Dissertation Essays (Examples)

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Dissertation CritiqueIntroductionIn order to evaluate a dissertation, I read the entire document and took detailed notes. I then created a list of pros and cons for the work. I also consulted with experts in the field to get their opinion on the merits of the dissertation. Overall, I spent a great deal of time carefully considering all aspects of the work before rendering my opinion. The process was demanding, but it was also necessary in order to produce a thorough and accurate evaluation. To facilitate the process, I used two rubrics: Applied Dissertation Rubric (see Table A1 in Appendix) and the Dissertation General Rubric (see Table A2). In the end, I believe that my analysis provides a fair and objective assessment of the dissertation. The sections that follow include Dissertation Analysis and Critique, Conclusions and Recommendations, References, and Appendices, in which the rubrics used during the evaluation process, are attached.Dissertation….

Market Orientation of Medical Diagnostic Units
Dissertation for Master of Health Administration i. Introduction ii. Objectives iii. Description iv Administrative Internship v. Scope and Approach vi. Growth vii. Methodology viii. Hypothesis ix. Survey Questionnaire x. Research Design xi. Observation and Data Presentation xii. Test provided xiii. Analysis of findings

Marketability of Patient Satisfaction

Importance of Employee Satisfaction xiv. Conclusions and Recommendations xv. ibliography xvi. Notes xvii. Appendices Market Orientation of Medical Diagnostic Units i. INTRODUCTION

The costs to national economics of providing health care are considerable and have been growing at a rapidly increasing rate. This trend has been the cause of major concerns in both developed and developing countries. Some of this concern is based upon the lack of any consistent evidence to indicate that more spending on healthcare produces better health. Delivering timely and quality healthcare services requires an understanding of the driving forces behind consumer choices in selecting healthcare providers. It….

Technology & Education
There has been a fundamental change in almost all aspects of our life brought about by computer technology and the spread of digital media. Educationalists also agree that this development in technology has left an undeniable mark on the process of education reforms (U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, 2010). esearchers also agree that technology has the ability to help students improve and enhance knowledge and skill acquisition. This, they say, can be achieved through learning with and about technology, which has become essential for students in the 21st-century society and workforce to gain competencies to perform well (Chen & Hwang, 2014). Additionally, student-centered learning can be well supported by technology since it is intrinsically motivating for many students and can be easily customized.

Academicians and researchers have defined technology as an articulation of a craft and deals with that branch of knowledge which can help in….

Investment in Higher Education as a Tool for Promoting a Stronger Economy: Examining the Literature eviews of Previous Dissertations
The following research is an exercise where three dissertations under a similar topic were mined in order to better understand their organizational structure, thematic content, and approach to examining the current discourse. The primary topic here is going to highlight how reinvestment into higher education can help facilitate for a stronger, more stable economy based on a number of factors and indicators. The research which follows explores three similar dissertations that show a clear connection between investment in higher education and positive economic factors.


Carnoy, Martin. (2006). Working paper no. 297: Higher education and economic development: India, China, and the 21st century. Stanford Center for International Development. Web. http://www.stanford.edu/group/siepr/cgi-bin/siepr/?q=system/files/shared/pubs/papers/pdf/SCID297.pdf

I. Education and Economic Growth

A. Macroeconomic Approaches to the Education-Economic Growth elation

i. Previous studies have shown that when there is a higher level of education….

udby (2005) specifically identifies organizational and generic difficulties that might be encountered as a part of the cultural disparity that exists between many non-native English speakers and the institutions wherein they earn advanced degrees, noting that it is far more than a simple linguistic barrier that makes the proper collation and presentation of research questions and data difficult for EFL and ESL students. Simple writing modules that emphasize theoretical underpinnings and practical techniques, and that incorporates other areas of academic knowledge and research as well, have proven especially effective in supporting ESL/EFL dissertation efforts and leading to greater clarity and reliability in the presentation of results and in the results and findings of ESL/EFL dissertations themselves (udby 2005). Though built on a single case study, the conclusions and recommendations made herein are also largely supported by previous and more general research (udby 2005).
eynolds 2005

This research compared language fluency and….

Work Disability in Small Firms
Work Disability Thesis Proposal

Is There a Problem? What is the Contribution?

ivermore, Whalen, Prenovitz, Aggarwal and Bardos (2011) explain how the connection between disability, work productivity and income benefits the whole society by reducing reliance on tax-funded support programs (p. 1). All of us have an interest in ensuring the most productivity from all workers, if stable employment for workers with disabilities frees up resources for other public or private endeavors, and turning tax consumers into tax payers will help reduce the burden for those who now pay. Given public perceptions of funding constraints and increased challenges to public services posed by an aging population majority, ensuring stable employment for everyone especially workers with disability grows more rather than less urgent over time. Even at current levels, ivermore et al. (2011) assert, "it is especially important for policymakers to have access to a wide variety of high-quality….

randing Affects the uying Decision
"How Does randing Affect Consumer Purchasing?." Using this research question, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each research method (qualitative and quantitative) within the scope of the proposed dissertation topic. Identify which method you will select (or state whether you will use a mixed methodology) and explain the reasons for your choice.

DA Qs 1 Answer

The marketing guru Philip Kotler perceives branding as a "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers." It has also been adopted by the American Marketing Association. Michael Dunn, President and CEO, of Prophet, a strategic professional services firm in San Francisco, states that branding is just a defensive tool against market competition; but acts as "insulation against deteriorating economic conditions."

The essence of a brand is the base upon which the prosperity of the parent company thrives….

Memory and Forgetting: A Comprehensive Analysis
Memory loss is a huge problem in an aging population.

No substantive cure for memory loss.

Forgetfulness does not always accompany aging.

Different types of memory loss:





The memory impairment that comes with aging may be due to confusion as well as memory loss.

Memory loss and forgetfulness may be preventable.

There are a number of different approaches to reducing forgetfulness

Background music



Daily behavioral changes

The goal of the paper began as a meta-analysis of efforts aimed to reduce forgetfulness

Too many promising approaches to aiding memory impairment to engage in a traditional meta-analysis

Look at the theoretical overlap of different known approaches that may enhance or impair memory

F. Not engaging in a meta-analysis of a single therapy because single therapies do not have therapeutic efficacy.

G. Examine the hypothetical overlap between various treatment modalities

II. Literature eview

A. Three types of memory as defined by Cowan, 2008.

1. Long-term memory

2. Short-term memory

3. Working memory

B. epetition

1. Does repetition move….

S., experts estimate the genuine number of incidents of abuse and neglect ranges three times higher than reported. (National Child Abuse Statistics, 2006) in light of these critical contemporary concerns for youth, this researcher chose to document the application of Object elation, Attachment Theories, and Self-Psychology to clinical practice, specifically focusing on a patient who experienced abuse when a child. Consequently, this researcher contends this clinical case study dissertation proves to be vital venture, which will contribute to enhancing research in the field of psychology.
For this clinical case study dissertation exploring Object elation, Attachment Theories, and Self-Psychology, along with researching information for the application of these theories to clinical practice, this researcher answered the following research questions.

esearch Questions

What is Winnicott's elational Model Theory?

What is Bowlby's Attachment Theory?

What is Kohut's Self-Psychology?

How may components of these three theories be applied to the clinical case chosen for this clinical case study dissertation's focus?


ole-based EP systems are critical for the siloed, highly inefficient architectures of legacy EP systems to be made more relevant, contribute greater financial performance, and lead to higher levels of overall customer satisfaction.
c. Purpose of the study

The purpose the study is evaluate how enterprises who adopt role-based EP system implementations are able to attain higher levels of financial and operations-based performance vs. those that rely on silo-based, more functionally defined EP structures. ole-based EP systems have been proven to lead to greater order accuracy, velocity and customer satisfaction as a result. The ability to gain greater visibility throughout supply chains, better manage pricing, discounts, implement and maintain contract management systems, and also deliver consistently high customer service have all been attributed to role-based EP systems. Conversely siloed EP systems that are managed strictly to functional areas have been shown to severely limit the ability of enterprises to be more….

preliminary topic to write about, and to determine which faculty members are going to help guide the prospectus development (Thomas, 2009). The topic will come from the beginning investigation that is done by the writer of the dissertation, but will generally change and be refined as the prospectus and then the proposal are developed. The faculty members who are identified in the creation of the premise are also very important (Thomas, 2009). Their guidance will become significant to the dissertation from the very beginning all the way through the end, so it is not something that can or should be taken lightly. There are four parts to the dissertation premise. These are the title, approach, problem statement, and references (udestam & Newton, 2007). The sense of direction provided by the premise is very important, as it is necessary to show that the writer of the dissertation has the focus….

Theoretical illars
With the current national divorce rate stubbornly at 50%, the phenomenon of single parenthood, notably single mothers, definitely isn't going anywhere. The single parents which are at the greatest disadvantage are those who are of a lower socioeconomic class, as they're unable to offer the best education, healthcare, basic provisions and other items to their children. They often work two jobs and don't get to spend enough times with their children, as current and past research reflects.

The ultimate focus of the research that this dissertation is centered around seeks to identify the most compelling and effective interventions which can minimize the likelihood of negative outcomes for high-risk children, such as those born to low-income single parents. For this reason, I have created an annotated bibliography that addresses this body of research. An example of a title for the literature review would be: Modulators of Child Development Outcomes from….

In this situation, "compatibility problems" seems too vague a topic with which to work. The hypothesis would require a specific compatibility problem and study a different company in order to be valid. This will help to keep the dissertation manageable (Rockler-Gladen, 2007).
The fourth topic "The effect of bonus schemes on staff turnover rates in the countries in which my company operates" would, more or less, be valid. The country or countries should be specified. Otherwise, with a proper methodology developed, a hypothesis could be developed and tested, making this a valid dissertation topic. The topic is easily quantifiable and can be researched. The issue is contemporary and relevant both to academia and to industry. There will also be literature that can help to support the dissertation. Therefore, it meets the criteria of an acceptable dissertation topic.

The fifth topic, "An appraisal of Microsoft Office compared with its competitors" would not….

Literature reviews are necessary to ensure that the proposed research to be undertaken in the dissertation does not simply repeat already-existing information, but rather attempts to expand upon it or test it in a new manner and from a different perspective (White 2000). Such reviews can also help to illuminate specific knowledge gaps or points of controversy in the current knowledge regarding a specific issue, allowing for a more focused and thus a more efficient and more likely effective dissertation and proposal (White 2000, pp. 81-3).
All of this preliminary research is necessary simply to develop and deliver an effective research proposal, and though it is essential for this purpose and for providing background information on the primary research to be undertaken upon approval of the proposal, it cannot provide the level of detail and explicit applicability that the primary data collected through direct research methods can. New knowledge will….

Dr King Plagarism the Case

The question surrounding Dr. King's plagiarism is how it affects other researchers "Martin Luther King's Plagarism: Moral Issues for Researchers." Carlson has been criticized for his role in the controversy as well. hen Kings plagiarism was discovered, Carlson did not act quickly enough according to some critics. However, it might be that Carlson understood the gravity of the discovery and wanted to make sure before he released it to the public. Carlson knew that his discoveries would harm the image of a national icon. Therefore, one cannot agree with curtains critics on this point. It appear that he was just being cautious about his own work. Carlson stated that the reason for his slow disclosure was that he was afraid that the information would reach the press and that they would sensationalize it, and he was correct about this assumption, in the end. The discovery of the King plagiarism was….

If you\'re exploring a professional journal article, you can break the article down into different sections to write about. Much like a dissertation is often broken down into the Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, and Conclusion chapters, your article can be divided so you can work on addressing one segment of it at a time. Walk your readers through the article and explain each area or section, so anyone who reads your paper will have a good understanding of everything the article was trying to say. Depending on your instructor\'s requirements, you may also want to include a section about....

This is a very interesting topic.  Near the end of each year, Lux Research posts a list of transformational technologies to watch in the following year, which might be a good place to start if you are looking for ideas about a specific technology.  However, those are going to be technologies that are already invented.  Inventing a technology that would transform society in a specific country would require an intimate understanding and knowledge of a country’s culture, geography, religion, history, infrastructure, and natural resources; identifying a problem that it has; and combing up with a novel invention....

Perhaps the biggest challenge when selecting a topic for a dissertation is trying to choose something unique.  You want to be able to add something new to your field, but in an area like human resources, it is not like you are likely to be creating new research.  We have noticed an increased interest in two particular aspects of human resources: globalization and aptitude testing.  Therefore, either of those broad topics would make a good jumping-off point for a thesis about human resources. 

Some topics to consider include:

  1. Fairness in HR benefits in global....

8 Pages


Ways to Improve a Dissertation

Words: 2313
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Critique

Dissertation CritiqueIntroductionIn order to evaluate a dissertation, I read the entire document and took detailed notes. I then created a list of pros and cons for the work. I…

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76 Pages
Term Paper


Market Orientation of Medical Diagnostic Units Dissertation

Words: 21636
Length: 76 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Market Orientation of Medical Diagnostic Units Dissertation for Master of Health Administration i. Introduction ii. Objectives iii. Description iv Administrative Internship v. Scope and Approach vi. Growth vii. Methodology viii.…

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4 Pages


A Proposal for a Dissertation

Words: 3341
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Technology & Education There has been a fundamental change in almost all aspects of our life brought about by computer technology and the spread of digital media. Educationalists also agree…

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7 Pages


Investment in Higher Education as a Tool

Words: 1941
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Investment in Higher Education as a Tool for Promoting a Stronger Economy: Examining the Literature eviews of Previous Dissertations The following research is an exercise where three dissertations under a…

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3 Pages


Ismail & Hussain 2010 This

Words: 868
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Dissertation

udby (2005) specifically identifies organizational and generic difficulties that might be encountered as a part of the cultural disparity that exists between many non-native English speakers and the…

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6 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Work Disability in Small Firms Work Disability

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Work Disability in Small Firms Work Disability Thesis Proposal Is There a Problem? What is the Contribution? ivermore, Whalen, Prenovitz, Aggarwal and Bardos (2011) explain how the connection between disability, work productivity…

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18 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete

Business - Advertising

How Does Branding Affect Consumer Purchasing

Words: 5784
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

randing Affects the uying Decision "How Does randing Affect Consumer Purchasing?." Using this research question, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each research method (qualitative and quantitative) within the…

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100 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete

Death and Dying  (general)

Comprehensive Analysis of Memory and Forgetting

Words: 27179
Length: 100 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Memory and Forgetting: A Comprehensive Analysis Memory loss is a huge problem in an aging population. No substantive cure for memory loss. Forgetfulness does not always accompany aging. Different types of memory loss: Forgetfulness Dementia Alzheimer's Confusion The…

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90 Pages


Object Relation Attachment Theories And

Words: 26278
Length: 90 Pages
Type: Dissertation

S., experts estimate the genuine number of incidents of abuse and neglect ranges three times higher than reported. (National Child Abuse Statistics, 2006) in light of these critical contemporary…

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81 Pages

Business - Management

ERP Systems Challenges of Enterprise

Words: 22297
Length: 81 Pages
Type: Dissertation

ole-based EP systems are critical for the siloed, highly inefficient architectures of legacy EP systems to be made more relevant, contribute greater financial performance, and lead to higher…

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2 Pages


Preliminary Topic to Write About and to

Words: 987
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Dissertation

preliminary topic to write about, and to determine which faculty members are going to help guide the prospectus development (Thomas, 2009). The topic will come from the beginning…

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4 Pages


Theoretical Pillars With the Current National Divorce

Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Theoretical illars With the current national divorce rate stubbornly at 50%, the phenomenon of single parenthood, notably single mothers, definitely isn't going anywhere. The single parents which are at…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

China Can Best Compete With

Words: 619
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Dissertation

In this situation, "compatibility problems" seems too vague a topic with which to work. The hypothesis would require a specific compatibility problem and study a different company in…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Dedicated to Furthering the Ever-Growing

Words: 759
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Literature reviews are necessary to ensure that the proposed research to be undertaken in the dissertation does not simply repeat already-existing information, but rather attempts to expand upon…

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10 Pages


Dr King Plagarism the Case

Words: 3759
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Dissertation

The question surrounding Dr. King's plagiarism is how it affects other researchers "Martin Luther King's Plagarism: Moral Issues for Researchers." Carlson has been criticized for his role in the…

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