Crime Essays (Examples)

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Crimes Against Property

Criminal Activities

Crimes against public disorder

In order to be convicted of disorderly conduct, according to the State of Massachusetts the defendant must have committed three specific things: 1) involved themselves in fighting, threatening, or violent behavior, or create a situation that is hazardous or physically offensive, 2) the defendants actions were most likely to affect the public, and 3) the defendant must have intended to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or create the risk of such. ("Disorderly Conduct") Because of its intent to and effect of creating public disorder, disorderly conduct is considered a crime against the public. Disorderly conduct is often associated with political demonstrations, such as the Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party movements. In such situations, those guilty of disorderly conduct must have the intent, or mens rea, (Latin for "guilty mind), to either create, or risk creating, public disorder. (Singer, 2010, p.56) But in addition, the….

Crime Causation Diversion: Comparison of Juvenile Diversion, Intervention, And Prevention Programs Operating in California
The objective of this study is to compare juvenile diversion, intervention, and prevention programs operating California. This study will examine how programs work to reduce juvenile crime and then conduct an analysis of the relationship between program premise and goals and one of more major causes of juvenile delinquent behavior.

One of the provisions to juvenile offenders is known as SMAT. SMAT is comprised by a broad series of programs including intervention programs, investigations, school violence prevention, and juvenile diversion. It also includes outreach and community forum programs like Is Your Teen at isk? that informs parents about issues they need to be knowledgeable about." (Orange County Sheriff's Department, 2013) SMAT stands for 'School Mobile Assessment and esource Team', which is reported to be used in "situations and incidents related to violence, threats, possession and use of weapons,….

Crime and Intelligence Analysis
The oles of Crime Analysis and Intelligence Analysis in the Future of Policing and Homeland Security

The state of this country after the September 11 attacks was of utter shock and disbelief at what had taken place in New York City. One of the most important questions on everybody's mind was whether the United States was safe from another such attack. This question of safety is one that is asked by individuals all around this country still, and not only with regard to homeland security, but also with regard to security close to one's home. In other words, all individuals want to be safe, and want to find the best way for the police force at a local level, or the FBI at nationwide level, to keep all persons safe at a reasonable cost. For this exact reason, for the fact that taxpayers hold the burden of nationwide….

Crime Data
Attorney General has the job of collecting, analyzing, and reporting statistical data, which will be able to give valid evaluations of crime and the criminal justice procedure to government and the people of the various states. Crime in Birmingham, Corpus Christi and Anchorage are three places that are unique and have different crime rates. The communicating Criminal Justice Profiles generate web-based exhibitions of data on all three cities. All of these feature are done to gives users more flexibility to tailor data tables to their exact inquiry. Moreover, datasets with the past 10 years of arrest and crime data are now downloadable to do the essential research of these cities. With that said, this paper will give a detailed analysis of crime data in three different states using Birmingham, Alabama, Anchorage, Alaska and Corpus Christi, Texas.

The Cities

esearch shows that the FBI's 2012 official Crime eport Comparison has just been….

Crime ates and Abandoned Buildings
The research question will help to focus the study and determine the long-term effects of crime rates and abandoned buildings. It includes:

Is there a direct relationship between crime rates and abandoned properties inside a community?

This allows actuaries to concentrate on how these trends are developing and the long-term effects on different regions.

The hypothesis will show that there is a direct correlation between various crime rates and the large number of abandoned buildings inside specific areas. The theory that will be tested includes:

There is a connection between large numbers of abandoned buildings and increases in crime rates. This is having an adverse effect on the quality of life inside neighborhoods and the ability of cities to adjust with critical challenges. These problems are occurring from a declining revenue base and increased demand for more services. (Shane, 2012) (Gau & Pratt, 2010)

These findings will correlate the fact that….

Crime -- Abstracts and Introduction
Dependent variable: Crime

Independent Variable: halting rising crime rate

Control variable: government spending on law enforcement

Tentative hypothesis: If government spending on law enforcement increases, then the overall rising crime rates could be halted.

asinski (1989) studied the relationship between the effects of question wording/phrasing on public support for government spending. He points out that analysis of question phrasing studies around the General Social Survey expenses objects demonstrated constant phrasing effects for a number of problems throughout 3 years. An evaluation of kinds of phrasing change suggests that even minimal modifications can impact reactions. Nevertheless, an evaluation of communication with participant individual variations demonstrated no dependable structure (asinski, 1989). With regards to crime, the surveys reported that Americans favored halting of crime over and above higher spending on law enforcement. This study does not support our hypothesis.

Gascon and Foglesong (2010) paper is really one out of a number of papers….

Crime Laboratory
After Bartos's (2012) PBS Frontline story ran, exposing illegitimate online forensic credentialing programs, law enforcement agencies and private crime laboratories became aware of the need for improved human resources departments and more robust candidate screening programs. Given the proliferation of bogus online accreditation systems, human resources managers must remain cognizant of which institutions are credible. Background checks must include attention paid to the quality of the candidate's school and credentialing system used. However, the most important aspect of staffing a new crime laboratory is screening the individual candidates in person. Candidates may have misrepresented themselves on their resumes. Moreover, candidates might be unaware of the roles and duties expected of them, believing their background to be commensurate with the needs of the laboratory. Human resources department staff has a grave responsibility to staff their laboratories with qualified personnel, because the results of testing have direct impacts on the lives….

Crimes and Civil Action
Court cases may occur in their criminal or civil nature attracting different kinds of penalties for the offenders. In the criminal justice practice, civil action often comes in the form of a lawsuit that has been advanced to enforce, protect, or redress the rights of the plaintiffs and defendants. The focus of a civil action undertaken against a party is to protect the civil rights of the parties involved in a lawsuit. The courts have the jurisdiction to listen to the litigants and the witness, conduct forensic study of the events that took place, and combine all these to establish a ruling in favor of either party involved in a case. This is done systematically within the laws and structures governing the criminal justice system where justice is delivered to the party found guilty.

eview of the Scenario

From the scenario provided, at least four alleged crimes and one….

Where on one hand, it can accurately be concluded that the challenges that are faced by cities have substantially increased due to the recession, it would be inaccurate to suggest that it has caused them. Long-term commitments and service levels have been offered in the past by Governments when it was well-known it would be incredibly hard to deliver on such promises. These include healthcare coverage schemes after retirement and employee pensions. Furthermore, cities have been lacking behind in updating their current infrastructure regularly as well as not making significant improvements to keep in pace with the targeted rates of growth (BM, 2011). Another important factor that determines any city's success is the crime. Less funding in policing has an adverse effect on the overall living standards of city.

Cities are now increasingly in the search for more viable cost effective opportunities as they are simultaneously facing the challenges of citizen….

Crime and Punishment
Space and Place in Crime and Punishment

Petersburg had been the capital of Russia for more than a century and a half when Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote Crime and Punishment. The capital had been established in the early part of the 18th century by Tsar Peter the Great, who, like his descendents (Catherine the Great especially), was influenced by trends in European style and philosophical thought. With the liberation of the serfs in 1861, St. Petersburg went from cultural hub to the type of over-populated city full of all manner and class of people described by Dostoevsky in Crime and Punishment. The influx of people not only reflected the social and moral atmosphere of Russia as a whole, it also reflected the deteriorating condition of the spiritual and psychological state of Dostoevsky's hero/anti-hero Raskolnikov -- a man whose name is literally inspired by the Russian term for "split" or "schismatic."….

Crime Statistics

Crime Statistics
Using the FBI's crime database, Miami Beach had 9585 property crimes, 370 robberies, 473 aggravated assaults. These rates equate to 10,773 property crimes per 100,000 people; 416 robberies and 532 aggravated assaults (FBI, 2013). These rates are quite high. The high level of property crime, which would appear to see one out of every 10 people a victim of property crime every year, are probably explained by the high numbers of tourists that visit Miami Beach every year. ith the tourists and all of the tourist infrastructure like hotels and restaurants, the amount of people at any given time in Miami Beach exceeds the number of people living there by tens of thousands. The property crimes are in particular evident because tourists are often the target of crime. There is considerable opportunity for criminals, such as tourists leaving their bags on the beach to go swimming, or the number….

This is a difficult task because at some level because every crime, or action for that matter is driven by both self-interest and environmental factors.
Perhaps a new viewpoint is needed that includes both the individual and community responsibility to help fight and prevent criminal behavior. Each human being is blessed to have both types of skills that help map and order our world and daydream and create new solutions. These two sides of the human psyche must be addressed together in order to fully understand and ultimately fix the problems of crime and punishment.

Routine Activity Theory is a helpful model of understanding the criminal mind. This theory does not discount the mysterious nature of the human mind but incorporates it with the strange and often coincidental nature of the universe.

Three premises underlie this theory. The first mandates that there is a criminal with the intent to commit a crime,….

Similarly, Green (2000) cites the reclassification of rape as a crime against the person as a good example of changing social views about acceptable behaviors and the consequences of unacceptable behaviors that involve violence. According to Green:
For example, the fact that rape is now generally classified as a crime against the person rather than as a morals offense (as was once common) is indicative of the evolution in society's views of that crime. Similarly, the classification of robbery as a crime against property rather than a crime against the person tells us something significant (and perhaps surprising) about how our criminal justice system views the act of theft by force or violence. (2000, p. 1087)

Therefore, the definition of crime against the person has significant contextual aspects that must be considered at a given point in time in determining the criminality of an act. With respect to this type of….

While Los Angeles and Chicago show a decrease in violent crime, there is an increase in the number of murders in Charlotte and Tulsa (an Uptick in Murders).
Other noticeable trend is the increase in white collar crime. This is also linked to the growth of communications technology and the "information revolution." This factor is also linked to the increase in drug trafficking, which is a crime that is often closely linked to violence and murder ( McDonald and Finn, 2000).

2. Is the Increase in Violent Crime a Cause for Alarm?

The answer to the above question is a resounding 'yes'. Violent crime in itself creates a wide array of social and personal problems that affect society in many negative ways. Besides the obvious fact that people often die, there is also the traumatic effect of this type of crime on relatives and loved one to consider: which in turn is….

In rare cases, white collar crime does lead to death. For example, a company that covers up flaws in its research design and hurries a pharmaceutical product to market knowingly endangers lives. Automobile and toy manufacturers, food producers, biochemists, and farmers are all potentially guilty of white collar crimes that can actually hurt people. With the tremendous amount of political power backing up major corporations, governmental regulations are relatively lax. White collar crimes are aided by a government that is corrupted by lobbying groups, financed by the perpetrators of white collar crimes. In this sense, white collar crime can be viewed as a larger, more sinister version of organized crime syndicates. Organized crime syndicates often hide behind a cloak of legitimate business. Thus, the line between the two is sometimes blurry. White collar crime can deprive millions of people of honest livelihood, and many of the victims will never….

Based on an understanding of the facts about immigration in the modern-day United States, this would be a good topic for a thesis statement on immigration reform: Modern immigration rules and laws favor immigrants from some countries over others and place a significant financial burden on prospective immigrants and on those who would sponsor them; removing some of those financial burdens would incentivize legal immigration and therefore reduce the number of people seeking to enter the country as undocumented immigrants, helping resolve the country’s undocumented immigrant problem.

Before trying to write a thesis statement about immigration reform, it....

In an essay, an attention grabber is known as the essay hook.  To help you out on your world civilization essay, we have put together a few topics, essay hooks, and thesis statements you could use for a world civilization essay.

World Civilization Essay Topics

  1. To what extent does the character Khal Drago from Game of Thrones resemble the real-life warlord, leader, and destroyer Genghis Khan?
  2. An exploration of the well-known Barbarian leader, Attila the Hun and how his actual behavior and history conflicts with his reputation as an uncultured and vicious leader, including investigation into his education, his use....

If you are approaching a 20,000-character essay, the first thing you need to do is have an idea how long 20,000 characters is.  If you use words that average six characters, then 20,000 characters is 3,333 words.  A standard page is 300 words, so the paper would be just over 11 pages.  That is a pretty significant-length essay, and you will want to keep that in account when planning how to write it. If you are comfortable with the standard 5-paragraph approach, which is introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion, you might find it helpful to think of....

3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crimes Against Property

Words: 880
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Crimes Criminal Activities Crimes against public disorder In order to be convicted of disorderly conduct, according to the State of Massachusetts the defendant must have committed three specific things: 1) involved themselves…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Causation Diversion Comparison of Juvenile Diversion

Words: 1137
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime Causation Diversion: Comparison of Juvenile Diversion, Intervention, And Prevention Programs Operating in California The objective of this study is to compare juvenile diversion, intervention, and prevention programs operating California.…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime and Intelligence Analysis the Roles of

Words: 2870
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Crime and Intelligence Analysis The oles of Crime Analysis and Intelligence Analysis in the Future of Policing and Homeland Security The state of this country after the September 11 attacks was…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Data Attorney General Has the Job

Words: 1659
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime Data Attorney General has the job of collecting, analyzing, and reporting statistical data, which will be able to give valid evaluations of crime and the criminal justice procedure to…

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6 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Rates and Abandoned Buildings the Research

Words: 1750
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime ates and Abandoned Buildings The research question will help to focus the study and determine the long-term effects of crime rates and abandoned buildings. It includes: Is there a direct…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime -- Abstracts and Introduction Dependent Variable

Words: 2037
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Crime -- Abstracts and Introduction Dependent variable: Crime Independent Variable: halting rising crime rate Control variable: government spending on law enforcement Tentative hypothesis: If government spending on law enforcement increases, then the overall…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Laboratory After Bartos's 2012 PBS Frontline

Words: 1163
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime Laboratory After Bartos's (2012) PBS Frontline story ran, exposing illegitimate online forensic credentialing programs, law enforcement agencies and private crime laboratories became aware of the need for improved human…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crimes and Civil Action Court Cases May

Words: 998
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Crimes and Civil Action Court cases may occur in their criminal or civil nature attracting different kinds of penalties for the offenders. In the criminal justice practice, civil action often…

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6 Pages
Literature Review

Criminal Justice

Crime Where on One Hand it Can

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Crime Where on one hand, it can accurately be concluded that the challenges that are faced by cities have substantially increased due to the recession, it would be inaccurate to…

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4 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime and Punishment Space and Place in

Words: 1276
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime and Punishment Space and Place in Crime and Punishment Petersburg had been the capital of Russia for more than a century and a half when Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote Crime and…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime Statistics

Words: 699
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Crime Statistics Using the FBI's crime database, Miami Beach had 9585 property crimes, 370 robberies, 473 aggravated assaults. These rates equate to 10,773 property crimes per 100,000 people; 416 robberies…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Theory the Thirty Years

Words: 1206
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

This is a difficult task because at some level because every crime, or action for that matter is driven by both self-interest and environmental factors. Perhaps a new viewpoint…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime Social Crime and Crime

Words: 2551
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Similarly, Green (2000) cites the reclassification of rape as a crime against the person as a good example of changing social views about acceptable behaviors and the consequences…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime Watch Violent Crime Trends

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

While Los Angeles and Chicago show a decrease in violent crime, there is an increase in the number of murders in Charlotte and Tulsa (an Uptick in Murders). Other…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime All Crime Threatens Law

Words: 1055
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In rare cases, white collar crime does lead to death. For example, a company that covers up flaws in its research design and hurries a pharmaceutical product to…

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