Digital Essays (Examples)

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Digital Signature

Digital signatures are comprised of a series of algorithms and mathematical constructs that ensure the authenticity and verifiability of a person signing a specific document. The reliance on digital signatures continues to increase as virtual work teams, the development of automated contract management, compliance, financial reporting and advanced workflows in the fields of financial services continues to grow (Keenan, 2005). The intent of this analysis is to define the properties and usage of digital signatures, evaluate how legal digital signatures are to stand up in court, and explain the security challenges of digital signatures as well.
Properties and Usage of Digital Signatures

The foundational technology elements of digital signatures are predicated on mathematical algorithms used for supporting advanced asymmetric cryptography including the option of repudiation and non-repudiation (orasky, 1999). These two areas of repudiation and non-repudiation are essential for ensuring the authenticity and veracity of the person(s) signing are in fact who….

Digital Technologies
An investigation into the effects of DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES on U.S. PRINTING INDUSTRY

US Printing Industry

usiness Segmentation of Print Market

Industry Trends

Traditional Printing

Digital Technology for Printing

Effects of Digital Technology on Printing Industry

Graphic Designing

Work Flow Redefined


Strategic Integration

Digital Media to Plate



Challenges of Digital printing Industry

Comparison of views on Issues

Similar conclusions of Research

Critical Aspects of Methodology

Gaps in Research

Previous Studies and Current Research

Relatedness with Literature in General

Method of Data Collection

Ethical Considerations

Results and Findings

Positive Impacts of Digital Technology on U.S. Printing Industry

Industry Wide Impact

Major Sectors

Change in Printing usiness Processes

Technical Impacts

Negative Impacts of Digital Technology on U.S. Printing Industry

Industry Wide Impact

usiness Processes and Eliminated Roles

5. Analysis and Discussion



Value Chain

Work Flow Process

6. Conclusion and Future Research


Further Research


1. Introduction:

Technology is the instigator to change, a major contributor and enabler of automated processes, sharing of data and information, and most of all a binding force for collaboration in the information age. It is digital technology that is the underlying factor in….

Digital Signature Scheme Based on Factorization
The objective of this study is to discuss an issue in cryptography or computer security. Digital signatures are described as "an analog of handwritten signatures" which are based on "the physically idiosyncratic way of signing one's name. But they can be easily forged." (Grabbe, 1998) The digital signature is "a mathematical method of attaching one's identity to a message" and is held to be more difficult to forge than a handwritten signature." (Grabbe, 1998) Public key cryptography is used for digital signatures and is such that uses two keys: (1) Take an ordinary plain-text message and apply one of the keys to it in an encryption process, and you end up with a scrambled or "encrypted" (or, in the current context, "signed") message; and (2) Apply the other key to the scrambled message in a decryption process, and you end up with the original plain-text….

Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age
Information privacy refers to the desire of individuals to control or have some influence over data about themselves. Advances in information technology have raised concerns about information privacy and its impacts (Belanger & Crossler, 2011). There are many definitions for information privacy, but there is little variance in the elements of the definitions, which typically include some form of control over the potential secondary uses of one's personal information. Secondary use refers to the practice of using data for purposes other than those for which they were originally collected. Digital privacy has been a concern since the Internet became such a popular means of communication. The abundance of computers and smart phones, the proliferation of communication, and the explosion of digital information has precipitated people's disclosure of very personal information online, thus creating concerns with three types of technology that invades the privacy of….

The technological capabilities of digital television are enormous, and the future of digital television can be seen as being on par with web pages and compact disc technology, all through the television. The broadcasting standard, however, can be traced back to the time when analogous television was first introduced as a viable medium in the time of World War II. It was in 1940 that the NTSC - National Television Systems Committee decided to set certain standards for the broadcast of television signals. (Digital Television: Has the evolution Stalled?)
The technology that was decided upon at that time still remains in the U.S.A. today, as for example in the 525-line low-resolution channel on which the Evening News is telecast everyday. However, even though this fact demonstrates that the U.S.A. was indeed a trendsetter, it is a sad fact that the U.S.A. is still entrenched in the same standards and is….

Drawbacks and Solutions in Transitioning from Print Textbook to Digital Textbook

The first challenge that this transition may face is the immediate requirement of an inflated budget intended for gadget purchase. Though print textbooks were dismissed as the cheaper option, digital textbooks do also have a considerably expensive budget to purchase and maintain. Furthermore, in cases where students were to fully sponsor themselves in the purchase of such material, division will fast be observed as the gadgets are somehow too expensive for some individuals. This would be despite the set curriculum basing itself on the digital textbook curriculum. A solution for this would, however, be to initiate engagement and commitment to the government implementing the very education curriculum to help service the finance for buying the equipment. This would better the speed of transition and will further ensure that such gadgets are school-owned, ensuring subsequent classes and students have enough supply….

Digital Forensics

Digital forensic can be described as a branch of forensic science surrounding the recovery as well as investigation of materials which are found within digital devices, in many occasion regarding computer crime. Originally the term was always used as a synonym for computer forensics; however it has spread out to be used in investigations of the entire devices with capability of storing digital data. Having its grounds in the personal computing revolution of the late 1970s and 1980s, this idea escalated in a disorganized way during the 1990s, but this ended in early 21st century after the emergence of national policies.
Digital forensic investigation has been associated with many applications. A widely known one is to refute or support a hypothesis in a civil or criminal courts. Private sectors may also apply forensic, like when there is internal intrusion investigation or corporate investigation. An investigation technical aspect has been categorized into….

1997: School Technology and eadiness eport: From Pillars to Progress The CEO Forum on Education and Technology
9. 1999: School Technology and eadiness eport. Professional Development: A Link to Better Learning The CEO Forum on Education and Technology

10. 2000: The National Technology Education Plan, e-Learning: Putting a World Class Education at the Fingertips of All Children U.S. Department of Education

a. 2000: The Power of the Internet for Learning Web-based Education Commission

b. 2000: The Secretary's Conference on Educational Technology, Measuring Impacts and Shaping the Future U.S. Department of Education

c. 2000: School and Technology eadiness eport. The Power of Digital Learning: Integrating Digital Content The CEO Forum on Education and Technology

11. 2001 Any Time, Any Place, Any Path, Any Pace: Taking the Lead on e-Learning Policy National Association of State Boards of Education

a. 2001: Education Technology Must Be Included in Comprehensive Legislation CEO Forum on Education and Technology

b. 2001: Investing in K12….

Digital Divide Crosses All Borders, Culturally and Geographically, Discuss How the Digital Divide Affects Society in 2014
The global segregation in myriad aspects owes due to deference of information because technology or rather the lack of it is the causation of the term digital divide. The manifestation is observed glaringly in the realms of schools, commercial activities, connectivity with the global elements and so on and so forth. In the following treatise, the issues that are causative to and the solutions to narrow down the gap are explored.

Digital divide's most referred manifestation is the economic deprivation of the unfortunate to the emerging economic possibilities offered by technology. It is the already affluent who have easy access to and advantage in the new construct (Neilsen, 2006). There are more ways, but most importantly two, in which this divide will be affected in the coming years. One of them is simple to guess….

This did not end the matter, of course, and appeared to be addressed more at the copier than at sites facilitating sharing, which would become the next target.
File Sharing Services

Napster was the best known but hardly the only website devoted to facilitating file sharing among subscribers. After the courts caused Napster to shut down, at least in its original form, other sites emerged to take its place. A court ruling against two peer-to-peer file-sharing networks created a sense of uncertainty even as other sites took their place, and critics charged that such rulings were stifling innovation and making the next generation of computer uses less sure, to the detriment of all (Zeller C1).

The top five companies are unified in the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the group that sued Napster to stop the trading of copyrighted music online (though this suit was only the first of many). This….

Digital Rights

Digital Copyight poblem of the Digital Age is that while infomation is easy and economical to publish and disseminate, exploitation of digital copyight and intellectual popety ights emains a contentious issue. The question of who owns the ight to digital infomation is one of the most hotly contested issues on the Web today. The subject of intellectual and digital copyight is fast becoming a topic that is expected to have a majo impact on shaping the futue of the netwoked wold.
The vey natue of the Intenet with its wide ange of fomats and divese types of data has made the issue of intellectual popety ights a minefield of contending voices. The complexity of online copyight, which often involves wide legal and ethical amifications, has even become a contempoay pseudo-philosophical issue with questions like "Who owns what?" And "What, exactly, is owned?" And "What ights does owneship convey?" becoming the subject….

Digital World Beauty Strategies
Beauty and the digital marketplace



Buying behavior


People relationship

Online platform

Technology and innovation

The marketing strategy for products and services rests on the principles of market demand and consumption. The consumers hold the primary importance in marketing and studies of consumption patterns. The fashion articles including beauty products also fall in the similar category. The products designed are towards a particular type of consumers. The online and physical fashion articles marketing require users profiling. The consumers of the products are profiled using market data and research facilities (Leung 2008). The examples of brands include Mac Jacobs and Vuitton. The marketing strategies are towards targeting a particular type of personal profiles fantasizing the beauty concepts.

The consumer buying preferences are particularly important in profiling the beauty products. These personal preferences are easy to measure in the digital marketplace. However research is the primary focus of these activities to understand what is valuable for….

These countries mainly obtain their domestic product income from agriculture, and not from information technology, because they simply do not have the resources nor the expertise to make a place for themselves in the digital world. Once again, this widens the gap between rich and poor countries, in that the latter do not have the means or opportunity to learn how they can also reap the benefits of digital technology.
Many solutions have been offered for overcoming the digital divide. The first and most important is that a paradigm shift must occur in terms of perceptions and belief. The rich must understand the need of the poor to make use of the opportunities offered by digital technology. econdly, the paradigm shift must be supplemented with action, and indeed, programs have already been implemented to accomplish this. According to Flexibility Ltd., for example, Arizona has created a program through which to….

[Harouna a]
Thus focusing on the digital divide only in terms of physical access to technology provides only a narrow and limited view of the actual problem. Digital divide is a multidimensional issue that needs a more thorough approach. Also, the core issue of functionally illiteracy (21% of Americans) and limited literacy of tens of millions of American people has to be addressed. [May Monten, 2007] Combating digital divide therefore extends beyond guaranteeing access to the information highway and necessitates solving these core educational issues by implementing reforms in educational policies that target these central problems. There is a need for a change in the strategic objective from just increasing penetration and access to information technology tools for communities towards a plan that involves the integration of these technological tools into the existing community programs. Only such a practical, integrated approach would yield the full potential that the Internet and….

This makes transportation both more user-friendly and efficient for the transportation infrastructure as a whole. It lessens the chances of riders getting on wrong buses, misreading different schedules, and informs riders when a bus will be cancelled or late so they can call their companion or find a new connecting bus. It also keeps tourists and strangers well-informed about points of interest in the area, such as restaurants or local historic attractions.
One of the reasons people are sometimes reluctant to regularly use public transportation is its lack of convenience. This new technology increases convenience and makes transportation even more user-friendly for tourists, as well as local commuters. As people grow more comfortable with GPS systems, it is likely that they will be more comfortable using them in other arenas of their lives. The use of digital signage in public transport, incorporating some of the ease of a car into….

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

Cyberbullying, which is defined as bullying that takes place over digital devices, is both similar to and different from traditional bullying.  In addition, it can take place in isolation or in combination with traditional forms of bullying.  It can involve a wide range of behaviors, including posing or sharing negative, harmful, mean, false, embarrassing, or humiliating information about the target.  It can also involve harassing behaviors.  Sometimes cyberbullying behaviors are criminal, and sometimes they are not.  Cyberbullying can occur on social media, in emails, by text or DM, in SMS, in games, in forums, and in a....

Cyberbullying is an extremely popular topic for academic essays and speeches.  In fact, we have several example essays on the cyberbullying and bullying.  It is similar to traditional in-person bullying in many ways, but because of the reach of internet devices it is often considered more serious and damaging than many methods of in-person bullying.  That is because victims describe being unable to get away from cyberbullying and to the fact that once it is online, the it is permanent.  This has led to people taking a more serious approach to bullying.  Here is an....

A Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment is one of the tools used in healthcare management.  They examine workflow issues that have the ability of positively or negatively impacting several important factors, such as the quality of care, overhead costs, and overall efficiency.  One of the areas of health care that can benefit from a Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment program is telemedicine.   Another area of health care that could benefit from a Health Care Informatics Risk Assessment program is vaccine administration in large groups.

If the COVID-19 pandemic has any lasting impact on the provision of....

3 Pages

Education - Computers

Digital Signature

Words: 929
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Digital signatures are comprised of a series of algorithms and mathematical constructs that ensure the authenticity and verifiability of a person signing a specific document. The reliance on digital…

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30 Pages


Digital Technologies an Investigation Into the Effects

Words: 8585
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Essay

Digital Technologies An investigation into the effects of DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES on U.S. PRINTING INDUSTRY US Printing Industry usiness Segmentation of Print Market Industry Trends Traditional Printing Digital Technology for Printing Effects of Digital Technology on Printing…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Digital Signature Scheme Based on Factorization

Words: 2484
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Digital Signature Scheme Based on Factorization The objective of this study is to discuss an issue in cryptography or computer security. Digital signatures are described as "an analog of handwritten…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Information privacy refers to the desire of individuals to control or have some influence over data about themselves. Advances in information technology have…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Digital Television and the Law

Words: 4106
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The technological capabilities of digital television are enormous, and the future of digital television can be seen as being on par with web pages and compact disc technology,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Digital Schoolbooks for Tomorrows Classrooms

Words: 2185
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Drawbacks and Solutions in Transitioning from Print Textbook to Digital Textbook The first challenge that this transition may face is the immediate requirement of an inflated budget intended for gadget…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Digital Forensics

Words: 1974
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Digital forensic can be described as a branch of forensic science surrounding the recovery as well as investigation of materials which are found within digital devices, in many occasion…

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20 Pages


Digital Divide Access to Technology

Words: 5775
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Thesis

1997: School Technology and eadiness eport: From Pillars to Progress The CEO Forum on Education and Technology 9. 1999: School Technology and eadiness eport. Professional Development: A Link to…

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7 Pages

Education - Computers

Digital Divide Culturally and Geographically Crosses All Borders

Words: 2566
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Digital Divide Crosses All Borders, Culturally and Geographically, Discuss How the Digital Divide Affects Society in 2014 The global segregation in myriad aspects owes due to deference of information because…

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16 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Digital Rights Management Drm a

Words: 4601
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This did not end the matter, of course, and appeared to be addressed more at the copier than at sites facilitating sharing, which would become the next target. File…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Digital Rights

Words: 2611
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Digital Copyight poblem of the Digital Age is that while infomation is easy and economical to publish and disseminate, exploitation of digital copyight and intellectual popety ights emains a…

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8 Pages
Case Study

Business - Advertising

Digital World Beauty Strategies Beauty and the

Words: 2840
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Case Study

Digital World Beauty Strategies Beauty and the digital marketplace Aging Lifestyle Buying behavior Psychology People relationship Online platform Technology and innovation The marketing strategy for products and services rests on the principles of market demand and consumption. The…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Digital Divide Many See the

Words: 697
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These countries mainly obtain their domestic product income from agriculture, and not from information technology, because they simply do not have the resources nor the expertise to make…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Digital Divide in This Knowledge-Based

Words: 850
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

[Harouna a] Thus focusing on the digital divide only in terms of physical access to technology provides only a narrow and limited view of the actual problem. Digital divide…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Digital Signage System of Public

Words: 660
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This makes transportation both more user-friendly and efficient for the transportation infrastructure as a whole. It lessens the chances of riders getting on wrong buses, misreading different schedules,…

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