Consumer Rights Essays (Examples)

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The Center for Digital Democracy, represented by Jeffrey Chester, executive director, claims the Obama administration raises money from Google -- "Google is a Democratic darling in many ways" -- and hence the suspicion is that Obama asked his FTC to go easy on Google. "Our fear is that Google gets special treatment," Chester insists.


hether or not Google was aware it was gathering this data from households and businesses in 30 countries (it stretches credulity to think that with their remarkable technological genius Google didn't know), this is a very important privacy matter that the FTC should be investigating and even fining Google. Certainly consumers should be made aware that Google in fact gathered these data, and the public should also demand that the FTC dig deeper into Google's intentions; if they say they won't use the data, they why do they have it? They should be required to purge that….

Conger, 2009).
ecommendations for Organizations

The many factors of data mining and their use for profiling customers and their needs also create opportunities for organizations to build greater levels of trust with their customers as well. And trust is the greatest asset any marketer can have today. The following are a series of recommendations for how organizations can address demographic influences that impact their marketing strategies in light of concerns surrounding the ethics of data mining.

First, it is imperative, across all demographic segments that marketers make a deliberate a very clear effort to explain their opt-in and opt-out policies and also provides evidence that they do what they claim to in this area. The greatest challenge for the consumer is controlling their personal information online and ensuring it is well managed to their preferences (Pratt. Conger, 2009). Marketers who give consumer control over their data in this way will be significantly….

The iPad is also differentiated with the screen technology, internal memory size and support for expanded Application Programmer Interface (API) calls so developers can create applications for it quickly. This has led to many news organizations creating iPad-specific applications to further promote their content, and also has led to many universities creating entire courses delivered on the iPad.
From a promotion standpoint, Apple excels at event marketing and the ability to manage multichannel marketing programs. The launch was coordinated across all Apple retail locations, which is how the company uses promotions and distribution to its advantage. Apple concentrates on promotions to drive traffic into their stores, in effect uniting these two areas of the marketing mix. Promotion is also heavily influenced by Steve Jobs, who heavily promote the iPad during the launch event in San Francisco. The iPad's promotional strategies also led to Apple creating entire segments of their stores….

This is achieved by forcing them to maintain a list of individuals who do not wish to be conducted about purchasing a variety of products and services. Furthermore, these protections were enacted to ensure that businesses are not engaging in tactics that are abusive by limiting the times when they can call and what they can say. (Caudill, 2000)
In contrast with the Consumer Privacy Bill of ights, the proposed regulations are designed to enhance protections. This is occurring over the Internet vs. On the telephone. These differences are showing how there is a loop hole in existing regulations as to how these laws are applied. The new guidelines are building upon the provisions from the Telephone Consumer Protections Act of 1991 by establishing procedures as to the way confidential information is used and collected from firms. This is occurring is through placing limits on an organization's online activities. ("Consumer….

ight to Privacy
Being a citizen of the United States comes with many benefits in comparison to citizenship in other countries. Through the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of ights we are granted certain rights -- the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly -- just to name a few. However, despite the 27 amendments the Bill of ights that guarantee American protections and liberties, there is no explicit law that guarantees protection to a citizen's right to privacy (Davis, 2009). It is more of an assumed protection, although most Americans do not realize it.

In 1928, Associate Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis referred to the right to privacy as the "right to be left alone" (De Bruin, 2010). This assertion is often supported with a citation of the 14th amendment which states: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge….

Potential Concerns about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency
Despite the multitude of benefits revealed by the CFPA, commercial banks and mortgage lenders continually present their growing dissatisfaction with the act. epresentatives of this side include reputable organizations such as JP Morgan Chase or Wells Fargo, as well as a series of independent mortgage brokers and mortgage lenders and local and regional banking institutions. Their most compelling reasons for the dismissal of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency are succinctly presented below:

1. The banks feel that there is no real necessity for new regulatory legislation as the economy is already showing sighs of recovery; these financial institutions feel that the resources would be better spent otherwise. Additionally, the CFPA does not introduce any real new elements, but politically enforces the lessons already learnt from the economic crisis

2. The state could abuse its power through the Consumer Financial Protection Agency in the meaning….

Thus the indifference curve II passing through D. must have a negative slope. It is generally assumed that such curves are convex to the origin.
Now I-I is a particular indifference curve. We may think of the consumption of any bundle of goods on it as yielding a particular level of satisfaction, or utility, to the consumer. However there are indifference curves passing through every point on figure 2, each one negatively sloped and each one convex to the origin. Those which pass through points above and to the right of D. link

Indifference curves that cross are incompatible with the assumption that consumers order bundles of goods consistently.

Up bundles of goods that yield higher levels of satisfaction than those on I-I and those below and to the left yield lower levels of satisfaction. Such curves can never cross one another, for this would violate the rationality assumption. Consider figure 3….

As Farrell (June 14, 2000) states: "The idea is to make milk the "cool" drink. The "mustache" still runs, with current stars such as Britney Spears." The success of such milk advertising to teens, it seems, represents an especially skillful endeavor, since milk is otherwise so much (and traditionally) associated with babyhood and early childhood, life stages (and self-images and reflections by others) that teens in particular generally yearn to leave far behind. Moreover, the considerable success of the "milk mustache" campaign proves very well the fact that just about anything can be successfully marketed to teens, as long as it is marketed to them with enough imagination, research, and skill (and with plenty of advertising dollars).
Some advertising for teens is also currently undergoing some interesting media changes, internationally. Within one global mega-conglomerate, Coca Cola, according to Foust (March 1, 2004):

Coke has diverted money into new initiatives that allow….

It is interesting that the decision immediately becomes part of the feedback for the next decision. For example, I was not terribly enamored with my older laptop, so that brand was ruled out fairly quickly in the process -- I simply did not feel right about buying that brand again when there are so many on the market. The new purchase immediately went into my memory so that the next time I purchase a laptop, a lot of the lessons I learned from this process and the analysis that I undertook will form the basis of the next laptop purchase decision-making process.

Headache Remedy

Headache remedies are a low involvement purchase. The EBM model encompasses a number of different factors that contribute to a purchase decision. Not all of these factors are used in the decision with respect to a headache remedy. There is a core alternative evaluation where I once considered….

Consumer Diary it Did Not

After going through most of the same routine as yesterday, I stopped at the coffee shop because I didn't have to be anywhere. I received a barrage of texts as I tried to study, and realized I forgot a big consumer culture factor yesterday - the constant communications. I send and receive texts all day, plus email, and messages on Facebook, too. I had not even thought of these things when writing in my journal. This brought two things to mind. The first was how important communication is to our consumer culture. It happens constantly, and without it our consumer culture cannot thrive. One text was about plans for the evening. Which movie, which bar, which restaurant, that sort of thing. Purchasing decisions are impacted heavily by communications.
The other thing I thought about was how much consumerism we take for granted. How could I forget about communications when I'm….

Fast-food industry is the main factor. The hardest problem seems to be the adapting healthy menus in a fast-food restaurant.
According to a poll on www.vizu.comabout what drives the food decisions, from 2251 respondents, the consumers desires a nutritional quality of the food (39,7%), a good taste (21,7%), 8,2% buy the foods that make ends meet, 8,5% eat what's convenient, being pressed for time.

List of customer needs, desires and wants nutritional facts: the balanced content of proteins, fat and carbohydrates taste of the food: it is important to enjoy eating the food.

A low content in fat and sodium. The low fat and sodium food can reduce the weight. A model for this type of diet is that developed by Jared Fogle at Subway restaurant. The power of this example made possible sliming without devastating effects for the body.

A fresh ingredients in their food, like vegetables and salad.

People need to be….

Closing the loan is also known as firm commitment, and involves the completion of all key paperwork within a designated time. A closing date is set, and the closing costs are established. hen the client pays the costs and completes the paperwork, the loan is closed.
The next step is to service the loan. Servicing refers to the management of the payments. The loan creates an obligation on the part of the borrower to make payments as specified in the agreement. The role of the bank is to ensure that those payments are received. Servicing may be contracted out to a secondary party. In the U.S. that might be Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, who provide a secondary market for mortgages. In a servicing arrangement, the bank would collect the payments and remit most of this money to the secondary market investor. The bank would keep a portion of the….

Advertisements are a great way to try and reach those consumers whom you are trying to get to buy your product. And keeping in mind the stages those consumers go through when making buying decisions can be very helpful in having a successful marketing campaign. There are several things that a company can look at when trying to determine if an advertisement was a success or not. They can look at satisfaction levels of the consumers or their share of the market for a particular product. Some experts feel that these are not the things to be focusing on but instead they should be looking at consumer loyalty and advocacy. It is thought that companies need focus on creating customers who not only come back time and time again to buy their product but also don't mind telling people about it (John Blasberg, Vijay Vishwanath, and James Allen, 2007).

hat companies….

In a report on recent research in this area, Hickman (2008) states that, "Although the public recycle newspapers and bottles, only one eighth of clothes are recycled through charity shops
About 70 per cent goes straight to landfill or incineration" (Hickman). This is telling example, of the way that Fast Fashion can affect the environment.

The fact that these fashions are relatively cheap means that they are more easily discarded that would be the case with more expensive garments. Furthermore, the finding that almost all discarded Fast Fashion is not ecologically processed in an environmentally friendly way is a central factor that will be explored in detail.

The same study by Hickman referred to above contributes to the overall picture of the potentially negative outcomes of Fast Fashion in countries like the United Kingdom. " aste volumes from the sector are high and growing in the UK with the advent of fast….

Consumers in Virtual orlds
Literature Review / Theoretical Framework: The article in the journal Marketing Intelligence & Planning points to how marketing research is becoming more pivotal to companies due to increased global competition (globalization). The authors point out that because some firms struggle to re-invent the way they conduct marketing research in the new millennium, they are considered "learning organizations" (Malhotra, et al., 2001, p. 216).

The article presents important practical information about how firms should conduct research. For example, qualitative research should be conducted with a "postmodern" approach, which uses "artistic interpretation" methods and rejects the old way of doing things like sending out surveys to determine what consumers prefer. Updated qualitative research uses computer-assisted data and embraces creative methods. On the quantitative research side, the authors advocate automated "data mining"; new databases should contain unlimited information about foreign product markets (Malhotra, 221).

Key Findings: Conducting surveys is tricky in foreign….

Understanding the law on e-commerce is crucial for businesses operating online. Here are a few reasons why it is important:

1. Compliance with regulations: E-commerce laws are in place to protect consumers and ensure fair business practices. By understanding and following these regulations, businesses can avoid legal issues and penalties.

2. Protection of personal data: Being aware of laws governing the collection and handling of personal data is essential for safeguarding customer information. Compliance with data protection laws is crucial to maintaining trust and credibility with customers.

3. Intellectual property rights: E-commerce businesses must understand laws related to trademarks, copyrights, and patents to....

5 Pages


Consumer Rights -- Consumer Awareness

Words: 1779
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The Center for Digital Democracy, represented by Jeffrey Chester, executive director, claims the Obama administration raises money from Google -- "Google is a Democratic darling in many ways" --…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Consumer Privacy Regulations and Ethics

Words: 2099
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Conger, 2009). ecommendations for Organizations The many factors of data mining and their use for profiling customers and their needs also create opportunities for organizations to build greater levels of…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Consumer Product New Product Marketing

Words: 1706
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The iPad is also differentiated with the screen technology, internal memory size and support for expanded Application Programmer Interface (API) calls so developers can create applications for it…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Consumer's Privacy Bill of Rights

Words: 1482
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is achieved by forcing them to maintain a list of individuals who do not wish to be conducted about purchasing a variety of products and services. Furthermore,…

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7 Pages


Right to Privacy Being a Citizen of

Words: 2461
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

ight to Privacy Being a citizen of the United States comes with many benefits in comparison to citizenship in other countries. Through the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of ights…

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11 Pages


Consumer Financial Protection Agency This

Words: 3026
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Potential Concerns about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency Despite the multitude of benefits revealed by the CFPA, commercial banks and mortgage lenders continually present their growing dissatisfaction with the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Consumer Choice Behavioral Economics

Words: 1763
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Thus the indifference curve II passing through D. must have a negative slope. It is generally assumed that such curves are convex to the origin. Now I-I is a…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Consumer Behavior - Branding the

Words: 2754
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As Farrell (June 14, 2000) states: "The idea is to make milk the "cool" drink. The "mustache" still runs, with current stars such as Britney Spears." The success…

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5 Pages

Education - Computers

Consumer Decision Model There Are

Words: 1476
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

It is interesting that the decision immediately becomes part of the feedback for the next decision. For example, I was not terribly enamored with my older laptop, so that…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Advertising

Consumer Diary it Did Not

Words: 1120
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

After going through most of the same routine as yesterday, I stopped at the coffee shop because I didn't have to be anywhere. I received a barrage of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Consumer Profile Urban Society Creates

Words: 826
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fast-food industry is the main factor. The hardest problem seems to be the adapting healthy menus in a fast-food restaurant. According to a poll on www.vizu.comabout what drives the…

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4 Pages


Consumer Credit in the American

Words: 1363
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Closing the loan is also known as firm commitment, and involves the completion of all key paperwork within a designated time. A closing date is set, and the…

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3 Pages

Business - Advertising

Consumer Behavior Consumers Today Can

Words: 1004
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Advertisements are a great way to try and reach those consumers whom you are trying to get to buy your product. And keeping in mind the stages those consumers…

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18 Pages
Term Paper


Consumers' Attitudes Towards the Environmental

Words: 5591
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In a report on recent research in this area, Hickman (2008) states that, "Although the public recycle newspapers and bottles, only one eighth of clothes are recycled through…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Business - Advertising

Consumers in Virtual Worlds Literature Review

Words: 599
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Consumers in Virtual orlds Literature Review / Theoretical Framework: The article in the journal Marketing Intelligence & Planning points to how marketing research is becoming more pivotal to companies due…

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