Business Negotiation Essays (Examples)

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Business NEGOTIATIONS (200-250 Words per Question Requested)
Why might a negotiator want to separate the value creation and distribution phases when negotiating? What advantages and disadvantages does this approach offer, whether psychologically or in other strategic ways? Give an example from at least one negotiation you've carried out in the course.

In principle, the negotiator would prefer to separate and differentiate value creation from benefit allocation because that allows the parties maximum latitude and flexibility in setting out their respective interests and objectives. By definition, the distribution phase occurs subsequent to and substantially as a direct function of the respective interests of the parties. If distribution were to precede value creation, the proposed distributions could very likely fail to reflect the interests of the parties and could leave both parties in less desirable situations than they could have achieved through the process of first having articulated their respective objectives. Another fundamental psychological….

Lastly, in chapter 9, Hendon, Hendon & Herbig (1999) focus on "what" or the contract, of cross-cultural negotiations. The authors claim the only purpose of cross-cultural negotiations is to product a "contract" or an agreement, which they define as an "exchange of conditional premises in which each party declares it will act in a certain way" only on the condition that the other parties involved agree to live up to their promises (p. 111). As with anything, cultural factors may influence how a contract is used and interpreted. The authors note for example, that in Korea, if one signs a contract in red ink, they can "expect the outcome to come to a bad end" (Hendon, Hendon & Herbig, p. 111).

The authors also proclaim there are two primary forms of contract that can result from cross-cultural negotiations. These include an explicit and detailed contract that outlines every contingency contained….

Williams should also consider the recommendation of sending some of the employees of C&C Industries of Indian descent to India as a kind of investigative group to meet with individuals of the Indian government with close ties to the software development and marketing industry. All in all, expanding C&C Industries to the nation of India is an excellent idea but should be done with much care and insight by exploring the current market conditions in India and its possible future related to the global software development industry.

"udget View: India usiness News." (June 2009). Reuters India. Internet.

Accessed June 29, 2009 from


"Doing usiness: Measuring usiness Regulations in India." (2009). World ank

Group. Internet. Accessed June 29, 2009 from


"Doing usiness in India." (2009). U.S. Commercial Service. U.S. Department of Commerce. Internet. Accessed June 28, 2009 from / india/en/motm.html.

"India in usiness." (2009). Ministry of External Affairs -- Government of India.

Internet. Accessed….

It can also be seen as manipulative because, just as it strengthens your position, it can weaken the other person's. However, if you need to resolve a major disagreement, and then make sure you prepare thoroughly. Become a highly effective leader; minimize stress; improve decision making; maximize your personal effectiveness; and much, much more.
For a negotiation to be 'win-win', both parties should feel positive about the negotiation once it's over. This helps people keep good working relationships afterwards. This governs the style of the negotiation - histrionics and displays of emotion are clearly inappropriate because they undermine the rational basis of the negotiation and because they bring a manipulative aspect to them.

Despite this, emotion can be an important subject of discussion because people's emotional needs must fairly be met. If emotion is not discussed where it needs to be, then the agreement reached can be unsatisfactory and temporary. Be….

Brown spend substantial time critically reviewing general negotiation strategies -- not only those specifically tied to real estate, but practical theories and tactics to employ in any situation -- as well as sound strategies related to home buying and selling. Mrs. Brown was also advised that a lot of the literature related to negotiations is directed at union issues, corporate negotiations and other situations that are not what she will be engaged in specifically.
Mrs. Brown read Peter B. Stark's book, It's Negotiable: The How-To Handbook of in/in Tactics, which provided some good general ideas and some ideas that she certainly wouldn't need. For example, on pages 9-11 Stark offers "Four Keys to Creating a in/in Outcome" which essentially apply strictly to negotiations between organizations. But on pages 31-32 of Stark's book, Mrs. Brown gleaned good information on questioning during negotiations; a) "have a questioning plan," Stark suggests (when you….

Negotiation Strategies and Procedures Before Referencing
hat are the fundamental phases of pre-negotiations?

Even before the 'process' of negotiation formally commences, it is essential to know just how long the negotiators have to prepare before the talks begin. This gives the negotiating parties an idea of the possible duration of their antecedent planning activities, as well as the resources (financial and otherwise) available to them to expend upon the planning process. Intelligence gathering is the first critical aspect of the pre-negotiation process. Just as one must 'know the enemy' before a military campaign, a good negotiator must know his or her opponent's strengths and weaknesses, and, is ideally able to incorporate this knowledge into setting goals and creating a strategy to approach the negotiations. Knowing personal characteristics, national characteristics, and the organizational culture of the opposing negotiators is essential.

Formulating goals, that is setting goals for the negotiation process, and knowing what the….

A ussian person may not have encountered an African-American before; a Saudi may have only been exposed to Jewish people in pro-Palestinian literature.
Beyond the personal, different ethical standards also exist in different regions of the world. Bribery of government officials is considered the norm in some areas, such as the Middle East or India, to enable things to 'get done' to circumvent red tape (Kestenbaum 2010). Even the definition of what constitutes a 'win-win' situation for both participants can vary greatly, as in some nations losing face in terms of public perception, or not honoring family members who are part of the organization, can factor into organizational decision-making. In the United States, family considerations regarding an enterprise may take a back seat to profit-making, but in Japan, maintaining continuity of family leadership may be equally important (Beer 2007).

The relationship between entities and employees may also impact negotiations. Some nations,….

External communication in business involves marketing, advertising, customer relations, business negotiations and things dealing out of the business immediate environment. Both of these types of communication are essential for success (Communication Skills, 2007).
It is very important to be able to listen as well as to talk. People need to be able to listen to internal as well has external communications. Making time to listen to what in house people are saying helps to unify the business organization as a two way street where everyone is on the same team. The same is true for organizations customers as well. Listening to what they have to say can help with business execution of products that the business or organization produces for consumer consumption. Poor communication in business often results in misunderstanding and mistrust on both sides of the business fence which can extend to both within and on the outside of….

America is a nation founded on the basic belief in equality, is presently a multi-culturally variety of more than 290 million people comprise of different races and cultural heritage. United States exhibits a powerful aspect of regional and ethnic identity, represented by numerous subcultures and influenced by America's extensive geographical and regional disparities. United States influence on business culture is distinctive (Law 145- 9).

However, understanding the business customs and cultural concepts of various businesses is significant when conducting business in America as well as in any other country. The purpose of this paper is to provide information to my corporation about conducting business, particularly concerning the purchase of goods for exports, and the elements required for the success of the business. In this paper, I must emphasize that conducting business is vast and does not necessarily include hiring people or opening up new business units (Law 145- 9).

Cultural elements….

Negotiation: A Required Skill in Leadership
Negotiation as a Leadership Skill


A Required Skill in Leadership


A Required Skill in Leadership

The purpose of this work is to write a memorandum to a colleague describing the characteristics of effective leaders for the public sector in the 21st century. Included will be negotiation and mediation skills and the reasons that these characteristics are important in today's leaders. In the work of Michael E. Siegel on Leadership in American Presidents presented is a "model of effective leadership based on a four-part framework used to analyze the performance of three recent American presidents" stated to be Carter, Reagan, and ush. The framework reportedly can be utilized by leaders as well as managers in the public and private sector organizations in self-analysis as to performance in what is stated to be "four critical areas of leadership." Siegel (2001) This is particularly true in the business world of today….

communications in business. Specifically it will discuss communication in business in Japan, including intercultural interactions and successful communications. Often we don't think about the culture and etiquette of doing business in another country, and that's a giant mistake. For example, communication with Japanese clients can be very different that communication with clients here in America. Here are some tips on how to communicate effectively while you're working with Japanese clients.
When we do business in Japan, we must be aware of differing cultural values, language, etiquette, and business customs that can be very different from our own. To ensure that we don't offend or anger our Japanese business partners, we need to ensure that we act and communicate according to their customs, to ensure our success. We also want our staff to feel comfortable while they're working in Japan, and suffer from as little culture shock as possible, so business….

Business Ethics: China and Mexico
This work in writing will discuss the business ethics in view of countries that are foreign to one another and specifically the countries of ussia and China and Mexico. This work will contrast and compare the business ethics of these two countries toward providing a contribution to the global ethical perspective. The work of Ma (2010) states that business ethics "refer to the moral principles or values that govern a group of people. These principles and values distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, and thereby guide individuals in their personal and professional decision making." As noted in the work entitled "European Business and Economics Ethics: Diagnosis -- Dialogue -- Debate: Is There a European Business and Economic Ethics Approach?" presented at the Berlin September 2007 states that the economic reality in Europe today is increasingly determined by pan-European and global forces that transcend the….

Businesses Run by Women

.....entrepreneur one must endure multiple hardships. These hardships define people as leaders or failures. Women in the last few decades have amidst gender inequality, started businesses. This had led to a major growth in the number of women entrepreneurs in a predominantly male-dominated area. However, while women entrepreneurship has written, the persistent inequalities and continued views of women have led to the assumption that entrepreneurship may still be gendered. Meaning, society views only men as the main bread winners and capable of being effective leaders that entrepreneurs are defined as. This paper supports this assumption and will provide evidence of gendered entrepreneurship as well as literature that goes against such notion, demonstrating the potential for the gender gap to narrow in the future.
To first understand the potential of gendered entrepreneurship, one must first define it. Gendered entrepreneurship is a hypothesis considering entrepreneurship to have gendered patterns. The UK was the….

Business Communication
The success of any business enterprise depends on a multitude of crucial factors, one of them being the ability of its administrators to communicate in a clear and effective manner. The quality of business communications therefore, having a direct impact on the economic act, is hereby studied at four specific levels, as follows:

Interpersonal business communication


Conflict management, and last

Inter-cultural business communication

Interpersonal business communication

Melinda Knight starts her 2005 article at the premise that efficient business communications at the managerial level are quintessential for the overall success of the enterprise. Yet, despite this generally accepted notion, the managers have little actual training of interpersonal communications during their formation in universities or other non- U.S. MBA programs. While some programs have some unaligned courses of interpersonal communications in the business settings, other programs do not include the subject in their curricula at all. Knight asserts the importance of managerial communications, but argues that….

A draft of this presentation is revealed below:
Whenever I was watching television, I found myself fascinated by commercials. They were my favorite thing on TV. They were original, creative and I though that the people creating them were very talented. But the commercials I used to love were generally created by large size companies, conglomerates even. I remember enjoying the Nike and the Schweppes commercials especially, as they were engaging and often interactive. But in the creation of these commercials, vast resources had been engaged.

Still, not all companies have the possibility of financing vast marketing campaigns. But all companies need to promote themselves and their products in order to succeed in this growingly complex, dynamic and competitive market place.

Our company aims specifically at this need for marketing support, especially on the part of small and medium size companies in the local community, for whom the hiring and permanent maintenance….

1. The importance of understanding nonverbal cues in cross-cultural communication
2. Differences in nonverbal communication gestures among various cultures
3. How cultural norms and values influence nonverbal communication behaviors
4. The impact of nonverbal communication on cultural misunderstandings and conflicts
5. How to effectively navigate nonverbal communication barriers in diverse cultural settings
6. The role of nonverbal communication in building relationships and establishing trust in different cultures
7. Strategies for improving cross-cultural nonverbal communication skills
8. The use of technology and virtual communication in cross-cultural interactions
9. Case studies on successful and unsuccessful nonverbal communication practices in intercultural contexts
10. The future of nonverbal communication in a globalized world.

3 Pages

Urban Studies

Business Negotiations 200-250 Words Per Question Requested

Words: 883
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Business NEGOTIATIONS (200-250 Words per Question Requested) Why might a negotiator want to separate the value creation and distribution phases when negotiating? What advantages and disadvantages does this approach offer,…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Cross-Cultural Communications Cross-Cultural Business Negotiations

Words: 1779
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

J Lastly, in chapter 9, Hendon, Hendon & Herbig (1999) focus on "what" or the contract, of cross-cultural negotiations. The authors claim the only purpose of cross-cultural negotiations is…

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6 Pages


Business Report on the Nation

Words: 1726
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Williams should also consider the recommendation of sending some of the employees of C&C Industries of Indian descent to India as a kind of investigative group to meet…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Negotiations as Business Professionals We

Words: 1841
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It can also be seen as manipulative because, just as it strengthens your position, it can weaken the other person's. However, if you need to resolve a major…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Urban Studies

Negotiations -- Real Life Bargaining

Words: 3527
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Brown spend substantial time critically reviewing general negotiation strategies -- not only those specifically tied to real estate, but practical theories and tactics to employ in any situation…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Negotiation Strategies and Procedures

Words: 912
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Negotiation Strategies and Procedures Before Referencing hat are the fundamental phases of pre-negotiations? Even before the 'process' of negotiation formally commences, it is essential to know just how long the negotiators…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Negotiation Global Challenges Negotiation The

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A ussian person may not have encountered an African-American before; a Saudi may have only been exposed to Jewish people in pro-Palestinian literature. Beyond the personal, different ethical standards…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Business Queendom Communication Assessment Communication

Words: 962
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

External communication in business involves marketing, advertising, customer relations, business negotiations and things dealing out of the business immediate environment. Both of these types of communication are essential…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Business America Is a Nation Founded on

Words: 1350
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Business America is a nation founded on the basic belief in equality, is presently a multi-culturally variety of more than 290 million people comprise of different races and cultural…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Negotiation as a Leadership Skill

Words: 1828
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Negotiation: A Required Skill in Leadership Negotiation as a Leadership Skill Negotiation A Required Skill in Leadership Negotiation A Required Skill in Leadership The purpose of this work is to write a memorandum to a…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Business Preparation for Communication Diversity

Words: 1412
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

communications in business. Specifically it will discuss communication in business in Japan, including intercultural interactions and successful communications. Often we don't think about the culture and etiquette of…

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3 Pages

Business - Ethics

Business Ethics China and Mexico This Work

Words: 1043
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Business Ethics: China and Mexico This work in writing will discuss the business ethics in view of countries that are foreign to one another and specifically the countries of…

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15 Pages


Businesses Run by Women

Words: 4288
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

.....entrepreneur one must endure multiple hardships. These hardships define people as leaders or failures. Women in the last few decades have amidst gender inequality, started businesses. This had led…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - College

Communication in the Business World

Words: 1380
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Business Communication The success of any business enterprise depends on a multitude of crucial factors, one of them being the ability of its administrators to communicate in a clear and…

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4 Pages


Business Networks the Business Idea

Words: 1220
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

A draft of this presentation is revealed below: Whenever I was watching television, I found myself fascinated by commercials. They were my favorite thing on TV. They were original,…

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