Dental Hygiene Essays (Examples)

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They found that 99% of licensed hygienists reported having experienced pain or discomfort while treating patients! The hygienists reported pain in the neck and shoulder region, hands, fingers, and lower back. Nelson & Jevack (2001) concluded, "Due to the number of students and licensed dental hygienists who experience pain...proper ergonomics should be enforced in dental hygiene education for future physical wellness and career longevity among dental hygienists" (p. 119).
The researchers (Nelson & Jevack, 2001) suggest -- as others have -- that instruments be redesigned, but also, the working environment needs to be improved for "better adjustments on patient chairs such as adequate height and tilt adjustments, operator stools with support for arms, adequate work breaks, proper lighting angles, space for legs under the patient chair, early medical intervention for symptoms, and angled instruments to reduce wrist flexion" (p. 119). Michalak-Turcotte (2000) recommends that an ergonomic plan be developed for….

Oral Hygiene Needs of the

Another caution that exists for people suffering from lupus is to exercise caution before and after receiving dental treatment. Lupus patients could develop serious heart infections from the streptococci that might be released into their bloodstream during routine dental procedures, even bi-annual teeth cleanings (Blau and Schultz, 174). The infection can travel to the heart when the patient has certain other manifestations of lupus, and, if the patient has developed a condition called verrucous endocarditis, then it can be deadly if the streptococci infect the heart (Blau and Schultz, 174). Therefore it is strongly recommended that prior to and following dental procedures and cleanings that lupus patients receive antiobiotics that can help them to be prepared to defend their body against the streptococci (Blau and Schultz, 174-175).

The antibiotic -- usually amoxicillin, or another member of the penicillin family, or erythromycin in cases of penicillin allergy -- is taken an hour….

16). Some of the options available to patients are (p. 16):
What it Is Colgate Total

Over-the-counter tooth- triclosan and fluoride paste containing the anti- toothpaste bacterial triclosan

Peridex or generic

Prescription mouth rinse chlorhexidine mouth containing'an anti-micro- rinse bial called chlorhexidine

Periochip tiny piece of gelatin filled with chlorhexidine

Atridox gel that contains the anti- biotic doxycycline


Thread-like fiber that con- tains the antibiotic tetracy- cline

Arestin microspheres

Tiny round particles that contain the antibiotic minocycline

Periostat low dose of the medica- tion doxycycline that keeps destructive enzymes in check

Why it's Used

Colgate Total

The antibacterial ingredient triclosan and fluoride reduces plaque and result- toothpaste ing gingivitis. The fluoride protects against cavities.

Peridex or generic

To control bacteria, result- chlorhexidine mouth ing in less plaque and gin- rinse givitis


To control bacteria and re- duce the size of periodon- tal pockets


To control bacteria and re- duce the size of periodon- tal pockets


To control bacteria and re- duce the size of periodon- tal pockets


communicates trends affect industry (career path've chosen-Dental Hygiene) ten years. Make create a complete, relevant, effective attention getter; include complete transitions main points; wrap a memorable conclusion.
Current trends affecting the dental industry

Although many occupations are being outsourced, you can't outsource your dental care!

With the aging of the population and increased demand for physical 'perfection,' the demands placed upon the dental industry and career opportunities are likely to increase.

Demand for dental profession: Demographic trends

It has been estimated that "roughly 60 to 70% of the adult American population seeks routine dental care -- a rate that is believed to be holding stable," indicating that there will be a sustained need for the profession in recent years (Lavers 2013).

B. Demand will increase because of population growth in populations with high levels of need: "Based upon census data, the number of people ages 60 to 79 is projected to grow from 36.4 million….

Project Management, Sustainability and Whole Lifecycle Thinking
Explaining Dental Biofilm to a Client

While showing Pamela the pink/purple disclosing stain on her teeth, she comments "oh-that is from my lunch earlier today. I did not have time to brush before the appointment." espond to her comment by explaining what the disclosing solution showed.

Lark, while I understand your concerns about the results of your recent dental biofilm examination, I would like to take some time to explain the diagnosis in more detail to help alleviate those concerns. First, it is important to remember that dental biofilm is not a disease, nor does it result from poor dental habits on your part, as these naturally occurring collections of bacterial communities are simply microorganisms functioning as nature intended. You have probably heard of plaque, while that oral health issue is widely known, and the data obtained from empirical studies during the last decade shows that….

Dental Health Osteoporosis

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Interconnected Roles of Dental Health and Osteoporosis in Aging opulations:
    This essay explores the intricate links between dental health and osteoporosis, particularly in the elderly, discussing how the decline in bone density can lead to tooth loss and jawbone deterioration, and how maintaining oral health is critical for overall well-being in the aging demographic.

2. Understanding the athophysiology of Osteoporosis and Its Impact on Oral Health:
    In this essay, the biological mechanisms through which osteoporosis affects bone structure and strength are examined, with an emphasis on the implications that this disease has on dental health, including the increased risk of periodontal disease and other oral health challenges.

3. Innovations in Dental Care for atients with Osteoporosis:
    This essay delves into the latest advancements in dental treatments and preventive measures that are specifically tailored for patients with osteoporosis, highlighting how these innovations can help maintain oral health and prevent….

Washing Procedures in a Dental Office
One of the challenges of teaching a lesson plan founded upon "Standard D2.1: Know how to evaluate potential causes and methods of transmitting infections and how to apply standard precautionary guidelines" according to CTE Standards: California Career and Technical Education Standards (232) is that the lesson plan must simultaneously be informative yet also teach critical skills to students. It must balance the need to convey practical information but not solely consist of lectures: a purely academic understanding of the topic will not necessarily affect student behaviors in the field. To impress upon students the importance of proper hygiene, I would first give an overview of healthcare-related infections to students. I would show photographs of what infections look like, both on the human body and also in microbial form. This would be a profound visual stimulus to students about the consequences that infections can render.….

Quality Development in Advanced Practice field knowledge in nursing: Proposal on Enhancing the dental health of children suffering Congenital Heart Disease
One of the most prevalent development abnormalities found in children is heart disease, and it occurs in about 8-10 in every 1, 000 births. Dental supervision of children with congenital heart problems calls for special care, due to their increased susceptibility to contagious endocarditis, which is associated with bacteremia caused by persistent dental processes. Additionally, these patients always have developmental enamel abnormalities that raises caries risk, and always have deprived oral health. This latter condition may be said to be due to cardiac health problems, whose care and attention may lead to the under-estimation of oral health and inadequate consideration. Additionally, continual administration of liquid drugs containing sucrose as sweetener may cause caries and gingivitis cases in children (Andersson et al. 2013a). Dental ailment may cause dental extractions in young….

Fluoridation: A Public Health Debate
Fluoridation (the adding of fluoride to water) has been a hotly debated health issue for over half a century. Some advocate fluoridation by citing the many oral benefits available through the process, heralding the betterment of public hygiene that has been achieved from the procedure's inception. Detractors, on the other hand, point out the possible side effects from the abuse of fluoridation, the health problems being experienced around the globe by countries with fluoridated water, and the indelible rights of man. Because the decision to fluoridate drinking water or not affects so many of the worlds population it is definitely a worthy topic to sink ones teeth into.

The concept of fluoridation began in the early 20th century by a Colorado Springs, Colorado dentist named Frederick McKay. Upon moving to the area from the East Coast, McKay noticed that several of his patients "exhibited strange brown stains….

Assessment of risk factors for oral cancer and patient education activities; and 6. Interest in additional training.

I selected this article because of the importance of the topic. All too often, the roles and responsibilities of dental hygienists are considered primarily superficial. Meanwhile, dental hygienists are in position to contribute tremendously to patient health and welfare to the extent they perform oral cancer screenings routinely. According to the research findings, adherence to such diagnostic practices is sporadic at best and substantially dependent on time constraints, the focus and instructions of employing dentists, awareness of need and importance of the issue, and lack of adequate awareness training in hygienists' educational programs. The results also indicated that many experienced dental hygienists are among the least likely to focus on oral cancer screening simply because the topic was not regularly covered in dental hygienist training programs until relatively recently. Others expressed frustration that….

Statue and ules and egulations Concerning Dental Hygienists and Dentist in Hawaii and Florida
American Dental Hygienist's Association is the largest governing body for maintaining the dental hygiene and care. The members of ADHA body get pleasure from professional support, educational programs and other variety of opportunities for them to participate and strengthen their decision making process and professional expertise. Government affairs division of ADHA works in close association with state constituent to support issues that are important for the dental care of public and dental hygiene profession. This covers licensing, scope of practice, patient access to care, water fluoridation and other dental care services. The dental hygienists interest is promoted through the governmental affairs division through federal and state policy efforts. The legalization of the ADHA affairs sustain close collaboration with other institutions where public or private to institutionalize the oral health policy document and improve the quality of services….

The research thus concludes the essence of having quality and effective legislation addressing the aspects of overall oral health of the people.
Additionally, the Canadian Dental Association also relates several issues of the overall body health to the oral health of the individual. In view of the article on the relation "oral health -- good life," the article gives information on the essence of good oral health, indicating some of the illnesses of ill oral health (Chattopadhyay, 2011). In this article, the relation between the ill oral health and the overall health of the body is that the mouth is the ingress to the body. Therefore, an individual with ill oral health is at the highest risk of having infection that affects the whole body system severely. According to this article, it emphasizes the need for dentists-patient relation as the dentists is the only person with the skill, expertise and….

Prevention Statistics
Children and young adults often have a much harder time adhering to dental hygiene routines that prevent decay and the progression of caries. Often times, they fail to understand the importance of the routines and the damage that could be caused. In order to strengthen primary prevention strategies, many local municipalities have begun adding fluoride to water sources. This is a great way to augment other prevention strategies because it requires no extra effort on behalf of those benefiting from its treatment. This current research aims to explore whether or not this secondary strategy has been successful in reducing rates of untreated caries in children and young adults, ages 6 to 19. The research used regression, z-Test, and t-Test analysis in order to test the hypothesis that adding fluoride to water does help prevent caries. All three tests suggested that this is true and that ultimately; adding fluoride….

Oral Health

Oral Health
Seniors have specific oral health needs. Meeting those needs requires an increase in personal hygiene, an improvement in lifestyle habits, and an increase in oral health service use. When these core needs are met, the specific oral health issues that affect seniors can be minimized, leading to improved health outcomes. Increasing personal hygiene requires shifts in attitudes toward oral health care, access to information, and access to affordable oral health care tools that are designed specifically for seniors. Lifestyle habits have a tremendous impact on oral health. Diet, smoking status, and drug and alcohol use are all factors that impact oral health. Accessing oral health services is difficult for many seniors. Some may live in rural areas where accessing oral health is physically difficult. Others may not be covered. In fact, most seniors do not have insurance coverage for oral health care. Not being able to afford oral health….

Healthcare is amongst the most delicate and subjective services delivered to the social order. Nevertheless, in order to render this care, and for there to be constant improvement, personnel have to obtain accessibility to delicate patient data and information. More so, in order to attain fitting care, the patients in turn have to provide their consent (American College of Healthcare Executives, 2012). Taking this into account, the quality improvement in health care does not overrule the rights of the patients who did wish to be part of the research. This can be perceived from the literature of different peer-reviewed articles on ethical treatment of subjects in clinical research. According to Scollon et al. (2015), the improvement of quality in the practices of patient care laid emphasis on the professionally accountable minimization of disparity in the patient care practices. However, they vouch for a preventive ethics method, which utilizes the….

## Essay Topics on Toothpaste Dispenser

### 1. The Evolution of Toothpaste Dispensers: A Historical Perspective

Trace the development of toothpaste dispensers from their early origins to modern automated devices.
Discuss the technological innovations that have shaped their design and functionality.
Explore the impact of dispensers on the toothpaste industry and oral hygiene practices.

### 2. The Ergonomics of Toothpaste Dispensers: User Experience and Accessibility

Analyze the ergonomic principles behind effective toothpaste dispenser design.
Discuss the factors that influence user comfort, such as grip, force required, and hygiene.
Evaluate the accessibility of dispensers for individuals with disabilities or special needs.

### 3. The....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Ergonomics & Dental Hygiene the

Words: 1424
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They found that 99% of licensed hygienists reported having experienced pain or discomfort while treating patients! The hygienists reported pain in the neck and shoulder region, hands, fingers,…

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4 Pages

Health - Nursing

Oral Hygiene Needs of the

Words: 1221
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Another caution that exists for people suffering from lupus is to exercise caution before and after receiving dental treatment. Lupus patients could develop serious heart infections from the streptococci…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Profesional Dental Hygienist Info I

Words: 2467
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

16). Some of the options available to patients are (p. 16): What it Is Colgate Total Over-the-counter tooth- triclosan and fluoride paste containing the anti- toothpaste bacterial triclosan Peridex or generic Prescription…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Communicates Trends Affect Industry Career Path've Chosen-Dental

Words: 539
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

communicates trends affect industry (career path've chosen-Dental Hygiene) ten years. Make create a complete, relevant, effective attention getter; include complete transitions main points; wrap a memorable conclusion. Current trends…

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3 Pages

Health - Nursing

Explaining Dental Biofilm to a Client

Words: 894
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Project Management, Sustainability and Whole Lifecycle Thinking Explaining Dental Biofilm to a Client While showing Pamela the pink/purple disclosing stain on her teeth, she comments "oh-that is from my lunch earlier…

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7 Pages

Dental Health Osteoporosis

Words: 1908
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Interconnected Roles of Dental Health and Osteoporosis in Aging opulations:     This essay explores the intricate links between dental health and osteoporosis, particularly in the elderly,…

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3 Pages


Washing Procedures in a Dental Office One

Words: 758
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Washing Procedures in a Dental Office One of the challenges of teaching a lesson plan founded upon "Standard D2.1: Know how to evaluate potential causes and methods of transmitting…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Proposal on Enhancing the Dental Health of Children Suffering Congenital Heart Disease

Words: 3325
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Quality Development in Advanced Practice field knowledge in nursing: Proposal on Enhancing the dental health of children suffering Congenital Heart Disease One of the most prevalent development abnormalities found in…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Urban Studies

Fluoridation A Public Health Debate Fluoridation the

Words: 1316
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fluoridation: A Public Health Debate Fluoridation (the adding of fluoride to water) has been a hotly debated health issue for over half a century. Some advocate fluoridation by citing the…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Horowitz Am Siriphant P Canto

Words: 568
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Assessment of risk factors for oral cancer and patient education activities; and 6. Interest in additional training. Comments I selected this article because of the importance of the topic. All…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

State Statue and Rules and Regulations

Words: 1595
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Statue and ules and egulations Concerning Dental Hygienists and Dentist in Hawaii and Florida American Dental Hygienist's Association is the largest governing body for maintaining the dental hygiene and care.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care Bill Formulation Oral

Words: 3227
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The research thus concludes the essence of having quality and effective legislation addressing the aspects of overall oral health of the people. Additionally, the Canadian Dental Association also relates…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Prevention of Caries in Children

Words: 2878
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Prevention Statistics Children and young adults often have a much harder time adhering to dental hygiene routines that prevent decay and the progression of caries. Often times, they fail…

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8 Pages


Oral Health

Words: 2715
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Oral Health Seniors have specific oral health needs. Meeting those needs requires an increase in personal hygiene, an improvement in lifestyle habits, and an increase in oral health service use.…

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3 Pages


Analyzing Leadership in Healthcare

Words: 913
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Healthcare is amongst the most delicate and subjective services delivered to the social order. Nevertheless, in order to render this care, and for there to be constant improvement,…

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