Book Of Revelations
Millennial Views and the Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelations -- the final segment of the New Testament -- is a particularly contentious and divisive section of the Bible; considerable ambiguity exists surrounding whether to interpret the scripture literally or metaphorically, and the episodes described often seem especially fantastical. Moreover, the author's rhetoric leaves room for multiple interpretations, resulting in the reader drawing unverifiable interpretations. Acknowledging the caveat that there is no available method for arriving at a conclusive meaning for the Book of Revelations, this essay nevertheless adopts the literal, pre-millennial viewpoint, which states that the second coming of Christ occurs before the millennium. There are multiple reasons for this stance, each of which will be further elucidated throughout this paper; first, there is no reason to believe that what was written by John the Apostle was written in vain; second, the use of what appears as…...
mlaWorks Cited
Chilton, David. The Days of Vengeance, (Waterbury Center: Dominion Press, 1987), 499.
Hobbs, Herschel. Revelation: Three Viewpoints, (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1977), 136.
Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology, Vol.3, (New York: Scribner Press, 1873), 862.
Johnson, Alan. "Revelation," The Interpreter's Bible Commentary, ed. Frank E. Gabelein, (Grand Rapids, Zondervan Press, 1981).
Book Of Job and the Questions of Suffering
The Book of Job and the Question of Suffering
The religions of the ancient near East were mostly polytheistic. Its history spans more than two millennia, from the Bronze Age to the early Iron Age. There are various sub-religions that make up these religions of the ancient near east they include; Assyro-Babylonian religion, Canaanite religion, Egyptian religion, Minoan religion and many more. These religions had broad aspects that they share including purification and cleansing rituals, sacrifices, divination, polytheism and sacred prostitution, and they were centered on theocracies
This analysis will take an in-depth look and an exploration of the book of Job in the Bible. It will further look at the questions of suffering in the book. The book of Job was written by an unknown author, it is possible that it is the most ancient literary account in the Bible. It is a book…...
Albright, W.F.(2010).The Ancient Near East and Religion of Israel. Retrieved October 30,2012 from
The book highlights the actions of the divine, rather than the actions of man.
However, if one takes the historical interpretation of the Book of evelation, the moral content is not lessened. It then stands as an example of what happens to one if they continue to act in a certain way. It is another example of God's punishment and wrath for those that do not obey his word. In this case the author would have been speaking about the many Gods and idol worship of the omans at the time.
Whether one takes a historic perspective or a futuristic perspective, the moral lessons of the Book of evelation remains intact. The intent of the author to change the reader's mind was cleat. This was not simply reading meant to entertain. One must also consider that the author would have had a limited readership at the time of his writing. The…...
Bible, King James. Revelation, from the holy Bible, King James version
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library. Url:
Accessed August 19, .
Book v Market
Understanding Financial Concepts in the eal World: Book Value v. Market Value in MAKO Surgical Corp
Few economic events in recent memory have thrown the basic concept of book value vs. market value into sharper relief than the dramatic and ongoing changes in home prices across the country. Many homeowners found themselves "underwater" or "upside-down" on their mortgages, meaning that they owed more money for their homes than they were actually worth -- it was often more advantageous for these individuals to simply walk away from their homes and default on their loans. Yet how is it possible, one might wonder, for a home to be worth less than what was paid for it assuming it was still in the same basic condition? This is precisely where an understanding of the difference between book and market value becomes necessary, and where the frustrations of many homeowners truly intensifies.
Ultimately, any…...
Hoovers. (2011). MAKO Surgical Corp. Accessed 16 February 2011.
MAKO. (2011). 2009 Annual Report. Accessed 16 February 2011.
Ross, S., Westerfield, R. & Jordan, B. (2006). Fundamentals of corporate finance. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Sweeney, R., Warga, A. & Winters, D. (1997). The market value of debt, market vs. book value of debt, and returns of assets - includes appendices. Financial Management Association. Accessed 16 February 2011.
Book of Psalms is a unique book of the Bible. More than any other book of the Bible, it is a personal testament of faith, an intimate communication between the author and his God. Its flowery, poetic style of writing sets it apart from most of the other books of the Old Testament. With the possible exception of Song of Songs, the book of Psalms is a series of lavish poems, full of descriptive terms and overflowing with the obvious passion that the author felt for his God. While the books preceding it in the Bible are books of law and books chronicling the prophets, and the books after it are stories of the trials and tribulations of the Hebrew people, the Book of Psalms is a book of personal declarations of faith. This paper takes a closer analytical look at the book of Psalms.
The book of Psalms has touched…...
Biblical Theology and the Book of Psalms." Christian Leadership Center.Org.
A n.d. .
Gray, James M. "Book of Psalms, Psalter." Book of Psalms, Psalter. n.d. .
Jackson, Wayne. "The Book of Psalms: A Study." Christian Courier.Com.
Book of Job provides some useful insights about the nature of man and God to people who find themselves asking one of the most ancient and common of human questions: "why do bad things happen to good people?" Both believers and nonbelievers often find themselves wondering at what seems to be the incredible randomness of horrific acts that occur to people who seem to be good, or innocent (like children, infants, and people who have devoted their lives to others). Many Christians find themselves wondering why God would inflict such terrible suffering on the world, if he is truly a kind and benevolent being who watches over the human race as his own children. They wonder if God is simply punishing the afflicted for their sins, tying to teach a lesson through the affliction of suffering, and even sometimes question whether God is truly a benevolent and kind entity. Suffering…...
mlaWorks Cited
The Book of Job. Vol. XLIV, Part 2. The Harvard Classics. New York: P.F. Collier & Son, 1909-14;, 2001.
16 March 2004.
Book Smart vs. Street Smart
In "The Night in Question" by Tobias Wolff, the difference between "book smart" and "life smart" are evident. Book smart people have little common sense; they are often vain and live their lives as if they were fiction. They can be pedantic and put too much faith in words. Book smart means you may be able to understand and derive pleasure from words, but you might not do so well with real people, in real life situations. Life smart people are just the opposite. In one word, they are savvy. They have common sense, they understand things quickly, and they know how to choose their friends. Life smart people know when to keep quiet, and understand the boundaries of behavior. Book smart people may function well in academic and research environments, but they do not do well in real life situations, and they do not understand…...
Wolff, Tobias. The Night in Question. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996.
This lets us know that Christianity is not something that should be forced on us. Those receiving what Paul preached received it by faith.
Although times have changed the Book of Acts serves as a good foundation for Church government. Jesus was very clear in his instructions on what should happen after his resurrection. Many verses in books of the New Testament speak of this. He would not have been allowed to die on the cross and ascend to heaven had he not accomplished what the Father sent him here for. The apostle Paul and others were clear in their understanding of what the church should be.
Christians today should not stray from the teachings in the Book of Acts. Many things have changed throughout the years. We are no longer living in Biblical times, but the one thing that is certain is that the word of God will always remain…...
In Chapter One, Carlzon discusses the overall business climate that
existed in the late 1980's and how his personal business strategies related
to his employees helped SAS to achieve such unprecedented success in the
airline business world. "In a changing business environment," says Carlzon,
"you can't wield total control from the top of the pyramid. You must give
people authority. . .They are the ones who can sense changes in the market"
and through providing employees with "security, authority and the right to
make decisions based on current market conditions," the CEO of any given
company places himself in "the best position to gain a competitive edge" in
not only the airline business but also other businesses which rely upon a
broad and happy customer base (38).
Throughout the rest of the book, Carlzon examines in-depth numerous
aspects of the business world which he feels affects the success or failure
of any given company. For example, Carlzon poses the question, "How can you
Carlzon, Jan. Moments of Truth. New York: Harper Perennial Publishing,1987.Gibbons, Andrew. "Moments of Truth" by Jan Carlzon." Internet. Retrieved
January 14,2009 from
Book Of Acts
Does Acts offer a pattern for how Church government should be structured?
Actually, there is nothing this writer has found in Acts that specifically tells how to set up a church government. However, the establishment of a Christian church is explained in numerous accounts and passages. In Acts 2:38 Peter is telling his audience that if they repent, and agree to be baptized, they will be forgiven of their sins and "…will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." But just being relieved of one's sins, and accepting Christ as one's savior isn't an answer to how a church should be governed. The spiritual world and the physical world must come together for the Christian Church to be effective. And the Book of Acts does provide that guidance, according to Thom Rainer of the Green Valley Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
Yes, Rainer admits, the Book of Acts is noted…...
mlaWorks Cited
Deere, Jack S. Surprised by the Power of the Spirit. Los Angeles, Zondervan Publishing.
Holy Bible. Acts 8:14-17 / Acts 10: 44-48 / Acts 19: 1-7.
Warnock, Adrian. 10 reasons why Acts is normative. Retrieved December 9, 2013,
In the article, "Unlocking the Power of John's Gospel," ay Bystrom (2004) declares "John's Gospel is like a river in which a lamb may bathe and an elephant swim -- both shallow and deep at the same time. The new convert and the mature disciple will profit from a careful reading of John's Gospel." (Bystrom, 2004) The Gospel of John represents Jesus Christ as the Son of God and illustrated Christ's deity in an ideal picture. John vividly depicts the events he witnessed and gave an accurate character description of Jesus Christ. The purpose of the gospel of John is to inspire faith. Bain (2008) states, "The profound truth of Jesus, Son of God, is presented in simple language that a child can understand, but with a wealth of meaning that the learned cannot exhaust. The fourth gospel makes an excellent guide to the new convert." The Gospel of…...
Bain, R. (2009). Aspects of John's Gospel, Why is it considered the most Jewish of the four
Gospels? Bain Journal. Retrieved on April 1, 2010 from the
Bystrom, R. (2004) Unlocking the riches of John's Gospel. inTouch Spring/Summer edition.
Retrieved on April 1, 2010 from the-riches-of-john-s-gospel" the-riches-of-john-s-gospel
To him be the glory forever! Amen." This is significant, because it shows that by accepting God into your heart you can be able to spend all of eternity in paradise. Regardless of what your occupation or social status would have been when you were living on Earth.
How secure is eternal life?
An eternal life with God is secure only if you are willing to accept God into your heart and ask for forgiveness for the different sins that you will commit. An example of this can be seen in Romans 4:13 -- 18 where it says, "It was not through law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith. For if those who live by law are heirs, faith has no value and the promise is worthless, because law brings wrath. And where…...
Romans 1:21. (n.d.) Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Bible Logos website:
Romans 1:16 -- 17. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Bible Logos website:
Romans 4:13 -- 18. (n.d.) Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Bible Logos website:
Romans 11:33 -- 36. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Bible Logos website:
However, he makes it equally clear that he feels no obligation to help Agamemnon's men.
Achilles' responses to all three ambassadors make it clear that he feels that Agamemnon has not treated him fairly or with respect. He feels like he has repeatedly put his life at risk and accomplished much as a warrior, only to be spurned by Agamemnon. Moreover, Achilles countered the arguments made by the ambassadors that his quarrel with Agamemnon was silly, since it was over a woman, with his counterargument that the entire Trojan War was over a woman. What is most remarkable is that the ambassadors and Agamemnon continue to refuse to see any merit in Achilles' responses. In fact, Diomed chastises Agamemnon for ever sending ambassadors to Achilles, saying, "you ought not to have sued the son of Peleus nor offered him gifts. He is proud enough as it is, and you have…...
Homer, the Iliad. Retrieved September 11, 2009 from Internet Classics Library. Web site:
Book Of Ruth
Ruth, and God's apparent absence.
The Old Testament is filled with stories of mighty works between God and man. In supernatural ways, god seem intimately involves with his creation in order to reveal himself in their lives, and weave Himself into their history. Moses, Joshua, Abraham, and Elijah - these mighty leaders seem to be lead, or maybe pushed, to great deeds by intimate interactions with the creator of the universe. So when Ruth appears on the scene, and apparently lives a quiet and self determines life in the middle of what appears to be someone else's plans, where is God? Why is this person 'left to fend for herself' when God can be dramatically active in the lives of his people. Is she somehow less important? If so, why is her story included in the bible. Surely other people lived more inspirational lives than the Moabitess named Ruth.…...
Book of Kings 9
It is a summary of the most important elements of your paper. All numbers in the abstract, except those beginning a sentence, should be typed as digits rather than words. To count the number of words in this paragraph, select the paragraph, and on the Tools menu click ord Count.
Firdawsi: Book of Kings (Shahnama)
hat are the pre-Islamic Iranian features of the story? How do they square with Islam?
The Book of Kings is written in Farsi, unlike the Quran. The Book of Kings celebrates the glory of pre-historical and early historical Persia through its kings. It begins with the legends. Iran is viewed as the fatherland, and the axis of the world. Zoroastrianism is mentioned, especially in the early legends. Firdawsi compares the Zoroastrianism to Islam, which in itself is blasphemous. Unlike the Quran, The Book of Kings is not favorable to the Arabs.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Reuben Levy, The Epic of the Kings (The University of Chicago Press, 1967), pp. 3-25, 35-39, 47-58, 193-217, 413-417, 422-423; slightly edited.
Citing a web resource in MLA format requires you to provide specific information about the source you used. In some cases, you won't be able to locate all the information. When that happens, provide as much as you can. Overall, you should provide the name(s) of the author(s), the name of the article (in quotation marks), the title of the webpage, project, or book (in italics), the publisher information, the page numbers (if there are any), and publication medium, and the date accessed. As an example: Author, A. "Article about MLA style." The webpage where you found the article. The place....
You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....
Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....
PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....
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