Biotechnology Essays (Examples)

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The extent of this collaboration between them was shown to be a powerful predictor of the firm's ultimate success along with products in development, products on the market and the number of people it employed (Hand).
Forecast and Conclusion - iotech promises to feed the world, reduce environmental harm, expand agricultural markets and production possibilities and create products consumers want (Shoemaker et al. 2003). Farmers seemed to trust and accept the promises. Seed development, chemical and pharmaceutical firms did too, as indicated by the consistent rise in their volume. ut American buyers have not expressed their opinion on biotech as they have not been duly aware that they have been consuming products derived from biotechnology. When they become aware of the substantial difference of biotech foods from their non-biotech food products, they would make the decision and determine the future of agricultural biotech in the U.S. As it is, biotech….

PK = Deltagen Inc.
PXL = Parexel International Corp.

Pvt1 = Quintiles Transnational Corp. (privately held)

Industry = Biotechnology

As of 2005

Source: Yahoo! Finance, April 29, 2007.

Figure 1. Financial Performance: Charles iver Laboratories vs. Deltagen Inc. And Parexel International Corp. - January 2002 to date.

Source: Yahoo! Finance, April 29, 2007.

Operating income for 2006 was reported by the company to be $188.2 million compared to $184.7 million for 2005 and its operating margin for 2006 was 17.8% compared to 18.6% for 2005 (Form 10-K, 2007). The company's 2006 operating margin rate was adversely affected by a $11.7 million (1.1%) charge due to the additional costs associated with expensing stock options; however, the negative impact was partially offset by improved margins in the company's PCS business segment (Form 10-K, 2007). Finally, the company's net income from continuing operations in 2006 was $125.2 million compared with $145.8 million in 2005; the company's diluted earnings per share from….

The most dangerous of these practices is the use throughout the European Union (EU) to grow crops and raise livestock using Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) (Johnson, 62, 63). To date there is little longitudinal analysis of the long-term effects of these foods on humans. GMO-based crops and livestock are also altering the economic structure of the EU's economies as well. The use of biotechnology to also change the intelligence level of children to close the "Smart-baby gap" as it is called in China is an unethical and unchartered territory (Swedin, This use of biotechnology to drastically re-order the intelligence levels of Chinese infants and attempt to increase their intelligence through biotechnology while they are still in the womb is one of the most potentially dangerous uses. The attempt to re-order, modify and change the natural order of DNA is extremely dangerous and could lead to deaths and deformities.….

The Origins of Biotechnology

For centuries, humans have been selectively breeding different plants and animals in an attempt to create a species more useful to human endeavors. This alteration of the fundamental basis of a species, although performed for most of human history, has only recently been understood in a more comprehensive manner. The origin of modern genetics can be traced to a little known European monk named Gregor Mendel, who, in the 1860's, performed the first modern scientific experiments aimed at understanding the true nature of heredity. Although news of his work was not generally widespread during his lifetime, by the 1890's, science technology had evolved enough to begin a comprehensive look at heredity; and Mendel's work became the basis of this exploration. From this beginning, the science of biotechnology has currently evolved into, not only a major source of knowledge, but an ever evolving source of a technology as….

Against a Radiologist Underlines the Need for Fully Informed Consent From Patients
Do you agree with the court's decision? Why or why not?

If the diagnosis had been made, the surgeon that did perform the procedure on Mrs. Paul would have been able to take appropriate precautions or would have decided not to have performed the surgery. Another option may have been to have postponed the surgery until the aneurysm was treated. Regardless, the failure to diagnose a significant medical condition led to material harms.

If Dr. Cooke had properly diagnosed Mrs. Paul's berry aneurysm, what processes?

"There is no question that a ruptured berry aneurysm requires treatment, and the sooner, the better. The risk of rebleeding is highest shortly after the initial subarachnoid hemorrhage" (Pressman 2015). Treatment usually involves removal through surgery. "In this procedure, the skull is opened to allow a neurosurgeon to access the brain and find their way to….

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Biotechnology

In a world of rapidly developing technology, there are growing concerns regarding just how far it will impact out lives. Biotechnology is the newest trend in agriculture and food production. It features genetically modified plants and animal proteins that haven altered to suit some man made need. Many claim this will help sustainability efforts. However, the true nature of GMOs does show danger I regards to unhealthy toxins and hormones. Even worse, in the United States, food products that are modified do not even have to inform the customer, which places more and more people at risk daily.

Biotechnology is a new field in agriculture and food production. It is the scientific alteration of plants and animals in order to create the best characteristics for food production. Essentially, "many new plant varieties being developed or grown by farmers have been produced using genetic engineering, which….

Other avenues include television, newspapers and magazines, radio, web pages, and people to people exchange. Effective communication should be built on an understanding of the nature of consumer concerns. Information on biotechnology modifications should include the reasons for modification, degree of regulatory oversight, methods and extent of safety verification, and impact of modification on consumer safety and the environment." (ruhn, nd) According to a report from the Food Policy Institute entitled: "Consumer Preference Modeling: Willingness to uy Genetically Modified Food" the willingness of the average individual to buy GM food products is influenced by factors including those of: (1) The type of benefit conferred by the genetically modified product (health or environmental benefits, price, better taste or quality, etc.), (2) The recipients of the benefit (consumer or producer); (3) The technology employed (animal, plant or bacterium based), (4) The perceived risks involved, (5) Demographics and socioeconomic characteristics, (6) Knowledge….

Corn pollen had a high mortality rate (44% in 4 days) compared to those fed on and regular corn pollen showing no mortality. [Frontline/Nova]
The allergenic potential of the transgenes that are used in GM products is a frightening problem. A noticeable case is that of Pioneer Hi-red INC, the international seed company that produced a genetically modified and enriched Soybean using the razilian nut gene. Fortunately, before the product entered the market the allergenic potential of the nut gene was identified and the product stopped from production. However, the process may not be so simple with other transgenes used in other GM products as their allergic potential are yet unknown. [Lucy Sharratt]

Antibiotic Marker Genes (Danger for Children)

Another problem of concern is the use of antibiotic marker genes to trace the transfer of traits in the GM plants. With the known possibility that bacteria in human gut are capable of….

The idea is to examine a variety of sources, to determine the full effects that various dosages will have on a number of individuals. (Campbell, 2007, pp. 2018 -- 2024)
Number of Claims

Independent Claims

1. The method of independent claim one wherein is: that dosages between 75 mg and 81 mg, will not have any kind of significant long-term impact on the individual.

2. The method of independent claim two wherein is: that 50% of respondents, who were given low dosages of aspirin, show little to no positive improvements in their condition.

3. The method of independent claim three wherein is: that women were more than likely, to see the positive effects from taking aspirin in comparison with men.

4. The method of the independent claim number four: is that the long-term effects of taking aspirin; will have a greater impact upon reducing the underlying levels of platelet formation in women. (Campbell, 2007, pp.….

Reliance on GMOs and Biotechnology and Potential Environmental and Health Consequences
The modern consumer may not be aware of what it is that he or she is actually buying when they go out to the grocery store. hen they pick up an apple or tomato, they might very well be purchasing a myriad of chemicals which the producers of that product have inserted into the food. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are becoming more and more common. GMOs are defined as "organisms whose genomes have been modified applying recombinant techniques (rDNA) by transferring extra genes or modulating (knockdown or knockout) genes already present in the species, with the aims of acquiring knowledge on gene functions, obtaining genetic improvement, and yielding selected compounds" (Martinelli, Karbarz, & Siipi 91). Consequently people are purchasing them more frequently, ingesting materials that they should not want anywhere them. Consumption of GMOs has many potential dangers to the….

Q3: Compare FDA Form 483 to an FDA "warning letter."

The intention of a Form 483 is to teach, not to punish, according to the FDA. After it conducts an inspection, the FDA prepares an internal briefing. However, it also presents a Form 483 in private to the establishment which lists all of the institution's violations of FDA regulations (Gyi et al. 2001). This is to better enable the facility to bring its standards up to code and avoid legal sanctions or receiving a publically posted warning letter on the FDA website.

In contrast, "a warning letter is issued for significant regulatory violations that require prompt and adequate corrective actions" (FDA warning letter, 2007, CICAE). A Form 483 is almost always issued, given that small breaches of the law are inevitable. It is designed to prevent more serious actions being required. A Form 483 elicits voluntary compliance, while if the directions of….

Genzyme is a leader in the biotechnology industry, and established its reputation as early as 1981 by supplying the market with certain chemicals. The company attributes its success to its focus on rather rare or "orphan" diseases and the development of drugs that capture market share for those ailments. However, there are two sides to this issue. The research and development process for these rarer drugs is tremendously expensive, resulting in a price that is well beyond most consumers. Some drugs, for instance, would cost the patient $100-200,000 per year. To bridge this gap, Genzyme has been forced to rely on government subsidies to realize any profit margin, and to continue work on these orphan diseases. Due to its focus, the company has developed rather close relationships with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and governmental health care organizations. Thus, the company has a niche market, but must continually work to ensure that….

Executive summary
Contemporary Biotechnology has produced considerable contribution to the global farming and health sector. Advancement of several medicines, numerous pharmaceuticals, vaccines making use of recombinant DNA technology has made biotechnology a multibillion dollar global industry. Additionally, PCR centered diagnostics has additionally materialized as a crucial element of the health industry. Because vast majority of the Islamic nations have their economies centered on farming, biotechnology has therefore enormous potential to improve efficiency. The need of meals in Islamic nations over the last 2 decades is predicted to improve by nearly half. That boost is going to have to come via changes in agricultural efficiency in marginal, fertile, salt affected as well as rainfed areas. There will probably be much less workforce, arable land and water offered to the agriculture sector. This particular scenario is actually a consequence of reduced rural populace, poor management of water reserves and supplies, environmental degradation along….

oecd.og/document/24/0,3343,en_2649_34537_1885208_1_1_1_1,00.html /,_David_00.pdf+FDA+Biotechnology+egulation&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&scid=ADGEEShg7mZQvgLsSc0U0EQpfVJH107qeBzj3qcT3P87oSDcKqvFIAHT-Byh3exK_5o56u0t9LDeh_S68n6zQaVeexCFI0wH8upPeBJp6hFWC83H5V7Axv8DF6KCP-FojIJwR5PkDz&sig=AFQjCNG00vPJgRaoWo4tkY7LI7lpAIsqg

Censoring Science & Ethics
Here are my answers to the questions on the Values Exchange. I assume censoring is bad. I tried to answer the questions in a way like the others did. Then I changed the essay to make it sound why the issue should be considered in a better way. The questions are provided and then the answers are in RED. I guess, if you have to post them, you can use this as a guide. The essay can then be cut and pasted into another file and used that way. Hope this is what you want.

Emerging Biotechnologies: Censoring Science

I disagree with censoring science.


Why does this matter?

Because the issue is about whether science works the way it should.

IDEAL: What ideal most important?

Giving scientists and the way science is done the chance to work properly.

How confident? Just a little.

Why ideal is important?

The stories suggest that government can be fully trusted….

1. The Role of Plants in the Earth's Ecosystem

Discuss the significance of plants in producing oxygen through photosynthesis and absorbing carbon dioxide, thus maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases.
Explore the role of plants in nutrient cycling, soil conservation, and providing habitat and food for wildlife.
Analyze the impact of human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, on plant communities and ecosystem health.

2. Plant Adaptations to Diverse Environments

Describe the various adaptations that plants have evolved to survive in different habitats, including deserts, rainforests, and aquatic environments.
Discuss how plant structures, such as leaf morphology, root systems, and reproductive....

Thesis Statement:

The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to be a significant contributor to the country's economic growth and food security through sustainable practices and technological advancements, while addressing environmental concerns and ensuring the well-being of coastal communities.


1. Aquaculture's Economic Importance:

- The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to contribute significantly to the country's economy.
- By promoting responsible aquaculture practices, the industry can generate income and employment opportunities, especially in coastal regions.
- Sustainable aquaculture can also ensure a steady supply of seafood, reducing the country's reliance on imports and increasing export potential.

2. Food Security and Sustainable....

Sure! Here are some essay topic ideas related to technology:

1. The impact of social media on communication and relationships
2. The ethics of artificial intelligence and machine learning
3. The pros and cons of using technology in the classroom
4. The role of technology in healthcare and its potential benefits
5. The effects of automation on the workforce and job market
6. The future of virtual reality and its implications for society
7. The importance of cybersecurity in the digital age
8. The impact of technology on mental health and well-being
9. The rise of e-commerce and its impact on traditional retail
10. The power of big data and....

1. "Unraveling the Mysteries of DNA: A Guide to DNA Extraction"

2. "The Importance of DNA Extraction in Scientific Research"

3. "Step-by-Step Guide to Successful DNA Extraction"

4. "Understanding the Techniques and Principles of DNA Extraction"

5. "Exploring Cutting-Edge Methods for DNA Extraction"

6. "Exploring the Applications of DNA Extraction in Forensic Science"

7. "Analyzing the Advancements in DNA Extraction Technology"

8. "The Significance of DNA Extraction in Medical Diagnostics"

9. "Investigating the Challenges and Solutions in DNA Extraction"

10. "Ethical Considerations in DNA Extraction and Genetic Research"
11. "Unlocking the Secrets of DNA: A Comprehensive Look at Extraction Methods"
12. "From Cells to Sequences: The Journey of DNA Extraction"
13. "Harnessing....

7 Pages
Term Paper


Biotechnology Applies Technology on the

Words: 1976
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The extent of this collaboration between them was shown to be a powerful predictor of the firm's ultimate success along with products in development, products on the market…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Biotechnology Business Focused on Charles

Words: 5076
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

PK = Deltagen Inc. PXL = Parexel International Corp. Pvt1 = Quintiles Transnational Corp. (privately held) Industry = Biotechnology As of 2005 Source: Yahoo! Finance, April 29, 2007. Figure 1. Financial Performance: Charles iver Laboratories…

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2 Pages


Biotechnology's Influence on Human Life

Words: 597
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The most dangerous of these practices is the use throughout the European Union (EU) to grow crops and raise livestock using Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) (Johnson, 62, 63).…

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2 Pages


Biotechnology the Origins of Biotechnology for Centuries

Words: 675
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Biotechnology The Origins of Biotechnology For centuries, humans have been selectively breeding different plants and animals in an attempt to create a species more useful to human endeavors. This alteration of…

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2 Pages


Biotechnology and Ethics Today

Words: 550
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Against a Radiologist Underlines the Need for Fully Informed Consent From Patients Do you agree with the court's decision? Why or why not? If the diagnosis had been made, the…

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2 Pages
Reaction Paper


Pros and Cons of Biotechnology

Words: 917
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Biotechnology Exploring the Pros and Cons of Biotechnology In a world of rapidly developing technology, there are growing concerns regarding just how far it will impact out lives. Biotechnology is the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Food Biotechnology the Objective of

Words: 1922
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Other avenues include television, newspapers and magazines, radio, web pages, and people to people exchange. Effective communication should be built on an understanding of the nature of consumer…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Gmfood Biotechnology Is Still Developing

Words: 2766
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corn pollen had a high mortality rate (44% in 4 days) compared to those fed on and regular corn pollen showing no mortality. [Frontline/Nova] The allergenic potential of the…

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3 Pages


Legal Aspects of Biotechnology Innovation

Words: 1189
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The idea is to examine a variety of sources, to determine the full effects that various dosages will have on a number of individuals. (Campbell, 2007, pp. 2018…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Reliance on Gmos and Biotechnology and Potential

Words: 2107
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Reliance on GMOs and Biotechnology and Potential Environmental and Health Consequences The modern consumer may not be aware of what it is that he or she is actually buying when…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Food and Drug Law Biotechnology

Words: 1015
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Q3: Compare FDA Form 483 to an FDA "warning letter." The intention of a Form 483 is to teach, not to punish, according to the FDA. After it conducts an…

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4 Pages


Genzyme Is a Leader in the Biotechnology

Words: 1108
Length: 4 Pages
Type: SWOT

Genzyme is a leader in the biotechnology industry, and established its reputation as early as 1981 by supplying the market with certain chemicals. The company attributes its success to…

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8 Pages


Iran bioethics and biotechnology issues

Words: 2576
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Executive summary Contemporary Biotechnology has produced considerable contribution to the global farming and health sector. Advancement of several medicines, numerous pharmaceuticals, vaccines making use of recombinant DNA technology has made…

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2 Pages


Biotech Regulation in Biotechnology FDA

Words: 805
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

oecd.og/document/24/0,3343,en_2649_34537_1885208_1_1_1_1,00.html /,_David_00.pdf+FDA+Biotechnology+egulation&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&scid=ADGEEShg7mZQvgLsSc0U0EQpfVJH107qeBzj3qcT3P87oSDcKqvFIAHT-Byh3exK_5o56u0t9LDeh_S68n6zQaVeexCFI0wH8upPeBJp6hFWC83H5V7Axv8DF6KCP-FojIJwR5PkDz&sig=AFQjCNG00vPJgRaoWo4tkY7LI7lpAIsqg

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3 Pages


Emerging Biotechnologies Censoring Science

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Censoring Science & Ethics Here are my answers to the questions on the Values Exchange. I assume censoring is bad. I tried to answer the questions in a way like…

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