Context Essays (Examples)

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Contexts and Issues in Family Studies -- Social Services in the Bilingual Community of Fort orth, Texas
Fort orth Texas

The Texas Institute for Policy Research has created a community initiative specifically designed to improve the health of the community's members in the community of Fort orth. The community center is specifically designed to address such issues as poor health amongst the community, difficulties for secondary English speakers to obtain community services, and to beautify the community through landscape projects. The "Heart of Texas" center believes that while all levels of government have a role in addressing health care issues, the Institute believes that solutions for the future of health care must be developed from the "bottom up," community by community. The Institute encourages the development of stakeholder groups to take leadership in their community to pursue a community-health collaborative process. The ongoing facilitation of community collaboratives is an emerging emphasis for….

Contexts Law
Should Karl, Sylvia and Gabrielle benefit and be protected by European Union law? You answer by reference to what is the law and also by reference to what you think should be the law?

Law is defined as a system of certain rules, regulations, and guidelines which are generally made obligatory through certain institutions. There are different laws related to different social, economic, political, and business issues. For example there are labor laws, contact laws, property laws, trust laws, constitutional laws, administrative laws, criminal laws, tort laws, international laws, and many more. These all laws provide source of guidelines and rules which have to be followed by each and every one (Wrobleski, & Hess, 2000).

As globalization has changed the complete outlook of the each and every aspect of this world, it also has significant impact on laws and enforcement and implementation of laws. The laws followed in one part….

Contexts for Managing Depression and its Stigma among Black West Indian Canadian Women
This qualitative study by Schreiber, Noerager, and Wilson (1998) was conducted to ascertain the depression experiences of black West Indian women living in Canada in order to inform clinical practice (p. 511). The authors note there is a lack of research to assist nurses and other healthcare providers in knowing how to meet the specific needs women from non-dominant cultural backgrounds. The purpose of this study was to expand awareness of how matters of race and culture can affect therapeutic processes (p. 510).

Data Collection Methods

Data was gathered using Grounded Theory as the chosen method of collection. Grounded theory is a research method that enables the researcher to simultaneously collect, code, and analyze data. Data collection took place in a large urban center in southern Ontario, Canada. A series of interviews with 12 Black West Indian women lasting….

contexts within the movie Amistad. It has 2 sources.
Despite the fact that the societies that we contemporarily survive and interact within are highly complex and advanced entities, incidences comprised of such social woes as racism and other discrimination continue to come forth to some degree or another. There has, however, been a marginal decline regarding the prevalence of strong, anti-African-American racial discrimination within the U.S. As compared to the degree to which it soared during the 18 and early 19 centuries.

People living within contemporary society prevalently perceive the character of Cinque as being rather heroic, this being primarily due to the comparable decline of racism within contemporary societal parameters. The protagonist's strong sense of survival, which later turns out to be the metaphoric kiln for the determination that eventually induces him to scheme and activate a plan for oppressing the oppressors, is more than enough to ensure that contemporary….

Contexts of Education

Constructing & Interpreting Contexts in Modern Education
Contexts of Education

Author's note with contact information and more details on collegiate affiliation, etc.

Even from just the article titles, one can gather that these pieces want to determine factors that construct educational contexts in Australia today. There has been a shift, of sorts, in the thinking concerning this issue. The articles are dated very recently and they each make a point to reference the 21st century, and words such as "modern" and "contemporary." These article want to go behind the curtain of education and reveal its true form. The authors desire that the reader become aware of and sensitive to what goes on in education besides the actual teaching and learning. The authors desire that readers know there are numerous factors that contribute to who teaches, what is taught, who is taught, and how teaching occurs. The articles are furthermore concerned with the politics….

Context of Saudi Street Art

Indeed, the national flag was the British Union Jack with a swastika in the middle of it. The story is that V, a prior victim of the plague, seeks to usurp the government through a combined effort of eliciting the people's help (which happens at the end of the movie), the assassination of the leader (known as the Chancellor) and the destruction of the Parliament building by using a fertilizer bomb sitting on a train (not unlike the Oklahoma City bombing in the United States, except that that was in a box truck parked in front of the building). So as to correlate all of this to what the art relating to the Guy Fawkes mask means, the depiction of the Guy Fawkes mask, the "V" symbol and the anarchy symbol all at the same time is not-so-veiled threat against the government that the people can and might absolutely….

Context Dependent Memory

quiet room than in a noisy room.

Forty eight students attending to a class were participated and reported their first languages and their ages.


Twenty words were used to understand the nature of a context-based memory retrieval task. The list of the words is {Prisoner, Biology, Journalist, Child, Search, Dirt, Calculator, Egg, elationship, Urgent, Age, Freedom, Huge, Employ, Population, Laughter, Injure, Machinery, Violent, and Nature}.

The list of words was shown to the participant for 1 minute in a quiet classroom. Accordingly, the participants were given 2 minutes to write the words in any order. In the first experiment, the room was quiet while the participants were retrieving the words whereas the noise condition of room (i.e., noise room) was changed in the second experiment. In the second experiment, other procedures were exactly the same as first experiment.


The design parameters are the word retrieval in a quiet room vs. In a noisy….

HM Policies
Cultural Context of HM

The hardest biases of all to overcome are those of which we are not even aware of ourselves. Our readings in human resources management and policy demonstrate this: While writers like Collin (2010) acknowledge the fact that they are writing from one specific perspective, at the same time they may not be aware of exactly how limited that perspective may be. This paper examines a number of the assumptions that come into play in establishing human resources management programs and policies in two different cultural contexts not simply as a window into two different sets of practices (although this would be interesting in and of itself) but also as a way (and this is the primary purpose within the context of this paper) to elucidate the ways in which a larger context must be consider.

The first is that outlined by Collin (2010), a perspective that she….

Global context would have to have a starting point, in order to give the evaluation some context. For a company engaged in international business, the answer is quite a bit different than for an NGO, or the average worker. In general, understanding how the world works is important, and one of the critical elements of that is the pattern of globalization. Numerous theories have been put forth about this, including "flat," "spiked" and "clustered," metaphors that require further definition in order to be understood. The idea of the flat world comes from Thomas Friedman, who argued that advances in technology, communications, and transportation are reducing the importance of location in terms of competitive advantage. This is surely a vision of the future, or at least a direction in which the world is trending, since there remains significant differences and barriers between locations that prevent the world from being truly flat,….

The context is liberation. In this short essay, the author will evaluate Ricoeur's hermeneutical method. They will go on to describe Ricoeur's method, critique its strengths and weakness and then raise questions that need to be answered for clarification.

Paul Ricoeur saw layers in meaning in his hermeneutical philosophy where we examine ourselves in depth and detail. In other words, he is trying to get at the underlying reasons for human meaning. This is especially helpful in biblical hermeutics where the text is not clear. He is best known for combining phenomenological description with hermeneutic interpretation. He can not be fit into any one school, but below are some ideas that recur throughout his work.

Ricoeur developed a philosophical and theoretical style that has been described as "tensive." He brought together many heterogeneous discourses and concepts to form a composite discourse in which new meanings are created. He was able to accomplish….

For example, in his book, the Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South, Lassiter maintains that it is inaccurate to use what he terms as a "southern strategy" in the analysis of why the South was fundamentally changed from a Democratic Party base into a bastion of the epublican Party during the latter part of the 20th century without taking into account what part was played by the policymakers and voters alike (Lassiter). A superior approach to this analysis, Lassiter suggests, is to examine the regional and local developments that took place during this turbulent and formative period in the nation's history and how the interaction between blacks and whites became focused on issues of property rights rather than a merely pigmentocratric approach. In fact, even within some minority communities themselves, the focus of the debate over changes in public policies in recent years has been more on….

" who states: "The unwillingness of confronting directly in a negotiation often comes from the collective societies. 'The Swede is open and transparent, but the Indian counterpart thinks that he is hiding something. Indians never put all the cards on the table, while the Swedes do.'" Therefore, due to these differences in cultural styles of communication it is often very difficult for negotiations to take place between those who are unaware of the cultural communication principles and standards. Communication is a critically important aspect of a company's exporting strategies therefore an effective negotiator that speaks in the same communication style as the country culture to which the company is exporting is extremely important.

Henkow, Pernilla and Otteland, Cecilla (2006) Destination India: A Minor Field Study on how Swedish Companies Can Facilitate their Establishment in India. School of usiness -- Stockholm University Spring 2006. Online available at:

John . Kennedy
Rhetorical context: The audience is a conservative political group that advocates smaller federal government and the right for local communities and states to control as much of their needed government as possible. The occasion is their annual meeting, and the purpose is to demonstrate that although Kennedy was a liberal in many ways, he was still a great, if flawed, man.

John . Kennedy: the very name makes political conservatives cringe. However, his short role in the political history of the Presidency was so pivotal that is necessary to consider what kind of President he really was beyond the hype and the active public relations campaign that kept his many flaws out of the news media. Because the media remained silent about his personal flaws, the country was able to nearly canonize him after his untimely death.

He was a Liberal. Of that there is no doubt. He pondered how….

Additionally, the very peculiar relationship between modern information technologies and the business must somehow be conceptualized if a proper model of knowledge transfer is to be attained. So, while in some cases, technology may serve as an obvious way to optimize the transfer of knowledge and overcome the barriers of routines, these same technologies, in different settings or with different individuals, will create more barriers and less effective routines. The fundamental concern must be attaining an applicable model of knowledge transfer, and perhaps the willingness to employ the idea of replication wherever it can be straightforwardly implemented.

Traditionally, many careers have been subject to gender specific designations. Obviously, numerous broad fields of work like medicine and law have historically been dominated by men, while women have been relegated to secretarial, nursing, or other subordinate positions. In recent decades this trend has come under fire and gender is no-longer widely accepted as….

Scottish universities generally offered more mathematics and science programs than were offered by most English universities. The strong mathematics and science programs in Scotland attracted such American students as Benjamin ush. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. When he returned to North America in 1769, he helped form the earliest American medical education programs at the College of Philadelphia. After the United States won its independence from England in 1783, the states that made up the new country began to establish state colleges. The University of Georgia was founded in 1785, the University of North Carolina in 1789, the University of Tennessee in 1794, and the University of South Carolina in 180l (Colleges and Universities, 2009).
The University of Virginia was founded under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson in 1819. This marked the beginning of the modern style of state university organization, control, and curriculum. Jefferson's ideas was….

Remarque challenges the social, cultural, and political notions of war in the way the main characters react to their plight. It is assumed that a nation will rally around its troops, and that the troops themselves will see war as having a great level of value. Since the main characters do not see war that way, they feel cut off from the social and cultural aspects of "going to war." They also don't understand the political ramifications, or why any country would want to invade another. It doesn't make sense to them. Remarque indicates that this may be much more....

One of the cornerstones of the idea of liberty and freedom, especially when viewed from a religious perspective like Thomas Merton’s, is the idea of free will.  Whether human beings truly have free will is a surprisingly divisive philosophical question that, by design, must consider questions like natural versus nurture, motivation, the influence of society on people, and even the nature of good and evil (O’Connor).  However, the idea of free will is central to Christianity and also to Merton’s explorations of liberty and freedom in a Christian context.

Using the concept of free will to explore the....

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

Sure.  We are happy to provide you links to a few scholarly articles you could use to discuss the benefits of homeschooling. We also want to tell you about a neat research tool on Google that many people do not know exists.  If you go to it narrows down your search results to scholarly articles and books.  It also provides a blurb overview of the resource you are examining and usually links to an abstract in case the blurb is not long enough to let you evaluate whether the source will be useful for your research. ....

3 Pages
Term Paper

Government - Presidential Studies

Contexts and Issues in Family Studies

Words: 1337
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Contexts and Issues in Family Studies -- Social Services in the Bilingual Community of Fort orth, Texas Fort orth Texas The Texas Institute for Policy Research has created a community initiative…

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10 Pages

Business - Law

Contexts Law Should Karl Sylvia and Gabrielle

Words: 2662
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Contexts Law Should Karl, Sylvia and Gabrielle benefit and be protected by European Union law? You answer by reference to what is the law and also by reference to…

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2 Pages
Article Critique

Sports - Women

Contexts for Managing Depression and Its Stigma

Words: 503
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Contexts for Managing Depression and its Stigma among Black West Indian Canadian Women This qualitative study by Schreiber, Noerager, and Wilson (1998) was conducted to ascertain the depression experiences…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Contexts Within the Movie Amistad It Has

Words: 791
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

contexts within the movie Amistad. It has 2 sources. Despite the fact that the societies that we contemporarily survive and interact within are highly complex and advanced entities, incidences…

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4 Pages
Article Review


Contexts of Education

Words: 1351
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

Constructing & Interpreting Contexts in Modern Education Contexts of Education Author's note with contact information and more details on collegiate affiliation, etc. Even from just the article titles, one can gather that…

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13 Pages
Research Paper

History - Israel

Context of Saudi Street Art

Words: 3679
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Indeed, the national flag was the British Union Jack with a swastika in the middle of it. The story is that V, a prior victim of the plague,…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Communication - Language

Context Dependent Memory

Words: 729
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

quiet room than in a noisy room. Participants Forty eight students attending to a class were participated and reported their first languages and their ages. Materials Twenty words were used to understand…

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13 Pages


HRM Policies Cultural Context of HRM the

Words: 3564
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

HM Policies Cultural Context of HM The hardest biases of all to overcome are those of which we are not even aware of ourselves. Our readings in human resources management and…

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3 Pages


Global Context Would Have to Have a

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Global context would have to have a starting point, in order to give the evaluation some context. For a company engaged in international business, the answer is quite a…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Ricoeur the Context Is Liberation In This

Words: 877
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ricoeur The context is liberation. In this short essay, the author will evaluate Ricoeur's hermeneutical method. They will go on to describe Ricoeur's method, critique its strengths and weakness and…

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8 Pages


Suburbia Suburbs in the Context

Words: 2593
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

For example, in his book, the Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South, Lassiter maintains that it is inaccurate to use what he terms as a "southern…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Middlemen for High Context Country

Words: 312
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" who states: "The unwillingness of confronting directly in a negotiation often comes from the collective societies. 'The Swede is open and transparent, but the Indian counterpart thinks that…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

John F Kennedy Rhetorical Context The Audience

Words: 920
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

John . Kennedy Rhetorical context: The audience is a conservative political group that advocates smaller federal government and the right for local communities and states to control as much of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Communication Within the Context of

Words: 1375
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Additionally, the very peculiar relationship between modern information technologies and the business must somehow be conceptualized if a proper model of knowledge transfer is to be attained. So, while…

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4 Pages


Teaching History and Context of

Words: 1193
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Scottish universities generally offered more mathematics and science programs than were offered by most English universities. The strong mathematics and science programs in Scotland attracted such American students…

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