Diet Pills Essays (Examples)

89+ documents containing “diet pills”.

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Diet Pills
Step 4 Project Plan

ho is your audience?

A health counseling professional that is currently hiring for a management position in nutrition at a health and beauty spa.

The audience would be interested in this topic because there are many healthier ways to lose weight than with the use of dietary aids. The information about the prevalence of height and weight concerns among young women could be relevant to their line of work.

hat is your purpose for writing the document?

The purpose of writing this document is to point out the risky trend in young females and provide healthier alternatives. As an aspiring nutritionist, I would also like to show my competency on the subject.

hat are the most important details or concepts you want your audience to take away after reading your letter?

That there is a serious problem in our culture that deals with improper nutrition and short cuts to weight management that….

Any weight loss, say doctors, is good weight loss. If there is some minor contribution the medication gives to the whole process, then that's positive. If taken strictly according to instructions, at worst, diet pills are harmless for the most part.
Effects of Dietary Supplements

The FDA regulates dietary supplements only in that it is required to ensure their safety. A manufacturer is not required to register a supplement or have it approved prior to going to market with it. They must only make certain the product is safe. It is the FDA's post-sales responsibility to keep them safe. Manufacturers must ensure that the label on the product is accurate and not misleading in any way.

There are definite benefits in taking dietary supplements per directions. They can assist anyone in obtaining nutrients not consumed through a balanced diet. And some can reduce the risk of certain diseases even though, by FDA….

outstanding fact: Americans love to diet. The South Beach Diet, Lo-Carb Diet, Slimfast, Weight Watcher's, diet pills, gastric bypass sugary. These are all examples of ways that adults in America are trying to lose weight. This obsession with losing weight seems to be spinning out of control. The question is why do people diet? Is it to lose the couple pounds you packed on during the holiday season, to look like all the other stick figures on television, or, is there a deeper reason? The reality of it is that there are 100 million overweight adults living in America today, and that 300,000 people a year die from diseases that are directly related to obesity. Obesity in America has become such a problem that it is the 2nd cause death that can be prevented, only narrowly behind smoking. There must be some positive, even essential reasons to diet. The….

Diabetes and Obesity: What Are the Choices?
Diabetes is becoming an increasingly serious health problem across the United States, and indeed across the world. The majority of cases of diabetes, both in terms of new diagnoses and of current cases, are those of Type II diabetes, which is a condition generally brought on by overweight or obesity and lack of exercise, that prevents an individual's body from being able to metabolize the glucose in food in an efficient and healthy way. Individuals with Type II diabetes (as opposed to individuals with Type I diabetes) can generally be quite successfully treated by losing weight and increasing exercise. Individuals with Type II diabetes can often bring their symptoms and risks under control and even potentially eliminate them through good diet and weight loss.

Given that Type II diabetes can have very serious long-term consequences (including early death due to stroke or heart disease, blindness,….

e. fat storage. These physiological concerns are significant in that programming that was designed to maintain a nurturing position for young children the physiological environment interprets crisis as anything that creates a stressful physical demeanor. The stress and psychology of abandonment is a constant, once the abandonment by the father has occurred. The body does not distinguish between a fasting period associated with unavailable food, or drought and psychological long-term emotional stress. The human body also does not distinguish between a self imposed diet and a period of famine. It reduces its basal metabolic rate, or the rate of metabolism needed to perform its base functions, and then the recovery period would seem to be longer than expected. This is the diet conundrum, though it has also been proven that prolonged periods of psychological stress and/or depression that could be associated with abandonment by the father will also cause a….

Also, there have been cases of people having a life that they have only dreamed of in the past because they have experienced considerable weight losses. (Evening Chronicle)
Even though most people are not aware of it, obesity is one of the most dangerous problems they face. Obesity is surpassed only by smoking when considering the main cause of death worldwide. One of the most disastrous diseases that overweight can lead to is diabetes. This is obvious through the fact that most people that have diabetes are usually overweight. (Mark Kimathi)

Overweight problems are certainly underestimated, with people believing that there is nothing wrong with a few extra pounds. In reality, overweight has terrible consequences on the human body. Among numerous other diseases, overweight people face the risk of developing various forms of cancer. All in all, overweight can lead to a lot of life-threatening affections, and, among the only methods….

Health Promotion

learning about how you can promote your health best is to read up on the latest news and expert advice about it. I have often learned a great deal about the matter through the Internet, which offers the latest tips on diet and exercise. My favorite source of online information is at the MSN website, which has a home page dedicated to health. This online source provides up-to-date information on new and improved exercise techniques and dieting methods, on ways to maintain emotional health through relaxation and meditation, and on news over the latest research findings related to health.
I try to promote my health best by trying to maintain healthy eating habits and by keeping my exercise schedule as a daily routine. I often eat six small meals a day instead of the three large ones that are usually taken. I try to eat foods low in calories and….

What hurt the most is that I felt that my personal integrity and the right to be myself were being unfairly obstructed. I am no longer a child and while I am not an experienced adult, yet I feel that I am old enough to make my own decisions. In fact I began to feel like a prisoner in my own home and this tended to increase my sense of opposition to the attitude of my parents.
A also realized that the root of the problem lay in a lack of understanding and communication. I also felt that my parents had not attempted to listen to side of the argument closely enough. I therefore decided that the argument should end and sat down with my parents one evening to convince them that my eating habits were intended not to harm myself but to increase my quality of life. I was….

Direct to Consumer Advertising










In order to provide the most efficient method of evaluation, the study will utilize existing stores of qualitative and quantitative data from reliable sources, such as U.S. Government statistical references, University studies, and the studies and publications of non-profit and consumer oriented organizations. Every attempt will be made to avoid sources of information sponsored by or directly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.

Existing data regarding the history, levels, content and growth of direct-to-consumer advertising will be examined. In addition, the industry's composition prior to and after the proliferation of direct-to-consumer advertising will be examined, with regard to market share, type of substances sold, benefits of substances sold, and consumer benefit (or lack thereof). Perceptions regarding direct-to-consumer advertising will be revealed,….

ithout a doubt, a great deal of these insecurities are embedded in the modern American culture's obsession with women maintaining unhealthy, unrealistic body types. omen have been set up to fail by these expectations, which has ultimately served to keep them submissive and dependent on men.

The bathroom scale is, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than an inanimate object - a machine. However the frustration, degradation and humiliation that it signifies for the modern American woman goes far beyond the nuts and bolts of its construction. The scale represents the measuring of a woman's worth by how much she weighs. It furthermore perpetuates the notion that women should take up as little space as possible because they are 'lesser' people than men. Ultimately, it signifies the source of manipulation by the diet and food industries to keep their bank accounts big and their women small. ithin this context,….

Beauty Exchange

Beauty Exchange
The documentary The Beauty Exchange displays the life of typical Czech women in the 21st century struggling with the image of beauty. Every person is shaped by the world around them and the basis for what a woman should look like has been instilled in society through magazines, TV, movies, advertisements, celebrities. The challenges that women are constantly facing are perfect skin, gorgeous hair, flawless make-up, good figure, fashionable style and these things have grown to be such an important part of today's society.

One would think that it was women who determined fashion trends, since they are the ones who spend so much money and effort looking good when each one comes out. Yet, this current documentary shows that is not exactly the truth. In fact, women do not play as large of a part as one may think in the process of creating and popularizing fashion trends. Often….

Human Conduct the Study of

This was despite the fact that he had the title as the "King of Rock and Roll" and was one of the most recognizable personalities in the world. Over the course of time, one could argue that because of his celebrity status and vast wealth that no could tell him to fix his life. Instead, he was surrounded by people who only told him what they thought he wanted to hear. At which point, the lifestyle choices that he made had a dramatic impact upon his health. In this situation, one could argue that critics of Pojman's ideas are wrong, where the life of Elvis was a rags to riches story that went astray. Instead, one could argue that the proponents of the theory would have an accurate interpretation of the situation, based on the fact that the overall levels of goodness within Elvis' soul would change over time.….

Psychology of Consumer Behavior
The research into how young women perceive their own bodies -- in response to constant exposure to media images of un-naturally thin and extraordinarily beautiful females -- has been a popular topic for many years. But when it comes to male models that are nearly perfect, handsome and muscular in exactly the right places, there has not been as much attention or research. This paper reviews the potential of -- and reality of -- dissatisfaction in males based on the media's model images of males.

Body Image for Males -- Background

Annette La Greca is Professor of Psychology at the University of Miami and Gerald Koocher is the Dean of the School for Health Studies at Simmons College. As co-authors of The Parents' Guide to Psychological First Aid: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Predictable Life Crises they assert that the research for body dissatisfaction among youth has "focuses….

Price and Quantity of Milk When the Following Events Occur:
An advertising campaign highlights scientific studies that find drinking milk can help reduce weight gain.

Demand: the demand of milk will increase because it also serves another purpose i.e. weight reduction. The demand curve will move to the right to depict increase in quantity demanded. People are investing so much in weight reducing items like slim fast shakes, diet pills etc. If milk is able to offer the desired weight reduction, even those who were not using milk previously will now do so because it will serve two important purposes i.e. calcium requirement and weight reduction.

Supply: with increase in quantity demanded, supply will increase too. Supply curve will likewise show an upward shift

There is a mad cow disease epidemic.

Demand: demand or quantity demanded will decrease because mad cow disease can directly affect quality of milk. Demand of milk is highly reactive….

Maslow & Marketing
Consider which stage of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs you are most likely in that drives a lot of your purchase decisions.

The stage of Maslow that could or would be most applicable really would depend. Indeed, it would boil down to something physiological, or at least be related to that, given that there are products that one could buy that are related to breathing, food, water, sex, sleep and excretion. Obviously, no product is technically needed to engage in those acts directly, but if one is hungry they are probably going to buy the product from a store rather than stealing it from someone else or said store. However, a product could relate to safety such as security of the body, employment of resources, or morality. For example, someone buying condoms or birth control does not need those materials to engage in sexual activity but they are doing so….

Many people have suggested reasons that obesity remains prevalent in Salford, UK.  The low level of adult physical activity is believed to be the primary cause, but it is important to recognize that childhood obesity is also a factor in Salford.  In addition, one must compare other health measures in Salford to the rest of the UK to get a full picture.  In general, Salford is simply less healthy than the English average, with higher rates of adult smoking, smoking-related deaths, alcohol-related hospital stays, mental health conditions, dementia, and learning disabilities.  This seems to be directly linked to issues....

3 Pages

Not Specified

Diet Pills Step 4 Project Plan Who

Words: 904
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Diet Pills Step 4 Project Plan ho is your audience? A health counseling professional that is currently hiring for a management position in nutrition at a health and beauty spa. The audience would…

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7 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Dietary Pills and Dietary Supplements

Words: 2207
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Any weight loss, say doctors, is good weight loss. If there is some minor contribution the medication gives to the whole process, then that's positive. If taken strictly…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Psychology - Disorders

Positive Effects of Dieting on Individuals

Words: 809
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

outstanding fact: Americans love to diet. The South Beach Diet, Lo-Carb Diet, Slimfast, Weight Watcher's, diet pills, gastric bypass sugary. These are all examples of ways that adults…

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8 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Diabetes and Obesity What Are the Choices

Words: 2438
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Diabetes and Obesity: What Are the Choices? Diabetes is becoming an increasingly serious health problem across the United States, and indeed across the world. The majority of cases of diabetes,…

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29 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Paternal Abandonment and Female Adult

Words: 7963
Length: 29 Pages
Type: Term Paper

e. fat storage. These physiological concerns are significant in that programming that was designed to maintain a nurturing position for young children the physiological environment interprets crisis as anything…

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3 Pages


People Should Lose Weight Problems

Words: 945
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Also, there have been cases of people having a life that they have only dreamed of in the past because they have experienced considerable weight losses. (Evening Chronicle) Even…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Health Promotion

Words: 348
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

learning about how you can promote your health best is to read up on the latest news and expert advice about it. I have often learned a great…

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4 Pages

Women's Issues - Health Issues

Life and Death Matters When

Words: 1297
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

What hurt the most is that I felt that my personal integrity and the right to be myself were being unfairly obstructed. I am no longer a child…

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59 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Direct to Consumer Advertising History of Drug

Words: 16271
Length: 59 Pages
Type: Term Paper


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5 Pages

Sports - Women

Measuring Women's Worth by the

Words: 1587
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

ithout a doubt, a great deal of these insecurities are embedded in the modern American culture's obsession with women maintaining unhealthy, unrealistic body types. omen have been set…

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3 Pages

Gender and Sexuality

Beauty Exchange

Words: 1249
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Beauty Exchange The documentary The Beauty Exchange displays the life of typical Czech women in the 21st century struggling with the image of beauty. Every person is shaped by the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Human Conduct the Study of

Words: 1182
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This was despite the fact that he had the title as the "King of Rock and Roll" and was one of the most recognizable personalities in the world.…

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4 Pages


Psychology of Consumer Behavior

Words: 1325
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Psychology of Consumer Behavior The research into how young women perceive their own bodies -- in response to constant exposure to media images of un-naturally thin and extraordinarily beautiful females…

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2 Pages


Price and Quantity of Milk When the

Words: 501
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Price and Quantity of Milk When the Following Events Occur: An advertising campaign highlights scientific studies that find drinking milk can help reduce weight gain. Demand: the demand of milk…

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2 Pages


Maslow's Hierarchy Applied to Life

Words: 647
Length: 2 Pages

Maslow & Marketing Consider which stage of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs you are most likely in that drives a lot of your purchase decisions. The stage of Maslow that could or…

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