integral component of an enterprise IT security strategy.

Biometric Components and their Implications

Implementing an enterprise-wide biometric system requires a model-centric approach over using a process-based approach to securing IT systems, information and the knowledge they deliver. Model-based biometrics are more secure and scale beyond the limits of traditional IT technologies as these….

(2003) According to Gray, the current direction of surveillance in society is "toward omnipresence; more spaces are watched in more ways, capturing information about those within." (2003)

The work of Karsten Weber entitled: "The Next Step: Privacy Invasions by iometrics and ICT Implants" relates that there are various forms of biometric recognition technology which are based on both physiological and behavioral characteristics which include those as follows: (1) Facial thermogram; (2) Hand geometry; (3) Iris scanning; (4) Retinal scanning; (6) Vein checking; (7) Gait recognition; (8) keystroke analysis; (9) mouse dynamics; (10) signature analysis; and (11) Voice verification. (2006) Weber states that furnishing real life space with "the advantages of ICT" is likely to result in life be "overridden by the disadvantages of infringements into our privacy..." (2006) Weber relates that while biometrics for protection of the elderly individual who is in bad health is….

Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing

Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.

2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment

Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....

1. Self-Checkout: A Revolution in the Retail Industry

This title highlights the transformative impact of self-checkout technology on the retail industry. It suggests that self-checkout has revolutionized the way customers shop and pay for goods, leading to significant changes in store operations, customer behavior, and the overall shopping experience.

2. The Rise of Self-Checkout: Convenience, Efficiency, and the Changing Role of Cashiers

This title emphasizes the convenience and efficiency that self-checkout offers to customers, as well as the changing role of cashiers in the face of this technology. It explores how self-checkout has streamlined the checkout process, reduced wait times, and empowered customers....

Original Thesis Statement:

Facial recognition technology offers both advantages and disadvantages, impacting privacy concerns and raising questions about the potential for misuse.

Refined Thesis Statement:

The proliferation of facial recognition technology presents a double-edged sword, balancing potential benefits such as enhanced security and convenience with profound ethical implications and privacy concerns.


Facial recognition technology has emerged as a ubiquitous tool in modern society, transforming various aspects of our lives. While it offers undeniable advantages, the concerns surrounding its potential for misuse and ethical implications cannot be overlooked. This paper aims to critically examine the pros and cons of facial recognition technology, exploring both its....

Refined Thesis Statement:

The multi-layered security protocols employed by modern online banking platforms, combined with robust user awareness and vigilance, effectively safeguard financial transactions, mitigating cyber threats and ensuring the integrity of online financial services.

Supporting Arguments:

Multi-Layered Security Protocols:

Strong Authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) and biometrics provide an additional layer of protection by requiring multiple forms of authentication.
Encryption: Advanced encryption algorithms ensure that data is securely transmitted and stored, protecting against eavesdropping and data breaches.
Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs): These systems monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and block unauthorized access.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS): Encrypts....

4 Pages

Education - Computers

Biometric Information Systems and Privacy

Words: 1381
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The truth of the matter is the biometric templates for identity enrolment that are stored on a server are not in the real since images rather they are mathematical…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Biometric Security in Both the

Words: 1181
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It also helps to reduce the threat of identity theft as this is frequently initiated through the hacking of such highly vulnerable wireless communication devices. According to ThirdFactor,…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Biometric Safeguards and Risks Biometric Safeguarding Itakura

Words: 647
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

iometric Safeguards and Risks iometric Safeguarding Itakura and Tsujii are proposing to allow an external organization, such as PKI, to issue biological certification as a way to ensure the validity of…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Biometric Controls Biometric Cost Analysis There Are

Words: 735
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

iometric Controls iometric Cost Analysis There are some questions that will help determine the cost benefit analysis of a new biometric system (Cooper). The level of security, the level of reliability,…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

Biometric for Security

Words: 1493
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Dissertation

This was done by creating an artificial fingerprint from the little traces that are left on the biometric scanners. This entailed the process of obtaining the relevant biometric…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Biometric Entry and Ignition System

Words: 946
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, a very determined criminal, as mentioned above, might go as far as cutting off fingers in order to circumvent this problem. Nonetheless, fingerprinting appears to make car…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Biometric Signature Biometric Handwritten Signature

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Introduction

This research will aim to address this gap. esearch Objectives The primary objective of this research is to develop a SIFT-based algorithm that will improve the efficacy of handwritten signature…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Biometric Payment Trends in Southern

Words: 1644
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Homeland Security main division is also located in California. Security, not only in terms of personal banking security but as well home security is an issue in…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Biometric Optical Technology Retina Biometric

Words: 1338
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

2) False acceptance which is through confusion of one user and another or the acceptance of an invalid individual as being a user that is legitimate. Although the rate of…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Computer Technology - Biometrics Biometric

Words: 587
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Unsophisticated biometric systems are already available at relatively affordable prices but they are unsuitable for many sensitive assets and applications. Sufficiently sophisticated biometrics systems to safeguard highly sensitive…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Computers/Internet  (general)


Words: 2604
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Kanade; Jain; atha, 4, 12) etina person can be identified from his retina by evaluating the picture of the blood vessels behind the eyes. These blood vessels are called…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Biometrics in Everyday Life Biometrics

Words: 1114
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Even public schools are not immune to the growing biometrics trend, as the scanning of the literal 'student body' is becoming commonplace. Some schools use portable scanners to collect…

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3 Pages
Article Review

Education - Computers

Virtualization and Biometrics as Etzioni

Words: 1430
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Some Key applications are:Physical Acces facility and secure-area access, time-and-attendance monitoring. Growth: Flat, starting at 13% of total market revenues and ending at 14%. Logical Access: PC, networks,…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Education - Computers

Biometrics and How it Pertains to IT Security

Words: 502
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Biometrics elates to IT Security Enterprises are more reliant on their information assets and computer systems than factory machinery or production equipment. Ironically these fixed assets of companies are…

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4 Pages


Power and Panopticism-Biometrics This Work

Words: 1247
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

(2003) According to Gray, the current direction of surveillance in society is "toward omnipresence; more spaces are watched in more ways, capturing information about those within." (2003) IV. IOMETRICS…

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