Determination Essays (Examples)

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Ali, Jasmin. (2007). egional magnets for foreign direct investment. Gulfnews.

etrieved March 13, 2010 at

Beblawi, Hazem. The rentier state in the Arab world. In Hazem Beblawi & Giacomo Luciani,

(Eds). The rentier state. New York: Croom Helm, 1987.

FDI. (2010). Economy watch. etrieved March 13, 2010 at

Foreign direct investment in Saudi Arabia up 33%. (2008). AME info. etrieved March 13,


Ghafour, P.K. Abdul & Mahmood afique. (2007). Kingdom is top FDI recipient in Arab world. Arab News. etrieved March 13, 2010 at

Ibrahim, Youssef. (2007, July 30). Bush's baffling policy towards Saudi Arabia. The New York


Mahdavy, Husain. The patterns and problems of economic development in rentier states.

In M.A. Cook (Ed.). Studies in economic history of the Middle East. London: Oxford

University Press, 1970.

Motter, T.H.Vail. "United States Army in World War II: The Middle East theater.

Center of Military History United States Army, Washington, D.C., 1952.

OPEC. (2010). Investor Words. etrieved March 13, 2010….

Determination of Federal Court of Appeal in the case of Canterbury vs. Spence
Canterbury filed a lawsuit against Spence in the United States. n this lawsuit, Canterbury alleged that Dr. Spence had shown negligence when performing laminectomy on Canterbury and failed to inform him fully about the risks involved in the surgery. n addition, the lawsuit argued that Dr. Spence had negligent as he allowed Canterbury to remain unattended to following his surgery. The doctor failed to offer a nurse at the time of Canterbury's fall. n fact, the lawsuit alleged that the Washington Hospital Center failed to erect a rail on the side of its beds. The lawsuit claimed damages including extensive suffering and pain, loss of earnings and medical expenses.

After years of pretrial motions and discovery, a trial was conducted. After the presentation of evidence by Canterbury's lawyers, the defendant opted for a directed verdict. The trial judge granted….

Self-Determination Theory
One interesting concept that comes up in many social science issues is that of self-determination. In the political process, the ideals of self-determination were popularized during the Enlightenment Period as a way to actualize the individual against repressive governments. From a sociological perspective, even famous novels like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein posit that the nature of humanity surrounds the idea of being able to make appropriate decisions in ways that benefit our self-interests. In fact, by nature, humans maintain a set of cognitive presumptions that hold that motivational and egoistic view of the self are based on a system of justice for ourselves and the social groups to which we belong. In some ways, this may be summed up as a utilitarian perspective that tells us that self-determination is what is the greatest good for the greatest number who can make appropriate levels of decisions about themselves, as well as….

Expert Determination
By glancing at the economies and the trading patterns of the world it can be deduced that the investments made in the petroleum business, forms a radical majority; as it involves huge and many a times capital intensive projects. The facts indicate that the conditions, economies and the states that form the parties to the oil and gas contracts change integrally, this variation causes disputes. Energy in today's world is an ultimate source to generate power and accumulate wealth, so this is hereby an urge of the nations to stay involved as active participants in the contracts pertaining to oil and gas development and enrichment. As petroleum sector forms a major portion of the world's investments and consequently the international structure of energy; the affiliated developmental activities often results in wide range of international investment disputes. The major issue that needs timely anticipation is to analyze a company's methodology….

None of these ideals will be perfectly compatible with the ideals of other individuals or groups also attempting to realize their self-determination ideals. As such, conflicts will arise as self-determination issues clash. The world after the first World War was no exception.
One significant issue related specifically to boundaries. To some, self-determination meant not only being governed by leaders of their own choosing, but also that their boundaries would reflect either national or ethnographic divisions. In some cases, this was just not possible. In Italy, for example, the boundary shift to include a Tyrolese sector is problematic, as the latter will not be reconciled to a nation that has victimized them for centuries. To others, the self-determination term meant no more than a political tool to further their own ideologies. Neither Wilson nor Lenin intended the concept to be universally applicable. As such, many nations had the right towards self-determination….

True, sometimes this does take violence for it to occur. That does not make the violence right. In a perfect world, there would be no need for violence, and self-determination would exist all over the world. That world does not exist, and for some groups to gain self-determination they must use violence. The American evolution is a classic example. Would we still be under British rule if colonists had not taken up arms and fought for freedom? Perhaps. Therefore, while personally violence in any form is offensive and to be avoided, in the fight for self-determination, sometimes it is a necessary evil. That is not the way it should be, but the world is not a perfect place, and there are many people who only understand violence and bloodshed. When dealing with them, sometimes the only way to win self-determination and freedom is to fight back, and fight to….

Instead, Messali Hadj created a separate adverse party (Algerian National Movement), yet as violent in acquiring independence as FLN (Entelis, 1986).
Although having the same enemy, and the same goal, the various Algerian groups (political or military) did not succeed in providing a common and united front. Their demands were scattered in importance.

As shown in the writings of John Entelis, or Matthew Connely, it was not the chaotic liberation war that the Algerians took that led to their independence, as a victory. France, under the pressure of media, NGO, international partners, and even international law, had to grant Algeria's independence. Connely argues that "in some aspects, France's policies were behind the time [and that] their adversaries already appeared to be leading the new direction of history" (Connely, 2002, 279).

Subject to "intense political, economic, diplomatic strains" (Entelis, 1986, 55), France became entangled in a lose-lose game: the more victories in Algeria,….

This lateral "lift" is a representation of an unbalanced side force on the airplane which requires counteraction which can be by allowing a sideways acceleration of the airplane until the lateral drag resulting from the sideslip and the "lift" force are equal or by banking towards the operative engine and using a weight component of the airplane to counteract the side force induced by the rudder. These two cases will give different responses, in the first case, the wings will assume a level position, the ball in the turn and slip indicator will be in the centre position and the airplane will exhibit a moderate sideslip into the inoperative engine. In the second case, the wings will exhibit a bank of 3 to 5 degrees into the operative engine, there will be a deflection of the ball one diameter toward the operative engine, and the sideslip of the airplane….

ennett's determination of the organization of a rational system surrounds the predictive behaviors of "believes" and "desires" to make a paradigm for international behavior. Rationality, for ennett, is an intentional stance, meaning predictions made from rationality are also international. The behavior is predictable because of information that directs certain goals. "It is a small step to calling the information possessed the computer's beliefs, its goals and sub-goals its desires" (ennett, 1971, p. 90). This is an example of a larger extrapolation of our treating an object rationally when we need to predict its behavior. We assign desires and then predict a rational course of action for the object or stance.
Question 2

For ennett, we are unable to analyze our introspective experience because we cannot reliably conceptualize things that only we have access to. If we take experiences and conceptualize them, we imply that there may be alternative answers that we….

Kashmir occupation by Indian forces and the breach of the right of self-determination it has led to. It additionally focuses on the boycott by the Kashmiri public of the Indian Parliamentary elections.
Kashmir; Self-determination vs. Self-destruction

Kashmir stands as the basis of a long-standing dispute between two neighbouring South Asian countries, India and Pakistan. This dispute has caused loss of life not only to the Indian and Pakistani forces but also to the local public many of whom were innocent Kashmiri citizens. One of the burning issues on Kashmiri soil at the moment relates to the second stage of elections for the Lok Shaba i.e. India's Parliament.

In Human ights Law the right of self-determination is considered a fundamental principle. The Universal Declaration of Human ights provides that "the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government" (Parker). The right is both individual and collective in nature.….

Conflicting moral standards in our time have led to a new conflict in the philosophy of human rights. Increasingly homosexual individuals are going public with their sexuality, and demanding that they continue to receive equal rights with the rest of society despite their sexual preferences. The idea that gays and lesbians should have equal freedom does make a great deal of sense according to rational ideas of rights such as those proposed by Mill and his contemporaries. After all, their sexuality is a private issue of self-determination, and should not serve to abridge their basic human rights. However, many individuals who exercise their freedom of religion in order to believe that homosexuality is a mortal sin believe that society should discourage it in every way possible: whether that be through laws, abridgment of "privileges" (e.g. equal rights), or by refusing employment and housing and other such necessities. This has caused….

Interaction Hormones Behavior, Interactions Affect Determination Gender Identity
There are two important distinctions to be drawn, the biological determination of a human being's sex and the gender identity. The former cannot be denied as it is manifest and the complete distinction between a male and female in terms of organs and biological build up is manifest. The perception of an individual regarding who 'he' or 'she' is being defined as 'gender identity' Hormones may help create the female or male in the womb but are they having a role in determining the gender identity? The discussion on the social inequality between men and women have drawn in the interest of biological and social scientists and some arguments were forwarded by them that women make better mothers, while men are genetically molded to be aggressive and so on. Then was the debate of nature vs. nurture. (Williams; Birke; Bendelow, 2003)

This research into….

Human Resource Information ystem
Determination of Human Resource Information ystems in HR

Determination of HRI in Human Resource

Human Resource Information ystems

As compared to past years, augmentation experiences on human resources in organizations by inventing better methods of gathering, storing and analyzing information. This is achieved using Human Resource Information ystems (HRI) software and other types of software that enhance HR functionality (Barron et al. 2004). HRI has been increasingly adopted by organizations, and the increasing sophistication of this software presents the Human Resource function alongside new challenges. imilarly, the task of HR is effectuated through the conjunction of ameliorated approach towards metrics and close mechanization of subsisting administrative functions, thus, pushing HR to make great strategies. Despite this, the same capabilities have also threatened the responsibility of HR specialists, as conventional HR task is automatized and allotted to line of management.

Companies and organizations engaging in data and information gathering and processing have….

Anderson's determination to forge a company that is profitable and environmentally- sustainable is admirable, and no doubt an example to other companies in his industry. A common sentiment is that it is impossible to be ethical in an environmental manner and still make a profit, particularly in industries that are not image-driven. The Body Shop and Starbucks cater to environmentally-concerned consumer demographics who may buy small luxury products based upon a product's 'green' image. However, most people buy carpet based upon price and appearance.
Interface is an example that a company can strive to have a low carbon footprint and still succeed. Other companies in the modern marketplace are following suit: "Wal-Mart, Nike and McDonalds are examples of large corporations attempting to enact sustainability efforts," such as using organic foods and observing ethical labor practices (Krishnaswamy 2010). "By adopting goals like zero waste to landfill and 100% sustainable sourcing, it….

Management Services:
The determination of the suitable level of services provided during a patient's visit normally requires the identification of whether the patient is new or already established to the hospital. This is followed by the clinician's use of the presenting illness and clinical judgment as leading factors that help in identifying the extent of care services to be carried out based on the condition of the patient. In addition to this, there are key components and contributing factors that are used in the determination of the level of evaluation and management services provided to the specific patient.

Key Components and the Contributing Factors:

While a clinician can use the presenting illness and clinical judgment in evaluation and management of patients' services, there are key components and contributing factors that can also be utilized. Actually the documentation of evaluation and management services is usually based on these components ("Introduction and Definitions," n.d.).….

An endangered species is a species that is on the brink of extinction.  Species can be endangered in two ways.  First, its habitat could be threatened in a way that makes extinction likely if no change is taken.  Second, the species could have experienced a significant decline in population that is likely to lead to extinction. In the United States, determination of whether a species is endangered is made by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, but designations vary from country-to-country.  Internationally, the International Union for Conservation of Nature makes....

Yes, there are several news topics related to adversity that would make for a compelling essay subject. Here are a few examples:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic: You can explore how people worldwide faced numerous adversities due to the pandemic, such as health challenges, economic struggles, mental health issues, and social isolation. You can discuss stories of resilience, innovative solutions, community support, and lessons learned.

2. Climate change and natural disasters: Write about the adversity faced by communities affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, wildfires, or droughts. Discuss the challenges of rebuilding lives, adapting to new circumstances, and finding sustainable solutions to....

1. The Power of Perseverance: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

2. Never Give Up: The Importance of Perseverance in Reaching Goals

3. Perseverance: A Key Trait for Personal Growth and Development

4. The Role of Perseverance in Resilience and Mental Toughness

5. Perseverance: The Secret to Overcoming Obstacles and Adversity

6. Perseverance in the Face of Failure: Learning from Setbacks and Moving Forward

7. The Connection Between Perseverance and Achieving Long-Term Success

8. Cultivating Perseverance: Strategies for Building Resilience and Persistence

9. Perseverance as a Driving Force for Motivation and Determination

10. The Benefits of Perseverance: How Persistence Leads to Accomplishment and Fulfillment
11. The Role of Perseverance in Overcoming....

1. The Power of Perseverance: Achieving Success against All Odds

Discuss the remarkable resilience of individuals who have overcome immense obstacles and achieved remarkable feats, emphasizing how perseverance played a pivotal role in their journeys. Explore real-life examples and analyze the strategies they employed to stay resolute in the face of setbacks.

2. Perseverance as a Key Ingredient for a Fulfilling Career

Delve into the importance of perseverance in the context of career success. Examine how persistence can help individuals overcome challenges, adapt to changing circumstances, and remain focused on their long-term goals. Share stories of individuals who have demonstrated unwavering....

4 Pages
Literature Review


Determination of FDI in Saudi

Words: 1548
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Literature Review

eferences Ali, Jasmin. (2007). egional magnets for foreign direct investment. Gulfnews. etrieved March 13, 2010 at Beblawi, Hazem. The rentier state in the Arab world. In Hazem Beblawi & Giacomo Luciani, (Eds).…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Determination of Federal Court of Appeal in

Words: 1260
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Determination of Federal Court of Appeal in the case of Canterbury vs. Spence Canterbury filed a lawsuit against Spence in the United States. n this lawsuit, Canterbury alleged that Dr.…

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4 Pages


Self-Determination Theory One Interesting Concept That Comes

Words: 1439
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Self-Determination Theory One interesting concept that comes up in many social science issues is that of self-determination. In the political process, the ideals of self-determination were popularized during the Enlightenment…

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16 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Law

Expert Determination by Glancing at the Economies

Words: 5541
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Expert Determination By glancing at the economies and the trading patterns of the world it can be deduced that the investments made in the petroleum business, forms a radical majority;…

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2 Pages

Drama - World

Post-War Settlements and Self-Determinations After

Words: 637
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

None of these ideals will be perfectly compatible with the ideals of other individuals or groups also attempting to realize their self-determination ideals. As such, conflicts will arise…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Terrorism Self-Determination No Group or

Words: 334
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

True, sometimes this does take violence for it to occur. That does not make the violence right. In a perfect world, there would be no need for violence,…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Nationalist Struggles for Self-Determination -

Words: 2334
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Instead, Messali Hadj created a separate adverse party (Algerian National Movement), yet as violent in acquiring independence as FLN (Entelis, 1986). Although having the same enemy, and the same…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Vmc Determination Vmc Determination of

Words: 1633
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This lateral "lift" is a representation of an unbalanced side force on the airplane which requires counteraction which can be by allowing a sideways acceleration of the airplane…

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5 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Dennett's Determination of Rational System

Words: 1524
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

ennett's determination of the organization of a rational system surrounds the predictive behaviors of "believes" and "desires" to make a paradigm for international behavior. Rationality, for ennett, is…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Kashmir Self-Determination vs Self-Destruction

Words: 1522
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Kashmir occupation by Indian forces and the breach of the right of self-determination it has led to. It additionally focuses on the boycott by the Kashmiri public of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Employer's Self-Determination and Property Right vs Rights of Homosexual Employees

Words: 1282
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Conflicting moral standards in our time have led to a new conflict in the philosophy of human rights. Increasingly homosexual individuals are going public with their sexuality, and demanding…

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6 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Interaction Hormones Behavior Interactions Affect Determination Gender

Words: 2041
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Interaction Hormones Behavior, Interactions Affect Determination Gender Identity There are two important distinctions to be drawn, the biological determination of a human being's sex and the gender identity. The former…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Human Resource Information System Determination of Human

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Human Resource Information ystem Determination of Human Resource Information ystems in HR Determination of HRI in Human Resource Human Resource Information ystems As compared to past years, augmentation experiences on human resources in…

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3 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Anderson's Determination to Forge a Company That

Words: 968
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Anderson's determination to forge a company that is profitable and environmentally- sustainable is admirable, and no doubt an example to other companies in his industry. A common sentiment…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Management Services The Determination of the Suitable

Words: 899
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Management Services: The determination of the suitable level of services provided during a patient's visit normally requires the identification of whether the patient is new or already established to…

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