Definition Essays (Examples)

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Ironically, the definition of the term “definition essay” is not very specific.  Definition essays are short pieces of writing on a particular topic.  However, not every essay on a topic can be properly labeled...

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Definition of Culture

Definition of "Culture"

Alfred Kroeber and Kluckhohn Clyde are the two leading anthropologists of America who considered the stock of definitions of culture, sorted out the common points and came up with a comprehensive definition of culture in 1952. Their aim was to find out how culture is used in anthropology and give a definition which comprises of all or at least majority of the definitions. Their definition of culture is one of the best and most widely used definitions of culture because it distinguished culture from the concepts of ordinary language, literature and history. However, some authors also criticize that this definition opens several questions than it answers and the assumptions on which this definition rests are also a problem. Despite all these issues, this definition is accepted and used in different fields.

Alfred Kroeber and Kluckhohn Clyde, defined culture as follows:

"Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and….

Science Fiction
A Definition of Science Fiction -- a Frightening realistic glimpse into a probable future

"Oh Brave New orld! O. onder! That Has Such People in it!" This is the poetic exclamation that John the Savage of Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New orld utters, upon seeing individuals from 'the future' (really, the present day) in his so-called primitive, native society. hen the future individuals seem bemused by John's highfalutin poetic utterance, John explains that he is merely quoting Shakespeare's "The Tempest," a fantastic play about wizards and enchanted islands and airy spirits. Yet while Brave New orld is conventionally defined as a science fiction novel, "The Tempest" is never defined as a science fiction play, merely a poetic fantasy. hen attempting to come to a convincing definition of the novelistic genre science fiction, it is perhaps thought proving to first look at this striking comparison between these two fictions and two….

Definition of Family

During the 1992 presidential election between Bill Clinton and George Bush (the first one), the issue of "family values" was hot. Two definitions of family emerged from the campaign. When republicans talked about family, they meant a traditional, nuclear family with mother, father and children living under one roof. When democrats discussed family, the meaning was much broader and included the whole country. I found I identified with the broader definition. For me, families are not necessary related by blood or legal adoption.

After getting a divorce from my father, my mother was left with four children. Our natural father abandoned us, and Mother had to be on welfare for awhile. We were greatly impoverished. We had enough to eat, but we lacked things we needed like boots in the wintertime, warm underwear, clothes that fit, and good haircuts. My mother had to go to work to support us, and my….

Definition of Culture

culture and the many ways culture is defined by various anthropologists. The researcher will critically evaluate the debate on the issue of culture and provide a synopsis of the readings. An attempt to define culture as something concrete and not ambiguous will be made by evaluating the various definitions of culture presented by several anthropologists.
According to Fox (1991) in Chapter 8, anthropologists have attempted to define culture for centuries. This definition has often relied on traditional groups that comprise certain characteristics that may include norms and "other" classifications that encompass a certain class of people. Does this really define accurately however, what culture is and is not? Historically anthropologists have attempted to uncover a concrete definition of culture, as it has been misunderstood and misinterpreted for centuries, or otherwise misused. At best one can attempt to explain culture. Culture may be defined for most as the way of life….

Health Equity and Equality
Davies (2009) defines health as "the capacity to do what matters most to you." A extremely broad yet simple definition, he manages to distill complex issues of biomedical factors, mental health, and quality of life into a clear concept. In Davies view of health, poor health would be a condition or circumstance that blocks an individual from doing activities or living a lifestyle upon which he places importance. A businessman with a chronic illness who enjoys his work may describe his health as "good" if he is symptom-free and able to dedicate full-time hours to his work. Alternatively a competitive tennis player who is bed-ridden due to a pulmonary embolism may describe her health as "poor" or "unstable" because she is unable to take part in her normal activities, can't make public appearances and is unaccustomed to being inactive or isolated for any significant period of time.


Definition of Justice

The understanding and practice of 'justice' is central to the achievement of peace and happiness by the individual as well as society, as a whole. However, no amount of institutalization and administration of legal, political or civil systems, no matter how just or fair, can ever ensure the achievement of the same, without individual and collective commitment to the upholding of the concept of justice, in its fullest sense.

Most human beings are, of necessity, primarily concerned with their material well-being and to that extent, have a preponderance towards the concept of economic and social justice, which accounts for the overt emphasis on constitutional and legal frameworks to define and dispense justice. Such definitions, however, are really an outcome of the essence of justice, as a concept, and not complete in themselves.

To arrive at the true essence of the concept of 'justice,' it is necessary to understand its complexity, which….

Perfect Teacher
Slight of build and red of hair, Mr. Jenkins made me laugh even when he wasn't dressed like Lief Erikson. I also cracked up when last week he showed up with a gold facemask and Alexander the Great regalia brandishing plastic swords he flailed about, pretending to attack his barbarian students. My favorite Mr. Jenkins costume was the Neanderthal garb he wore the first week of class: the fur matched his beard so well I wondered how much of it was actually fake. But every week on Friday my smile faded fast. His weekly exams were brutal: in fact, Mr. Jenkins' class was one of the only ones I truly struggled with, the one that I had to work hardest to get A's and B's. If the tests had been any harder I probably would have developed an aversion to history. However Mr. Jenkins entertained and enthralled his eighth….

Definition of Democracy

conditions in Somaliland fit Schmitter and Karl's (S&K) definition of a democracy? Which ones do not?
Democracies are not of the same type or quality. Some democracies tend to score better on democratic scales, Freedom House for example, as compared to others. This essay looks at the case study of Somaliland in reference to procedural minimum requirements of a democracy identified in the S&K thesis. These are as follows.

a) Values vs. institutions

Schmitter and Karl's (1991) definition of democracy highlights an important fact i.e., there is no single institutional arrangement to attain such a political structure. Thus, according to the S&K thesis, it is not the existence of certain types of institutions per say but values that determine whether a country is democratic. These values roughly include accountability of elected representatives to the public, right of participation in political offices for the common man, free flow of information and the right….

Definition of a Superpower

Definition of Superpower

In order to be a super power, a nation should be compatible to United States of America, which is the world's super power after World War II. America has been on this position from a long span of time and is a dominant state that has the ability to project power on the worldwide scale. Due to the strong hold of USA, it was assumed by many that no growing nation can replace America and take its place as a superpower.

The perception of the people however has changed in recent decades and since past forty years; The People's epublic of China (PC) has started emerging as a nation that is ascending towards the superpower status. According to a recent poll conducted by CNN, 58% of the Americans are looking at China as an economic superpower and a threat to the United States (Shim, 2012). There are many economical,….

Definition of Legal Terms

Duty of Care
As requested, the author of this report shall be defining a number of terms from a legal and "duty of care" perspective. The questions that will be answered will center on subjects such as the rescue doctrine, whether a fetus injured in utero can collect damages, the family-purpose doctrine, the negligent infliction of emotional distress, the attractive nuisance doctrine, the dram shop law and the duty to rescue someone in distress coupled with the potential liability in doing the same. While these laws tend to very a bit from state to state, they are usually fairly consistent when comparing any one given state to another.

Terms Defined

escue Doctrine

The rescue doctrine, as defined by Cornell University, is the idea that a person who creates danger and peril for someone else can be held liable if a third person attempts to rescue and help the imperiled party and becomes injured or….

What is Socrates' definition of piety in the Euthyphro?

The Socratic dialogue of the Euthyphro is initiated by the case of a young man who has brought charges against his father for murder. The father, hearing that a slave on his property was himself accused of murdering another man, bound the accused slave and threw him in a ditch, causing the man to die from overexposure. In Athens, there was no formal prosecutor who investigated matters and brought charges before the courts of law. Given this situation, the man's son Euthyphro decided to bring charges against his own father in a supposed show of piety. Euthyphro deems his actions to be pious, or pleasing to the gods, because he is acting as an objective judge of moral rights and wrongs. Because Euthyphro justifies his actions through a claim of piety, the question of what constitutes piety is a central, driving preoccupation….

BPD definition of generalist social work practice is practitioners working with clients and client systems in order to build upon the capabilities in those people. This means that the social worker acts as a facilitator to help people realize their own potential. This requires the generalist social worker to do a wide variety of things on behalf of clients such as education, counseling, organizing, advocating, and connecting them with a wider network of resources. In this way, the generalist social worker is connected with the community as a whole, not just with individual clients. Therefore, the generalist practitioner needs to evaluate service outcomes for the clients and assess not just individual client needs, but also the community's ability to meet client needs.
I intend to implement this definition into my social work practice as I move into field internship by focusing on the relationship between the client and the community.….

Can the definition of "leadership" be applied to the concept of "management"? Leadership is defined as a process whereby an individual has influence over others in terms of achieving a predetermined, common goal. This paper takes the position that leadership should be part of what a manager / management does in a workplace environment; leadership is not limited to one category of employees, whether it be executives at the top of the latter of hierarchy, or a manager that serves as a foreman at the worker level. Leadership, in other words, is about leading, in any capacity on any particular assignment.

The Literature on Leadership and Managers

A peer-reviewed research article in the Journal of usiness Psychology surveyed 9,942 managers working in 40 countries; and among the values the majority of those managers shared were "resourcefulness, change management, and building and mending relationships" Those are all leadership qualities (Gentry, et al., 2011,….

Family Changing Definition

e live in a time when the definition of family is changing, and I myself personally support the change. Human social organization is not a fixed quantity that works in the same way everywhere at all times. For example, the Oxford English Dictionary defines "family" as "a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit" or "a group of people related by blood or marriage." Yet the shifting definition over time is indicated by the accepted etymology for the word, from the Latin "familia" meaning "household servants, family" from "famulus" meaning "servant." (OED 1989). This reflects the fact that in ancient Rome, slavery was a commonplace and accepted fact of life: any household that was being defined as a family would have included slaves, even though this would have included multiples sets of parents and children. People in 2014 who decry the changing definition….

Personal Definition of the word "Hero"

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a hero is "a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage or outstanding achievements, the chief male character in a book, play, or film, or (in mythology and folklore) a person of superhuman qualities. According to author John Ayto in his book Dictionary of ord Origins, the word hero was applied in ancient times to men of superhuman ability or courage. The definition and connotations of the label have changed over the centuries. There is no longer a need for super powers to be considered a hero. My personal definition of the word requires that the person who is labeled a hero, not acquire the honor accidentally.

This writer defines the word hero as a person who, through intent, goes beyond consideration for him or herself to further the cause of another, whether this cause is noble….

Meno Socrates

The central question of the menu is the meaning of virtue, but it does not provide a definitive answer. Part of the reason behind that lack of answer is that it delves into more questions - such as what the meaning of a definition is, as well. This leads to whether virtue can be taught and whether it can be defined. Numerous definitions of virtue are offered, but they are put together from custom. This shows that virtue actually cannot be defined. That is relevant to the Athenians and to the people of today because it reminds everyone that defining....

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

The term global perspective actually has a few different meanings, depending on the discipline.  It can refer to an individual’s personal lens and how they view the globe; to various perspectives about an issue from around the globe; and to views linked to globalization and the impact of individual or nation-wide actions on the world and its inhabitants.   We are going to provide a range of topic suggestions that incorporate all of these different definitions of global perspectives, with the most suggestions coming from the last topic, as it is the most commonly used across academic disciplines.


We are assuming that your question is how you critically explore how the ideas of leadership and partnership practice would help you to address the challenges in corporate social responsibility.  Many people are uncertain how to write a critical review or critical evaluation, because the approach is somewhat different than what you would find in standard lower-level academic writing.

To write a critique, it is important to understand that the academic definition of critical is not the same as the lay definition of critical.   For the layperson, the word critical tends to be negative. However, from an academic....

8 Pages


Definition of Culture

Words: 2434
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Culture Definition of "Culture" Alfred Kroeber and Kluckhohn Clyde are the two leading anthropologists of America who considered the stock of definitions of culture, sorted out the common points and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Definition of Science Fiction

Words: 1409
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Science Fiction A Definition of Science Fiction -- a Frightening realistic glimpse into a probable future "Oh Brave New orld! O. onder! That Has Such People in it!" This is the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Definition of Family

Words: 1687
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Family During the 1992 presidential election between Bill Clinton and George Bush (the first one), the issue of "family values" was hot. Two definitions of family emerged from the campaign.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Definition of Culture

Words: 1532
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

culture and the many ways culture is defined by various anthropologists. The researcher will critically evaluate the debate on the issue of culture and provide a synopsis of…

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2 Pages


Definition of Health and Health Equity Equality

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Equity and Equality Davies (2009) defines health as "the capacity to do what matters most to you." A extremely broad yet simple definition, he manages to distill complex issues…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Ethics

Definition of Justice

Words: 1441
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Justice The understanding and practice of 'justice' is central to the achievement of peace and happiness by the individual as well as society, as a whole. However, no amount…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Definition of the Perfect and Effective Teacher

Words: 1018
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Perfect Teacher Slight of build and red of hair, Mr. Jenkins made me laugh even when he wasn't dressed like Lief Erikson. I also cracked up when last week he…

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3 Pages


Definition of Democracy

Words: 1323
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

conditions in Somaliland fit Schmitter and Karl's (S&K) definition of a democracy? Which ones do not? Democracies are not of the same type or quality. Some democracies tend to…

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4 Pages

History - Asian

Definition of a Superpower

Words: 1130
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Superpower Definition of Superpower In order to be a super power, a nation should be compatible to United States of America, which is the world's super power after World War II.…

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5 Pages

Business - Law

Definition of Legal Terms

Words: 1655
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Duty of Care As requested, the author of this report shall be defining a number of terms from a legal and "duty of care" perspective. The questions that will be…

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4 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Euthyphro What Is Socrates' Definition of Piety

Words: 1362
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Euthyphro What is Socrates' definition of piety in the Euthyphro? The Socratic dialogue of the Euthyphro is initiated by the case of a young man who has brought charges against his…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Bpd Definition of Generalist Social Work Practice

Words: 1094
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

BPD definition of generalist social work practice is practitioners working with clients and client systems in order to build upon the capabilities in those people. This means that…

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3 Pages


Leadership Can the Definition of Leadership Be

Words: 1070
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Can the definition of "leadership" be applied to the concept of "management"? Leadership is defined as a process whereby an individual has influence over others in terms of achieving…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Family Changing Definition

Words: 1368
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Family e live in a time when the definition of family is changing, and I myself personally support the change. Human social organization is not a fixed quantity that…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Definition of the Word Hero

Words: 1978
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal Definition of the word "Hero" Hero According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a hero is "a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage or outstanding achievements, the…

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