Diplomacy Essays (Examples)

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Diplomacy Nk Diplomatic Relations With North Korea
Pages: 2 Words: 613

Diplomacy NK
Diplomatic Relations with North Korea

North Korea has a centralized government under the rigid control of the communist Korean orkers' Party (KP), to which all government officials belong (U.S. Department of State, 2012). There are a couple other parties that are in existence in North Korea, however these parties have virtually no power or membership. Given the tight reign of control the government keeps on its population, much of the countries activities are elusive. North Korea and the United States have a long history of conflict that has stifled many diplomatic efforts. Furthermore, the United States has backed South Korea since the Second orld ar and recent military actions by North Korea have also heightened tensions (Yang, Hall, & Vanden, 2010).

There are no official diplomatic relations between the U.S. And North Korea and the unofficial ones are strained from many sources. First of all North Korea has a substantial army,…...


Works Cited

Asia Pacific News. (2012, August 31). UN nuclear watchdog has 'serious concern' over North Korea. Retrieved from Asia Pacific News:  http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/1223125/1/.html 

Feffer, J. (1999, May 1). U.S.-North Korea Relations. Retrieved from Foreign Policy in Focus:  http://www.fpif.org/reports/us-north_korea_relations 

Lewis, J. (2010, December 14). North Korea-Iran Nuclear Cooperation. Retrieved from Counsil on Foreign Relations:  http://www.cfr.org/proliferation/north-korea-iran-nuclear-cooperation/p23625 

Snyder, S. (2012, August 30). N. Korea's "New Look" Nuclear Program. Retrieved from The Diplomat:  http://thediplomat.com/flashpoints-blog/2012/08/30/north-koreas-new-look-nuclear-program/

Diplomacy According to Kissinger
Pages: 3 Words: 914

Kissinger's Diplomacy can be treated as a treatise on international relations at large for the bulk of the book: the remaining quarter of the book can be summarized as a justification for the choices he made during the years of the Nixon administration. One can view Kissinger's Diplomacy as a form of support of realism within the realm of international politics.
The chapters of the book that were examined through this course look closely at western diplomacy and spends time tracing the evolution of certain techniques in diplomatic relations from the ear of ichelieu and Bismarck through the World Wars. When it comes to Kissinger's treatment of the world wars, he points the biggest finger at the hands of the British and their irrational actions and failure to preserve the safety of France, which Kissneger argues pushed France to rectify with shoddy alliances in eastern Europe. Kissinger explains how diplomacy ultimately…...



Kissinger, H. Diplomacy. (2011). New York: Simon and Schuster

Diplomacy and Ethnic Diversity
Pages: 3 Words: 916

Summer Program Would Help Them in Their Career
Globalization is certainly one of the most pressing topics in the contemporary society. This concept is especially visible as we come across it on a daily basis and as we realize that it would be impossible for us to stop it (not that we would want to). Interacting with individuals from different cultural environments can be very refreshing as long as someone is familiar with filtering information with the purpose to learn constructive things. Our homes are our comfort zones -- this does not necessarily mean that staying in one's own culture for the rest of one's life is a bad thing, but exploring other cultures and coming into contact with ideas one could not have thought about in the past can make it possible for an individual to acknowledge that he or she needs to travel.

Society appears to promote the idea…...

In the 21st Century What Is Diplomacy
Pages: 6 Words: 2210

21st Century, hat is Diplomacy?
Gone are the days when the only means of resolving conflicts between countries were long blood smeared wars with no talks about finding a peaceful way out. As the world grows into a compact village where every country is dependent on the other for its sustenance, resolving conflicting interests, reconciling ructions and pursuing peaceful relations, knowing Diplomacy at its best is of sheer importance and irrevocable: something a country cannot exist without. Today, Diplomacy is being heavily banked on by every state for a peaceful way of pursuing its means without creating a pre-war condition. However, the way Diplomacy works and exists now is not the crude form it was born with.

Diplomacy dates back to being as ancient as human existence itself, ever since man came into being, his need to settle matters to his benefit became of utmost importance, and states are the best representation…...


Works Cited

De Magalhaes, Jose Calvet. The Pure Concept of Diplomacy. Trans. Bernardo Futscher Pereira. New York: Greenwood, 1988. Questia. Web. 16 Feb. 2013.

-. The Pure Concept of Diplomacy. Trans. Bernardo Futscher Pereira. New York: Greenwood, 1988. Questia. Web. 16 Feb. 2013.

Grossman, Marc. "A Diplomat's Philosophy." Joint Force Quarterly July 2011: 46+. Questia. Web. 16 Feb. 2013.

Mattingly, Garrett. Renaissance Diplomacy. London: Jonathan Cape, 1955. Questia. Web. 16 Feb. 2013.

International Diplomacy and Rise of Cyber Security Threats
Pages: 8 Words: 2477

International Diplomacy and Rise of Cyber Security Threats
Cyber security is considered to be an ongoing issue for governments, the private sector and individuals all over the world. It is now unusual for more than a month to pass without news of a large and often significant cyber-attack (Kanuck). However, for some victims these attacks are an irritation while for others they are expensive and do result in negotiated secrets, taken proprietary designs or damage that is considered to be reputational. For example, research shows that the May 2011 attacks against Sony's online PlayStation gaming networks were projected to have cost 145 million dollars in impairment and lost proceeds. Studies also show that in the same month, American defense independent worker Lockheed Martin suffered a grave breach that was assisted by electronic identity tokens that were stolen in an earlier attack that was against the security. ith that said, this essay…...


Works Cited

Chen, P. "Cyber public diplomacy as china's smart power strategy in an information age: Case study of anti-carrefour incident in 2008." International Journal of China Studies 34.9 (2012): 189-217.

Kanuck, S. "Sovereign discourse on cyber conflict under international law." Texas Law Review 38.8 (2010): 1571-1597.

Korns, S.W., & Kastenberg, J.E. "Georgia's cyber left hook." Parameters 23.9 (2009): 60-76.

Narangoa, L. "Mongolia and preventive diplomacy: Haunted by history and becoming cosmopolitan." Asian Survey, 49.2 (2009): 358-379.

U S Diplomacy During World War
Pages: 6 Words: 2153

The Goals and Outcome of American Diplomacy

It is also worthwhile to analyze the goals and outcome of American diplomacy during the war. The primary goals of United States in the initial period of the war were to contain and defeat the totalitarian and expansionist powers of Germany and Japan, preferably without getting directly involved in the war. After its direct entry in the war, the U.S. policy was focused on achieving complete victory against the Axis powers at minimum cost. All its policies during the war, including its alliance with the Soviet Union and the use of the atomic bombs on Japan were directed to achieve these aims. As both Germany and Japan were ultimately defeated and surrendered unconditionally, the major wartime aims of the United States were achieved.

On the other hand, critics of U.S. wartime diplomacy believe that "the U.S. may have won the war but lost the peace"…...


Works Cited

Divine, Robert a., ed. Causes and Consequences of World War II. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969.

Kimball, Warren F. "Franklin D. Roosevelt and World War II." Presidential Studies Quarterly 34.1 (2004): 83+.

Lend-Lease." Holocaust Encyclopedia: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. N.d. January 18, 2007.  http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005679 

The "Cash-and-Carry" also benefited the American economy, as the sale of its arms helped to create more industrial jobs, which helped the U.S. climb out of the Great Depression.

Indian Diplomacy the History of
Pages: 2 Words: 668

Family ties enabled him to straddle both worlds. Led his army in support of the British; remembered for atrocities his army supposedly committed and his attempts to keep tribal lands.
Wampum Belt: Wampum=certain sea shells. Used for trade, but not exactly currency. ifferent colored shells valued differently. Wampum belts were woven to commemorate special occasions/given as gifts. Also used a sort of writing/memory.

Hurons: Also called "Wendat." Occupied Ontario area. Iroquoian tribe. Moved villages every ten years or so to keep land fertile/forests thick. isputes with other Iroquois intensified after receiving European weapons; Hurons almost entirely destroyed.

Squanto: Also called Tisquantum. Member of the Patuxet tribe. Captured and taken to England, where he is taught English language and culture. Returned to North America with John Smith in 1612. Helped early pilgrims survive the winter.

Pocahontas: aughter of a chieftain. Encountered settlers/John Smith as an early teenager. Possibly saved his life. Marries John Rolfe…...


David W. Koeller. "The Conquest of the Aztecs." 1998. Accessed 4 May 2009.  http://www.thenagain.info/WebChron/Americas/Cortes.CP.html 

Peter Lowensteyn. "The Role of the Dutch in the Iroquois Wars." 205. Accessed 4 May 2009.  http://www.lowensteyn.com/iroquois/ 


Current Events U S Diplomacy Summarize Events Between
Pages: 4 Words: 1415

Current Events U.S. Diplomacy
Summarize events between the U.S. And at least one of the Countries you wrote about in first paper since the end of the Cold War

Since the end of the Cold War, the relationship between U.S. And the former Soviet Union (Russia) has changed dramatically. What happened was that there was a shift in the philosophy and strategy within the government of Russia. This is because it became clear during the 1980's; that the current system needed to somehow be restructured. As a result, Gorbachev implemented a series of different reforms to improve the communist system. During this process, is when these changes became unstoppable, which lead to the downfall of the Soviet Union. At which point, Russia began to implement a series of different transformations in an effort to embrace Western principals including: democracy and capitalism. However, in the process of doing this, Russia began to lose…...



Foot, R. (2010). China, the United States and the Global Order. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Graham, T. (2008). U.S. Russia Relations. Washington DC: Center for Strategic International Studies.

Lundstead, G. (2010). East, West, North and South. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.

Wilson, J. (2004). Strategic Partners. Armonk, NY: Sharpe.

Current Events and U S Diplomacy Defining the
Pages: 4 Words: 1283

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy
Defining the U.S. President Doctrine

presidential doctrines refer to the stances, goals, policies, and attitudes that are acted by the country's foreign affairs. Moreover, the President of the U.S. outlines them. They are often referred to as "doctrines" since they elicit the country's sovereignty and stance in various policies, internal and external. Most American doctrines have touched on cold war and other foreign matters. The presidents who have led the country have often been swayed to handle their foreign matters and issues with statements of the doctrines. For instance, there are various doctrines, which have been outlined by the U.S. presidents. Some of them are Monroe doctrine by President James Monroe, Truman doctrine by President Harry Truman, and many others. All the doctrines are characterized by foreign policies (Nuechterlein, 2001).

The eagan Doctrine

The eagan doctrine is one of the doctrines of the United States. This doctrine became significant…...



Busch, A.E. (2001). Ronald Reagan and the politics of freedom. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

Hastedt, G.P. (2004). Encyclopedia of American foreign policy. New York: Facts on File.

Nuechterlein, D.E. (2001). America recommitted: A superpower assesses its role if a turbulent world. Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky.

Radu, M., & Arnold, A. (1990). The New insurgencies: Anticommunist guerrillas in the Third

Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy
Pages: 5 Words: 1999

Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy
Diplomacy normally refers to the technique of dealing with the governments through communication in contradiction to the war, military deterrence, subversion, propaganda etc. This is applied indifferently for the way as to how a government deals with another government and also the skill and art of the officials known as diplomats for those who specialize in such activity. The liability of diplomats extends towards representation of their own nation and government to others and also to assist their government to identify, to assess and respond to outward strategies, threats and opportunities. In its broadest form diplomacy intends to exert impact on the activities of foreign governments and their agents. (The Purposes of Multilateralism)

There have been extensive deliberations on the trend of the nature and structure of international relations during the contemporary era wherein it appears to revolve around three fundamental sides namely retrogression, transformation and transitions. The…...



Muldoon, James P. The Challenges of Multilateral Diplomacy in 1999. Retrieved from Accessed 27 October, 2005http://www.iwa.org/Publications/Lectures/muldoon.html

Multilateral Diplomacy offers way to pursue national interest while making common cause

with others, Secretary General says. 29 November 2001. Retrieved from   Accessed 27 October, 2005http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/L/2001/B/un011977.html 

Oudenaren, John Van. What Is "Multilateral"? Retrieved from   Accessed 27 October, 2005http://www.policyreview.org/feb03/oudenaren.html 

Analyzing U S Diplomacy and the Cold War
Pages: 4 Words: 1736

President Nixon and his philosophy of sending weapons to countries fighting off communism without sending them troops.
Vietnam War

The second Indo-China War in 1954-1975, was the outcome of the long-standing conflict between Vietnam and France. Under the command of General Vo Nguyen Giap, nationalist forces trounced the allied French troops at the Dien Bien Phu remote mountain outpost located in the northwest part of Vietnam (Brigham). This defeat made the French to realize that they could not sustain their Indochinese colonies, which led to the call for peace by Paris. As both sides gathered in Geneva, Switzerland, international happenings were shaping Vietnam's future revolution.

The secret discussions started in the spring of 1968 in Paris and it soon became public knowledge that America and Vietnam were discussing how to bring the long and expensive war to an end. In spite of the progress made so far in Paris, the Democratic Party…...



Brigham, R. (n.d.). PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Battlefield: Vietnam -- History. Retrieved January 24, 2016, from  http://www.pbs.org/battlefieldvietnam/history/index.html 

Gholz, E. (2009, July 22). World Politics Review -- Analysis of international affairs and global trends. The Nixon Doctrine in the 21st Century. Retrieved January 25, 2016, from  http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/4106/the-nixon-doctrine-in-the-21st-century 

Hoey, F. (2012). The Nixon Doctrine and Nakasone Yasuhiro's Unsuccessful Challenge to Japan's Defense Policy, 1969-1971. Journal of American-East Asian Relations, 19(1), 52-74. Retrieved, from  http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/187656112x651308 

PBS: Public Broadcasting Service (n.d.). Foreign Affairs. Nixon. WGBH American Experience -- PBS. Retrieved January 25, 2016, from  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/general-article/nixon-foreign/

U S Diplomacy
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy

has focused on maintaining close relations with some of the countries that it has had an interdependent connection with during the recent decades. Even with this, changes resulting from globalization and other factors have influenced the superpower to revise its strategies concerning diplomatic policies. Its relationship with ussia is probably one of the most intriguing relations ever seen, considering that even though the Cold War has ended one can still observe that there is a lot of tension between the two international players. While most people are inclined to associate the U.S. with the hero who managed to destroy communism and to put an end to the Cold War, it is surely intriguing to look at U.S.-ussian relations during the last two decades and at the fact that some attitudes have not changed at all.

While it seems that the U.S. focused on…...



Kollias, Chr-stos G., Gunluk-Senesen, Gulay, and Ayman, Gulden (2003) Greece and Turkey in the 21st Century: Conflict Or Cooperation: a Political Economy Perspective (Nova Publishers)

Nelson, Rebecca M., Belkin, Paul, and Mix, Derek E., (2011) Greece's Debt Crisis: Overview, Policy Responses, and Implications Retrieved September 2, 2012, from  http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41167.pdf 

Smith, Martin A., (2012) Power in the Changing Global Order: The U.S., Russia and China (Polity)

(2012) Syria: Russia denies discussing post-Bashar al-Assad future Retrieved September 2, 2012, from  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/9334216/Syria-Russia-denies-discussing-post-Bashar-al-Assad-future.html#

City Diplomacy The Increasing Role
Pages: 69 Words: 18927

The goals at which this process is aimed can concentrate on creating benefits primarily for one party or on creating benefits for both parties.' (van der Pluijm and Melissen, 2007, p.1)
Multiple-sided city diplomacy is a "diplomatic process in which more than two parties are involved, representing various cities." (van der Pluijm and Melissen, 2007, p.1) van der Pluijm and Melissen state that associations of municipalities "such as United Cities and Local Government (UCLG), Eurocities or the Association of Palestinian Local Authorities are often one party in such multiple-sided processes of city diplomacy." (2007) van der Pluijm and Melissen state that the definition of city diplomacy leads to the question of how it is that the diplomatic activities of cities "relate to the diplomatic activities of state actors in general and more specifically, MFAs as the main carriers of states' diplomatic functions." It is stated that some believe that the…...



Acuto, Michele (2009) City Diplomacy: Global Governance Beyond the State. Diplomatic Courier. 25 Nov 2009. Online available at:  http://www.diplomaticourier.org/kmitan/articleback.php?newsid=450 

Acuto, Michelle (2009) City Diplomacy; Global Governance Beyond the State. Diplomatic Courier. 25 Nov 2009. Online available at:

Resolving Conflicts With Diplomacy
Pages: 2 Words: 690

Negotiation or Becoming a Skilled Negotiator
The book "Negotiating at an uneven Table" entails the negotiation of conflicts in situations where some parties are at a greater disadvantage while the other parties do not acknowledge. In this case, the book issues the strategies that the disadvantaged can use. The models of recognizing uneven negotiation circumstances for all parties are also identified. This paper analyses the ways of being as discussed in the book. These chapters help to advance various uneven negotiation tables constructively. A way of being is the manner in which an individual chooses to manifest indifferently at an uneven table.

The first way of being is finding and inhabiting the deepest as well as the surest space that an individual's capability can permit. This means individuals must only take and support a stand that they can defend. Through this, they will be able to gather supportive ideas that will be…...



Lowe, S., & Pile, L. (2007). Negotiating. Surrey: Delta Pub..

Kritek, P.B. (1994). Negotiating at an uneven table: developing moral courage in resolving our conflicts. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Restoration of the Foreign Service to Its Original Standards
Pages: 5 Words: 1508

Diplomacy without DiplomatsIntroductionGeorge Kennan was an American diplomat who spent years in the Foreign Service and served as Ambassador to the Soviet Union and to Yugoslavia. In Diplomacy without Diplomats, he focuses on the important need of a Foreign Service that is operated by the State Department with the sole aim of using diplomacy to cultivate relationships with foreign nations. He laments the fact that the State Department has been undercut by the rise of various special interest groups and congressional committees that now outnumber officials from the State Department in ambassadorial premises of the US in foreign capitals.StructureThe essay is structured in the following manner: it begins with an introduction of the topicthe Foreign Service and the standards that were laid out by its founders. It gives a brief history of Americas diplomatic and consular services, their merger under the Rogers Act, and an explanation for why the Foreign…...

Can you provide me a topic for an essay on world civilization and an attention grabber?
Words: 487

In an essay, an attention grabber is known as the essay hook.  To help you out on your world civilization essay, we have put together a few topics, essay hooks, and thesis statements you could use for a world civilization essay.

World Civilization Essay Topics

  1. To what extent does the character Khal Drago from Game of Thrones resemble the real-life warlord, leader, and destroyer Genghis Khan?
  2. An exploration of the well-known Barbarian leader, Attila the Hun and how his actual behavior and history conflicts with his reputation as an uncultured and vicious leader, including investigation into his education, his use....

Need help writing a 900 word essay with title and resources on global war?
Words: 412

Title: The Impact of Global Wars on Societies: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons

Global wars have shaped world history, leaving indelible imprints on societies and cultures. This essay explores the causes, consequences, and lessons derived from the major global wars in history. By examining significant conflicts such as World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, we gain an understanding of the profound socio-political changes and humanitarian crises resulting from these wars. Utilizing a range of authoritative resources, this essay aims to present a comprehensive examination of global wars and their legacy.

I. Causes of Global Wars
A. Imperialism and Expansionism

I\'m in need of some essay topics on donald trump. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 343

Certainly! Here are some essay topics on Donald Trump:

1. Analyzing Donald Trump's presidency: Successes, failures, and controversies.
2. The impact of Donald Trump's immigration policies on the United States.
3. Donald Trump's approach to foreign relations: An examination of his diplomacy strategies.
4. The role of social media in Donald Trump's political communication.
5. Investigating the economic policies and their effects during Trump's presidency.
6. Donald Trump's impact on the Republican Party: Transformation or deviation?
7. The rise of populism and its connection to Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
8. Analyzing the media's portrayal of Donald Trump's administration: Bias and influence.
9. A comparative study: Donald Trump and previous....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 375

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

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