Counseling Psychology Essays (Examples)

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In the event a positive correlation exists, the results of this study could suggest a manner of implementing administrative and operational changes to the counseling process designed to minimize this specific source of contributing to job burnout among professional vocational counselors.
Research Design:

The primary experiment could be conducted by a quantitative comparison of the rates of job burnout among professional vocational counselors to the success of their clients. Secondary elements of this experiment could be conducted by a quantitative comparison of the rates of job burnout among counselors the success of whose clients are know to them against burnout rates among counselors the success of whose clients are not known to them. Tertiary elements of this experiment could be conducted by a quantitative comparison of any positive correlation revealed in the primary inquiry with job burnout rates among the subset of those subjects who also know the relative success rates….

The research also helps the counseling psychologist to grasp an in-depth understanding of the key processes of psychological development (oberts and Stephen, p. 5). esearch in clinical psychology helps in developing evaluation devices and techniques of greater reliability and validity. Organization's evaluation, its development and delivery of various clinical services can be attributed to the efforts of research in this field.
Given the definition of statistics, psychologists depend on statistics to help assess the meaning of the dimensions they make. These dimensions include people who complete psychological tests and general information of people groups or animals. Statistics is basically devoted to the gathering, compilation, presentation and interpretation of numerical data. The professionals in this field may interpret test results in view of forms or through typical results. These statistics give the psychologists a pictorial overview of the scores in a given group.

The other role of statistics is to help psychologists….

In some cases, a person may for example see self-actualization as a reason to perpetuate an abusive or oppressive relationship. My task will then be considerably complicated. If I for example believe a person to be in mortal danger because of his or her self-actualization beliefs, I will need to involve the police, other legal, or social services.
Such issues may also require me to testify in court or during informal hearings. In such cases, I will obviously be unable to respect a person's views of self-actualization, as these are distorted either by abuse or by years of indoctrination. When the necessary help has been obtained to help such a person understand the true nature of self-actualization, I might be able to resume therapy. However, the relationship of trust that I built up may be undermined by the fact that legal services were involved, or that I testified against what….

Arts Counseling is a field that is close to my personal history. I come from a single parent family. My mother was a hardworking and dedicated woman, who raised four children on a seamstress' salary. Each person has a unique set of circumstances and challenges to overcome, so like most people life was not easy for me. Yet my mother found time and found ways to make my life as enjoyable as possible. The attention we show children has a lasting and profound affect upon the kind of people they grow up to be. This is one aspect of my life that has contributed to my decision to apply to a masters program in the field of Arts Counseling.
Another experience that has influenced this decision is my internship experience in counseling with children. I find working with children to incredibly rewarding. Children do not often have the mastery of language….

love? And how much does love matter? These two questions lie at the heart of the movie I Am Sam. This paper examines some of the issues of relationship dynamics at the heart of this movie, issues that are at the core of a great deal of social work and various therapeutic or quasi-therapeutic relationships. Often counselors become involved in assessing primary relationships that are certainly marked by a high degree of love and devotion but that are not necessarily healthy for all of the parties concerned. Anyone who has been involved in the field of counseling knows that in some cases love is indeed not enough - although they also know that it is an excellent starting point for stable, healthy relationships. Here, love may well be sufficient.
The movie tells the story of Sam Dawson (played by Sean Penn), who despite the fact that he is mentally-challenged, is….

Counseling Master Questionnaire
Counseling Questionnaire

Define research

A counseling session with an individual may qualify research as, putting together of information and understandings, followed by determination of validity of the conclusions and activities central on the shared knowledge (McLeod, 2003 p.4). A working definition of research is; an organized course of decisive investigation resulting to legitimate suggestions and conclusions, which are conveyed to other interested people. Based on this definition, there are several concepts that need evaluation. Critical inquiry is the drive whereby human beings are curious to know, learn and offer solutions to problems. As a process, research includes steps or stages, which further relies on observation, reflection and experimentation.

In the case of systematic, this means that research takes place within a theoretical system, and research includes application of principles aiming at achieving valid information. esults of research are propositions meaning that, after a research, there is a need to communicate the….


Blocher, DH (2000). The Evolution of Counseling Psychology. New York: Springer.

Darlington, Y., & Scott, D. (2002). Qualitative esearch in Practice: Stories from the Field / . Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin.

Hoagwood, K., Jensen, P.S., & Fisher, C.B. (Eds.). (1996). Ethical Issues in Mental Health esearch with Children and Adolescents. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Lewis, D. (1960). Quantitative Methods in Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Newman, I., & Benz, C.. (1998). Qualitative-Quantitative esearch Methodology: Exploring the Interactive Continuum. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Poyrazli, S. (2003). Validity of ogerian Therapy in Turkish Culture: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, 42(1), 107+. etrieved February 28, 2005, from Questia database,

Frankel (2008) argues that formal on-to-one supervision facilitates positive staff development. . Effective supervision practice promotes professional growth and development. An individual staff needs to interact always with a supervisor to enhance knowledge development. With the shortcoming identified in the supervision practice in various professions and my work place, the paper provides recommendations to enhance supervisory practice.
ecommendations to enhance Supervisory Practice.

Ideal supervisory practice requires good communication. Within a work environment, an organization should make it mandatory for a supervisor to implement effective communication with the supervisees to enhance the professional development.

Moreover, an organization should provide enough time for a supervisor to implement an effective supervisory role. For example, in my place of work, my supervisor always complains of lack of time. This means that my supervisor has been given more jobs that she can cope with, and this has affected her supervisory role. To avoid this issue, an organization….

Although supervisors have an obligation to foster an atmosphere in which supervisees feel capable of being forthcoming with important information, we must also be concerned with the possibility that trainees may have predispositions toward nondisclosure, as well as the risk of liability associated with certain types of nondisclosure.
Ellis & Douce (1994) believe that there are eight supervisory themes and issues tend to recur in-group supervisor supervision (i.e., supervisor anxiety, intervention choices, group cohesion, responsibility, parallel process, power struggles, individual differences, and sexual attraction). Given the importance of supervisory issues in counselor supervision (Ellis, 1991), it is reasonable to expect that the eight issues may be important for effective supervisor supervision. In fact, our experience suggests that assessing and confronting these supervisory issues successfully is an integral part of supervisor supervision. Therefore, in the next section we discuss the eight issues and suggest intervention strategies to address them.

The eight supervisory….

Counseling Supervision

Supervisory Relationship
Counseling supervision entails that persons in a therapeutic role are supervised by a peer for the purpose of professional and personal development. The supervisor makes recommendations according to his or her observations, and helps the counselor to perform better or to make modifications for the benefit of the patients. Supervision could also occur in a group setting, where several therapists are involved in the supervisory role (Holloway 1995: 21).

In the United Kingdom, all counselors are required to undergo supervision, regardless of elements such as experience or perceived performance. The reason for this is that it is often seen by both professional supervising bodies and therapists themselves as ethically imperative. In the United States, however, many counselors work without supervision.

This is the result of the evolution of counseling and its associated practice in the United States and in the United Kingdom. In the former, supervision is required only during….

Assignment 1 Phenomenological psychology focuses on the subjective experiences of individuals. The “founder” of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl presented a cohesive methodology and philosophical framework that laid the foundation for phenomenological psychology. One of the greatest challenges of phenomenological psychology is differentiating between the unique subjective experiences and perceptions of individuals and the need to discern an objective, shared reality. Phenomenological psychology is almost easier to define by what it is not: it is not about using the scientific method to study human behavior, and it is not about studying personality or psychoses. Rather, phenomenological psychology is about understanding the nature of reality itself, through an evaluation of both individual and collective human psychological experience. Husserl set forth principles for ontology in psychology as well as epistemology, which can be especially useful when studying the divergent experiences of those with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, whose sense of reality is radically different from….

Psychology -- Cognitive theoies
Use of the Session Bidging Woksheet in Cognitive Theapy

The pupose of the Session Bidging Woksheet is to assess the client's insight and compehension of the pio theapy session (Beck, 1995). Being awae of the fact that they will be questioned concening the pevious session encouages the client to pepae fo the pesent session by eflecting on the session thoughout the week. If the client cannot emembe thei esponses o the significant concepts fom the pio theapeutic session, the counselo and client come togethe to figue out a way so that they can moe effectively ecall the elements of the pesent session. The Session Bidging Woksheet offes a way of getting this done. This is impotant because seveal studies have shown that inceased memoy and undestanding of theapeutic sessions has a diect impact on teatment outcome (Shephed, Salkovskis, & Mois, 2009). Also this technique equies that clients think….

Counseling professions is one of the most storied and interesting professions in the world. This is due in part to the unique composition of those who inhabit the world. Everyone is unique in their values, heritage, desires, and interests. As such, there is no exact science in regards to counseling. The profession is ever changing with new discoveries or insights occurring every year. It is important therefore, to have counselors possess certain characteristics to better prepare for an erratic and ambiguous world. In it my aim through this document to compare and contrast distinct characteristics that set successful counselors apart from those that are unsuccessful.
Culture is very important in regards to counseling characteristics. Our nation is changing in ways previously thought unimaginable. Each year America becomes more global as an influx of immigrants and migrant workers venture to America with aspirations of a better life. What was once regarded as….

(Awe, Portman & Garrett, 2005) Mutual empowerment also includes the kind of encouragement and inspiration that is provided by mentors to other counselors. Mentors can have an enormously positive and regenerative effect on professional counselors and their work, as shown by the study conducted by Sandy Magnuson, Ken Norem, and S. Allen Wilcoxon. Study participants described mentors' input as "validating." They joined professional organizations, or expanded the scope of their work; encounters with others in the same field opened up new horizons. (Magnuson, Wilcoxon & Norem, 2003) Experienced counselors can actively encourage the participation in the counseling profession of people from diverse backgrounds, whose ethnicity, religion, socio-economic background, and life experience match the increasing diversity that is America. (Hill, 2003) Encouragement also comes to those already in the profession who reach out to the community at large, and who advance the mission of counseling, and adhere to the ethics….

Psychology Counseling

However, they should also know what aspects of they reveal are confidential. An adolescent should know if he or she says that he 'hates his parents' that the therapist does not have a responsibility to 'tattle' to the client's parent, even if the parent is paying for the session
2b. Discuss 2 counseling situations where duty to warn would be necessary. What would be the ethical issues involved: If the client is likely to be harmful to others, such as if he or she threatens someone physically, the therapist must report the threats. Also, if the client is likely to be harmful to him or herself, such as threatening suicide or acting in a manner that is so severely delusional he or she is not competent to engage in basic self-care, the therapist may need to act. (Such as a patient engaging in severe self-harm or a patient with a….

Benefits of Therapy Interventions for Individuals with Social Anxiety and Shyness in College
Social anxiety and shyness are common mental health concerns among college students, often impacting their academic, social, and overall well-being. Therapy interventions can provide effective support for individuals struggling with these issues.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT focuses on identifying and challenging negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to social anxiety and shyness.
Individuals learn to recognize and question their irrational beliefs (e.g., "I'm not good enough") and develop healthier, more adaptive thought patterns.
CBT also involves practicing gradual exposure to feared social situations, gradually increasing the intensity and duration....

2 Pages
Research Proposal


Counseling Psychology Is the Phenomenon

Words: 461
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

In the event a positive correlation exists, the results of this study could suggest a manner of implementing administrative and operational changes to the counseling process designed to…

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2 Pages


Clinical Psychology and Counseling Psychology

Words: 657
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The research also helps the counseling psychologist to grasp an in-depth understanding of the key processes of psychological development (oberts and Stephen, p. 5). esearch in clinical psychology…

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8 Pages
Research Proposal


Person-Centered Model in Counseling Psychology

Words: 2642
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

In some cases, a person may for example see self-actualization as a reason to perpetuate an abusive or oppressive relationship. My task will then be considerably complicated. If…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Why I Choose Arts in Counseling Psychology

Words: 734
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Arts Counseling is a field that is close to my personal history. I come from a single parent family. My mother was a hardworking and dedicated woman, who raised…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Video I Am Sam Counseling Psychology View to Meet Criteria Already Sent

Words: 1576
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

love? And how much does love matter? These two questions lie at the heart of the movie I Am Sam. This paper examines some of the issues of…

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15 Pages


Counseling Master Questionnaire Counseling Questionnaire Define Research

Words: 4305
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Questionnaire

Counseling Master Questionnaire Counseling Questionnaire Define research A counseling session with an individual may qualify research as, putting together of information and understandings, followed by determination of validity of the conclusions and…

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5 Pages


Psychology Is a Multifaceted Field

Words: 1705
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

eferences Blocher, DH (2000). The Evolution of Counseling Psychology. New York: Springer. Darlington, Y., & Scott, D. (2002). Qualitative esearch in Practice: Stories from the Field / . Crows Nest,…

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7 Pages

Business - Management

Counseling Supervision Leads to a

Words: 2108
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Frankel (2008) argues that formal on-to-one supervision facilitates positive staff development. . Effective supervision practice promotes professional growth and development. An individual staff needs to interact always with…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Counseling Supervision Worthington & Tan

Words: 2600
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Although supervisors have an obligation to foster an atmosphere in which supervisees feel capable of being forthcoming with important information, we must also be concerned with the possibility…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Counseling Supervision

Words: 1227
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Supervisory Relationship Counseling supervision entails that persons in a therapeutic role are supervised by a peer for the purpose of professional and personal development. The supervisor makes recommendations according…

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2 Pages


psychology phenomenology descriptive qualitative methods

Words: 746
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment 1 Phenomenological psychology focuses on the subjective experiences of individuals. The “founder” of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl presented a cohesive methodology and philosophical framework that laid the foundation for phenomenological…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Cognitive Behavioral Theories of Counseling

Words: 805
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Psychology -- Cognitive theoies Use of the Session Bidging Woksheet in Cognitive Theapy The pupose of the Session Bidging Woksheet is to assess the client's insight and compehension of the pio…

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4 Pages


Counseling Professions Is One of the Most

Words: 1210
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Counseling professions is one of the most storied and interesting professions in the world. This is due in part to the unique composition of those who inhabit the world.…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Counseling the Importance of Professional

Words: 2254
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Awe, Portman & Garrett, 2005) Mutual empowerment also includes the kind of encouragement and inspiration that is provided by mentors to other counselors. Mentors can have an enormously…

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4 Pages


Psychology Counseling

Words: 1479
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

However, they should also know what aspects of they reveal are confidential. An adolescent should know if he or she says that he 'hates his parents' that the…

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