Development Goals Essays (Examples)

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He concludes that most of the important goals related to the situation of the populations in developing countries have been achieved, yet more needs to be done. However, Jolly fails to take into consideration other goals set by the United Nation which address the issue of the protection of civilian lives, or supporting the right of people to live, but not from the perspective of the development goal, but rather through that advocating peace and political stability. In this sense, the dramatic situations in Africa regarding humanitarian crises such as Darfur or Somalia have pointed out the limits of the United Nations (Russbach, 1994). Although much has been done in terms of establishing a more useful international law system that would protect minorities from being abused, the genocides in Rwanda or in the heart of the European continent in Yugoslavia have underlined the paralysis the UN system experiences especially….

Adopted by the UN in the year 2000, the UN Millennium Development Goals, in the words of Hopper (2012, 13), sought to synthesize "the various declarations and targets from the numerous international summits and conferences held during the 1990s." Commonly referred to as the MDGs, the Millennium Development Goals are eight in number. They include: "eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and empower women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; global partnership for development" (United Nations, 2014).

For this discussion, I will largely concern myself with one of the goals I have listed above. Given the kind of suffering vulnerable populations are exposed to as a result of extreme poverty, I will be evaluating the first MDG, i.e. eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. To monitor progress, the MDG has three key targets. The….

Goals in the Year 2002

Yet MDG efforts in a lot of nations are failing to speak to the wide-spread prejudice of women have to face in retrieving food, water, hygiene and covering, while biased strategies, laws and performs that reinforce gender-based viciousness and weaken development on all the MDGs, have been left to aggravate. In spite of the negative viewpoint by many, those of the UN and the United Nations Development program uphold that they headed into the right direction in achieving the goals that are being put into action in the MDG.
In conclusion, it appears fairly obvious that the Millennium Development Goals are tremendously determined. In spite of an unparalleled effort in the direction of development all over the globe, it appears extremely improbable that all the objectives can be met by the year of 2015. It appears that evens the poorest places, as well as that of the sub-Saharan Africa, will….

Goal 8 Target 12-13 the

These technologies are key to sustaining economic growth and increase productivity within these countries.
Access to electricity remains far from adequate, specifically in sub-aharan Africa, where as much as 74% of the population remains without electricity. This is one area that needs urgent attention by means of a global partnership between the public and private sectors.

Clearly, there are many gaps that still need to be addressed between the Millennium Goals and reaching the established targets. With the current global economic recession, it is however very unlikely that the 2010 targets will be met, and at least unlikely that the goals for 2015 will be met. However, it is encouraging that an effort is made to improve the situation, despite the financial difficulties experienced across the world.

Despite the gloomy projections in terms of meeting the overall goals, the UN report also cites considerable success in terms of countries using their debt….

Goals -- Some Progress for

To wit, in several SSA countries, the ratio of girls to boys in school is less than 80% (eight girls to every ten boys who have a chance at an education). In Chad, there are 6.4 girls to every 10 boys in primary education; in Guinea-Bissau there are 6.5 girls for every ten boys in school. Child mortality is a horrific problem in SSA: in 30 of the 47 countries the rate of child mortality is at least 1 in ten (for children under 5 years of age). In Sierra Leone, for example 262 out of every 1,000 children die before the age of five (orld Bank data).
Maternal health is a very serious problem in SSA; over thirty countries report more than 500 mothers out of every 100,000 either die during pregnancy or during childbirth. There are some frighteningly stark numbers among those 30 countries; to wit, in Sierra….

Field Counselor DispositionsSensitivityGoal: A SMART goal for this disposition could focus on attending all counseling sessions with an open mind and heart by listening more than speaking throughout each session.Objective: The objective would be for the counselor to become more aware of how their clients feel without coercively attempting to shape those feelings in any way; allowing the client to grow autonomously from their unique viewpoint and position within each session.ImpartialityGoal: The goal is to ensure that all counseling sessions involve approaching clients with impartiality, valuing their rights, dignity, and worth, by identifying, acknowledging and respecting their cultural values at the start of each session.Objective: The counselor should receive proper training in the areas of contextual and cultural competency. This education includes increasing knowledge on the characteristics of different social and cultural contexts as well as understanding diverse world views so they can be conscientious when working with different client….

Goal Translation at STM
The concept of "goal translation" in the context of the STM case is critical to the success of the entire TQM initiative and strategy. The single most critical success factor for any TQM initiative is change management (Svensson, 2005). The goal translation component or concept of the STM methodology concentrates on combining as many of the diverse, existing initiatives in place and leaving only a single set of key or strategic goals that have been defined by internal and external needs. STM wanted to do this to enable more effective change management strategies while also being able to set the foundation for real-time analytics reporting. This aggregation of internal and external needs for process improvement ensured that STM would invest their limited time and resources only in those activities that would deliver the greatest value. TQM projects must be managed to a specific series of measurable criteria….

Goals Statement

Goals Statement couldn't believe my eyes. After all the wrapping paper lie strewn on the floor, I held in my hands the best present I had ever received. It wasn't a Game Boy or a new CD: it was a book called "Chemistry for Kids," and it came with a small lab set. I wasted no time, and immediately set out to perform my first experiments. I felt high as I gathered ordinary household items and watched them change into new forms of matter. My very first experiment was a success, and a practical one, too: I made my very own toothpaste. No many people can say they made toothpaste when they were ten years old, yet with the help of a simple chemistry set and a few materials I found around the house, I experienced newfound joy in my daily ablutions before school.
My homemade toothpaste became a great source….

George's marriage to Ella is his second one; his first wife was from an arranged marriage in Pakistan that left him unhappy. Yet he was able to incorporate aspects of development theory within his own life to find a new wife who he is (mostly) pleased with in a Western environment, and even owns a successful fish and chips restaurant. In his romantic life and in his economic life, George is able to evince some of the best qualities of development theory and modernization by taking his best assets and (literally) marrying them with those from a Western society to update and contemporize his life and his source of income.
However, what George does not take account of is the fact that he must allow the same degree of leniency from his religion and tradition that he permitted himself in marrying Ella to his children. In this sense, East is….

The significance of career training programs i.e. formal and non-formal educational measures help in quality development of personnel and promoting the achievement of career goals and objectives as well as success in the field.

The hospitality and hotel management industry provides numerous opportunities for individual development and success. Notably, success in this industry depends on the formal and informal career training and educational programs that an individual receives. These programs help in career development and management in relation to current and future career goals. Therefore, career development plan is based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities obtained from these training programs.


"Career Development Plan." (2007). Success through People. etrieved from Nova Scotia Government website:

Ladkin, a. & Juwaheer, T.D. (2000). The Career Paths of Hotel General Managers in Mauritius. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(2), 119-125.

Vujic, V., Becic, E. & Crnjar, K. (2008). Trends and the Need for New Professions….

As an intern I would like to be a part of some international business-related aspect of the United Nations' Millennial Development Goals Project. Not only do I want to learn, but I want to help as well. And being able to promote gender equality, not only in my home country, but around the world, is something that I would be proud to be associated with.
As I need to learn to successfully expand my business, a U.N. internship will provide me with the opportunity to learn, as well as make contacts which may help my business. I also want to learn the latest ways to incorporate the idea of gender equality into my business so that when I expand and hire more people, I will be able to give more women of my country a chance to achieve financial security. Finally, I hope to gain some insight into how the….

Lewisian Model and Development
State the assumption of the model.

The Lewis Model was developed in 1954 whereby it was shown that expansion of industrial sector was crucial to the development of less-developed countries (LDCs). The model was based on following important assumptions:

a) Less-developed countries have dual economy system. This means that economy in such countries is dependent on two large sectors that operate in starkly different environment. These sectors were defined as agriculture and industry. It was assumed that while agricultural sector is the largest economic sector in LDCs, it fails to make equally significant contribution to the country's income because this sector is characterized by low income, low productivity, high unemployment and poor wages. On the other hand industrial sector operates in a capitalist environment where business is run in the same manner as in western societies. This leads to huge differences in productivity and efficiency in the two sectors.….

Income Disparity and Development in Latin American Countries
The income disparity in the Latin American countries is the largest in the world and has a dramatic and complex impact on the development of these countries on many related levels. As one commentator states, "Inequality is as Latin American as good dance music and magical-realist fiction. Like those other regional products, it thrives." (Inequality in Latin America. A stubborn curse.)

Statistics from the World ank indicate that the richest tenth among Latin Americans earn 48% of total income, while the poorest tenth earn just 1.6%. The equivalent figures for rich countries are 29.1% and 2.5%. (Inequality in Latin America). While fifteen years of market reforms have resulted in income levels that are above those of Africa, yet " ... income disparity is the largest in the world and 222 million people live in poverty." (SANCHEZ M. 2005) Numerous studies and reports document the….

(Shah, 2010)
F. Impact of Structural Adjustment Policy Preconditions

According to Shah the preconditions impact poorer countries in a devastating manner and it is reported that the following factors result in "further misery for the developing nations" and ultimately keep these countries dependent on nations that are developed: (1) Poor countries must export more in order to raise enough money to pay off their debts in a timely manner; (2) ecause there are so many nations being asked or forced into the global market place -- before they are economically and socially stable and ready -- and told to concentrate on similar cash crops and commodities as others, the situation resembles a large-scale price war; (3) Then, the resources from the poorer regions become even cheaper, which favors consumers in the West; (4) Governments then need to increase exports just to keep their currencies stable (which may not be sustainable, either)….

child development

Infancy is the stage between birth and two years of age. This stage is characterized by rapid physical growth than any other stage of life. Very interesting changes occur in this couple of years. Brain development also occurs rapidly at this stage. Prior to birth, the unborn baby has most of the brain cells, but not all. There is a very rapid development of the neural connections between the cells. Contrary to what most people think, the baby is not entirely helpless. It is capable of all the basic activities required to sustain life -- breathing, suckling, swallowing and excretion. By the first week, the newborns can identify the direction from which sound is coming, recognize the voice of the mother from other voices and is capable of simple imitating basic gestures such as opening the mouth and sticking out the tongue (Shaffer & Kipp, 2013).
Physical Changes

Reflexes (automatic in built….

I. Introduction
- Introduce the topic of summer vacations and the importance of planning ahead
- Provide a brief overview of the key points that will be discussed in the essay

II. Travel plans
- Discuss the destination for the summer vacation, such as a beach resort or a mountain retreat
- Mention any specific activities or attractions that are planned for the trip
- Explain why this destination was chosen and why it is an ideal choice for a vacation

III. Relaxation and downtime
- Outline plans for relaxation and downtime during the summer vacation
- Mention activities such as reading, spending time outdoors, or catching up on....

1. The impact of economic policy on income inequality
2. The effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing violence
3. The role of government in regulating technology and privacy
4. The implications of education policy on student success and equity
5. The benefits and drawbacks of implementing a universal basic income policy
6. The impact of climate change policies on the economy and environment
7. The role of immigration policies in shaping cultural diversity and economic growth
8. The importance of healthcare policy in addressing healthcare access and affordability
9. The debates surrounding criminal justice reform and policies on sentencing and rehabilitation
10. The challenges and opportunities of implementing....

Thesis Statement: The effective management of human waste is crucial for safeguarding public health, preserving the environment, and promoting sustainable development.


In the tapestry of human existence, managing human waste is an intricate thread that intertwines with public health, environmental well-being, and sustainable development. Inefficient or inadequate waste management practices pose significant risks to human health, contaminate water bodies, pollute the air, and contribute to climate change. Recognizing the urgency of addressing this issue, this thesis delves into the complexities of managing human waste, exploring strategies and solutions to mitigate its adverse effects.

Body Paragraph 1: Public Health Implications

The improper handling of....

## Captivating Essay Topics on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a pivotal concept in contemporary business practices, shaping the relationship between organizations and their stakeholders. The following essay topics explore diverse aspects of CSR, inviting students to critically examine its implications, challenges, and opportunities:

### 1. CSR as a Strategic Competitive Advantage

How can companies leverage CSR as a competitive differentiator in the marketplace?
Analyze the financial benefits and reputational enhancements associated with strong CSR performance.
Discuss the role of CSR in attracting and retaining top talent and building customer loyalty.

### 2. The Ethics of CSR:....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Global Development Goals The United

Words: 1678
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He concludes that most of the important goals related to the situation of the populations in developing countries have been achieved, yet more needs to be done. However,…

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2 Pages


UN Millennium Development Goals Evaluation

Words: 627
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Goals Adopted by the UN in the year 2000, the UN Millennium Development Goals, in the words of Hopper (2012, 13), sought to synthesize "the various declarations and targets…

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5 Pages


Goals in the Year 2002

Words: 1522
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Yet MDG efforts in a lot of nations are failing to speak to the wide-spread prejudice of women have to face in retrieving food, water, hygiene and covering,…

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3 Pages

Literature - African

Goal 8 Target 12-13 the

Words: 969
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

These technologies are key to sustaining economic growth and increase productivity within these countries. Access to electricity remains far from adequate, specifically in sub-aharan Africa, where as much as…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

Family and Marriage

Goals -- Some Progress for

Words: 1409
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

To wit, in several SSA countries, the ratio of girls to boys in school is less than 80% (eight girls to every ten boys who have a chance…

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1 Pages


Professional Development Goals and Objectives

Words: 239
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Field Counselor DispositionsSensitivityGoal: A SMART goal for this disposition could focus on attending all counseling sessions with an open mind and heart by listening more than speaking throughout each…

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2 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Goal Translation at Stm the Concept of

Words: 655
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Goal Translation at STM The concept of "goal translation" in the context of the STM case is critical to the success of the entire TQM initiative and strategy. The single…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Goals Statement

Words: 1013
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Goals Statement couldn't believe my eyes. After all the wrapping paper lie strewn on the floor, I held in my hands the best present I had ever received. It…

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6 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Development Theory Immigrant Problems Identity

Words: 1938
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

George's marriage to Ella is his second one; his first wife was from an arranged marriage in Pakistan that left him unhappy. Yet he was able to incorporate…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Five-Year Development Plan A Career

Words: 1740
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The significance of career training programs i.e. formal and non-formal educational measures help in quality development of personnel and promoting the achievement of career goals and objectives as…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Third Announced Goal of the

Words: 543
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As an intern I would like to be a part of some international business-related aspect of the United Nations' Millennial Development Goals Project. Not only do I want…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Lewisian Model and Development

Words: 1171
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lewisian Model and Development State the assumption of the model. The Lewis Model was developed in 1954 whereby it was shown that expansion of industrial sector was crucial to the development…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Income Disparity and Development

Words: 2476
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Income Disparity and Development in Latin American Countries The income disparity in the Latin American countries is the largest in the world and has a dramatic and complex impact on…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


African Development Structural Adjustment Policies

Words: 3022
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

(Shah, 2010) F. Impact of Structural Adjustment Policy Preconditions According to Shah the preconditions impact poorer countries in a devastating manner and it is reported that the following factors result…

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4 Pages


child development

Words: 2081
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Infancy is the stage between birth and two years of age. This stage is characterized by rapid physical growth than any other stage of life. Very interesting changes occur…

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