Computer Software Essays (Examples)

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Software Requirements Engineering
Computer software technology has improved significantly over the past decade leading to more efficient and comprehensive information systems. With the innumerable computing systems there is also a corresponding increase in the complexity of these systems. Today software requirements analysis has become an indispensable part of software development. Over the years there has been a continued stress on the importance of a properly planned project evaluation, requirement specification and designing. The system development life cycle incorporates the complete analysis, design and maintenance of any software project wherein each phase of the project is meticulously planned and based on the previous phase. Let us consider the requirements engineering process in a little detail.

The software requirements engineering process is part of the analysis phase of the software development life cycle. Once the requirements are thoroughly assessed a comprehensive software requirements specification is drafted. This is a technical specification of the software….

Computer Software for Career Planning
Career Management is a combination of structured management and active strategic planning for a professional career. Ostensibly, the outcome of successful career management should be a job that provides personal fulfillment, balance in one's work and life, actualization and goal achievement, as well as financial security. Because this is an active and strategic venture, beginning with setting goals and objectives, and following through with steps, detours, and possibly even reroutes during one's career lifecycle, harnessing the power of computers to help manage both data and direction is optimal. Career management software is, therefore, a combination of psychological assessments (e.g. Myer's-Briggs) to quick and informal overviews (Career Builder) to more summative and comprehensive like MyPath (Stenger, 2008).

ithin the context of career counseling with the college or university system, the key is preparing the student to understand that career develop is a lifelong process; and inexorably tied in….

computer software falls into one of three categories: compilers and other translator programs, software applications, and system software. Describe and give examples of each.
All three types of software are essential for the successful operation of a computer. Compliers are the applications that translate programming code into actual software applications professionals can use to do their jobs. Examples are the compilers used for translating C++, C# or in legacy systems, COBOL, into actual applications for use. The compiler takes source code and transforms the many logic conditions, branching and definition statements present in source code into applications. Software applications are those programs that users interact with to do their jobs, including Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word and millions of others. Applications are often designed to support a specific series of tasks or a significant process area of a business, as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is designed to accomplish for example. The….

Computer Software Piracy and Copyright Infringement

This work completes my portion of the Blue Team's group project where we were each assigned a set of cases to review and summarize. This report is the summary for case number 3 called, Universal City Studios, Inc. V. eimerdes. The purpose was to read and then assess each case. The objective of the paper is to provide a case summary and the rules of law that pertain to the case, the main case issues as they influence society, the Court's final conclusion and whether or not I concur and as mentioned a compare and contrast with the other cases assigned.

Case 3 summary

The Defendants were web page owners that provided a software over the internet called DeCSS, which had a sole purpose of decoding the scrambled signals off the plaintiffs' motion picture studios' digital versatile disks (DVDs). With the descrambling software, anyone could take the….

Wireless Networks
Computer Software Is Still a Major Barrier to Wireless Information Systems

Despite the exceptional growth of many forms of wireless networks and their many variations including metropolitan Wi-Fi and distance-based wireless networks used in broad geographic regions, software continues to be a major barrier to their adoption. The intent of this analysis is to illustrate why software has now become more of an impediment than catalyst of wireless network adoption and use.


At its most fundamental level, wireless information systems today lack the level of security possible with more proven network topologies and configurations. The pervasive use of Secured Sockets layer (SSL) versus IPsec on wireless networks has become commonplace yet both still have major vulnerabilities in their structure (Titmus, 2006). To attain the highest level of security possible on large-scale wireless information systems a high degree of flexibility needs to be sacrificed (Titmus, 2006). This is not acceptable as the….

PET, as seen, has been utilized in scheduling tasks as significant as U.S. military operations, but has further shown to be significantly useful in the construction field. Not only has PET proven a viable tool in the scheduling of construction projects, but it has been noted to aid significantly in the research and development of projects. Even with an extensive experience base, construction operations have enough uncertainly that the construction manager can learn several important lessons from a brief overview of the PET procedure including proper estimates of modal duration in terms of probability of accomplishing certain activities within the time period specified (Clough, Sears and Sears, 2008, pp. 366-67).

Gantt Charts and Construction Scheduling

A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule, including the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project (Morris, 1994, p. 18). While considered….

Computer: Troubleshooting Software
Troubleshooting Software: Computer

Troubleshooting Software

The first step in this case would be to identify the specific applications that could be slowing down the computer. In Windows operating system, this could be done by hitting ctrl + Alt + Delete to sort programs based on the amount of RAM they are taking up. Applications taking up a lot of space, but not significantly useful could then be uninstalled to free up space. Secondly, one needs to check for any recent software changes that may have been made to the computer. Hardware and software changes could at times cause software problems, particularly if they conflict with other software or cause changes to the computer settings. Norton Antivirus software could, for instance, conflict with other antivirus software; and could fail to work effectively if such competing software are installed. The solution in such a case would be to identify those software that….

As many of the world's industries are faced with increasing competitive pressure and the need to continually improve their performance, employers look to new employees with computer fluency skills as an indicator that the person also has initiative to tackle difficult learning projects and master them. Initiative is very valuable in today's labor market. When combined with computer fluency and literacy, a prospective employee can add in knowledge of a specific industry and gain a greater competitive advantage in getting a new position. This combination of factors together is what serves as the catalyst for anyone seeking a career where computer fluency is a necessary requirement.

The level of computer literacy and their level of fluency with PCs, applications, the Internet and its many applications and research tools will have a direct correlation to what they will earn over their lifetimes; this point is clear from the studies citied. In….

The programming design class gives the student many tools that they will need on the job, but there is much more to the design process than having the right tools. The ability to apply those tools to the situations that will arise on the job is one of the most important skills that the designer will have. However, this is not always easy to teach in the classroom. Therefore, it is important for the design student to read as many outside sources as possible. They must understand the various philosophies and approaches to the design process. They must understand the strengths and weaknesses of those approaches and how they relate to various customer projects. The computer program design student must develop the broadest knowledge base possible in order to deliver a quality product to the customer.


Din, J. & Idris, S. (2009). Object-Oriented Design Process Model. International Journal of Computer Science….

The instructor does sit with the student when he or she is training with the devices the FAA approves for the educational computer training. Sometimes a separate computer is used during this process, but the teacher is able to monitor and control the student's flight as well as plan out every detail for him or her at that particular time (United States Gernal Accounting Office, 1999).
For those that are educators, they too have noticed trends with computer-based training. The convenience of learning on the Web has stretched all the possible barriers that occur locally and globally. When it comes to distance learning, the Internet is used to deliver material to the learner, such as Word documents or PowerPoints. However, in other online environments, this is provided through hypertext, which allows the learner more opportunities to explore the information provided as well as to have much interactivity (Khalifa & Lam,….

Computer What Is Going to

In the same year, the founders started a new company for computer development called the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation. By 1949, this company launched the BINAC or Binary Automatic computer. This computer made use of magnetic tape for the storage of data. Then this company was bought by emington and Corporation and the name was changed to Univac Division of emington and. This company was the organization to bring out UNIVAC which is one of the originals of the type of computers that are used today. (Inventors of the Modern Computer: The ENIAC I Computer - J Presper Eckert and John Mauchly)
1951 - UNIVAC begins to take over the business industries market:

Presper Eckert and John Mauchly set up their company and found their first client in the United States Census Bureau. The population of United States was growing very fast due to the baby boom that was taking place then….

Computer How Soon Till

Moreover, it has also to be ensured that the motherboard contains expansion slots built into the board, and not built into the expansion board which plugs into the motherboard.
Memory: The memory located inside the computer is called as the andom Access Memory (AM). This AM is place where CPU temporarily stores information, which it needs to perform a function. The quantum of memory is directly related to the extent of complicated functions it is able to perform. It is important to get a system having at least 256 MBs AM or 512 MBs or higher is preferred. For the greater part, the more memory to which the system can be upgraded to in future is better. The latest software programs are always extremely resources hungry.

Input-devices: - Input devices are employed to enter information and direct the commands to your computer. The two most typical input devices are a keyboard….

New Computer System for the 21st Century Business Office
It is impossible to imagine that any business can be run in the 21st century without an adequate computer system. And yet therein lies the rub: Determining what computer system is adequate for any business purpose is in fact a complex and difficult process in many cases. All too often what happens when a manager is faced with choosing a new computer system (usually at the point when the old one has completely crashed, losing valuable information that wasn't backed-up) is that he or she finds the brochure that's on the top of the pile and orders that computer system.

But this is not the way to proceed. Acquiring the right information system is essential in keeping a company healthy. This paper examines a real-world case of a corporation - in this case, Toys Us - adopted a new computer information….

Computers Used by Nurses
The area of interest in nursing informatics are nursing information, nursing data and nursing knowledge. The present state of knowledge related to these phenomena proposes four implications for the development of systems to assist nursing. First, research suggests that experience and knowledge is linked to the quality of nursing assessment, diagnosis or clinical inference, and planning of nursing care, and also that knowledge is task-specific Information technology can provide access to a variety of information resources, such as knowledge bases and decision support systems, to enhance the level of knowledge of the nurse decision-maker. Second, organized patient assessment forms with linkages to knowledge bases of diagnoses have the capability to improve the quality of the patient check up and the accuracy of the diagnosis. Third, studies on planning care have demonstrated the complexity of the task when a number of options are potentially appropriate Model-based decision support….

In some areas it will be used for more populist applications such as, in schools to introduce students to the discipline and within an environment that will give opportunity for participation of non-academics in academic discussion.

Computer has in a great deal widened the world's knowledge. As the fastest technology that has ever evolved, it has given opportunity for the children and adults, for personal, academic and commercial use. It has made communication to be easier; people get to know what is happening in the other parts of the world instantly. Information and data entering and saving has been made convenient and even easy.


Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. London: The MIT Press, (2000). The MIT Press. etrieved March 8, 2012 from

Moreau, . The Computer Comes of Age -- the People, the Hardware, and the Software. London: The MIT Press, (1984). etrieved March 8, 2012 from


1. "The Importance of Proper Spacing and Formatting in Computer Software Code Development"

2. "Maximizing Readability and Maintainability: Formatting Guidelines for Software Code"

3. "Achieving Code Clarity: Best Practices for Spacing and Format in Software Development"

4. "The Role of Consistency in Code Formatting for Efficient Software Development"

5. "Enhancing Collaboration and Code Review with Proper Spacing and Formatting in Software Programming"

6. "From Chaos to Cohesion: How Formatting and Spacing Improve Software Code Structure"

7. "Strategies for Error Prevention: Implementing Appropriate Spacing and Format in Software Coding"

8. "The Relationship between Code Elegance and Proper Spacing and Formatting in Software Development"

9. "Code Documentation: Making Software Code....

Unveiling Innovation: The Quest for Captivating Software Development Project Titles

In the realm of software development, crafting a compelling title for your project is akin to forging a beacon that illuminates its essence and draws attention to its transformative potential. A title should not merely serve as a label but rather as a captivating narrative that evokes curiosity, ignites imaginations, and sets the tone for the journey that lies ahead.

The Art of Storytelling:

When conceiving a software development project title, it is essential to embrace the art of storytelling. Like a captivating novel, a title should weave a compelling narrative that hints....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Software Requirements Engineering Computer Software Technology Has

Words: 1305
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Software Requirements Engineering Computer software technology has improved significantly over the past decade leading to more efficient and comprehensive information systems. With the innumerable computing systems there is also a…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Computer Software for Career Planning Career Management

Words: 2238
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Computer Software for Career Planning Career Management is a combination of structured management and active strategic planning for a professional career. Ostensibly, the outcome of successful career management should be…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Computer Software Falls Into One of Three

Words: 826
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

computer software falls into one of three categories: compilers and other translator programs, software applications, and system software. Describe and give examples of each. All three types of software…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice - Courts

Computer Software Piracy and Copyright Infringement

Words: 1611
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Copyright Computer Software Piracy and Copyright Infringement This work completes my portion of the Blue Team's group project where we were each assigned a set of cases to review and summarize.…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Wireless Networks Computer Software Is Still a

Words: 573
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Wireless Networks Computer Software Is Still a Major Barrier to Wireless Information Systems Despite the exceptional growth of many forms of wireless networks and their many variations including metropolitan Wi-Fi and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Construction Scheduling Computer Software Scheduling

Words: 963
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

646). PET, as seen, has been utilized in scheduling tasks as significant as U.S. military operations, but has further shown to be significantly useful in the construction field. Not…

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2 Pages

Sports - Drugs

Troubleshooting Computer Software Computer

Words: 386
Length: 2 Pages

Computer: Troubleshooting Software Troubleshooting Software: Computer Troubleshooting Software The first step in this case would be to identify the specific applications that could be slowing down the computer. In Windows operating system,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer Fluency Impact on a

Words: 1123
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As many of the world's industries are faced with increasing competitive pressure and the need to continually improve their performance, employers look to new employees with computer fluency…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer Program Design What I

Words: 1817
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The programming design class gives the student many tools that they will need on the job, but there is much more to the design process than having the right…

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9 Pages
Literature Review


Computer-Based Training in Higher Learning

Words: 2946
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Literature Review

The instructor does sit with the student when he or she is training with the devices the FAA approves for the educational computer training. Sometimes a separate computer…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer What Is Going to

Words: 4223
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the same year, the founders started a new company for computer development called the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation. By 1949, this company launched the BINAC or Binary Automatic…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Computer How Soon Till

Words: 3095
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moreover, it has also to be ensured that the motherboard contains expansion slots built into the board, and not built into the expansion board which plugs into the…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Computer Information System Design

Words: 2315
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

New Computer System for the 21st Century Business Office It is impossible to imagine that any business can be run in the 21st century without an adequate computer system.…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

How Are Computers Used by Nurses

Words: 1893
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Computers Used by Nurses The area of interest in nursing informatics are nursing information, nursing data and nursing knowledge. The present state of knowledge related to these phenomena proposes four…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Computer History it Is Said

Words: 1593
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In some areas it will be used for more populist applications such as, in schools to introduce students to the discipline and within an environment that will give…

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