Complacency Essays (Examples)

313+ documents containing “complacency”.
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Complacency and the Fall of
Pages: 10 Words: 3287

And many spiritual leaders would argue that a life without commitments is a life without meaning. So what do Americans do to fill that void? They take on another addiction -- which leaves them feeling even emptier -- and the vicious cycle begins. Some activists even claim the result of living in such a morally-vacuous, alienating, consumer-driven culture is an entire nation suffering from "a collective wounding" (Shaw, 2008). Author Chellis Glendinning wrote in 1994 that our primary needs are "those we were born to have satisfied: nourishment, love, meaning, purpose and spirit. When they are not met, we turn to the 'secondary' sources, which include 'drugs, violence, sex, material possessions and machines.' Eventually we become obsessed with the secondary sources 'as if our lives depended on them.'" (Shaw, 2008)
Behind the Mask

"Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress…...



Anderson, K. (2002). When Nations Die. Retrieved 02-20, 2011, from Leadership U: 

Anelauskas, V. (1999). Discovering America as it Is. Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press.

Boghosian Arden, J. (2003). America's Meltdown: The Lowest-Common-Denominator Society. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Editors, the Economist. (2011, 02-02). SamuelAdamssinSpirit: What the Arab Papers Say to the People of Egypt. Retrieved 02-20, 2011, from the Economist:

Teacher Complacency and Technology Interpretations
Pages: 20 Words: 5299

Evidently, the teachers who have been subjected to the survey have already stayed considerably long enough at Vista High school. This just shows that these teachers find this school appropriate for their credentials as a teacher. It is also very clear that not all teachers have served this school since the very beginning of their teaching career. Some of them may consider this school as their second institution of teaching and some may even be their third or fourth.
Presence of Technology at Vista High School

The teacher-respondents are one in saying that they have seen good number of technologies present at school. Having seen much number of technologies in the school means that the teachers are aware of the updated technologies a school institution must have. This also shows that the teachers are already familiar with the different technologies and that they are aware of the advantages and/or benefits the…...

Employee Health and Safety Complacency
Pages: 40 Words: 12084

Similarly, employers may take advantage of this lack and not inform workers of their right to knowledge of the company's policies and procedures regarding safety features.
It is also possible that individuals, particularly those working on a temporary contract basis, are afraid to be replaced when they raise health and safety concerns. Therefore these individuals prefer to take the risk for the sake of the income generated.

In the beach environment and cockle picking industry, the following appears relevant:

The work does not require a high level of education, and therefore tends to attract workers with previously lower or no income. These individuals tend to be uninformed regarding safety standards not only as result of their lack of college or school education, but also as a result of the employer's neglect.

As in the above two environments, time constraints and bullying play a role. Workers are afraid to lose their jobs, and take…...



Casciani, Dominic. 2005. Morecambe Bay: One year on. BBC News 

Health & Safety Executive. 2004. "Your health, your safety: A guide for workers." HSE 27, Nov, 2004. 

Health & Safety Executive. 2006. "Workplace health, safety and welfare: A short guide for managers." HSE, Sept, 2006.

Organizational Transformation Overcoming Complacency and
Pages: 10 Words: 3861

Taking the single most critically important process that Marketing is involved within lead generation, is a case in point. Today Cincom Marketing has project managers who often manage up to fifty to sixty projects across two or more product divisions, yet have only three writers on staff and a group of part-time graphic artists. This equates into a wait time for new projects in excess of six months or longer. Contrast this lead time wait for a new project in Cincom with its smaller competitors who are operating in Web 2.0 time who can create and launch a lead generation program in days, and the competitive disadvantage becomes clear. Compounding this process inefficiency is the resistance to change on the part of the Marketing Vice President who sees social networking as an excellent communications channel, yet is oblivious to its effects on the competitive response of his department. The…...



Tariq A Aldowaisan, Lotfi K. Gaafar. (1999). Business process reengineering: An approach for process mapping. Omega, 27(5), 515-524.

AMR Research (2004) -- Benchmarking the PERFECT Product Launch: It's All in the Mix. AMR Research. Mike Burkett, Research Director, Series. Boston, MA Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Bernard M. Bass (2007) Executive and Strategic Leadership. International Journal of Business, 12(1), 33-52.

Bernard M. Bass (1990). From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision. Organizational Dynamics, 18(3), 19.

Pet Evil Complacency as Conspiracy
Pages: 2 Words: 633

By permitting the evil act to take place, and making it easier for evil to continue to be conducted in the future, an individual is making it easier for evil to be practiced against themselves. This makes cooperation wit evil and evil of its own no matter what one's sense of responsibility says, as it violates the basic and fundamental responsibility to protect oneself.
Even when a witness to the mistreatment of a pet feels its wrong, they might not think it is their place to interfere. This is different from shirking responsibility; this implies a right on the part of the evil-doer to commit evil. The very concept of a right to do evil negates the concept of rights in the first pace, however. If it is an individual's right to commit evil, then why do we have a society or government at all? The point of these institutions…...

Creative Powers it Is a
Pages: 9 Words: 2842

Full creativity allows the production of greater wealth, for a stronger and more evolved society.
Further in defense of the moral systems or perceived lack thereof in terms of newly created wealth, D'Souza asserts that most wealth currently created is the result of personal effort, rather than means such as inheritance. The wealth can then indeed be seen as the reward for effort, rather than wealth as a result of luck in its pure sense. Morality's role should then not be concerned so much with justifying the accumulated wealth, but rather with using it wisely for the benefit of humanity, creativity, freedom and evolution.

Another characteristic of freedom, as seen above, is the recognition of new and revolutionary ideas, and implementing those when they are superior to the old. In terms of economy this is as true as in terms of morals. Those in power for example refuse to accept the…...

Aviation Maintenance Resource Management Mrm and Its Impact on U S Commercial Aviation Safety
Pages: 25 Words: 8329

U.S. statistics indicate that 80% of aviation accidents are due to human errors with 50% due to maintenance human factor problems. Current human factor management programs have not succeeded to the degree desired. Many industries today use performance excellence frameworks such as the Baldrige National Quality Award framework to improve over-all organizational effectiveness, organizational culture and personal learning and growth. A survey administered to a sample population of senior aviation maintainers in 18 countries revealed a consistent problem with aviation human factors and the need for a more integrated framework to manage human factor problems in aviation maintenance.
Human Factors History

Current Human Factor programs in Aircraft Maintenance

Performance Excellence Framework

esearcher's Work Setting and ole

Statement of the Problem


Human Factor Errors in Aircraft Maintenance Statistics

Current Human Factor Programs in Aircraft Maintenance 13

Aviation Performance Excellence Framework 12

Statement of esearch Question 18


esearch Design 19

esearch Model 19

Survey Population 19




Boeing. (1993). Accident Prevention Strategies. Commercial Jet Aircraft Accidents

World Wide Operations 1982-1991. Retrieved 11 Nov, 2004 from   / Portal/HFTimeline.aspx 

Boeing. (1994). Field test of the MEDA process. Retrieved 17 Dec, 2004 from William L.

Rankin, Ph.D.

Washington Rules America's Path to Permanent War
Pages: 8 Words: 2496

ashington Rules: America's Path To Permanent ar
ritten by a former Army Colonel, ashington rules: America's path to permanent war (Bacevich, 2010) is a striking analysis of America's pro-military psyche and determination to "to lead, save, liberate, and ultimately transform the world" (Bacevich, 2010, p. 12) through worldwide militarism. Commencing post-orld ar II, the global military presence that has become a fact of American life has been supported by Democrats and Republicans alike, though it has significantly drained our resources. hile some critics and this reader take issue with some aspects of Bacevich's book, in many respects it provides a voice of sanity in the face of the U.S.'s now-unbearable global pro-war stance.



Bacevich's book is anything but the compliment, "ashington Rules!" ashington rules: America's path to permanent war (Bacevich, 2010) relates his own educational journey from a pro-military conservative soldier to a questioner who attacks the American consensus about America's global…...


Works Cited

Bacevich, A.J. (2010). Washington rules: America's path to permanent war. New York, NY: Metropolitan Books.

Bass, G.J. (2010, September 3). Book review - Washington rules - America's path to permanent war. Retrieved on May 31, 2012 from Web site: 

Boston University. (2012). Andrew J. Bacevich | International Relations | Boston University. Retrieved on May 31, 2012 from Web site: 

Burns, K. (Director). (2007). The War [Motion Picture].

Bucket List Life Is Ephemeral in Nature
Pages: 5 Words: 1447

Bucket List
Life is ephemeral in nature. In life, occurrences, situations, and circumstances are constantly changing. It is through these changing circumstances that opportunities arise. These opportunities provide life with excitement and wonder. To better enjoy life, a plan of activities is often needed to ensure that an individual doesn't become entrapped by the natural progressions of life. Negative aspects such as complacency, boredom, or animosity towards others can quickly turn life into a struggle. To avoid and alleviate many of these pitfalls, the creation of a personal bucket list is helpful. My list for instance, includes many aspects in which I am personally passionate about. This list, although incomplete, will provide ample excitement and reprieve from the daily rigors of life. Below are my bucket list and the reasoning behind each activity.

Travel to all seven continents volunteer / help out and make a difference.

The world is a diverse place. As…...

Tax Liability a Preview of Capital Structure
Pages: 6 Words: 2119

Tax Liability
A preview of capital structure issues

In regards to the overall business environment, capital structure has profound implications of the business, irrespective of its industry. For one, a firm's capital structure is then the composition or 'structure' of its liabilities. For example, a firm that sells $40 billion in equity and $160 billion in debt is said to be 20% equity-financed and 80% debt-financed. The firm's ratio of debt to total financing, 80% in this example is referred to as the firm's leverage. This leverage has implications on the entire firm. For example, leverage in many respects is a double edges sword. On one hand, leverage can amplify gains for firms. However, if used incorrectly, leverage can also amplify loses. As such, firms must be cognizant of its capital structure as complacency can hinder overall business performance. Debt and equity financing, can have a profound implications on the business overall.…...



1) Myers, Stewart C.; Majluf, Nicholas S. (1984). "Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have." Journal of Financial Economics 13 (2): 187 -- 221

2) Baker, Malcolm P; Wurgler, Jeffrey (2002). "Market Timing and Capital Structure." Journal of Finance 57 (1): 1 -- 32.

3) Lyandres, Evgeny and Zhdanov, Alexei, Investment Opportunities and Bankruptcy Prediction (February 2007) Available at SSRN: 

4) Timmer, Jan (2011). Understanding the Fed Model, Capital Structure, and then Some.

Myths Myth of Marriage and Children Joseph
Pages: 4 Words: 1995

Myth of Marriage and Children

Joseph Campbell's The Power of Myth is a book that can potentially transform the reader's consciousness. Beyond being informative, Campbell's analysis of cultural myths is profound; it provokes genuine introspection. The author refers to the spiritual in whatever he speaks about, and yet he never lapses into religious diatribe or dogma. Subjects like marriage are elevated beyond the social to the psycho-spiritual. For example, he calls marriage "primarily a spiritual exercise, and the society is supposed to help us have the realization. Man should not be in service to society, society should be in the service of man," (8).

In light of modern society, Campbell's words hold new meaning. In America, we have few true rituals because we have turned our attention outward instead of inward. The wisdom of life is being denigrated through a preoccupation with technology and material goods. There is little sense of the…...

Business Scenario Type the Document
Pages: 45 Words: 17664

This means that you must continually monitor and communicate about possible changes, pertaining to the overall scope of the threat. Once this occurs, is when an entity will have an effective security procedure that will adapt to the various changes that are taking place.
This is significant, because this information can be used to corroborate the overall nature of security threats that could be faced by the SME. Where, this information is useful in helping to identify and address possible operational considerations that must be taken into account. As a result, this will help to provide not only a glimpse of possible security challenges that will be faced, but it will also help to establish an effective IT security protocol.

When you compare this with the previous source, this information can be used to highlight specific security threats that the company we are examining could face. Where, it discusses the possibility…...



E Commerce Growth. (2010). Strategic E-Commerce Solutions. Retrieved from: 

Internet Usage Statistics. (2010). Internet World Stats. Retrieved from: 

PEW Wireless Internet Usage Rising. (2010). Wireless Week. Retrieved from:

Reflective Writing. (2010). UNSW. Retrieved from

Forecasting Return and Spillover with GARCH's
Pages: 48 Words: 12377

57 Spillover Effect on the Stock Market and Bond Prices in Relation with GARCH
This study examines the spillover effect between bond and stock markets in the U.S. using GARCH. The finding of a unidirectional spillover flow from bonds to stocks in the U.S. is discussed in the light of new marketplace variables that have been introduced into the markets in the previous decade. These variables include the rise of HFT, algorithm-driven trading, and central banking interventionism via unconventional monetary policy. The effect on forecasting volatility, price and return of asset classes, studied through the lens of other commodity price movement and volatility—such as oil and gold markets—creates a compelling picture for why GARCH models may need to be reworked to incorporate new data regarding the new ways in which the 21st century marketplace is using technology and central bank interventionism to shape market movements and market outcomes.
Table of Contents

1 Introduction 4

Investigating the Stagnant Political Situation in Pittsburgh
Pages: 10 Words: 2931

Program Implementation: Investigating the Stagnant Political Situation in Pittsburgh
A Proposal for the Pennsylvania Center for Women, Politics, and Public Policy

This proposal for a program implementation is targeted at the Pennsylvania Center for Women, Politics, and Public Policy. The goal of the program is to investigate underlying attitudes among adult female citizens towards the political stagnancy in Pittsburgh. It will seek to determine whether these citizens perceive the political situation as stagnant, if they feel that they are resistant to change, if they believe that Pittsburgh is outperforming comparably-positioned cities, and if they feel like they can make meaningful political changes on the city and county level. The goal of the project is to help the Pennsylvania Center for Women, Politics, and Public Policy understand how to motivate greater female participation in the local political process in order to implement positive female-oriented policy changes.

Targeted Organization

The organization for whom this report has…...



Cochrane, R. (2009, December 10). Pittsburgh levies "education privilege tax" to pay off public employee pension debt. Retrieved March 1, 2012, from Hypocrisy Reigns Supreme website:

Copeland, L. (2012, January 4). Why do women vote differently than men? Retrieved March 1,

2012, from Slate website: 

Renn, A. (2009, September 24). Pittsburgh renaissance? Retrieved March 1, 2012, from New

Glass Cockpits
Pages: 10 Words: 2859

Human interaction with Glass Cockpit & computerized flight systems
Human interaction with computerized flight systems is viewed by many as the "Achilles heel" in modern commercial flight. hile pilots as the ultimate end-users must bear the responsibility for the systems under their control, it is the designers who must shoulder the burden for taking into account the human factors likely to cause confusion. How information is displayed has a tremendous impact on how it is interpreted. Indeed, graphical displays and glass cockpits are here to stay -- but so too are human pilots."(Krell)

The purpose of this paper is to explore an emerging technology known as the glass cockpit and to seek to explain the human factors that influence the implementation of this technology. This discourse will describe the theoretical issues of the glass cockpit technology and the human factors associated with the invention and subsequent implementation of the technology. e will…...

Why does growth matter? Compare and contrast linear and exponential growth.
Words: 359

Growth matters because models of growth show how something increases in a particular setting.  Anything with the capability of increasing can exhibit growth.  Linear growth is growth that is constant.  It grows the same amount for each unit of time.  Exponential growth refers to growth that increases exponentially over a set period of time. 

Exponential growth rapidly overtakes linear growth in terms of how quickly something increases.  It can result in huge increases in the original number of items over a very short period of time.  For example, people in animal rescue advocate spaying or neutering pets because....

I\'m looking for an essay the lottery that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 536

Research-Based Essay on The Lottery


"The Lottery," Shirley Jackson's chilling short story, has captivated readers since its publication in 1948. This essay will delve into the story's historical and sociological context, examining how it reflects the fears and anxieties of post-World War II America. Through a research-based analysis, we will explore the various interpretations of the story and its enduring significance in contemporary literature.

Ritual and Tradition

"The Lottery" centers around a yearly ritual in an unnamed village, where the community participates in a seemingly harmless lottery drawing. However, as the story progresses, the horrific nature of the ritual is revealed: the winner....

How can creating a clear and concise outline help to effectively organize and communicate your protest message?
Words: 696

I. Introduction
A. Brief explanation of protests as a form of activism
B. Thesis statement: Protests serve as a powerful tool for advocating social, political, and economic change.

II. Historical Context of Protests
A. Overview of significant protests throughout history
1. Civil rights movement in the United States
2. Anti-apartheid movement in South Africa
3. Women's suffrage movement
B. The impact of these protests on society

III. Types of Protests
A. Peaceful demonstrations and marches
1. Examples of successful peaceful protests
a. Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington
b. Gandhi's Salt March in India
2. Benefits of peaceful protests
B. Civil....

How can small businesses effectively compete with larger corporations in today\'s market?
Words: 708

Effectively Competing with Large Corporations as a Small Business

In the contemporary market landscape, small businesses face an uphill climb when attempting to compete with colossal corporations. Yet, with strategic planning and a keen understanding of market dynamics, they can carve out a successful niche and thrive alongside their more prominent counterparts. Here are some effective strategies to empower small businesses in the competitive arena:

1. Niche Specialization:

Small businesses excel by identifying and focusing on specific market segments where they can establish dominance. By becoming experts in a narrow offering, they can provide tailored solutions to customers who may not be adequately....

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