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Can you help me with my stress concept analysis?


By PD Tutor#1
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Answer #1

While stress is a commonly used term, it is a poorly defined term that can refer to a wide scope of things, depending on the context.  Generally speaking, stress refers to the person’s response to some sort of aversive stimuli or stressor, though stress can also be used to refer to the stimuli that causes the stress.  The perception of stress appears to be related to whether a person finds a particular stimulus to be overwhelming. Therefore, a stress concept analysis can have different meanings and is personalized for each person experiencing a particular stressor.  Generally, we get questions about stress concept analysis from people studying nursing because stress is considered one of the fundamental concepts in some of the theoretical approaches to the study of nursing. 

Stress and stress management are both considered very important in healthcare.  There are a variety of different stressors that are believed to impact people’s health.  The impact can occur in multiple ways, predisposing people to illness, impacting their ability to access care, and even changing the likely outcome of various medical interventions. 

Stressors can be divided into various different subcategories including physical, chemical, microbial, developmental, social, cultural, environmental, psychological, and economic.  These stressors may interact in ways that are not yet fully understood. 

The current COVID-19 pandemic is a great example of how various stressors can impact health outcomes.  While certain identified risk factors are likely to increase the likelihood that someone dies of the illness, minority status seems to be one of those risk factors that operates both independently of and in conjunction with related risk factors.   Alleviating stress may be important to improve medical outcomes for patients, particularly in long-term settings.  These stress management tools can include: diet, nutrition, exercise, time management training, anger management training, anxiety reduction through behavior modification and/or medications, and getting enough sleep.

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questions about stress concept analysis from people studying nursing because stress is considered one of the fundamental concepts in some of the theoretical approaches to the study of nursing. 

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