Church Essays (Examples)

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Church Planting: Models and Leadership
Development In The Hispanic Context

Church planting is a process that results in a new Christian church or parish in a new and untouched locality. Different from church development that includes the introduction of a new service, worship center, or expression that is integrated in to an already-established congregation, church planting is a concept that starts from the ground up. For a new local church to be considered "planted," it must eventually have a separate life of its own and be able to function without the support of its parent body, even if it continues to stay in some sort of relationship either denominationally or through being part of a larger framework of churches.

In viewing church planting in terms of the Hispanic context with a direct connection to leadership and the successful development of a new church and congregation, one must first understand the basic models of….

The Catholic Church Government

The internal government of the early Church was formed within the framework of the Roman Empire, and bishops exercised authority over the Christian community in each Roman municipium. By the third century, a shift took place as the bishops of each Roman province formed the habit of meeting in a provincial synod, presided over by the bishop of the capital city, meaning the metropolitan bishop or archbishop. In the fifth century, the hierarchical evolution of Church government would be complete with the universal recognition of the Bishop of Rome.

In the Catholic Church, these leadership groups assumed a somewhat different form over time. From the first, three orders were thought to stand by themselves, these being bishops, presbyters (or priests), and deacons, and these were the only orders considered necessary to a church. By the third century, a number of other orders were introduced, all lower than that….

Church of God in Christ

Church of God in Christ: Founder -- Charles Harrison Mason (1907)
The objective of this research study is to examine the Church of God in Christ, a denomination founded by Charles Harrison Mason in 1907. The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) has more than six million members throughout the world and is one of the largest of all Pentecostal churches in the world. The Statement of Thesis in this work states that the founding of the Church of God in Christ resulted in African-American women in the South just following the Civil War to find a voice and to gain authority in the Church as well as bolstering their social status in the community.

The Church of God in Christ: Founder -- Charles Harrison Mason (1907)

Research Study

Table of Contents

Item Page #

Chapter 1 -- Introduction

Chapter 2 -- Literature Review

Chapter 3 -- Methodology

Chapter 4 -- Findings and Conclusion


The Church of God in Christ:….

Church leaders have to delve deeper into leadership complexities and to discover what's new and imperative and re-draws their leadership maps and their aspirations of leadership that will drive into the expected changes. For instance a church that is not yet using online services, such as a website may not attract new comers because more people have become technology savvy and are searching for information in the internet.
My argument is that the whole world is changing and the church cannot in way be left behind because it's the same congregations that push for change in all areas of society. Flexibility in leadership is a must due to the changing society. Technology keeps changing every day, and the church adopt the changes. Newcomers to a congregation that is still using the traditional books may not cope with the rest of the congregation if they have been using projectors.

A pastor is….

Here, just as the dominance of the Roman penal code would impose an acceptance of the death penalty upon adherents, so too would the Church begin to view the current patterns of social and civic order as demanding adaptation. Therefore, by the early 1990s and under Pope John Paul II, the Catholic Church officially began to pursue a more aggressive stance on stamping out the use of capital punishment where possible. This position would be articulated in the Pope's new Catechism of the Catholic Church. This would declare that while the death penalty could be seen as permissible in the most serious of cases, an effort at withholding from its invocation wherever possible should be pursued. (Overberg1, 1)
Accordingly, the Pope would declare that "public authority must redress the violation of personal and social rights by imposing on the offender an adequate punishment for the crime, as a condition for….

Church Body and Christ
Currently, the church body does not always reflect Christ within the community or culture. That gives many people the wrong perception of the church, and of Christianity and Christ overall. With that in mind, there are several things Christians can do in order to be sure that the church is seen in a more positive and more realistic light. First, Christians can actually "practice what they preach." Many people who proclaim that they are Christian and attend church every Sunday live lives that are very different from what Christ actually taught. That hypocritical attitude, when seen by non-Christians, can quickly turn them away from Christianity and from having any interest in the church. Not all Christians do this, of course, but there are enough of them to cause distress for the church - and for those who are quick to say that Christianity is not the right….

Church History
Ignatius of Antioch is an important early church figure for a number of reasons. His surname was Theophorus meaning "God-bearer" (EWTN, 2011). Many believe that he was most likely to converted by St. John who was known as the Evangelist. Not much is known of his early life, however (EWTN, 2011). In fact, since Peter as well as Paul planted the church in Antioch, one can believe that Ignatius was to succeed that of Evodius who was the bishop of that particular city at that time in history (EWTN, 2011). Furthermore, "Ignatius retained the office for forty years, proving himself in every way an exemplary pastor" (EWTN, 2011).

When Domitian reigned from 81-96, Ignatius was courageous by constantly preaching, fasting and praying with those in his congregation (EWTN, 2011). Once Domitian died, persecution ceased for at least 15 months during the reign of Nerva (EWTN, 2011). Furthermore, many were martyred….

Further, this will allow us to connect such a principle to the lives of the students. For this purpose, each student will take a turn reading a passage from Daniel 3: "Song of the Three Holy Youths."
e will pay focus to specific passages of importance such as the following.

"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered King Nebuchadnezzar" 'There is no need for us to defend ourselves before you in this matter.' If our God, whom we serve, can save us from the white-hot furnace and from your hands, O king, may he save us! But even if he will not, know, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden statue which you set up." (Daniel 3:16-18)

"hen the satraps, prefects, governors, and nobles of the king came together, they saw that the fire had had no power over the bodies of these men; not a hair of….

S. oil producer (1940)
Debt is debt; borrowing and financing are debt, some who take the con stance in regard to the practice of the church borrowing money for its building project(s). In fact, as the excerpt from the following quote by Sanders, introducing this paper's segment contends: "It's dynamite to spend future earnings. I have had a taste of it myself, and it's mighty bitter. A debt is a debt, whether it's margins or mortgages; and debts are all the same, no matter how you try to camouflage 'em. You never get much out of 'em except trouble. On the farm or in Wall Street, if you use the other fellow's money, it costs you a lot more than it's worth."

Scripture relates the following four precedents regarding borrowing:

orrowing is always presented in the negative (see Proverbs 17:18).

God never made a promise to anyone and then fulfilled it through a loan….

.. may not lack people to work their holdings for their maintenance, and may be able to take out what gold there is on the island;... And because this can better be done by having the Indians living in community with the Christians of the island, and by having them go among them and associate with them, by which means they will help each other to cultivate and settle and increase the fruits of the island and take the gold which may be there and bring profit to my kingdom and subjects... beginning from the day you receive my letter you will compel and force the said Indians to associate with the Christians of the island to work on their buildings... And so that on feast days and such days as you think proper they may be gathered to hear and be taught in matters of the Faith. (Goodpasture 1989,….

This inherited infallibility might have been enough to maintain some form of power and integrity throughout the bulk of the fourteenth century, but in the last quarter of the 1300s a new problem arose out of the Babylonian Captivity that could not be so simply solved. After being convinced to move the papal seat back to Rome and thus reestablishing the independence of the Church, Pope Gregory XI promptly dies, and his successor Urban VI did not prove especially capable or moral, and the same body of cardinals that had elected Urban VI elected Clement VII later in 1378, despite Urban VI's refusal to relinquish the papacy. Clement VII moved his papacy back to Avignon, where he was supported as the one true pope by France, Spain, Scotland, and southern Italy, while northern Italy, most of Germany, Scandinavia, and England all backed the pope in Rome (Cairns 241). This: Great….

More parliamentary action concluded the nation's complete split with the Catholic Church, and began directing church taxes to the monarchy. Growing nationalism in the period leading up to and during the Reformation, both in England and elsewhere, helped leaders and individuals to begin to think independently of Rome, and was aided in the simple collective consciousness of the time by Protestantism. This also led the Church to increase freedoms for nations and leaders remaining papist, in order to retain come control. Much of this can also be traced to the resolution reached in the matter of the split papacy during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, when local bishop were granted more authority within the Church itself. The rise of Protestantism, then, must be understood as the culminating period of a long trend within the Church's political progression.
Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), was….

Church & State What Does

Free exercise can be explained as follows: "If a rigidly observed policy of neutrality would discriminate against campus organizations with religious purposes or impinge on an individual's right to freedom of speech or free exercise of religion," then a state organization such as a public school would be obliged to permit religion on campus (p. 43). However, the free speech clause of the First Amendment has been cited for reasons to allow religious expression on school campuses: and in some instances proves more effective than the free exercise clause (p. 44). Private institutions have significantly greater leeway in the freedom of religious expression, and state governments also offer significant protections of religious expression.
The free exercise and establishment clauses are more naturally reconciled in private institutions. Private institutions "have no obligation of neutrality," and can establish religion as they see fit and in most cases regulate religious expression (p. 44).….

The other Saint holds the Book, or the Word of God. There is a hierarchal relationship depicted here.
Each of the religious figures, and the Christ, too, are ethnic in appearance, depicting a period before Christian art began to reflect a European appearance in iconology.

At the base, the foundation, of the church, is a man pointing upwards, and we see his shadow, thus, he is of the earth, the sun, and the moon, because he has a shadow we know he is not a heavenly apparition. There is, too, a cross, and we can see the shadow of the cross in the foundation of the Church.

The artwork conveys the seriousness of the scene, the tradition, the sacrifice, and the promise. The depiction of form was not as important to this artist as was the depiction of tradition, of worship, and of the promise of eternal life.

The medium used is probably….

Church Music Etc Music in

Refining and redesigning the great "systematic" collections such as Palestrina's would have proved an impossible task. As a result the seventeenth century saw the almost total disappearance of collections of offertories such as Palestrina's and antiphones such as Anerio's.
While there was great debate about the use of human voice because the voices of the celebrant of the Mass had to carry the entire burden of the rite, there was none where the organ was concerned. Indeed, the Church prescribed the playing of the organ.

However, music for the Mass was not so rigidly thought of outside of Rome. In Northern Italy, in particular, the organ made way for a trio of two violins and bass. Eventually, entire musical Masses are created.

In particular, Venice desired to affirm is autonomy from Rome, and levels of tolerance for music in the liturgy were very expansive.

One of the results of the various edicts and….

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

Chivalry refers to a code of conduct that was developed in the latter part of the Middle Ages in various parts of western Europe, most notably in what are parts of modern day France and Britain.  Though it may be referred to a system or the chivalric code, it is not actually a codified system of norms or behaviors, but instead an informal code of moral behavior.  Its origins can be traced back to around 1170, though it draws upon moral codes from earlier times, especially the Carolingian Empire, which featured a similar idolization of the soldier/warrior.

Chivalry is a very....

Many people are familiar with the word “canon” as it is used when discussing fictional works.  It refers to those books or other works that are an official part of the created world, as opposed to those created by others, like fan fiction.  It also distinguishes the written word from speculation or theories built on that word, but not directly supported by it.  Canon has a similar meaning in Biblical studies of the New Testament.  It refers specifically to those books believed to have been divinely inspired and incorporated into the New Testament.  This makes Christianity somewhat different from many....

There is no understating the importance that the Church and the development of Christianity and alternative churches have in the history of the world and the creation of modern culture.  Christianity and the Church were a driving factor behind the colonial development of the world, which required incorporating foreign aspects into worship, and led to the creation of the modern worship experience.

It is important to look at how the Age of Discovery, when the Catholic Church expanded around the globe by establishing missions in conquered or colonized countries with indigenous populations of people who....

15 Pages


Church Planting Models and Leadership Development in

Words: 5123
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Church Planting: Models and Leadership Development In The Hispanic Context Church planting is a process that results in a new Christian church or parish in a new and untouched locality. Different…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Church Government the Early Church

Words: 4590
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Catholic Church Government The internal government of the early Church was formed within the framework of the Roman Empire, and bishops exercised authority over the Christian community in each…

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23 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Church of God in Christ

Words: 6396
Length: 23 Pages
Type: Thesis

Church of God in Christ: Founder -- Charles Harrison Mason (1907) The objective of this research study is to examine the Church of God in Christ, a denomination founded by…

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5 Pages


Church Leadership What Is Leadership

Words: 1390
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Church leaders have to delve deeper into leadership complexities and to discover what's new and imperative and re-draws their leadership maps and their aspirations of leadership that will…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Church Death Penalty the Evolving

Words: 1905
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Here, just as the dominance of the Roman penal code would impose an acceptance of the death penalty upon adherents, so too would the Church begin to view…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Church Body and Christ Currently the Church

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Church Body and Christ Currently, the church body does not always reflect Christ within the community or culture. That gives many people the wrong perception of the church, and of…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Church History Ignatius of Antioch Is an

Words: 770
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Church History Ignatius of Antioch is an important early church figure for a number of reasons. His surname was Theophorus meaning "God-bearer" (EWTN, 2011). Many believe that he was most…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Church History the History of

Words: 663
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Further, this will allow us to connect such a principle to the lives of the students. For this purpose, each student will take a turn reading a passage…

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5 Pages


Church Borrowing Money for Building

Words: 1494
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

S. oil producer (1940) Debt is debt; borrowing and financing are debt, some who take the con stance in regard to the practice of the church borrowing money for its…

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7 Pages

Literature - Latin-American

Church and Colonial Latin America

Words: 2122
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

.. may not lack people to work their holdings for their maintenance, and may be able to take out what gold there is on the island;... And because this…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Church History the Inheritance of

Words: 1121
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This inherited infallibility might have been enough to maintain some form of power and integrity throughout the bulk of the fourteenth century, but in the last quarter of the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Mythology - Religion

Church History the Birth of

Words: 572
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

More parliamentary action concluded the nation's complete split with the Catholic Church, and began directing church taxes to the monarchy. Growing nationalism in the period leading up to…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Church & State What Does

Words: 815
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Free exercise can be explained as follows: "If a rigidly observed policy of neutrality would discriminate against campus organizations with religious purposes or impinge on an individual's right…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Church Wall Paintings in Early

Words: 1219
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The other Saint holds the Book, or the Word of God. There is a hierarchal relationship depicted here. Each of the religious figures, and the Christ, too, are ethnic…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Church Music Etc Music in

Words: 1224
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Refining and redesigning the great "systematic" collections such as Palestrina's would have proved an impossible task. As a result the seventeenth century saw the almost total disappearance of…

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