College Tuition Essays (Examples)

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College Tuition Cost

It's become a widely recognized fact. College is expensive, and saddles students with lifelong debts. Moreover, observation shows that people learn very little in college and that knowledge and talent in a field may be unrelated to the degrees that one has. There's a simple solution to this problem: the youth of this nation should refuse to go to colleges where they will be saddled with debt and useless information. Of course, many people would complain that without going to college, one is not qualified for jobs in the real world. It is true that many jobs will not hire people who go to school, but this does not make the unschooled less qualified. If everyone refused to go to school, then corporations would simply have to accept new standards for hiring, such as talent. It is my argument that college is not worth the price and people should….

College Education Should be Free for Everyone People everywhere in the U.S. are going into major debt just to get a college diploma so they can be eligible for a career in the job market. Fifty years ago, having to get into debt just to be eligible for a job was not a characteristic of starting a career. It is a new phenomenon that has developed as a result of the federal government backstopping all student loans (Avery, Turner). Whenever the federal government gets involved in anything in the free market, prices go up (Wolfram). That is the reason health care is so expensive today: the federal government subsidizes treatments, which means producers have no problem raising the prices as they know taxpayers are going to pay for it via Uncle Sam. Since Uncle Sam also started guaranteeing student loans, colleges have no problem offering them to student and raising the….

Tuition Fees in Quebec State

The report also shows that some changes must be made in order to make student financial assistance more affordable, by reducing loan interest rates for example.
Denis Herard also stated for the Edmonton Journal reporters: "We're on track to implementing the new tuition fee policy that will be in place and working for the students in the fall of 2007."

However, the new policy must be approved by the cabinet and other levels of government. Last year, premier alph Klein unveiled a tuition freeze as a "centennial gift" and promised to come up with the most "affordable" tuition policy in Canada.

These recommendations simply reinforce the status quo," said David Cournoyer, chairman of the Council of Alberta University Students and a vice-president of the University of Alberta Students' Union, about the proposals and recommendations in the steering committee's report.

Both the Advanced Education Minister, Denis Herard, and the Premier, alph Klein, have faced….

To some, that suggests that college is a more viable alternative for many of those who would otherwise have sought jobs in the manufacturing sector previously.
However, there are at least two reasons that such a conclusion may be invalid. First, while many manufacturing jobs have disappeared, many other types of technical jobs opportunities have emerged from numerous new technologies (Klein, 2012). Many of them require vocational degrees and certifications but no college degrees. For many people without specific interests in vocational applications of any college degrees being considered, training programs for these types of jobs is much less expensive, quicker, and more likely to lead to satisfying employment options than a college diploma in a random academic area or one of great intellectual value but few employment prospects outside of academia (Klein, 2012).

Second, vocational training, in general, has changed significantly in the last several decades. Specifically, whereas vocational education….

Community colleges too saw tuition raises and increases in mandatory fees in 48 of the 50 states. These increases in costs directly affect the students that have to pay them.
DeMoranville and O'Donnell (2001) investigated the effects of increases in per-credit-hour tuition on four-year graduation rates and how they are marketed to minimize enrollment effects. These authors too understood that increases in tuitions and fees directly has a negative impact on students. Their study examined whether or not a sliding scale tuition rate would increase the graduation rates. The researchers found that a sliding tuition rate scale does not positively affect four-year graduation rates when tuition increases are incurred.

DeMoranville and O'Donnell's (2001) research is important because it shows a history of negative effects incurred by increasing tuition. However, as times have changed such as the increased need for higher education in a competitive job market and the availability of online….

College Debt

The problem
Of late, an alarming hike is being witnessed in college tuition fees. This, coupled with books, housing, supplies, transport and food expenses, leads to unmanageable debt for college students. A majority of financial experts suggest maximum borrowing to amount to one’s anticipated earnings during one’s first year following graduation. But the hike in tuition fees renders this suggestion hard to follow. Nearly 50% of collegegoers today consider quitting college midway owing to debt incurred. Unable to meet these expenses, an increasing number of pupils are actually quitting college. Meanwhile, other pupils have no option but to seek full-time employment, besides attending college full-time. Hardly any student graduates without being burdened by debt. In this paper, the issue of college campus debt, its prevention, and potential solutions if one cannot escape it, will be addressed.

Normally, the highest-risk group isn’t that of pupils having the biggest debt; rather, it is non-Whites,….

The report also identified some important aspects that determined successful completion of higher education. It was found that among both borrowers and non-borrowers, working part-time or fulltime and/or delayed entry into college carried a significantly high risk for dropping out. The fact that almost all of the students who successfully completed higher education were enrolled in college right after high school, attended fulltime and did not work part time or full time implied that external distractions had a major negative impact on successful completion. Since borrowers are under financial burden they are more prone to take up part time jobs and therefore carry a greater risk for dropping out. Essentially, one of the main findings and recommendations of this report is to "Make college more affordable so as to reduce dependence on loan financing and student employment, especially for those with the greatest need." [Lawrence Gladiex, pg 16]
Loans cannot….

College and Career Preparation: Is College Worth It?It is a sad testimony to the degree to which college education has grown so expensive that many people focus on the economic worth of a college degree alone. Because college tuition is skyrocketing and graduates are worried about the level of debt they will shoulder throughout their lives, they are understandably concerned that the expense of their degree will not justify the time, stress, and money they have invested into it (Hoffower, 2019). But it is also true that there are aspects of a college education that cannot be quantified.As we live in a participatory form of government, and elect our representatives, it is essential that citizens are able to critically evaluate news stories and evidence. Having empathy for the plight of other people, as conveyed by studies in the humanities and social sciences, is also useful. Although it is possible to….

Since studies on the effect of tuition increases are few, it falls upon the public school to evaluate the impact of tuition increases on the student population. Schools are also tasked with periodic follow-up on the ongoing requirement for tuition increase, as well as maintaining a dialogue with students on the quality of education vice the increase in cost.

When public colleges are required to increase tuition, they also bear the burden of detailing how additional tuitions will be used. It is most effective when schools implement tuition increases that a portion of the increase be used to plan cost-cutting measures which in turn will reduce the need for future increases.

Many parents facing tuition increases are in precarious financial situations. Most families require that both parents work, and the loss of a job or the breakup of a marriage can reduce financial standing.

Unstable economies which drive up tuition costs also leave….

(Corey, 2005, p. 3)
Now, again these costs are outstripping the ability of institutions to offset them and again other programs or individuals will then be asked to pay them. (Davis, 2003, pp. 1-2) According to these three experts the situation has again reached a pinnacle, as there will be a saturation point, where institutions may begin to reduce tuition discounting, as they become more aware of the risks they take in creating tuition-revenue deficits and begin to lose or be unable to support greater diversity of programming and enrolment. According to Corey, the goals associated with allowance of deficits are softer goals, and less track able, such as increased prestige but they could also be linked intrinsically to poor management, i.e. errors made when tuition discounting goes so far that it creates a deficit without intention, offsetting these deficits institutions argue that they have met goals other than revenue….

Education on managing or eliminating debt early in one's professional life should also be combined with realistic education on the state of the economy and the impact which this has levied on personal opportunities for financial comfort. To this point, individuals are not finding the jobs for which their education has qualified them, are not achieving a pay commensurate to what they anticipate are their living requirements and are unable to afford many of the fundamental instruments to healthy and intelligent living. Indeed, one source denotes that "in 2007, the Census Bureau estimated that there were nearly 8 million uninsured young adults (ages 18-24), making them the largest segment of the uninsured population. That problem is likely to be compounded with the rise in unemployment and lack of new jobs resulting from the current economic recession." (E-Health Insurance, 1)

Because such matters should be considered a significant priority, the budgetary focus….

Even today, the image of the over-sexualized college girl persists, in images of girls on 'spring break' who have 'gone wild,' to cheerleaders. Also, although they have dimmed so much, the question as to how to balance work and family life remains for women in a way that it does not for men, harkening back to the idea that women, unlike men, must choose between being either bodies or brains.
The anxieties about female education in recent decades have also become exacerbated by the increasing percentages of women in relation to men on campuses all across the nation. As women make up a disproportionate amount of college graduates, women and men have voiced the concern that men will begin to feel inadequate, and that boys cannot cope with the feminized atmosphere of the classroom. While before it was feared that women could not cope with 'male' subjects like mathematics and….

And it is to this end that the university is so distinct in the way that it provides a community which is most hospitable to intellectual and emotional growth.
Difficulty of Harmonization:

Downey (2000) points to a modern vagary of our persistent state of global recession in making the case that it is difficult to find harmony between the stated goals of his trinity. Indeed, though this reflects a certain ideal for university functionality, it contrasts the reality in many contexts. riting on Canada's higher education system, which has been largely subsidized by government funding on an historical basis, Downey (2000) indicates that that more privately run university system in America is becoming a model to public officials. This, Downey (2000) demonstrates, is to the detriment of the university's capacity to reflect the modalities of his trinity in harmony. As he remarks, the Canadian government is finding itself increasingly hobbled by….

S. with significant language barriers that severely complicate their employment prospects. Therefore, it is suggested that Acadia launch a promotional campaign targeting this population in conjunction with the establishment of a series of English Language for Foreign Professional program to capitalize on this market.
High School Recruitment and University Fairs

The current economic crisis in the U.S. has opened up a tremendous opportunity for higher education institutions that offer high-quality and comprehensive online academic programs that lead to fully recognized undergraduate and post-graduate degrees. Today, large numbers of students from socioeconomic strata that had previously considered attending college a "given" have come to realize that doing so may be financially unrealistic, especially if they had expected to attend traditional on-site colleges rather than commuting from their homes. The increasing costs of college tuition, reduced availability of U.S. federal student loans, higher unemployment of parents, lower prospects of part-time employment for college students,….

Public College Education in the United States Be Free for All?
Education should be free for all U.S. citizens in the United States in order for the U.S. workforce to effectively compete in the globalized economy.

I believe education is integral to national and personal well-being. The current U.S. economy is highly global and competitive, and for it to become, and remain, strong, the nation requires the world's most highly educated workforce. This cannot be achieved if, year after year, several thousand bright youngsters in the nation are unable to afford college education, whilst several million more quit school deep in debts. The U.S. must ensure that each youngster in the nation who aspires to earn a college diploma/degree can realize his/her dream, without falling in debt, irrespective of family income (Sanders para. 5). United States is the leader of the western world and the western world is the leader of….

The affordability of higher education is a crucial factor that can greatly impact enrollment performance at colleges and universities. A literature review of existing research on this topic reveals that when students perceive the cost of attending a particular institution to be manageable, they are more likely to enroll and persist in their studies.
One study by Dynarski and Scott-Clayton (2013) found that increasing the affordability of college through financial aid programs led to higher enrollment rates among low-income students. The researchers concluded that when financial assistance options are effectively communicated to students, it can help alleviate concerns about the cost....

3 Pages
Term Paper


College Tuition Cost

Words: 1343
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

College?) It's become a widely recognized fact. College is expensive, and saddles students with lifelong debts. Moreover, observation shows that people learn very little in college and that knowledge…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Make University Tuition Free

Words: 1782
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

College Education Should be Free for Everyone People everywhere in the U.S. are going into major debt just to get a college diploma so they can be eligible for a…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - College

Tuition Fees in Quebec State

Words: 3301
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The report also shows that some changes must be made in order to make student financial assistance more affordable, by reducing loan interest rates for example. Denis Herard also…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


College Worth It ' Weighs on

Words: 2549
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

To some, that suggests that college is a more viable alternative for many of those who would otherwise have sought jobs in the manufacturing sector previously. However, there are…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Sports - College

Tuition in Higher Education on

Words: 864
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Community colleges too saw tuition raises and increases in mandatory fees in 48 of the 50 states. These increases in costs directly affect the students that have to…

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2 Pages
Application Essay


College Debt

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Application Essay

The problem Of late, an alarming hike is being witnessed in college tuition fees. This, coupled with books, housing, supplies, transport and food expenses, leads to unmanageable debt for college…

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13 Pages


Tuition in Higher Education Higher

Words: 3251
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Thesis

The report also identified some important aspects that determined successful completion of higher education. It was found that among both borrowers and non-borrowers, working part-time or fulltime and/or…

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1 Pages


College and Career Preparation

Words: 405
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

College and Career Preparation: Is College Worth It?It is a sad testimony to the degree to which college education has grown so expensive that many people focus on the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - College

Tuition Increases in Public College

Words: 1148
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Since studies on the effect of tuition increases are few, it falls upon the public school to evaluate the impact of tuition increases on the student population. Schools are…

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4 Pages

Sports - College

Tuition Discounting Is a Phenomena

Words: 1293
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

(Corey, 2005, p. 3) Now, again these costs are outstripping the ability of institutions to offset them and again other programs or individuals will then be asked to pay…

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6 Pages


College Financial the Value of

Words: 2018
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Education on managing or eliminating debt early in one's professional life should also be combined with realistic education on the state of the economy and the impact which this…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Women

College Girls Peril Lynn College

Words: 673
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Even today, the image of the over-sexualized college girl persists, in images of girls on 'spring break' who have 'gone wild,' to cheerleaders. Also, although they have dimmed…

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10 Pages


University Idea the University Is

Words: 2812
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

And it is to this end that the university is so distinct in the way that it provides a community which is most hospitable to intellectual and emotional…

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2 Pages


Acadia University Promotion Acadia University

Words: 565
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

S. with significant language barriers that severely complicate their employment prospects. Therefore, it is suggested that Acadia launch a promotional campaign targeting this population in conjunction with the establishment…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Should Public College Education in the US Be Free

Words: 956
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Public College Education in the United States Be Free for All? Education should be free for all U.S. citizens in the United States in order for the U.S. workforce…

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