Dance Essays (Examples)

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Dance Feelings the Author of This Report
Pages: 3 Words: 1065

Dance Feelings
The author of this report is asked to answer to a few questions relating to dance, how the author feels about it and why. As for the author's relationship with dance, the author is not heavily involved in dancing unless one counts the occasional jaunt to the dance club but the author is much more apt, and is enraptured by, watching dance via live performance or even on television. Even if they are a little contrived or even fake, even shows like So You Think You Can Dance are worth watching at times because of just how wonderful and talented some of the dancers are. Dancers are much like non-vocal musicians who have to speak volumes while speaking no actual words. With dance, music and movement are melded together to tell a story or express a feeling and it is both exquisite and fabulous to see this done well.


Dance Political Dances the Body
Pages: 3 Words: 931

Therefore, the incorporation of patterns that are decidedly symmetrical and geometrical has a greater effect in this dance. The staid, reserved forms of government and values that are crucial to Japanese political life are emphasized by this dance's reliance on unity and repetition. There are so many different aspects of Japanese culture that this dance signifies, that it was truly fascinating to view.
The specific political cause that I am concerned about is the preservation of the nation state system. Lately, there have been several signs that this form of government will be replaced by private or global system of government, and I believe that art can significantly reduce the chances of this occurrence from taking place. I believe that dance could be used to propagate the preservation of this particular act of awareness by celebrating the cultural diversity that is intrinsic to the nation state system. Therefore, I envision…...

Dance Cultural Forces in Subcultures
Pages: 3 Words: 927

Lyrical jazz, another jazz form has a more ballet feel and look to it.
In jazz dance, the motions are mostly slower and also have a fluidity that goes on to create longer lines and also to express stronger emotional connections. The movements are more strongly based upon the lyrics of a song and they express a similar if not identical ideas. Street-funk is also very similar and is related to hip-hop. However it also falls under the jazz format because it also uses more technical movements that originate from jazz dance . Street-funk is also sometimes called jazz-funk or just. This type of jazz format makes use of modern hip-hop touch in order to create fun and fast and dances. A low (to direction of the ground) brisk style is usually best described as explosive in form. This can be seen in cheer leading competitions or in dance competitions.…...

Dance in the 21st Century
Pages: 4 Words: 1179

Dance in the 21st Century
orldwide history of dance

Hip Hop dance

Thesis- A thorough deconstruction of this sort of dance reveals that history and various tools today (most of which involve technology) have helped to catapult it to be one of the most influential styles of dance in contemporary times.

First Support

Type of Hip Hop dance

Breakdancing to dance troupes

Happy medium -- the Pharcyde

Fluid, compelling, unique

Second Support

"Boy band" Hip Hop dancing

New Edition

Bobby Brown exemplifies with autonomous, agile footwork

Third Support

Evolution of dance

James Brown inspired the Jacksons (Mike), who inspired New Edition

and the Pharcyde who in turn inspired Michael Jackson


Technology provides the bridge for dance memes and influence

Mobile devices, internet access

The history of dance is a lengthy and decorative one, which is certainly worthy of serious scholastic pursuit. It encompasses numerous styles and reasons for dancing, as well as a plethora of cultures, ethnicities, races and religions. Numerous aspects of these different facets of dance are…...


Works Cited

The Pharcyde. "She Said." LabcabinCalifornia. Delicious Vinyl, 1995.

Ja Rule. "Thug Lovin'." The Last Temptation. Murder, Inc. 2002.

Dance and What it Means
Pages: 4 Words: 1419

While not entirely Puerto Rican, the song has distinctly Latin tones that make it kind of a generic Hispanic song. It doesn't entirely embrace Puerto Rican culture specifically, but groups the Puerto Ricans in with Mexicans and other Hispanic cultures as a whole. This was not uncommon for the 1950s, and is still not uncommon today, as American society has had a lack of interest in distinguishing between the different nuances of distinct Hispanic nationalities and cultures, and the dance in "West Side Story" reflects this.
Another example of how dance presents a cultural identity on stage in America is the musical "Fiddler on the Roof." This play focuses on a Jewish Russian community in the 19th century. The play is nothing but cultural references to the Russian Jewish people of this time period, including clothing, dialogue, and dance. The concept of the fiddler on the roof, the traditional Russian…...

Dance Peters the Pop Music Choreography of
Pages: 4 Words: 1335

Dance Peters
The Pop Music Choreography of Michael Peters

Few forms of dancing are more present in our popular culture than that associated with popular music. hile the forms of tap, ballet and ballroom all occupy an obvious place in our academic understanding of dance, these are for the large part only seen in specialized contexts such as theatres and formal events. This contrasts the style of dance and choreography that accompanies live pop music performances, music videos, television shows and perhaps more importantly, our own informal dancing proclivities. It is for this reason that we consider a pioneer in this form and one who, though hardly a household name, has had a dramatic influence on the way that dancing is choreographed in pop music contexts from Justin Timberlake to Glee. Michael Peters was among the most prominent music video choreographers of the 1980s. In an era when the medium of MTV…...


Works Cited:

Chu, D. & Rowes, B. (1984). Michael Peters Is the Hot New Choreographer Who Makes Dancers Out of Video's Rock Stars. People.

Dunning, J. (1994). Michael Peters, a Choreographer of 'Dreamgirls,' Is Dead at 46. The New York Times.

Landis, J. (1982). Michael Jackson's "Thriller." YouTube. 

Monfalco, T. (1994) While You're Dancing Like a Zombie, Remember Choreographer Michael Peters. Art Here and Now.

Dance Jazz Is a Dance
Pages: 5 Words: 1999

The dancer signs a contract to work. Union contracts govern those who perform in public, such as major opera ballet, classical ballet or modern dance corps. These belong to the AFL-CIO and those who appear on live or videotaped TV programs belong to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Those in films and on TV belong to the Screen Actors Guild and those in musicals are members of Actors' Equity Association. Through the unions minimum salaries, hours, benefits and other conditions are specified before the dancer signs the contract (Munger 5).
The professional dancer begins his or her day early, with warm-ups at the barre or with exercises. Then it is off to the studio to practice with the partner or team or troupe. If there is a performance being staged or being planned, work on the specific dances performed will be done. At the end of the…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Jack. Ballet & Modern Dance: A Concise History, 2nd ed., Princeton, NJ: Princeton Book Company, Publishers, 1992

Balletmet. Ballet. Education. 2006. website:

Charman, S. Kraus, R, G. And Dixon-Stowall, B. History of the Dance in Art and Education. New York: Pearson Education. 1990

Dance / USA. 2007. Website:

Dance My Favorite Form of
Pages: 2 Words: 651

Both forms of dancing however are exciting and involve thrilling movements to heady, rhythmically pounding music. Although raves are not usually informal clubs, there is some similarity between the settings of salsa night clubs and raves. Plus, there is some element of flirtation in glove light show dancing; this element seems to figure prominently in salsa. I think that the main similarity between my dancing and salsa is the fact that they are both fun to watch, a fact Alyssa alludes to.
I think Chelsea had some good insight into her post about the nature of bachata. I was too familiar with this type of dance until I read her post; I think I have a better understanding of it now. I would still like to find out more about it though. It would have been helpful if she had presented a few more details to help me visualize it.…...

Dance Therapy to Help an
Pages: 7 Words: 2243

" Suzi Tortora, Ed.D.,a certified movement analyst and dance therapist contends that when a parent or caregiver understands his/her child's nonverbal expressions, he can more effectively help them improve their socialization, as well as manage their tantrums.
In her therapy sessions, Dr. Tortora implements dance therapy to mirror the type and emotional quality of an autistic child's movements. This helps the child relate to her instead of reverting into hi/her private, inner world. This tactic includes riding out a tantrum, using movement to remain nonverbally connected. In turn, this will help that shall begin to learn to communicate and remain connected, consequently regaining control of him/herself. "The key is that children with autistic spectrum disorder have a difficult time relating," Dr. Tortora explains. "They are idiosyncratic in their movements. They are sensorially over- or understimulated, and they can quickly escalate to a place of total body dysregulation." (Splete) From "Out" to…...


Works Cited

Colman, Andrew M. "dance therapy," a Dictionary of Psychology, January 1, 2001.

Kasser, Susan L., Douglas Collier, and Dorene G. Solava. "Sport Skills for Students with Disabilities: A Collaborative Effort." JOPERD -- the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 68.1 (1997): 50+.

Henry, Amanda. "DANCE THERAPY TECHNIQUES." Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI), April 20, 2003.

Hoban, Sandra. "Motion and Emotion: The Dance/Movement Therapy Experience.," Nursing Homes, November 1, 2000.

Dance Therapy First of All
Pages: 3 Words: 826

That is, dances used as therapy to our ailments and negative aspects of the human body.
The Solutions that Dance Therapy Provides

The findings of science that the mind and body works together has an importance to how dance therapies are composed. The state of the different components of our body can affect and influence to how we emotionally and physically feel (Wholehealthmd Online). This is usually connected to the tensions and patterns of muscles (Wholehealthmd Online). Since movements is a form of relaxing our body, especially our muscles, the effect of such movements such as in a dance can help in treating our body.

Aside from how dance movements can bring physical healing to our body, it can also treat us in an external method. For instance, in a group dance sessions, the relationship that we are able to build with other people in the group can generate in us positive…...



Defina, Evelyn. What is Dance Therapy.

Fullerton College.

Vega, Selena. Moving into Sacred Realms. 

Dance Therapy.,1525,687,00.html

Dance Yvonne Rainer's Trio a
Pages: 7 Words: 2008

Strangely, the sense of freedom is observable even as the viewer consciously recognizes that it is not really present in the dance. ainer's complete and continued avoidance of the camera's gaze mimics the original relationship between the dancers of Trio A and the audience, and the feeling it gives is one of avoidance due to oppression rather than the dancer's choice.
In many ways, this sort of controlled freedom can be seen as representative of the human condition at large, and this is one possible interpretation of Trio A (MIT Press 2009). Especially in the United States and other Western countries, the idea of freedom is often spoken of as a protected ideal, but this freedom is in fact illusory. There are limitations pressed upon us by society that actually severely limit our freedom, and many of these work in ways that are subconscious. That is, we might not even…...



MIT Press. "Review: Yvonne Rainer: The Mind is a Muscle." Accessed 15 April 2009. 

Rainer, Y. "Trio A." Accessed 15 April 2009.$tapedetail-TRIOA 

Rainer, Y. A woman who-- New York: John Hopkins University Press, 1999.

Richar, H. "Yvonne Rainer Biography." Accessed 15 April 2009.

Dance Form and Technique the
Pages: 2 Words: 624

The technique of the tango is extremely intricate and difficult to learn. It is a long dance, with intricate movements by both partners. Personally, I have yet to master the dance, but have experience trying with my partner. In order to get to the mastery level I am currently at, I had to tae several classes. The first introduction class for the dance was a disaster. Me and my partner stumbled all over each other, and barely got the first move of the dance down. Still nowhere near the final technical performance, I feel that I am still progressing nicely, and learn several new steps of the dance each new class I attend. I have always grown up with the notion for dance being associated with more ball room style tempos. However, the South American rhythms were very easy to adapt to, and entertaining to practice too. Additionally, there has…...

Dance Confiscation and Fusion in
Pages: 2 Words: 627

Black dance performer Norma Savoy documents that this happened in the form, technique and structure in black ballroom dancing. Savoy specifically expresses her fears over loss of control over the form to whites who would appropriate them (ibid., 13).
Fusion is the combination of the two disparate above cultures. As documented above, the development of the Lindy Hop during the Harlem Renaissance is typical of this. At this time, millions of southern blacks migrated to northern cities where Afro-American dance fused with white ballroom dancing, especially in dance halls such as the Savoy Theater. On the white side of dialectic, we can find a European-American dancer such as Ernie Smith. He remarked that the Lindy was a black dance even though it was danced by whites because it arose from black culture and experience. However, as Smith documents, as it came into white ballrooms, it was no longer a "cool"…...


Works Cited

Rogers, R.A. (1998). A dialogics of rhythm: Dance and the performance of cultural conflict. The Howard Journal of Communications, 9, 5-27.

Dance Final Summer Solstice Festival
Pages: 5 Words: 1611

Dance Final
Summer Solstice Festival

Ideally, this festival will take place during the summer solstice. The solstice is generally regarded as taking place on June 21. Due to popular demand and the intense international reputations that Davis Jr., De Keersmaeker, and Baryshnikov have garnered during so many years of enchanting audiences, the festival will take place during a three-day span -- from Friday through Sunday -- beginning on the 19th and culminating on the 21st. The three days will allow each of the choreographers to open and close the show. On the 21st the De Keersmaeker will open the event, followed by Davis Jr. with Baryshnikov as the headliner.

The festival will be held in Oakland, California, at oodminster Amphitheater at the base of the Montclair section. Although this venue is relatively small, it is nestled within Joaquin Miller's park and rests at the summit of a man made waterfall. Moreover, it frequently…...


Works Cited

Lowe, Alfred. "Dance: Tap." The Alfred Lowe Group. No date. Web. 

Hill, Constance Valice. "Tap Dance Hall of Fame" American Tap Dance Hall of Fame. No date. Web.

Abhinav, Vera. "Mikhail Baryshnikov." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2012. Web.

Dance SWOT Windfall Dancers Marketing and SWOT
Pages: 5 Words: 1292

Dance SWOT
Windfall Dancers: Marketing and SWOT Analyses

Mission and Vision

The mission statement of Windfall Dancers, In., is "to ignite a passion for dance in the community by providing quality instruction, engaging performances, innovative community outreach, and an environment for creative expression" (Facebook 2011). Essentially, the company exists to make modern dance and other modes of physical and performance expression available to audiences and participants in the Bloomington, Indiana area, and its mission consists of fulfilling this purpose of existence. The company's vision is guided by the belief that everyone can enjoy and benefit from exposure to dance and the arts, so the company strives to make such opportunities available, affordable, and truly accessible in all conceivable ways (Windfall 2011; Facebook 2011).

PEEST Analysis

The political forces facing Windfall Dance, Inc. are relatively minimal. The company is registered as a 501©3 not-for-profit organization, giving it certain legal constraints but also imbuing it with certain…...



BAAC. (2011). Bloomington Area Arts Council. Accessed 27 February 2011.

Bloomington. (2011). Census Data. Accessed 27 February 2011. 

DSO. (2011). Dance Studio Owners. Accessed 27 February 2011. 

Facebook. (2011). Windfall Dancers, Inc. Accessed 27 February 2011.

" How to be a successful church in a small city"?
Words: 123

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

When examining the geology of a region for potential useable aquifers, what characteristics or factors would you consider?
Words: 117

The type of soil is very important, along with the vegetation (abundance and type) growing there. How much rain that region gets is less important than its elevation, as runoff from many miles away – where more rain may fall – can contribute to useable aquifers even in what appears to be a desert area. How large the aquifers may be and how deep one may have to go to properly access them also matter, as these issues are related to the time and cost (i.e. the value) of the aquifer. Areas that are densely populated should be avoided, as....

What is a research-based aspect of recidivism?
Words: 314

While it may seem like recidivism has a clear definition, there have actually been a number of different definitions of recidivism over time.  Generally, recidivism means reoffending after being released from a punishment or treatment program.  However, measures of recidivism cannot really account for all recidivism because recidivism is measured in various ways such as convictions for additional crimes, self-reporting rates, etc., but none of these measures is going to accurately capture all instances of recidivism.  One highly-researched area of recidivism is sex offenders and sex-based offenses.  Most lay people believe that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated....

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