Civil War Essays (Examples)

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Civil War
How did it happen that the North won the Civil War, notwithstanding the fact that the South had its own powerful advantages? This paper explores that question using chapters 11, 12, 13 and 14 for reference sources.

Background on the Southern economy and politics

The South greatly expanded its agricultural industry (the plantation system) between 1800 and 1860, and in doing so became "increasingly unlike the North," the author explains in Chapter 11. The "lower South" relied on cotton (short staple cotton) and the market for all that cotton in New England and in Great Britain made many plantation owners wealthy. Because of the skyrocketing cotton industry, more and more slaves were needed to tend those crops, and some 410,000 slaves were moved from the upper South to the lower South. And yet the South depended economically on the North (which had a booming industrial growth period) and the South did….

Civil ar of Northern Aggression
Is the Term Accurate?

The Civil war has been one of the most controversial topics in the history of United States. here it has been given many names like ar Between the States, the ar of the Rebellion and the ar for Southern Independence, one of its most controversial names is the ar of Northern Aggression. There is an enormous amount of literature written on the subject matter in the form of books, articles, research papers etc. however, James McPherson has managed to present a rather accurate and unbiased account of civil war. According to McPherson, despite the violence showed by Northern States, it was the secession of the southern states and initiation in firing the first shot which started the war in the first place[footnoteRef:1]. Therefore, considering that Southern states were just operating in their defensive mode would present a rather inaccurate account of the history.….

Civil War 1861-1865

Civil War represents a decisive period in American history, but also one of violence, during which more than 620,000 Americans died. (Gary B. Nash, Carter Smith, page 144) The American Civil War was fought between North and the South, and started as a result of their differences regarding slavery, state's rights and federal authority. The decisive moment was when epublican candidate Abraham Lincoln won the election, and become the president of the United States. This victory influenced seven states to leave the union; on December 20, 1860 South Carolina, and, after the war started six more states left the union (Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi)
While the North's economy was based on manufacturing and industry, agriculture being an isolated activity, in the South it was based on agriculture and slavery. The main crops that were planted in the South were cotton and tobacco. After 1830 the North wanted to….

Civil War
Would the union still have won the civil war if the Border States separated?

The union would have still won if the Border States separated. During the Civil War the Border States, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, were not critical to the unions victory over the confederates.

Unfortunately, our modern society has been marred with war and strife over its eventful lifespan. A civil disagreement, when accompanied by mass offenses, often ends with deadly war. Throughout history, many nations have been unable to solve their personal grievances with one another in a diplomatic manner. In many instances are solves through protest, boycotts and other contentious means. However, in some instances, society elects the worst possible alternative, which is often war. In retrospect, wars have been fought for many worthwhile causes, even by today's standards. Wars have been fought over liberty, injustice, the potential threat to national security and more. However, no….

Civil War
In a long war, all of the economic, financial and population advantages would favor the North since the South was a mostly agrarian region that imported its manufactured goods. Initially, both sides had expected that the war would be short and decisive, although by 1862 it was clear that it might drag on indefinitely. Jefferson Davis, obert E. Lee and the other Southern leaders realized that their best chance would be to win a series of rapid military victories early in the war then appeal to Britain, France and other European nations for diplomatic recognition. They did not wish to conquer the North nor did they ever imagine that they had the capacity to do so. Their only goal was to gain independence and force the other side to end the war, but the longer it lasted, the more the Union's advantages in population, money, ideology and resources would….

Civil War Marked a Pivotal

Robert E. Lee was also an important general responsible for commanding the Northern Virginia regiment of the confederate army. Lee was interesting in that even though he was a confederate commander he was believed be against slavery.
Lincoln's beliefs about America are forever engrained on the national psyche. Speeches such as the Gettysburg Address are still quoted and reflects the intent of the founding fathers. The Gettysburg Address states, "Four Score and Seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure ("The Gettysburg Address")." These words have been used at many throughout American history in times of distress and change. Also, the current president even took the cites….

The action was successful and gave them control over the island. The victory encouraged Gillmore to order another attack, this time on Wagner. He ordered the troops to bomb by land and sea. Robert immediately sent out pickets to complement with whites in other regiments. Early on July 16, 54th companies fought with members of 10th Connecticut. A force of Confederate attacked the picket line but the 54th persisted as long as it could. This persistence allowed the 10th Connecticut to retreat behind without much loss and injury. The 54th took the toll for the retreat. It proved that lack troops could put up a fight. That afternoon, Robert and Ned Hallowell exchanged premonitions of not surviving that action. He shared the same with his wife in a letter that the gallantry of his men would make up for the humiliating loss in Darien. y sunset, the 54th Regiment….

Civil War and Grant
The Civil War in the United States can be considered as the darkest moment in its relatively young history. (Mitgang, 2000) His Gettysburg State of the Union Address is perhaps the shortest in history; but the depth of meaning and the profundity of emotions it invokes should never be forgotten. It starkly contrasts with the inane, self-congratulatory blather of modern presidential administrations.

This hotly contested War had amazing leaders. General Robert E. Lee, for the Confederates, was a gentleman's gentleman, brilliant tactician and wonderful human being. If one were to root for the Unionists as being on the right side of the Civil War, then Lee was a victim of circumstances, who merely happened to lead for the Southerners. (Robert E. Lee, soldier, patriot, educator, 1921) On the other hand, the General Ulysses Grant, the leader of the Union Army, won decisive battle after battle and made the….

The War in the West

Just as the causes of the Civil War are not entirely simple or straightforward, the progress of the war was anything but linear. Despite an ultimate Union victory, the Confederacy managed several periods of advancement into Union territories, and they were even more effective at maintaining a hold on their home territories. Thus, the war progressed and regressed in fits and starts at ties, and victories in one region could easily be offset by losses in another. There were several major theaters of the Civil War, and different issues and strategies led to different developments of the war in these theaters at different periods in the war. In the Western theater in the first half of 1862, the Union made a relatively rapid progression into Confederate territory against an under-funded and under-manned enemy army.

By the end of January, the Union had taken most of Kentucky in….

So the professional opportunities for young obert were limited, and the army came as a rescue solution.
Pegging to his life of severe lacks, difficulties and sadness, Lee became a man of strict self imposed limits. He was moderate and never wasteful of either type of resource. Due to his rather stern appearance, he was not the most popular of army men. But he did always serve his country and the cause he believed to be the truest. He had a strong sense of civil duty, and he strived to insufflate it to others.

And while not many will agree with this, Lee was a compassionate man, who cared and strived to protect his subalterns. In working toward this goal, he also understood that his men were the ones who determined the final fate of the war. So he strived to protect their lives. Evidence in this direction stands the battle….

Civil ar
Historians have long puzzled over the contradictions within Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. As a statement of general principle it seems compromised by Lincoln's refusal to extend manumission to slaves within those border states which permitted slavery but which had remained within the Union at the onset of hostilities: Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland. This central contradiction was observed at the time; Evans notes that some Abolitionists claimed it was a clever but meaningless document that freed only those slaves now firmly under Confederate control, in states where Lincoln had no power to do so. 'A poor document but a mighty act,' the Governor of Massachusetts said to a friend. (Evans 192)

I would suggest, however, that our confused understanding of the Emancipation Proclamation derives from understanding the document as part of Lincoln's military strategy. The better way to understand the Emancipation Proclamation is within the context of foreign affairs. Even….

Civil War
he beginning of the nineteenth century marked a period of reform and social changes in Europe and the young American state that was triggered and partly encouraged by the new era of industrialization. he transfer from agrarian to industrial societies changed people's lives and offered new perspectives for those concerned for the well being of the society as a whole. he widening gap between the American North and South continued to grow after the euphoria of the first decades since the Declaration of Independence had been proclaimed in Philadelphia in 1787.

he majority of the Americans were still living in an agrarian society, but the numbers were disproportionate between North and South and many historians and political analysts consider these differences in stages of development as the roots of social inequity and finally, of the war between North and South.

While the American North was embracing new technologies, new ideas, reforms,….

The first article in the Rep. is condemned by the two colours, hite Brown, but I can't see why. e are in fearful times, but the Lord reigneth & I have no serious fears for the issue. I feel like Gen. Jackson-"the Union must & shall be preserved" and "their object is disunion; but be not deceived, disunion, by armed force, is treason." I hope no one will be hung, tho' a few deserve it. I have no confidence in man's wisdom; but as I said in my last baccalaureate, God made this government & he will not let man destroy it. (Augusta County: George Junkin to Francis McFarland, January 19, 1861)

hile in comparison to these heated ideologies, only the last of which holds out hope to the end that unity will be restored, the letters and documents from Franklin county express the idea that their chosen voices will preserve….

Civil War
The International law stands on two cornerstones of the Codified Law and Customary Law. The Codified Law is represented by the UN Charter that embodies the norms of sovereignty and non-interference in the domestic affairs of the state and contrary to this the Customary law progressively stresses upon the safeguarding of human rights and the security and well being of the individual. Taking into consideration the present situation and emerging norms on intervention, there appears to be two isolated but associated principles on the basic unacceptability of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, to illustrate, the establishment of International Criminal Court and secondly a wider principle emphasizing the significance of the non-use of coercive force so as to allow resolving the clashes internally. The quest for the reasons behind the intervention is necessitated more intensive thought to reveal out the possibly criterion for justifying the intervention as convergence….

The question to which this report strives to offer an answer however does not refer in particular to either Union or Confederation, but to the entire United States, and to what extent the Civil War revealed a society that was eager to eliminate slavery and create a color-blind society.

The answer is relatively simple -- part of the country was convinced that the old way of keeping slaves was the best solution for individual wealth; the other part of the country envisioned a new society, in which free labor would set the basis for economic prosperity and stability, as well as a prosperous, culturally diverse nation. In the end, it was a battle of right vs. injustices, and the right won, with slavery having been abolished, and with the end result being that of a new American society, in which all individuals enjoy the rights of freedom, liberty and equality.

Despite the….

To tackle a three-page essay on the meaning of freedom for enslaved people in the United States, it is very important to keep in mind that there was no single idea of freedom.  The condition of slaves varied tremendously throughout the United States.  Some slaves lived near urban areas and had relatively high amounts of personal autonomy as well as exposure to free people of color, while other slaves were in isolation on plantations and may not ever encounter free people or color or even regularly encounter slaves held captive on other plantations.  In addition, men, women,....

Louis XIV and Charles II were both monarchs at the time of significant civic unrest and allegations of government overreach and abuse, and, as such, they have many similarities.  However, the differences between the two monarchs are notable as well.  The individual differences may not be as meaningful as understanding their differences when placed into the context of the French and English monarchies and also what was happening in their countries during their reign.

Charles II was the king of England after a bloody English civil war that resulted in the execution of his father Charles....

Genre theory refers to the use of familiar themes and ideas as a way of signaling to the audience what to expect from a work of fiction. Genre theory can be used in various types of fiction and is often discussed when talking about both literature and movies. Genre theory can provide a good springboard for analysis of a particular work, because works can exemplify genres, deviate from genres, or even flip genres completely upside down.  As fictional works have developed, genres have become more specific.  Genres were initially very broad, both....

While people often lump the American colonies together, there were significant differences between the New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. These differences were not only geographical, but also based in who had the grants for the colonies, their favor in the British government, and who eventually settled in the lands. These differences initially impacted how successful the American colonies were and how prosperous they would become. They eventually impacted industrialization and, in many ways, could be cited as one of the root causes of the eventual American Civil War and even some of....

3 Pages


Civil War How Did it Happen That

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Civil War How did it happen that the North won the Civil War, notwithstanding the fact that the South had its own powerful advantages? This paper explores that question using…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Civil War of Northern Aggression Is the

Words: 1317
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Civil ar of Northern Aggression Is the Term Accurate? The Civil war has been one of the most controversial topics in the history of United States. here it has been given…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Civil War 1861-1865

Words: 1023
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Civil War represents a decisive period in American history, but also one of violence, during which more than 620,000 Americans died. (Gary B. Nash, Carter Smith, page 144) The…

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4 Pages

Drama - World

Civil War Would the Union Still Have

Words: 1383
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Civil War Would the union still have won the civil war if the Border States separated? The union would have still won if the Border States separated. During the Civil War…

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4 Pages

American History

Civil War in a Long War All

Words: 1329
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Civil War In a long war, all of the economic, financial and population advantages would favor the North since the South was a mostly agrarian region that imported its manufactured…

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6 Pages

American History

Civil War Marked a Pivotal

Words: 1835
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Robert E. Lee was also an important general responsible for commanding the Northern Virginia regiment of the confederate army. Lee was interesting in that even though he was…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Civil War Robert Gould Shaw's

Words: 2270
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The action was successful and gave them control over the island. The victory encouraged Gillmore to order another attack, this time on Wagner. He ordered the troops to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Civil War and Grant the Civil War

Words: 3417
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Civil War and Grant The Civil War in the United States can be considered as the darkest moment in its relatively young history. (Mitgang, 2000) His Gettysburg State of the…

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3 Pages

Drama - World

Civil War Slavery the Territories

Words: 917
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The War in the West Just as the causes of the Civil War are not entirely simple or straightforward, the progress of the war was anything but linear. Despite an…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Civil War Technology Communications and

Words: 2047
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

So the professional opportunities for young obert were limited, and the army came as a rescue solution. Pegging to his life of severe lacks, difficulties and sadness, Lee became…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

American History

Civil War Historians Have Long Puzzled Over

Words: 1502
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Civil ar Historians have long puzzled over the contradictions within Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. As a statement of general principle it seems compromised by Lincoln's refusal to extend manumission to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Civil War the Beginning of the Nineteenth

Words: 1271
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Civil War he beginning of the nineteenth century marked a period of reform and social changes in Europe and the young American state that was triggered and partly encouraged by…

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11 Pages
Research Proposal

Drama - World

Civil War the Period Surrounding

Words: 4015
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The first article in the Rep. is condemned by the two colours, hite Brown, but I can't see why. e are in fearful times, but the Lord reigneth &…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Civil War the International Law Stands on

Words: 1685
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Civil War The International law stands on two cornerstones of the Codified Law and Customary Law. The Codified Law is represented by the UN Charter that embodies the norms of…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Civil War and the Forthcoming

Words: 1814
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The question to which this report strives to offer an answer however does not refer in particular to either Union or Confederation, but to the entire United States, and…

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