Content Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Banking Website
This report is providing customers with ideas and insights about the financial industry. However, the writer should not be held accountable for the conclusions and recommendations that are made.

Letter of Transmittal

In this research project we are focusing on the changes that are taking place inside the financial industry. This is accomplished by carefully examining the websites of Commonwealth Bank Australia with NAB. We then compare the two with one another by looking at various marketing strategies that are used in a literature review and analyzing the findings with one another. What we determined is that both financial institutions are using similar tools to target specific demographics of customers.

Table of Contents


Problem Definition


Data Analysis

esults and Discussion

Limitations and Future esearch

Conclusions and ecommendations


eference List


Table 1: Top Financial Institutions


Total Assets


$2.69 billion

Deutsch Bank

$2.5 billion


$2.4 billion


$2.3 billion


$2.75 billion

Bank America

$2.26 billion

Credit Argicole

$2.1 billion

JP Morgan

$2.1 billion


$2.03 billion


$1.9 billion

(World's 50 Biggest Banks 2011)


For any business, marketing is a….

In any case, an advertising mechanism that presents a flattering image that is consistent with the way people in the target audience most want to view themselves is likely to be very successful. In that respect, the Coca-Cola ad employs the same principle as pioneered and perfected by the tobacco companies in the middle of the twentieth century: "If one wants to be & #8230; a 'real man' then one should buy Marlboro cigarettes" (Kellner, ). In this case, the purpose of the piece is to communicate the idea that "If one is an attractive, sexually active, and socially successful person one would drink Coca-Cola just like your peers in this advertisement."

Mid-Twentieth Century Coca-Cola Advertisement

Images and Audiences

The image in this piece is the less explicit component of the advertisement. Whereas many advertisements emphasize the strength of their visual images and restrict the ad copy to a single "hook" line or….

Management esearch in Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: Content Analysis
A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan

Caroline Westerhof PH-D, Chair

Dr. Steven Munkeby PH-D, Committee Member

Dr. Daphne Deporres PH-D Committee Member

Date Approved

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan, 2016

A qualitative content analysis has been conducted to explore the phenomenon of decreased usage of nuclear energy at a time when global climate change indicates the need for increased usage of nuclear energy. Qualitative analysis involves obtained data from existing literature which is evaluated using processes for interpreting contexts and cases. In this qualitative content analysis, the researcher will use a systematic analysis to identify themes and patterns on decreased nuclear energy usage. The researcher will compare, contrast, and classify the content of qualitative data obtained about this phenomenon. First, nuclear energy is declining in its share of global energy. Second, nuclear energy offers what might well be the best solution to climate….

Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: A Qualitative Content-Analysis
A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan

I believe your concentration is sustainability.

This needs to be inserted into your work.

Based on Dr. DePorres' point on the use of the "factor" word, I suggest replacing the word "factor" with something like "sustainability aspects" or "sustainability considerations"

If you are going to use content analysis, you will need one or several journal articles that present words or phrases that equate to sustainability.

Build this list of words and phrases that equate to sustainability, but specifically look for the "decreasing" words and phrases.

When conducting your study, you will look for these "decreasing" words and phrases in your "secondary data."

You will then analyze the results of looking for these "decreasing" words and phrases in your "secondary data."

This analysis is one description of what can be called content analysis.

I suggest Krippendorf will be the "expert" that guides your….

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan
Overview of Proposed Study (based on Dr. Steve Munkeby comments)

Nuclear energy is defined as energy in the nucleus or core of an atom, which is primarily a small unit that contributes to all matter in the universe (Josephson, 2000, p.2). In the past few years, energy has received considerable attention because of the increased environmental impact of conventional sources of energy that rely on burning of fossil fuels. Actually, these conventional energy sources have contributed to global climate change, which continues to affect the world's ecosystems. Nuclear energy offers a suitable alternative source of energy that could help in dealing with the problem of global warming or climate change. However, the share of nuclear energy in the global energy mix has decreased at a time when it should be increasing as evidenced in the decreased usage of this energy.

This proposed study seeks to explore the phenomenon….

Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: A Qualitative Content Analysis
A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan

Christina Anastasia PH-D, Chair

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

Date Approved

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan, 2016

This research proposal explores the phenomenon of decreased usage of nuclear energy at a time when global climate change indicates the need for increased usage of nuclear energy. First, nuclear energy is declining in its share of global energy. Second, nuclear energy offers what might well be the best solution to climate change. Given the threat posed by climate change, greater understanding of why nuclear is decreasing rather than increasing is the purpose of this proposed study. This esearch proposal seeks to look at some of the issues facing nuclear power, and how it can overcome these issues to increase share going forward. The research will utilize a qualitative content analysis technique to examine the phenomenon of….

Deceased Usage of Nuclea Enegy: Qualitative-Content Analysis
ADissetation Pesentedusing the Qualitative Content-Analysis

inPatial Fulfillment of the Requiements fo the Degee of Docto ofManagement in Envionmental and Social Sustainability

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan

Caoline WestehofPH-D Chai

D. Daphne DepoesPH-D Committee Membe

D. Steven Munkeby, PH-D Committee Membe

Date Appoved

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan, 2016

A qualitative content analysis will be conducted to exploe the phenomenon of deceased usage of nuclea enegy at a time when global climate change indicates the need fo inceased usage of nuclea enegy. Qualitative content analysis involves obtained data fom existing liteatue which is evaluated using pocesses fo intepeting contexts and cases. In this qualitative content analysis, the eseache will use a systematic analysis to identify themes and pattens on deceased nuclea enegy usage. The eseache compaed, contasted, and classified the content of qualitative data obtained about this phenomenon. Fist, nuclea enegy is declining in its shae of global enegy. Second, nuclea enegy offes what might….

Social Psychology of Hate Groups
Content Analysis of the Social Psychology of Hate Groups

Over a decade ago, it was already apparent that the Internet had advantages for social organization on the part of marginalized groups -- and that some of these marginalized groups would pose a challenge, as they could be described as "hate groups." A survey of literature on the social psychology of the Internet singles out many factors why "hate groups" can thrive on the Internet. As early as 1998, NYU Professor of Psychology John Bargh identified the way in which white supremacists used Internet "listservs" to reinforce their own beliefs and communicate with like-minded individuals across long distances -- and in the present Bargh warns that the internet has become such an effective tool for hate groups that it can give us an inflated sense of their numbers. Finally Bargh's insights may be applied to a specific sub-type….

" Michel Martin, host of Tell Me More adio, 2012.
This statement indicates how the Cato Institute is described by journalists when they are been quoted. Journalists when conducting their interviews or hosting talk shows where the Cato Institute policy scholars are present, like to quote them as been liberal. This shows the public that they are dealing with a person whose opinions will be liberal and therefore, conservative people may not agree with them. Giving this introduction helps clear things up initially and advises the listener or reader in advance.

Introducing the Cato Institute policy scholars as libertarian, demonstrates to the listeners that the organization is liberal and will always advocate for liberalism in the United States and across the world. The organization is also referred to as been liberal and not just the scholars. The organization is quoted as an organization that is liberal and is always advocating for limited….

To understand what factors drive and influence the messages conveyed in gangsta rap lyrics, one must look to the environmental influences of the artist themselves. Kubrin examines the motivating factors represented in gangsta rap lyrics through the analysis of a sampling of music from 1993 to 2000. Kubrin's analysis excludes music produced after 2000 as she notes that 2000 marks a turning point in rap music industry "whereby production values more clearly addressed commercial competition, pushing cultural production and reproduction aside" (Kubrin, 367). Kubrin notes that gangsta rap differentiates itself from other types of rap as it is a musical expression of ghettocentricity," which engages "black youth cultural imagination that cultivated varying ways of interpreting, representing, and understanding the shifting contours of ghetto dislocation" (361). Kubrin identifies "the extreme, concentrated disadvantage and isolation of black inner-city communities coupled with the quantity and potency of drugs and availability of guns" as….

Introduction There are a number of different qualitative research techniques that can be used to analyze data. These include crisp and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, content analysis, exploratory design and explanatory design. This paper will examine each of these individually, and seek to contrast them. Then, the best types of research for each design will be examined, and the paper will conclude with an explanation of how technology has changed qualitative research.
Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Qualitative comparative analysis is sometimes used in business settings. This is when contextual information and cognitive knowledge are blended. The data sets can either be crisp or fuzzy. The difference is that crisp data sets would be, for example, survey responses where there are a finite number of responses, and they are set out in the questions. A fuzzy set would be the output of a survey with open-ended questions. For the purposes of analysis, the big….

Crime and criminology are frequent subjects in the American cinema, which is littered with films depicting some of the harsh sociological realities of the culture. Like many other movies of their kind, Marc Rocco's Murder in the First and Ted Demme's Blow depict crime and social deviance using conflict theory. In both these films, struggles between the individual and the criminal justice system and between the individual and society at large are shown to be endemic to American culture. In particular, two main sociological themes are explored in Murder in the First and Blow. First, crime is shown to be a result of complex interactions between social class and psychological need. Poor persons often commit crimes not because they are inherently deviant or psychopathic individuals, but rather they deviate from social norms out of personal needs. In Blow, George Jung came from a working class American family disillusioned by the….

Vaismoradi, 2013)
Qualitative thematic and content analyses represent two widely utilized nursing data analysis techniques. However, no explicit boundaries have been identified between them. That is, researchers utilize them interchangeably and, apparently, find it hard to choose one of the two. In this regard, Vaismoradi's paper explains and deliberates on the borders between qualitative thematic and content analyses, presenting implications for improving the uniformity between information analysis techniques and related researches' purpose. The discussion paper comprises of a logical outline and examination of thematic and content analyses' objectives, definitions, philosophical context, data acquisition and analysis, also dealing with their methodological nuances.

With respect to study setting, this qualitative study doesn't afford any scope for discussions on sample attributes and size. The researcher has founded it on thematic and content analyses concepts. Content analysis aims at describing document content features by studying the speaker, the target audience, and the intended and actual….

Entrepreneurship Introduction
The company selected is Dar Almanthour for Fragrance. The company was established in the year 2000 by the owner, Mr. Therar AlTararwa. The key products retailed by the company comprise of Bakhour, perfumes, scents, perfume oil and designed boxes for formal events. It started off with his friend at work wanting to sell his own made up fragrance and offered Mr. Therar AlTararwa to sell these fragrances to his family and when he did Mr. Al Tararwa saw an opportunity that selling these fragrances made money and so he wanted to get in the game he bought dozens of fragrances from his friend and made a guy sell them and he had his percentage of the sales. So then and there, Mr. Al Tararwa saw an opportunity and offered his friend money to sell him the mixture ingredients of the fragrance so he can open up a fragrance shop his….

Analysis of an Organizational Vision Describe the company and its vision statement.
Toyota Motor Corporation, established in 1937, is an automotive company that has grown to become one of the biggest organizations in the world. Toyota designs, manufactures, assembles and retails vehicles in approximately 190 nations and regions across the globe. Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational corporation with its main center of operations situated in Aichi, Japan. Since its establishment, the corporation had significantly grown and developed to become the largest car manufacturer in the world.
The vision statement of Toyota is:
“Toyota will lead the way to the future of mobility, enriching lives around the world with the safest and most responsible ways of moving people. Through our commitment to quality, constant innovation and respect for the planet, we aim to exceed expectations and be rewarded with a smile. We will meet our challenging goals by engaging the talent and passion of….

Certainly! Here are the answers to your art analysis worksheet, part one, with proper spacing and format:

1. Title of the artwork: The Starry Night
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Year of creation: 1889
Medium: Oil on canvas

2. Formal analysis:
- Line: Van Gogh uses bold, curvy lines to depict the swirling sky and cypress trees. Short, thin brushstrokes are used for details.
- Shape: The artwork features various organic shapes like the crescent moon, stars, and swirling clouds.
- Color: A vibrant and contrasting color palette is used, with deep blues dominating the sky, complemented by the yellow stars and tree....

1. The Role of Visual Metaphors in Shaping Brand Identity

Explore the ways in which visual metaphors can create powerful and memorable brand identities. Analyze case studies to demonstrate how metaphors can convey brand values, connect with target audiences, and differentiate brands in competitive markets.

2. The Ethics of Image Manipulation in Advertising

Examine the ethical implications of image manipulation in advertising. Discuss the impact of altered images on consumer trust, body image, and societal norms. Consider the role of regulations and industry guidelines in balancing creative freedom with the need for transparency.

3. The Power of Data Visualization in Storytelling

Analyze the role of....

Yes, the research entitled "Ethical Implications of AI in Society" is a mixed-method study. This means that the research design incorporates both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. The qualitative component may involve interviews, focus groups, or content analysis, while the quantitative component may include surveys, experiments, or statistical analysis. This mixed-method approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the ethical implications of AI in society by examining different aspects of the topic from multiple perspectives.
Overall, the mixed-method research design provides a more holistic view of the ethical implications of AI in society. By combining both qualitative and....

Is the Research Entitled "Ethical Implications of AI in Society" a Mixed Method?


Mixed methods research combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a research topic. Qualitative methods emphasize understanding the subjective experiences and perspectives of individuals, while quantitative methods focus on objective data and statistical analysis. Determining whether a specific research project is a mixed method study requires examining the combination of methods used.

Review of Ethical Implications of AI in Society Research

The research study titled "Ethical Implications of AI in Society" explores the ethical considerations surrounding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in....

16 Pages
Research Proposal


Content Analysis of Banking Web Site Commonwealth Bank in Australia

Words: 4869
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Banking Website This report is providing customers with ideas and insights about the financial industry. However, the writer should not be held accountable for the conclusions and recommendations that…

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5 Pages


Advertising Content Analysis Contemporary Coca-Cola

Words: 1399
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

) In any case, an advertising mechanism that presents a flattering image that is consistent with the way people in the target audience most want to view themselves is likely…

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9 Pages


Qualitative Content Analysis of the Use of Nuclear Power

Words: 25118
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Management esearch in Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: Content Analysis A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan Caroline Westerhof PH-D, Chair Dr. Steven Munkeby PH-D, Committee Member Dr. Daphne…

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2 Pages


Qualitative Content Analysis of the Use of Nuclear Power

Words: 809
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: A Qualitative Content-Analysis A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan I believe your concentration is sustainability. This needs to be inserted into your work. Based…

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2 Pages


Qualitative Content Analysis of the Use of Nuclear Power

Words: 957
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan Overview of Proposed Study (based on Dr. Steve Munkeby comments) Nuclear energy is defined as energy in the nucleus or core of an atom, which is…

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3 Pages


Qualitative Content Analysis of the Use of Nuclear Power

Words: 27894
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Decreased Usage of Nuclear Energy: A Qualitative Content Analysis A Dissertation Presented using the Qualitative Content-Analysis Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan Christina Anastasia PH-D, Chair [Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member [Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member Date…

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25 Pages


Qualitative Content Analysis on the Use of Nuclear Power

Words: 27183
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Essay

Deceased Usage of Nuclea Enegy: Qualitative-Content Analysis ADissetation Pesentedusing the Qualitative Content-Analysis inPatial Fulfillment of the Requiements fo the Degee of Docto ofManagement in Envionmental and Social Sustainability Komi Emmanuel Fiagbe Gbedegan Caoline…

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12 Pages

Education - Computers

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

Words: 4796
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis of the Social Psychology of Hate Groups Over a decade ago, it was already apparent that the Internet had advantages for social organization on…

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5 Pages


Cato Institute Journalism Source Content Analysis

Words: 1452
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

" Michel Martin, host of Tell Me More adio, 2012. This statement indicates how the Cato Institute is described by journalists when they are been quoted. Journalists when conducting their…

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4 Pages


Gangsta Misogyny A Content Analysis

Words: 1306
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

To understand what factors drive and influence the messages conveyed in gangsta rap lyrics, one must look to the environmental influences of the artist themselves. Kubrin examines the motivating…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Analysis of Qualitative Research Methods

Words: 1381
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Introduction There are a number of different qualitative research techniques that can be used to analyze data. These include crisp and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, content analysis, exploratory design…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Content Analysis of Two Movies Murder in the First Blow

Words: 1657
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Crime and criminology are frequent subjects in the American cinema, which is littered with films depicting some of the harsh sociological realities of the culture. Like many other movies…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Content Analysis and Analysis

Words: 6879
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Vaismoradi, 2013) Qualitative thematic and content analyses represent two widely utilized nursing data analysis techniques. However, no explicit boundaries have been identified between them. That is, researchers utilize them…

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17 Pages


Analysis of Six Themes in Entrepreneurship

Words: 5055
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Essay

Entrepreneurship Introduction The company selected is Dar Almanthour for Fragrance. The company was established in the year 2000 by the owner, Mr. Therar AlTararwa. The key products retailed by the company…

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4 Pages


Analysis of an Organizational Vision

Words: 1302
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Analysis of an Organizational Vision Describe the company and its vision statement. Toyota Motor Corporation, established in 1937, is an automotive company that has grown to become one of the biggest…

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