Cloud Computing Essays (Examples)

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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

As cloud-computing starts to take hold, a number of significant advantages have turned out to be evident. The first one of these, and perhaps the most important, is the costs. The cloud claims to decrease the price of obtaining, providing, and sustaining computing power, a gain of specific significance during times of financial hardship. By allowing agencies to buy just the computing solutions required, rather than purchasing complicated and costly IT infrastructures, companies can lower the expenses of creating, screening, and sustaining brand new as well as current systems (Amies et al., 2012). The next most important aspects within cloud computing is accessibility or simply access. The cloud guarantees universal use of high-powered storage as well as computing solutions for any individual having a network accessibility device. By supplying such functions, cloud-computing assists to help telework projects, in addition to strengthen an agency's continuity of operations (COOP) requirements (Amies….

Cloud Computing

Cloud and all of its benefits have begun taking hold in today's society. This trend of outsourcing important computer operations has been met with some resistance. The purpose of this essay is to explore the risks involved with cloud computing. This essay will argue that there are four main risks that potential cloud users must be aware of before fully adopting it: security, compliance, data loss, outages.

The largest and most obvious risk to cloud computing is the ability it has to manage the security issues of the customer. Byrne reported that "in a recent survey of 4,500 high-level IT professionals in 83 countries, ISACA (the Information Systems Audit and Control Association) discovered that organizations fear the risks of using public cloud services. 69% of North American respondents believed that the risks of using the cloud outweigh the benefits." This is a problem for those who have envisioned the cloud as….

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is defined by Cearly and Phifer in their case study titled "Case tudies in Cloud Computing" as "a style of computing in which scalable and elastic it-related capabilities are provided ' as a service' to customers using Internet technologies." Cloud computing services had been provided by major vendors such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and others for business computing until recently when Apple Corporation announced iCloud for consumers. Therefore, cloud computing is now available for businesses as well as consumers. Read the case study titled, " Ericsson," located here (, about Ericsson cloud computing.
Assess how Ericsson benefitted from Amazon Web ervices (AW) in terms of cost reduction, automated software updates, remote access, and on-demand availability.

Ericcson has over 2 billion subscribers so it does have to provide them with instant and on-demand availability. They also want to provide this service at an inexpensive price and make a profit….

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing
Explain why cloud computing differs from other traditional forms of providing IT support. This answer should include the characteristics of cloud computing.

There are many different definitions that can be used to describe cloud computing. However, the importance of how the technology is transforming business models greatly exceeds any specific definition. There are three different forms of the cloud that are cited in any definition of cloud computing (Gabrielsson, Hubertsson, Mas, & Skog, 2010). The most common version of a cloud solution is the Software as a Service (SaaS). This allows users to access software on demand that is hosted online.

Cloud Connectivity (Gabrielsson, Hubertsson, Mas, & Skog, 2010)

Cloud computing also encompasses Platform as a Service (PaaS). An example of this could be an entire organizational email platform that runs on the cloud structure. The final component of the cloud system is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). This allows….

Cloud Computing as an Enterprise Application Service
eordering the economics of software, cloud computing is alleviating many of the capital expenses (CAPEX), inflexibility of previous-generation software platforms, and inability of on-premise applications to be customized on an ongoing basis to evolving customer needs. These are the three top factors of many that are driving the adoption of cloud computing technologies in enterprises today. Implicit in the entire series of critical success factors that are forcing the migration of on-premise to cloud computing platforms is the greater agility and speed the latter platform offers. Line-of-business executives today are increasingly defining the priorities of IT departments, often also defining budgeting cycles as well. Their primary concern is ability able to quickly get up and running on a new enterprise application, integrating its workflows into existing legacy and 3rd party systems, databases and applications, while also getting the performance gains of the new software….

Cloud Computing
Assessing the isks of Cloud Computing

Despite the many economic advantages of cloud computing, there are just as many risks, both at the information technologies (IT) and strategic level for any enterprise looking to integrate them into their operations. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate three of the top risks of cloud computing and provide prescriptive analysis and insight into how best to manage each. Despite widespread skepticism of cloud computing with many Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and senior executives, its value continues to re-define the enterprise software industry with projections of between 17% to 22% growth through 2015, becoming a $15B segment of the software industry (Blumenthal, 2011). The three top risks of cloud computing include data security and access, data segregation, and regulatory auditing and compliance (Blumenthal, 2011). As many cloud computing platforms are on open source-based operating systems including Linux, security is exacerbated by the….

Cloud Computing Strategy
Cloud computing is becoming big now, because it is easy to see how this kind of computing can be beneficial to all different types of businesses. Because of the value of cloud computing, the federal government is considering moving much of their information technology workload to the "cloud." In other words, much of the information would be stored in a way that would make access to it - for intended parties - much easier and much faster. This could help with efficiency and reduce the need for a data center, but it is not without its concerns and difficulties. The 25 Point Implementation Plan to eform Federal Information Technology (Kundra, 2010) institutes a "Cloud First" policy to help accelerate and standardize the adoption of cloud computing solutions across the U.S. Federal government. It will be analyzed here in an effort to better understand what cloud computing can offer….

Cloud Computing
Today's and tomorrow's technologies and their impact on society has been brought by the development of a new technology which is referred as cloud computing. Cloud computing are techniques and common technologies that are used in Information Technology. It means data which are hosted in a given area (center) then it is dismissed without knowing the design of hosting known as utility computing which tends to permits near real time and a policy-based control of the computing resources. This form of technology normally represents different ways of remotely managing computing resources, for example, there is an establishment of an account with the Google group to build and deploy application systems into the cloud. The system are not restricted to being simplistic however, they ought to be since they can be the applications of the web which only requires http services as well as, relational database. This paper therefore analyzes….

Cloud Computing
Many businesses are experimenting and slowly embracing the concept of cloud computing and Web2.0 .organizations choosing projects which can reap full benefits from cloud computing and Web2.0.this evolution has began as organizations are now taking a crawl, walk run approach which is building towards an eventual implementation of cloud and Web2.0 implementation. Organizations are now following the pragmatic path towards cloud computing and Web2.0 through the adoption of new technologies, transitioning to virtual IT assets from Physical assets, and the adoption of the best practices in IT so that they can fit into the new dynamic world. The paper will explain on the business uses of cloud computing and will give a detailed explanation of what cloud computing and Web 2.0 entail explaining how organizations use these tools. It will also look at the technology required to use these tools. Finally the benefits and limitations of these tools….

Cloud Computing and Web 2.0
The objective of this study is to explain the business uses of cloud computing and Web 2.0 and to explain how organization use these tools, the technology required to use these tools, the benefits of cloud computing and Web 2.0 and the limitations of each.

Web 2.0 is reported as being "primarily associated with websites and web tools that promote interactive collaboration such as Wikipedia, Google Apps, YouTube and social networking sites." (CPA Practice Advisor, 2012, p.1) Tim O'Reilly, noted to have originally coined the phrase Web 2.0, stated that "one of the apparent indicators of the success of such a site is that 'the more that people use it, the better it becomes'." (CPA Practice Advisor, 2012, p.1) According to Web 2.0 Guru, Cloud Computing "a computing paradigm in which tasks are assigned to a combination of connections, software and services accessed over a network. This….

Cloud Computer and Insider Threats
Cloud computing is widely regarded as the wave of the future. "Cloud computing is all the rage. It's become the phrase du jour" (Knorr & Gruen 2011). However, many people throw the phrase around without truly understanding what it really is. "Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software" (Knorr & Gruen 2011). It may include many different types of services, some of which are subscription-based, others of which are pay-per-use (Knorr & Gruen 2011). For example, with SaS (software as a service), one of the most common types of hosting, this means no "upfront investment in servers or software licensing; on the provider side, with just one app to maintain, costs are low compared to conventional….

Cloud Computing Services
The last several decades have seen the rise of Software as a Service (SaaS) business model and more specifically, the provision of cloud computing services to various clients. "Cloud computing enables a company to tap into raw computing power, storage, software applications and data from large data centers over the Internet. Customers pay only for the computing resources they need, when they need them. Using the cloud lets businesses avoid building their own data centers and buying servers and disks. (ulkeley, 2009)" For businesses or organizations whose core competency is not information technology or related fields, availing of cloud computing services makes good business sense because the entities can concentrate on their core businesses and let the technology companies handle their information technology and information systems requirements.

Cloud computing companies like any business exist to provide services to clients in order to derive revenue and achieve business continuity and….

In addition companies have a baseline measurement of how their customers perceive them from both a positive and negative standpoint. The downside if social marketing analytics is the cost for integrating these BI systems with legacy systems (aab, 2010) and the ramp-up for learning their advanced features (Tsai, 2009).
The data quality of these systems is excellent as they are more attuned to encapsulating and summarizing the data so it can be quickly used within a BI system and in marketing campaigns. In terms of data privacy, the systems are as secured as the networks of the companies using them. The level of security and authentication needed to gain access to these systems is determined by their level of system administration-based options defined.

Finally there are challenges and risks to using social marketing analytics applications, the greatest being that of not correctly capturing and using the data, or worse, misinterpreting the….

It's a tidal wave that's going to engulf us all within the next five years. Cloud services will be a $160 billion industry by the end of 2011" (Ginovsky 2011, 21).
Although the decision to transition from a traditional approach to cloud computing will depend on each organization's unique circumstances, a number of general benefits have been cited for those companies that have made the partial or complete transition to cloud computing, including the following:

1. It reduces cost in the organization.

2. It does not require additional hardware.

3. It does not require additional resources.

4. Time to market is quicker.

5. It is a way to implement cutting-edge technology without the cost that is associated with it (Ginovsky 2011, 21).

Other authorities have also weighed in on the benefits that can be attained by switching to cloud computing, with some of the potential benefits that can accrue to its deployment including those set forth….

Cloud Computing Is a Term

The user, of course, sees a virtual service (appearing like the data is stored in certain icon), the actual storage could be anywhere, and could vary from day-to-day. This is an advantage to the overall efficiency of the system because storage resources can then be allocated rather than static (Smith, Computing Beyond the Firewall, 2010).
Cloud services are any web-based application -- from calendars and contact applications to word processing, database management, presentations, and even niche market proprietary software applications. If one PC or user application crashes, it has no effect on the others since documents are not machine based, but user based. We can more fully understand this if we think of cloud computing as a triangle, with the server as the base and the user as the pinnacle.

The user, or client consists of computer hardware or software that relies on cloud computing for its delivery -- useless without….

Cloud computing is the wave of the future because of the advantages it offers over having storage at each specific location.  However, that does not mean that cloud computing is without some significant challenges.  Any essay focusing on cloud computing needs to make sure and examine both strengths and weaknesses of the model.  In fact, the example outline that we have included takes a strengths and weaknesses approach.

Essay Topics on Cloud Computing

  1. How does cloud computing increase your storage power?
  2. What are the security risks of cloud computing?
  3. Considering security risks and cloud computing in light of terrorist....

Firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystems in several key ways. This approach involves a strategic overhaul of their internal and external operations, relationships, and culture to foster innovation and adaptability. Here's how they do it:

Embracing Open Innovation: Moving away from solely in-house R&D, firms are increasingly embracing open innovation. This involves collaborating with external entities like startups, academic institutions, and other companies to source new ideas, technologies, and methodologies. This collaboration can take various forms, including joint ventures, partnerships, and innovation hubs.

Investing in Digital Transformation: Firms are investing heavily in digital technologies such as....

1. The benefits and challenges of implementing a cloud computing strategy in a small business
2. The impact of cloud computing on data security and privacy
3. The role of cloud computing in enabling remote work and collaboration
4. The environmental implications of cloud computing and its potential to reduce carbon emissions
5. The future of cloud computing: emerging trends and technologies
6. The impact of cloud computing on traditional IT infrastructure and job roles
7. The legal and regulatory considerations of using cloud computing services
8. The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in optimizing cloud computing resources
9. The potential for cloud computing to revolutionize....


Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals store, access, and process data. With its vast range of capabilities and benefits, cloud computing has become an integral part of modern technology. This essay topic generator provides a comprehensive list of thought-provoking topics related to cloud computing, covering its technical foundation, applications, security implications, and future prospects.

Technical Foundation of Cloud Computing

The Evolution of Cloud Computing: Trace the historical development of cloud computing from its inception to present-day advancements.
Cloud Computing Architecture: Explain the layered architecture of cloud computing, including infrastructure, platform, and software as a service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).

7 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing

Words: 2532
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cloud Computing Benefits As cloud-computing starts to take hold, a number of significant advantages have turned out to be evident. The first one of these, and perhaps the most important, is…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing

Words: 752
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Cloud and all of its benefits have begun taking hold in today's society. This trend of outsourcing important computer operations has been met with some resistance. The purpose of…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing

Words: 804
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Cloud computing is defined by Cearly and Phifer in their case study titled "Case tudies in Cloud Computing" as "a style of computing in which scalable and elastic it-related…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing

Words: 1193
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Cloud Computing Explain why cloud computing differs from other traditional forms of providing IT support. This answer should include the characteristics of cloud computing. There are many different definitions that can…

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10 Pages

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing as an Enterprise Application Service

Words: 2648
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Cloud Computing as an Enterprise Application Service eordering the economics of software, cloud computing is alleviating many of the capital expenses (CAPEX), inflexibility of previous-generation software platforms, and inability of…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing Assessing the Risks of Cloud

Words: 1163
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Cloud Computing Assessing the isks of Cloud Computing Despite the many economic advantages of cloud computing, there are just as many risks, both at the information technologies (IT) and strategic level…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Cloud Computing Strategy Cloud Computing Is Becoming

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cloud Computing Strategy Cloud computing is becoming big now, because it is easy to see how this kind of computing can be beneficial to all different types of businesses. Because…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing Today's and Tomorrow's Technologies and

Words: 1676
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cloud Computing Today's and tomorrow's technologies and their impact on society has been brought by the development of a new technology which is referred as cloud computing. Cloud computing are…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing Many Businesses Are Experimenting and

Words: 1041
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cloud Computing Many businesses are experimenting and slowly embracing the concept of cloud computing and Web2.0 .organizations choosing projects which can reap full benefits from cloud computing and Web2.0.this evolution…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing and Web 2 0 the Objective

Words: 885
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cloud Computing and Web 2.0 The objective of this study is to explain the business uses of cloud computing and Web 2.0 and to explain how organization use these tools,…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Cloud Computer and Insider Threats Cloud Computing

Words: 1924
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cloud Computer and Insider Threats Cloud computing is widely regarded as the wave of the future. "Cloud computing is all the rage. It's become the phrase du jour" (Knorr &…

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4 Pages

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing Services the Last Several Decades

Words: 1252
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Cloud Computing Services The last several decades have seen the rise of Software as a Service (SaaS) business model and more specifically, the provision of cloud computing services to various…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Cloud Computing Business Intelligence -

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In addition companies have a baseline measurement of how their customers perceive them from both a positive and negative standpoint. The downside if social marketing analytics is the…

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18 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing and Data Security

Words: 5196
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It's a tidal wave that's going to engulf us all within the next five years. Cloud services will be a $160 billion industry by the end of 2011"…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Cloud Computing Is a Term

Words: 2980
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The user, of course, sees a virtual service (appearing like the data is stored in certain icon), the actual storage could be anywhere, and could vary from day-to-day.…

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