Critical Reading Essays (Examples)

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Grounded in the belief that everything a reader needs to know to understand a piece of literature, such as a poem, Formalism dictates that a reader look no further than the poem itself to understand it. A formalist reading requires a careful consideration of both the poem's individual elements as well as the poem as a whole, and this reading starts with the poem's diction, allusions, imagery and symbols. After examining the poem's basic elements, the formalist critic turns to the poem as a whole and considers the structure of the work, the interrelationships of its parts, as well as its tone, point-of-view, theme and ambiguities. The final step of a formalist examination is determining how these different elements come together to convey an overall message and what that message is. A formalist reading of Howard Nemerov's "September: The First Day of School" reveals the author's internal struggle as his….

Why Leaders Should be Excellent in Critical Thinking Introduction
Critical inquiry in writing requires one to be able to gather, process, and assess ideas and assumptions from multiple angles and perspectives. It requires that one have a high degree of curiosity, as critical thought cannot be engaged without asking questions and seeking as much information from multiple sources as possible to answer those questions. The goal of critical inquiry is produce well-reasoned arguments that can lead to more questions, answers, and ways of looking at the world. This paper will discuss the major constructs of critical inquiry. The major constructs are: 1) epistemological virtues, 2) worldview, 3) constructing logical arguments, 4) wisdom, 5) critical reading and writing, and 6) empirical research. It will describe how the writer’s own ideas of critical inquiry have progressed as well as issues and questions this paper have inspired. Finally, it will offer up an example of….

Critical Thinking Applied

sphere of life, there needs to be thought process that precedes any action or decision, otherwise things would be done in erratic and haphazard manner and end up in absolute chaos and disorder. However, for better results and accurate outcomes as always envisioned and required, there is need for critical thinking. This is a step higher than merely thinking as an individual or sitting down to participate in a brainstorming session.
Critical thinking is therefore the dissection of a claim to determine whether the assertion is true, false or partially true or partially false. The ratio of partiality in the truth in an assertion can also be determined in a critical thinking process. This process hence leads to acquisition of skills or standpoints that can be mastered by the relevant persons or learned and used for better results in a process. Critical thinking is a type of reasoning and is….

The problem in having a firm grasp of critical thought is that it can be clouded by many different distractions and affected by variables outside of controllable circumstances. One of these factors is cognitive development. It is evident that cognitive development as a strong overall impact on the development of critical thinking. Genetics plays a strong role within cognitive development, as individuals are all born with differing genetic levels of comprehension and thus some people will have better critical thinking abilities purely based on their genes. The circumstances that an individual grows up in also have a profound effect on their critical thinking abilities and process. This is because as an individual grows up they can form differing opinions and stigmas that are taught both explicitly and implicitly through cultural doctrine, social convention, as well as education in both informal settings such as at home as well as formal settings….

Changes in and to children's literature mirror, as well as construct, changes in social norms. For example, the 1908 book by Kenneth Grahame, Wind in the Willows, is a frolicking fantasy tale starring a cast of anthropomorphic animals. Themes of camaraderie, friendship, and adventure do not serve as vehicles for political discourse. When Jan Needle published Wild Wood nearly a century later in 1981, the author imbued the basic structure of Grahame's story with political awareness. Issues like social justice are explored in Wild Wood, issues that were not touched upon in Wind in the Willows. A similar vehicle of storytelling was used for a different literary function. Both 1908 and 1981 were times ripe for the exploration of labor issues and class-consciousness, and it is in many ways ironic that Needle would have been more overtly political than his forebear.

There seems to have been a deliberate awakening of a….

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security
The objective of the article is to question the credibility of the decision adopting by the Bush's administration on North Korea due to claims that it (North Korea) was constructing a Uranium plant. Based on the universal structures of thought by Elder and Paul, it is apparent that the question at issue in the presented case is the credibility of the decision taken by the U.S. government towards North Korea. The U.S. believed that the North Korean state was in its quest of building a nuclear power plant secretly without the awareness of the U.S. As such, it promoted to U.S. To adopt sanctions against the North Korea such as suspending its deals with the state. The U.S. depended on unreliable information since up-to-date it has not verified the existence of a Uranium plant in North Korea as speculated by the report.

The decision adopted by the….

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security
Everyone navigates their way through the world using a set of preconceived ideas, stereotypes, notions and beliefs concerning how things work and how others will behave in any given situation. Not surprisingly, many people are surprised and even shocked to learn that some of the things they have firmly believed to be true all of their lives are inaccurate or even false. These frailties of the human condition mean that the search for the truth is ongoing and learning how to find it represents a critical part of the skill set needed in the 21st century. This paper provides a discussion and comparison of "elements of truth" and the "right questions" that should be asked in any given situation to discern the facts, followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Not only does every side have….

By teaching other professionals, I can indirectly reach hundreds or eventually thousands of people with hearing disabilities.
In my current work as a tutor for students who wish to become American ign Language interpreters, it is clear to me that many of these students have been taught incorrectly. This is part of the wider problem in the United tates. Rather than being able to teach these students the correct way of interpretation from the beginning, I first have to correct the previous learning. Teaching quality is of the vital importance, particularly in a field that can make a difference in so many lives. I therefore find both my tutoring and my studies as a very significant direction to ensure not only a bright future for myself, but by association also for those who have tended to be marginalized both by society and of necessity by themselves.


American ign Language Teachers Association.….

Critical Thinking & Generational Teams
Critical Thinking

In the course of caring for patients, nurses deal with life threatening situations every day. This constitutes the necessity to develop critical thinking skills in order to know what to do, when to do it, and how it needs to be done to ensure safety and sensibility in patient care. Critical thinking skills develop over time with experience, developing deeper knowledge, and developing higher levels of judgment in the course of care (Alfaro-LeFevre, Apr 2000).

Critical thinking skills involve checking accuracy and reliability of information, recognizing inconsistencies, and identifying patterns of missing information. In the course of busy times, natural tendencies cause people to react without thinking. These patterns are dangerous in patient care. It is important to realize that critical thinking takes time to develop and implement. It requires knowledge, skills, practice, caution, and judgment and is best away from the patient in a quiet….

The question then becomes do these nurses become worried about the long hours that they may have to work and the quality of care that the patients are getting, or do they sit back and remind the world that they knew this was going to happen, because pay has traditionally been low for nurses and this is why more people are choosing other fields of study when looking for career (Taft, 2001).
Perhaps many nurses will not choose either of these options. Many may choose to continue doing the job that they've been doing for years, for the pay that they have come to expect. Those that choose this option will likely be more concerned with care of the patient then they will with the money that they receive from their job, or how many hours they have to put in for that paycheck. Their primary concern will always remain….

Although the circularity of the logic of insanity as demonstrated by the very fact that a man desires to be eaten (because he is insane, because he wants to be eaten, because he is insane…) loses credibility due to the redundancy of such thinking, the implicit conclusion that the author comes to regarding this matter, "if every person with emotional problems were denied the right to determine what is in his own interest, none of us would be self-determining in the eyes of the law, except those of us who had no emotions to have problems with," may very well be inductive. It certainly seems to be a considerable assumption to say that people with mental (or "emotional") problems, should not be restrained from their actions, because in doing so virtually everyone -- who is at least half-crazy, if not further along on his or her way to being….

Positive effects:

UPB management will be able to capitalize on the five years of training and other investments in Mark Williams

The colleagues will feel a sense of security as Williams has decided to stick with the company

Costs with replacing him will now be incurred and the money could be used in another direction

UPB clients will be content as they will not have to switch consultants

Mark Williams will feel loyal and the sense that he has betrayed his 'savior' will not torment him

Negative effects:

Mark Williams will continually feel frustrated with the sense of things at UPB

He will give up his opportunities for further professional development and promotions

It is highly possible that his sacrifice will not even be recognized by the UPB stakeholders

7. eflections

Mark Williams graduated Business College and found a job at UBP Consulting in a time in which nobody else would hire him. Due to processes of internal reorganizations, the company….

(Donoghue, 1990)
The other problem is regarding third party reimbursements and state regulators which have had a significant effect on hospitals during the last ten years. Another factor that is brought out by the study is that during both 1983 and 1986 there were important variations in the inpatient reimbursement system that helped in improving the operating and final margins of hospitals. At the same time there are the health insurance companies who provide a large portion of the funds to hospitals are continually on the look out for reducing payment amounts. There are methods through which this is done and one of that is changing from inpatient settings to ambulatory surgery. Another set of problems come from settlements with labor unions. As an example a major portion of the health care providers were affected due to the settlement with Local 1199. This settlement also created similar effects in other….

Critical Thinking Standards: Depth
Paul and Elder (2008) describe what they believe to be the essential standards of the critical thinking process. These standards, in order of importance, are the following: clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness. When the authors recommend questioning the depth of one's question they are implying that the question under consideration may be more superficial than it should to be. A critical thinker who wishes to render a question less superficial will acknowledge the complexities inherent to the question, judge the relative value of different factors to enable prioritizing the thought process, and setting aside any urges to ignore problems with the question. Once the depth of a question has been considered, along with the other standards, the information thus gleamed can be used to inform the elements of reasoning, which in turn promote intellectual traits inherent to critical thinkers.

In another class I was….

Thus, the idea of a strong, female leader is created through conceptual blending, and the ultimately oxymoronic pairing of unlike words. Something new is created, through the use of cultural, political, religious, and historical references, and of the pairing of these two specific nouns together.
3. Explain what Fauconnier and Turner mean when they assert on page 15, in effect, that, "Metaphor is not just something derived from 'core meaning'?" Are they right? (Please refer to The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind's Hidden Complexities by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Tuner)

Because unlike the literary device or trope of simile, the use of metaphor deploys the verb 'is,' as in, 'hope is a thing with feathers,' in the famous poem of Emily Dickinson of this title, one is tempted to assume that metaphor accesses some core meaning of a word or concept. But as this example shows, the poet's….

Teachers play a crucial and multi-faceted role in promoting literacy across all subjects, not just in language arts. This role extends beyond traditional reading and writing skills to encompass a wide range of literacy types, including digital, informational, and subject-specific literacies. Here’s an overview of the key roles teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects:

Facilitators of Skill Development: Teachers are responsible for developing students' basic literacy skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This is essential across all subjects, as these skills are the foundation for understanding and engaging with content in any area.

Integrators of Subject-Specific Literacy:....

5 Pages


New Critical Reading of Howard Nemerov's Poem September the First Day of School

Words: 1662
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Grounded in the belief that everything a reader needs to know to understand a piece of literature, such as a poem, Formalism dictates that a reader look no further…

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11 Pages


Writing to Become A More Effective Scholar

Words: 3186
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Why Leaders Should be Excellent in Critical Thinking Introduction Critical inquiry in writing requires one to be able to gather, process, and assess ideas and assumptions from multiple angles and perspectives.…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Critical Thinking Applied

Words: 779
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

sphere of life, there needs to be thought process that precedes any action or decision, otherwise things would be done in erratic and haphazard manner and end up…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Critical Thinking Is an Activity

Words: 1185
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The problem in having a firm grasp of critical thought is that it can be clouded by many different distractions and affected by variables outside of controllable circumstances. One…

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3 Pages


Critical Literacy the Discourse of

Words: 981
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Changes in and to children's literature mirror, as well as construct, changes in social norms. For example, the 1908 book by Kenneth Grahame, Wind in the Willows, is a…

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3 Pages
Article Review

History - Asian

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security

Words: 1009
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security The objective of the article is to question the credibility of the decision adopting by the Bush's administration on North Korea due to claims that…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

Words: 787
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security Everyone navigates their way through the world using a set of preconceived ideas, stereotypes, notions and beliefs concerning how things work and how others will…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Critical Thinking Problem Area in

Words: 407
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

By teaching other professionals, I can indirectly reach hundreds or eventually thousands of people with hearing disabilities. In my current work as a tutor for students who wish to…

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2 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Critical Thinking & Generational Teams Critical Thinking

Words: 564
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Critical Thinking & Generational Teams Critical Thinking In the course of caring for patients, nurses deal with life threatening situations every day. This constitutes the necessity to develop critical thinking skills…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Critical Thinking in a Changing

Words: 2365
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The question then becomes do these nurses become worried about the long hours that they may have to work and the quality of care that the patients are…

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2 Pages
Article Critique

Black Studies - Philosophy

Critical Thinking Exercises Unappetizing the

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Although the circularity of the logic of insanity as demonstrated by the very fact that a man desires to be eaten (because he is insane, because he wants…

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6 Pages

Business - Management

Critical Thinking and Application Problem

Words: 1667
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Positive effects: UPB management will be able to capitalize on the five years of training and other investments in Mark Williams The colleagues will feel a sense of security as Williams…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Critical Thinking Case Study Let

Words: 2515
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

(Donoghue, 1990) The other problem is regarding third party reimbursements and state regulators which have had a significant effect on hospitals during the last ten years. Another factor that…

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2 Pages


Critical Thinking Questioning Depth

Words: 477
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Critical Thinking Standards: Depth Paul and Elder (2008) describe what they believe to be the essential standards of the critical thinking process. These standards, in order of importance, are the…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Critical Thinking & Writing Anyone

Words: 2454
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Thus, the idea of a strong, female leader is created through conceptual blending, and the ultimately oxymoronic pairing of unlike words. Something new is created, through the use…

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