Consumer Behavior Consumers Today Can Essay


And keeping in mind the stages those consumers go through when making buying decisions can be very helpful in having a successful marketing campaign. There are several things that a company can look at when trying to determine if an advertisement was a success or not. They can look at satisfaction levels of the consumers or their share of the market for a particular product. Some experts feel that these are not the things to be focusing on but instead they should be looking at consumer loyalty and advocacy. It is thought that companies need focus on creating customers who not only come back time and time again to buy their product but also don't mind telling people about it (John Blasberg, Vijay Vishwanath, and James Allen, 2007). What companies want to do is make sure that they are offering the consumer what they want to buy. This could include the right combination of features, performance and price. And in today's world where things change very frequently it is becoming more and more difficult for companies to develop any type of relationship with consumers but especially one that is ongoing.

Consumers want to be able to identify with a product and brand and feel as if the company understands them and knows what they want. If a company focuses on not only creating the right products for the right consumers, but also on the experience that the consumer has when using the product they stand a better shot of developing a customer that keeps coming back (John Blasberg, Vijay Vishwanath, and James Allen,...


When looking past this obvious thing though, I think that the Shark advertisement did the most effective job of possibly developing that customer that would keep coming back. The entire advertisement was focused around the experience that the consumer would have after drinking their particular product. The other two only demonstrated the need part but did nothing to enhance the customers experience from buying their product. And even though I don't feel that necessarily need to drink an energy drink; I would like to try it if I could have that experience that they advertisement showed.
Works Cited

Blasberg, John, Vijay Vishwanath, and Allen, James. "Turning Your Consumers into Die-Hard Fans." 2007. 10 March 2009.

Zahorsky, Darrell. "Break the Resistance of Consumer Buying Behavior." n.d. 10

March 2009.

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Works Cited

Blasberg, John, Vijay Vishwanath, and Allen, James. "Turning Your Consumers into Die-Hard Fans." 2007. 10 March 2009.

Zahorsky, Darrell. "Break the Resistance of Consumer Buying Behavior." n.d. 10

March 2009.

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"Consumer Behavior Consumers Today Can" (2009, March 10) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Consumer Behavior Consumers Today Can" 10 March 2009. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

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