Most courts filter their decisions through very basic factors or criteria (Rajeer, 2011). The parent's mental and physical capacity to raise the child is one. Who the primary caregiver is between the parents is another. Who decides on his social interaction activities, handles an emergency, has better finances, and helps the child accomplish daily tasks are other criteria. A child, especially a young one, is exposed to trauma during the divorce process. Sometimes, the court assigns a psychologist to establish some routine and order for the child to cope. If the child is mature or old enough, the court considers his or her opinion. The father must thoroughly understand the physical and legal custody and their difference. If he gets sole custody, he should be aware that missing child support will not divest him of custody rights. ut any form of misconduct against the child or the mother can be…...
Bird, B. (2010). Primary custody of children. Livestrong: Demand Media, Inc.
Retrieved on November 29, 2011 from
Ellerbe, L. (2009). Child custody -- at what age can a child choose which parent to live with? Ezine: Ezine Retrieved on November 29, 2011 from
Laws on Child Custody (2010). Laws on child custody, a quick guide. Retrieved on November 29, 2011 from
The author notes that little research is accorded to children's diminished psychosocial behavior following divorce. Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten cohort (n=10,061), he examines the associations between divorce and children's outcome and suggests that divorce is associated with diminished psychosocial well-being in children thereby explaining the connection between divorce and lower academic achievement.
The study is useful for my research since it mentions psychosocial factors. Nonetheless, I find author's conclusions shaky for at least three reasons: firstly, author limited his study to children of kindergarten age therefore conclusions cannot be generalized to children of all ages; secondly, many more variables must taken into consideration regarding resulting low academic achievement; thirdly, children's academic level prior to divorce must be considered too.
. Amato, P. (2010). Research on divorce: Continuing trends and new developments Journal of Marriage and Family, 72, 650-666 .
I found this article helpful for my research since…...
mla3. Amato, P. (2010). Research on divorce: Continuing trends and new developments Journal of Marriage and Family, 72, 650-666 .
I found this article helpful for my research since it connects past and present material on divorce concluding with gaps and research questions that still need to be addressed.
The author observes that research on divorce during the past decade focused on a range of topics that included associations between divorce and the well being of children and former spouses, interventions for divorcing couples, and predictors for divorce. Methodology generally employed longitudinal studies, genetically informed designs, and statistical models that controlled for possible confounding variables. Current trends are to focus on the number of family transitions (e.g. quantity of divorce, remarriage etc.). The author concludes with description of existent gaps in the literature and suggestions for new directions in research.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The sychological Impact of Foster Care Systems on Children:
This essay could explore the emotional and psychological challenges faced by children in state custody, including issues of attachment, trust, and identity development. It might include an analysis of the long-term effects of being in the foster care system and the importance of stability and mental health services for these children.
2. The Role of Education in the Lives of Children in State Custody:
This topic examines how the education system interacts with children in state custody, addressing the obstacles they face in accessing quality education, the impact of frequent school changes, and the potential of educational stability as a tool for improving outcomes for these children.
3. Comparing Outcomes: Children in State Custody vs. Their eers:
An analysis of the differences in life outcomes between children who have been in state custody and those who have not, including educational attainment, employment opportunities,…...
mlaPrimary Sources
United States Government Accountability Office. \"Foster Care: HHS Has Taken Steps to Support States\' Oversight of Psychotropic Medications, but Additional Assistance Could Further Collaboration.\" GAO-16-33, January 2016.
Child Welfare Information Gateway. \"Foster Care Statistics 2019.\" U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children\'s Bureau, March 2021.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau. \"The AFCARS Report: Preliminary FY 2019 Estimates as of June 23, 2020 – No. 27.\" 2020.United Nations General Assembly. \"Convention on the Rights of the Child.\" United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1577, 1989.Herrenkohl, Todd I., et al. \"The Definition and Prevalence of Child Maltreatment among Adolescents in Foster Care: A Literature Review.\" Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, vol. 20, no. 2, 2019, pp. 197–215.
Mursion ExperiencePart 1: Case ExampleOverview of the CaseAmar and Davina are a couple struggling to manage their household and give a safe environment for their son, Archie. During my recent home visit, I observed several red flags: beer bottles were scattered throughout the home, the space was generally disorganized, and the overall atmosphere seemed tense and unsafe for a child. There are also reports that Amar and Davina have been driving under the influence with Archie in the car.They have been assigned to attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings and to follow a structured parenting plan. Unfortunately, they have not been attending these meetings and have failed to follow the parenting plan. Due to these issues and the potential risk to Archies safety, I must inform them of the decision to temporarily remove Archie from their custody.Transcript of the ConversationOpening the Conversation05:08 Speaker 3 (MyselfCase Worker):Hello, how are you guys doing…...
mlaReferencesHocker, J. L., & Wilmot, W. W. (2018). Interpersonal conflict. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.Stone, D., Patton, B., & Heen, S. (2023). Difficult conversations: How to discuss what matters most. Penguin.
Being a parent isn't easy, offer a helping hand so parents can rest or spend time together. 3) Help yourself. When things pile up take time out so you don't get to the point of feeling overwhelmed or out of control. 4) Don't get frustrated if your baby cries. 5) Get involved, assist in community efforts to develop services to meet the needs of healthy children and families. 6) Promote programs at school to teach children, parents, and teacher's strategies to be safe. 7) Help develop parenting recourses at your local library. 8) Monitor your child's television and video viewing, watching violent behavior can harm children. 9) Volunteer at a local child abuse prevention program. 10) eport suspected abuse or neglect. Education, community involvement and cooperation are significant factors in the effort to prevent children from suffering maltreatment.
Levi, B.H. & Portwood, S.G. (2011, Spring). easonable suspicion of child abuse:…...
Levi, B.H. & Portwood, S.G. (2011, Spring). Reasonable suspicion of child abuse: Finding a common language. Journal of law, medicine & ethics. Vol. 39, Issue 1, 62-69. Retrieved April 2, 2011 from
Patton, W.W. (2011). Child protective services -- Histirical overview. State Retrieved April 2, 2011 from
Ten Ways to Help Prevent Child Abuse. (NDI). Prevent child abuse America. Retrieved April 2, 2011 from
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Child maltreatment 2009. U.S. department of health and human services. Retrieved April 2, 2011 from
Children and the Media
Whether or not children should be allowed to watch television or movies is one that elicits great controversy among parents, educators, and child development experts. Some have no problem with exposing children to media, others have distinct criteria to fulfill before allowing children to watch any form of media, and still others strongly advise against exposing children to media at all. The real issue is about the nature and quality of the messages and images that children consume as they watch or listen to media.
I believe there are distinct advantages for children and the potential for positive impact with many shows that are available for children today. Generally, the commercials that are viewed by children during age-appropriate viewing are not harmful in any way, though caregivers will want to be certain that the messages being conveyed match up with their overall philosophy. I also believe that exposing…...
In the end, the epidemic of out of wedlock children by professional athletes is a serious concern. These athletes, whether they like it or not, are role models to the youth of today, and as such, they need to be especially concerned with the moral implications of their actions. By using Kantian morality, one easily begins to see that at no point is having an out of wedlock child a moral decision. From conception, when the mother-to-be is used as a means for the ends of sexual gratification, to the lack of consideration for the effects the stress of paternity suits will have on the team in general, to the complete disregard for the child who had no voice in the decision at all and relied on the two parents to make the best decision possible, each step was fraught with immorality.
Chan, S. "The Confucian Notion of Jing." Philosophy East…...
Chan, S. "The Confucian Notion of Jing." Philosophy East and West 56(2) Apr. 2006: pp. 229-253. Academic OneFile database. Thomson Gale. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. December 5, 2006 .
Crane, P. "This Week's SI: An Inside Look." Sports Illustrated. 29 Apr. 1998. Sports Illustrated. December 5, 2006
May, L., Collins-Chobanian, S., & Wong, K. Applied Ethics: A Multicultural Approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2005.
Rachels, J. & Rachels, S. The Elements of Moral Philosophy. Columbus, OH: McGraw Hill, 2006.
Parental Custody
Child Custody
Parental Custody Case
Memorandum for Mother
The issue at hand regards the legal custody of minor child Chastity Bright and whether her mother or father should be her legal custodian.
Short Answer
In the state of Arizona, custody is based on several factors. The wishes of the parents, wishes of the child, child interaction with parents, health of all participants, child's adjustment, parent primarily responsible for care, which parent will allow contact, any duress or coercion attempted, and whether false allegations were raised are to be considered subsequently.
Statement of the Facts
Based on the testimony of the mother, father and minor child, the facts of the case are these. Both the mother and the father want to have primary custody of the child, and the mother has had that custody prior to this trial. The mother has retained promise of a job in another state, and wishes to move to that location with…...
Arizona State Legislature. (2009). Child custody and visitation. Retrieved from
Owen v Blackhawk. (2003). 1 CA-CV 02-0363.
Standards to esolve Custody Disputes
As society evolves, so do the laws and rules that govern it. Laws and the rules that go along with them are in a constant state of evolution because they may or may not be as pertinent in the present as they were in the past or the views and norms of society may have changed such that they have been made moot. This fact is true for all laws, but takes on a special significance with regard to family law. The modern family is not necessarily a husband, wife, two children, and a dog. It may be comprised of any number of different human components. Unfortunately, it sometimes becomes necessary for families to discontinue their social unit and a divorce becomes necessary. Under these circumstances, it becomes necessary to determine who will care for the children which resided within the family unit after the dissolution…...
Franklin, R. (2010, July 8). Is 'Primary Caregiver' Preference in Child's Best Interests?
Retrieved November 28, 2012, from Fathers and Families
Finally, Boothroyd (2010) suggests that because the authors of PCI do not provide guidance on how parents are defined, the assessment may not be appropriate for families with a parenting structure other than two biological parents. It seems that while the PCI is considered a valid and reliable assessment for some populations, further study should be conducted with a more diverse norming sample.
Coffman, J.K., Guerin, D.W., & Gottfried, A.W. (2006). eliability and validity of the parent-child relationship inventory (PCI): Evidence from a longitudinal cross-informant investigation. Psychological Assessment, 18(2), 209-214. doi:10.1037/1040-3590.18.2.209
Gerard, A.B.Parent-child relationship inventory Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; ephone [HIDDEN]; FAX [HIDDEN]; Web: etrieved from
Heinze, M.C., & Grisso, T. (1996). eview of instruments assessing parenting competencies used in child custody evaluations. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 14(3), 293-313. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0798(199622)14:33.0.CO;2-0
Schroeder, V., & Kelley, M. (2009). Associations between family environment, parenting practices, and executive…...
Coffman, J.K., Guerin, D.W., & Gottfried, A.W. (2006). Reliability and validity of the parent-child relationship inventory (PCRI): Evidence from a longitudinal cross-informant investigation. Psychological Assessment, 18(2), 209-214. doi:10.1037/1040-3590.18.2.209
Gerard, A.B.Parent-child relationship inventory Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; ephone [HIDDEN]; FAX [HIDDEN]; Web: Retrieved from
Heinze, M.C., & Grisso, T. (1996). Review of instruments assessing parenting competencies used in child custody evaluations. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 14(3), 293-313. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0798(199622)14:33.0.CO;2-0
Schroeder, V., & Kelley, M. (2009). Associations between family environment, parenting practices, and executive functioning of children with and without ADHD. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 18(2), 227-235. doi:10.1007/s10826-008-9223-0
The job pays $35,000 per year, which is considerably less John Bright's salary of $125,000 per year.
Chastity Bright has stated that she wants to remain in her current city and live with her father because she does not wish to be separated from her friends at school. She does not want to go to a new school and make new friends.
John Bright does not question Sally Bright's parenting skills. What he questions is whether or not she is doing serious emotional damage to their daughter, Chastity by uprooting her from surroundings she has become familiar with. He also worries that Sally will not be able to fully provide for their teenage daughter given the salary of $35,000 that she…...
Simons, V., & Meyer, K.G. (1986). The child custody evaluation: Issues and trends. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 4(2), 137-156.
Tasker, F., Barrett, H. And De Simone, F. (2010). 'Coming out tales': Adult sons and Daughters'
feelings about their gay father's sexual identity. The Australian and New Zealand Journal
of Family Therapy, 31(4), 326-337.
Domestic Violence
Not all nursery rhymes, folktales, and fables depict 'sweet' stories. The horrific images of women held in captivity in pumpkin shells and starving dogs demonstrate examples of atrocities portrayed in the early stories. Over the years, Mary Goose stories have undergone 'sanitization'. Earlier versions of the stories portrayed a myriad of atrocities. Earlier versions of the rhymes depict gruesomeness of the violence. Domestic violence occurs as a core theme in the old Mary Goose nursery. Wives and daughters suffered the brunt of abuse that included beatings and murder. Early Victorians believed that the rhymes would encourage their daughters to grow and become dutiful and obedient wives.
Nature of domestic violence
The stories present a multifaceted and complex approach to the issue of domestic violence. For example, the story of an old woman who lived in a shoe presents depicts a bizarre meaning of the text that talks about child abuse (Gustafson,…...
Gustafson, S. (2014). Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose. New York: Artisan
White, J.W., Koss, M.P., Kazdin, A. (2011). Violence against Women and Children: Mapping the terrain. New York: American Psychological Association
The victim is often put into situations where they are physically deprived of the things they need to make appropriate decisions. For instance they may be deprived of sleep or food so that they can be more easily manipulated. Mental abuse may also involve teasing or name calling. In many cases the perpetrator is very aware of the victim's weaknesses and uses them to humiliate or subjugate the victim.
Sexual Abuse
The sexual abuse of children is increasing throughout the world and has increased drastically in recent years. Sexual abuse can include the molestation and/or rape of a child. In many cases children are sexually abused by someone that they know, rather it be a neighbor, a parent or an acquaintance. Sexual abuse can also have lasting effects on the psyche of an individual. Studies have found that children who experience sexual abuse are more likely to become promiscuous as teenagers…...
Bolen, Rebecca M. 2003. Child Sexual Abuse: Prevention or Promotion?. Social Work 48, no. 2: 174+.
Cochrane, John, Gaynor Melville, and Ian Marsh. 2004. Criminal Justice: An Introduction to Philosophies, Theories and Practice. London: Routledge. Book online.
Child Abuse. National Institutes of Health. Available at
Child Abuse Statistics. Available at
At the same time, they must demonstrate to the court that they will not be able to abuse their children in the future. If a parent can do this, they will be given custody of their children on a trial basis. Those who engage in this kind of behavior in the future will lose all parental rights and they are going to spend the next several years inside a state correctional facility. These elements are important, because they are showing how this approach will not allow child abuse to occur. Once this takes place, is when parents will think twice about harming their kids.
Clearly, more effective programs must be introduced that will reduce the total number of child abuse cases. This is because the status quo is addressing certain aspects of the problem. While ignoring other areas, that must be dealt with as this can lead to an increase…...
National Statistics on Child Abuse. (2011). National Children's Alliance. Retrieved from:
Fallihie, R. (2010). Glen Beck Blames Obama for Child Abuse Reduction. Retrieved from:
youth transition out of foster care as they "age-out" of the system. This can prove to be a very challenging and difficult phase for young people as they are expected to take on adult responsibilities and make their own way in the world. Whether youth successfully transition from foster care to independent living is multifaceted, and requires detailed investigation in order to illuminate how the foster care system can facilitate change throughout the "aging-out" process.
Keller et al. (2007) utilized person-oriented research methods in order to investigate how well adolescents transition from life as part of the child welfare system to independent living as adults. This research method was chosen for the study in order to appropriate capture and understand the various and diverse ways these youth may be prepared for the transition among a sample that is large and representative of the population of youth aging-out from foster care.…...
Ahrens, K.R., Dubois, D.L., Richardson, L.P., Fan, M.Y., Lozano, P. (2008). Youth in foster care with adult mentors during adolescence have improved adult outcomes. Pediatrics, 121(2), e246-52.
Keller, T.E., Cusick, G, R., Courtney, M.E. (2007). Approaching the transition to adulthood: distinctive profiles of adolescents aging out of the child welfare system. Social Services Review, 81(3), 453-84.
Kushel, M.B., Yen, I.H., Gee, L., Courtney, M.E. (2007). Homelessness and healthcare access after emancipation: results from the Midwest evaluation of adult functioning of former foster youth. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 161(10), 986-93.
Munson, M.R., Smalling, S.E., Spencer, R., Scott, L.D., Tracy, E. (2009). A steady presence in the midst of change: nonkin natural mentors in the lives of older youth exiting foster care. Child and Youth Services Review, 32(4), 527-35.
Forensic psychology refers to applying psychology to legal issues. Forensic psychology can be applied to civil and criminal legal cases but is most commonly associated with criminal cases.
Ten possible essay topics / titles for forensic psychology are:
Impact and Consequences of Child Abuse
The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Abuse on Child Development
The Socioeconomic Consequences of Child Abuse: Impacts on Education, Employment, and Income
Exploring the Intergenerational Transmission of Child Abuse: Breaking the Cycle of Violence
The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Childhood and Adult Health: A Comprehensive Analysis
Ethical Considerations in Child Abuse Research: Balancing the Need for Knowledge with Protecting Victims
Prevention and Intervention Strategies
Identifying and Addressing Risk Factors for Child Abuse: A Community-Based Approach
The Effectiveness of Home Visitation Programs in Preventing and Reducing Child Abuse
Multidisciplinary Collaboration....
Thesis Statements for Essays on Divorce
Personal Experiences and Perspectives
The impact of divorce on the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals
Navigating the legal and financial complexities of divorce
The role of social support and coping mechanisms in the aftermath of divorce
The long-term consequences of divorce for children and families
The challenges and rewards of finding love and happiness after divorce
Social and Cultural Influences
The changing societal attitudes towards divorce over time
The influence of religious beliefs, cultural norms, and economic factors on divorce rates
The role of gender, race, and class in shaping the experience of divorce
Common Challenges Faced by Single Parents in Today's Society
Single parenting has become increasingly prevalent in contemporary society, posing unique and formidable challenges for these individuals. The 2018 article, "The Evolving Landscape of Single Parenting: Challenges and Opportunities," sheds light on the myriad difficulties that single parents navigate on a daily basis.
1. Financial Instability:
Single parents often face significant financial struggles due to limited earning capacity, childcare expenses, and the absence of a second income. They may juggle multiple jobs, work long hours, and live on a shoestring budget. Access to affordable housing, healthcare, and other essential services can be particularly challenging.
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