Criminal Act Essays (Examples)

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Offender Behavior

With correctional populations at an all time high, the cost of maintaining the prison system has been breaking state budgets for years (Pew Center on the States, 2009). For example, the state of Kentucky was facing a $1.5 billion revenue shortfall in 2009 at the same time that it was being sued by its own counties for costs associated with jailing prison overflows. This growing fiscal crisis has been facing politicians, corrections officials, and criminologists for years with no easy solution in sight.

One possible solution to prison overcrowding is the widespread adoption of community- and problem-oriented policing (Maguire and King, 2004). These policing strategies identify locations that foster criminal activity and design interventions that change the environment in ways that discourage such activity; therefore, they are primarily preventive in nature. Common examples would be 'broken windows' and 'hotspot' policing. However, these policing strategies tend to ignore individual contributions….

Criminal Activities

Controlling Organized Crime
Organized crime is a threat that does not only affect the United States and its domestic security and economy, but also the worldwide community. Indeed, with the development of the Internet and new communications technology, it has become very easy for criminals to conduct their activities without being detected. Terrorist attacks such as the events of 9/11/2001 have also created a distraction that allowed organized crime to flourish in the shadow of counter terrorism efforts. This is why those agencies that fight organized crime must renew their efforts and establish relevant policies and laws to more effectively combat organized crime today.

According to Finklea (2010), one agency that has been created to combat organized crime is the Organized Crime Council. Because of the increasing threat of not only domestic but also international organized crime, the Council has reconvened to address this threat for the first time in 15 years….

Elements of a Criminal Act: Analysis 1.
An attempted murder can be interpreted as the incomplete or the unsuccessful attempt to take someone’s life. This is a serious crime that will most probably lead to imprisonment for the perpetrator. Although attempted murder is characterized by the obvious attempt on someone’s life some situations can lead to the dismissal of an attempted murder case of even attract a lesser penalty (, 2018). The outcome of an attempted murder trial has a lot to do with how the defense lawyer argues out a case just as it has a lot to do with the evidence availed in court (, 2018). A defense lawyer will do everything in their power to help the court understand why the ensuing situation was not an attempted murder. The state attorney on the other hand will provide evidence that proves beyond reasonable doubt that there was an intention and….

The reduction occurs through allowing the counties to acquire other methods of jailing apart from the prisons. This includes out-of custody rehabilitative treatments, which could serve in reducing the number of the criminals taken to the prisons. However, the AB109 criminals must be individuals whose crime are not violent and not that serious as provided by the law. This means that that jailing of the A109 criminals in other alternative would involve selection from the other criminals. However the unstated implication is that it would be much difficult to rate a crime as either more serious or not serious. Consequently, the rationale provides higher chances of biasness of selecting some non-serious cases while leaving others.
Implication of the policy

The criminal justice implication of the policy will mainly affect the non-violent arrestees. The decision of keeping them in custody, would affect their ability to avoid recividism future. The social implications include….

Officers simply enter information on these cases and the program attempts to make possible connections to other entered data. (FI).
Clearly this program increases understanding of criminal typologies because it allows a law enforcement agency to find patterns in behavior across numerous jurisdictions. More so, it is an easy and efficient method of tracking criminals, including sex offenders, especially in cases that have gone unsolved for numerous years.

Modus Operandi Database

Modus Operandi, which means, "mode of operation" is used to describe a criminal's characteristic patterns and style of going about their criminal acts. It is often used in offender profiling as tracking the modus operandi often leads to clues involving the offender's psychology. A modus operandi database merely collects and organizes information on modus operandi, allowing law enforcement agencies to make connections to other agency information.

Such database programs clearly allows law enforcement agencies to increase their understanding of criminal typologies because….

Criminal Type

Criminal Justice
The Criminal Type

What do you think of when someone talks to you about the 'criminal type'? Is there a specific 'type' of person that can be construed 'criminal?' According to Jessica Mitford, "Americans are preoccupied with crimes of the poor and as such the 'criminal type' has surfaced in American consciousness as a social creation." This paper is going to examine the concept of 'criminal types' and argues that anybody has the potential to be a criminal under certain definitions. We will also examine the concept of 'American ias' towards certain racial and socio-economic groups within the American justice system.

The word 'criminal' according to the Oxford Modern English Dictionary (1996) is "a person who has committed a crime." A crime, in the same dictionary is defined as, "a serious offence punishable by law" (Oxford, 1996). So it would be safe to assume from these definitions that a criminal is….

However, as criminals become more aware of undercover tactics, the covert officer is required to provide more and more proof that he is indeed a criminal- which leads to the officer committing acts that compromise his or her integrity for the sake of maintaining cover. y understanding the often conflicting nature of these goals, deception and integrity, we can see how an undercover officer can become confused, lost, and susceptible to temptation (i.e. criminal behavior).
y examining both aspects- environmental factors and personality factors- we take into account both sides of a complex relationship. These two groups of factors, when combined together, shed some light on the exact nature of criminal tendencies amongst police officers.

Definition of Terms

Covert: another term for undercover, meaning the use of deception for the purpose of gathering information or intelligence.

Non-covert: police officers that, even in plain clothes, maintain their own true identity instead of a false….

Criminal Decision Making: The Elements of the Culture of the Street and Party Life and Their elation to Criminal Decision-Making
Understanding offenders' lifestyles and the process by which they choose to commit criminal acts is critical particularly because it has important implications for crime control. Very often, certain elements of the street and party life influence the offender's assessment of the risks and rewards of crime. According to Shover and Honaker (1992), commitment to drugs and partying, as well as street culture, leads to alienation of offenders from mainstream society and pushes them away from a conventional life. Over time, they adopt a socially bounded rationality and become accustomed to a criminal lifestyle to a point where they break the law as a result of addiction, rather that free will. It is, therefore, imperative to understand the role played by these lifestyles in shaping the motivation for crime because it will….

Since ICO focuses on a pattern of behavior instead of just on the criminal acts that are involved prosecutors find it relatively easy to prove these cases. If an organization is convicted of committing two of the specified crimes within a ten-year period then they can be convicted of racketeering.

Legitimate business owners deserve to have protection from groups that wish to pursue illegal activity. The ICO Act was put into place in order to afford these legitimate businesses this protection. Since the interpretation of the ICO Act has been expanded we have also seen protections from mail fraud and wire tapping to be included in the protections that are guaranteed to the people. The ICO Act is always going to be subject to interpretation, but the protections that if gives business owners will always be seen as good.


Cecil, Greek. (1991). Is This The End of ico? Or Only The Beginning:….

But there more to the personal side for Duke Cunningham, for doling out contracts was more than a matter of choosing the most qualified and lowest priced as mandated by federal rules. It was also a matter of choosing the contractor that could provide the most for him. The white collar criminal always looks to personal advantage. Lobbyists, like the now-convicted Mitchell Wade, helped steer paying clients to Cunningham. In exchange for a $21 million dollar contract from the Department of Homeland Security, a limousine company also furnished personal services to the Congressman, including the transport of "escorts" for Cunningham's personal pleasure. (ozen, 2006)
Cunningham also pleaded guilty to accepting $2.4 million dollars in bribes from actual defense contractors. The congressman actively sought out contacts in the defense world, boasting that, "I feel fortunate to represent the nation's top technological talent in the 'black' world.... [and] appreciated the opportunity to….

Criminals -- Born or Made
Since the construction of the first civil society, behavioral rules distinguishing what is acceptable and what is criminal have existed. Even though individuals typically have a concept of conventional moral behavior, criminal conduct is represented in every society and culture. Criminal deviance is not a novel construct, and has long been the intrigue of researchers, philosophers, and theorists to determine criminal motivation and link the relationship between individuals and the execution of criminal acts. One central argument that has evolved in the realm of criminality is the nature vs. nurture debate, which questions if criminals are born or made. Biological, psychological, and sociological disciplines each offer theories into the origin of criminality to explain if criminal behavior is a consequence of genetics or a matter of the environment in which they are raised (Jones). The biologist introduces genetic evidence and explains the effects of varying biochemistry;….

Criminal Justice
Gaetz, S. (July 2004). Safe streets for whom? Homeless youth, social exclusion, and criminal victimization. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice.

This journal article reports the researcher's survey findings regarding the prevalence of victimization among street youths compared to domiciled youths. Gaetz defines the street youth operatively as "people up to the age of 24 who are 'absolutely periodically, or temporarily without shelter, as well as those who are at substantial risk of being in the street in the immediate future" (433). Survey findings show that just as expected, victimization mostly occur among the street than domiciled youth. Moreover, street youth reporting of criminal victimization is not common among both males and females. 41.7% of the respondents who have been victimized "told a friend" about the incident of victimization, 33.1% "did not tell anyone," and a far 17.2% reported the victimization to their partner (boyfriend or girlfriend) (439).

The apparent….

In addition, they could be effective in super high-crime hot spots, such as the bar the authors describe in Minneapolis, which recorded an astounding number of assaults throughout the year; roughly 1 in 4 patrons would suffer an assault during the study (Sherman et al. 44). Thus, random patrols in a hot-spot area like this could help deter crime and apprehend offenders. However, chances are that the very nature of the random patrol would be so random that it would not encounter criminal activity, and so, it would be less effective than other forms of patrol.
Interestingly, most patrol officers disagree with the findings of these studies. Author Kelling and his colleagues write, "Three-fourths of those surveyed in the South Patrol Division [in Kansas City] more than moderately agreed that routine patrol was the most important function of the department" (Kelling, et al. 38). This is not only because they….

Criminal Law and Psychopathy

Criminal Law and Psychopathy I. Introduction
Various studies have in the past indicated that there is a high correlation between violence/criminal behavior and psychopathy. This would largely be expected given that psychological studies into the character and disposition of psychopaths has demonstrated that the need for control (or power) as well as egocentrism, which also happen to be the dominant character traits of psychopaths, are predictors for deviant or antisocial behavior. The debate on whether or not psychopaths should be held criminally responsible for their acts, and thus be subjected to criminal punishment, has been raging for a long time. On one side of the debate are legal scholars, lawmakers, and judges who are of the opinion that psychopaths have an existing predisposition to commit crimes as a result of their lack of concern or compassion of any kind for those they hurt. Psychopathy is on this front regarded as untreatable and….

The problem of determining the right approach is compounded by the effects of the culture of violence to which many young offenders are exposed. In some cases, it is possible to reform their behavior but in other cases, juvenile offenders already take on the hardened attitude normally associated with adult offenders. As a result, some juveniles are too far gone to reach through non-punitive methods by the time they reach high school age.

In terms of the protections afforded by American due process principles, those principles are essential to the fair administration of criminal justice and they provide a much more fair judicial system than those of most other countries (Dershowitz 2002).

However, in terms of the distinction between due process with respect to suspending concepts of guilt in crimes perpetrated by juveniles, the strict application of punitive sentences for criminal conduct may sometimes be more appropriate. Certainly, there are aspects of….

We are starting with the assumption that the two movies in your assignment are A Twist of Faith and Never Heard.  We cannot locate a movie called Never Hear, but Never Heard is a popular movie for pastoral or theological classes because it explores the role that faith plays in redemption set against the backdrop of some pretty significant criminal activity.  We are proceeding as if that is the movie being discussed.

Both of the movies focus on crimes, specifically on the crime of murder.  In one movie, the main character is accused of murder, though he claims....

Accounting ethics are incredibly important because accountants are entrusted with handling money for individuals, businesses, and other organizations.  Unethical accountants can expose a business to financial risks and liabilities, even if their breaches of ethics do not amount to criminal behavior or involve intentional wrongdoing on the part of the accountant.  Huge financial scandals, such as Enron, could not occur without ethical breaches on the part of the accountants because the financial structure of large organizations requires at least passive participation in wrongdoing by people at the accountant level.  Accountant ethics are....

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to gangs:

1. The impact of gangs on communities and neighborhoods
2. The role of social media in gang recruitment and communication
3. The relationship between poverty and gang involvement
4. The effectiveness of gang prevention programs and initiatives
5. The connection between drugs and gang activity
6. The influence of music and pop culture on gang behavior
7. The evolution of gang culture and symbols
8. The portrayal of gangs in the media and pop culture
9. The experiences of former gang members and their efforts to leave the gang lifestyle
10. The intersectionality of race, class, and gender in gang....

Title: The Impact of Steroid Laws on Public Health and Safety

Steroid laws have been implemented worldwide to regulate the use and distribution of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). These laws aim to protect public health and safety by preventing the misuse of steroids, which can lead to severe health consequences. This essay explores the impact of steroid laws on public health and safety, examining both the positive and negative implications of these regulations.


1. Prevention of Health Risks:
Steroid laws effectively reduce the accessibility of AAS, making it more challenging for individuals to obtain and use them. This restriction helps prevent the serious health....

5 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Acts Offender Behavior

Words: 1616
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Criminality Offender Behavior With correctional populations at an all time high, the cost of maintaining the prison system has been breaking state budgets for years (Pew Center on the States,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Activities

Words: 611
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Controlling Organized Crime Organized crime is a threat that does not only affect the United States and its domestic security and economy, but also the worldwide community. Indeed, with the…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Elements of a Criminal Act

Words: 760
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Elements of a Criminal Act: Analysis 1. An attempted murder can be interpreted as the incomplete or the unsuccessful attempt to take someone’s life. This is a serious crime that will…

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7 Pages
Discussion Chapter

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Theory and Policy

Words: 2584
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

The reduction occurs through allowing the counties to acquire other methods of jailing apart from the prisons. This includes out-of custody rehabilitative treatments, which could serve in reducing…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice the Use of

Words: 553
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Officers simply enter information on these cases and the program attempts to make possible connections to other entered data. (FI). Clearly this program increases understanding of criminal typologies because…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Type

Words: 1602
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Criminal Justice The Criminal Type What do you think of when someone talks to you about the 'criminal type'? Is there a specific 'type' of person that can be construed 'criminal?'…

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35 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Forensics Undercover Is a

Words: 11198
Length: 35 Pages
Type: Thesis

However, as criminals become more aware of undercover tactics, the covert officer is required to provide more and more proof that he is indeed a criminal- which leads…

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7 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Decision Making The Elements of the

Words: 3113
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Criminal Decision Making: The Elements of the Culture of the Street and Party Life and Their elation to Criminal Decision-Making Understanding offenders' lifestyles and the process by which they choose…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice RICO in 1970

Words: 1557
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

Since ICO focuses on a pattern of behavior instead of just on the criminal acts that are involved prosecutors find it relatively easy to prove these cases. If an…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Lobbyists and White

Words: 2184
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

But there more to the personal side for Duke Cunningham, for doling out contracts was more than a matter of choosing the most qualified and lowest priced as…

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7 Pages


Criminals -- Born or Made Since the

Words: 2372
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Criminals -- Born or Made Since the construction of the first civil society, behavioral rules distinguishing what is acceptable and what is criminal have existed. Even though individuals typically have…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Criminal Justice Gaetz S July 2004 Safe

Words: 2782
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Criminal Justice Gaetz, S. (July 2004). Safe streets for whom? Homeless youth, social exclusion, and criminal victimization. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice. This journal article reports the researcher's survey…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Random Prevention Patrol

Words: 1337
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, they could be effective in super high-crime hot spots, such as the bar the authors describe in Minneapolis, which recorded an astounding number of assaults throughout…

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23 Pages
Research Paper

Law - Corrections

Criminal Law and Psychopathy

Words: 6937
Length: 23 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Criminal Law and Psychopathy I. Introduction Various studies have in the past indicated that there is a high correlation between violence/criminal behavior and psychopathy. This would largely be expected given that…

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6 Pages

Business - Law

Criminal Justice - Juvenile Justice

Words: 1947
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

The problem of determining the right approach is compounded by the effects of the culture of violence to which many young offenders are exposed. In some cases, it is…

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