Divorce Essays (Examples)

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Divorce is a traumatic experience for a child under any circumstances. They were certainly so in mine, in which several intervening factors complicated the ability to develop effective psychological coping mechanisms. I was nine years old when my parents got divorced. The divorce was not due to mutual consent or irreconcilable differences but the fact that my mother had an affair with my father's best friend, subsequently leaving the country. Being abandoned by my mother has had lingering effects on my psyche, impacting my ability to form intimate relationships and to trust others. Using my example, it is possible to evaluate the developmental, environmental, cultural, and systemic issues at stake during a major family trauma like divorce. Legal and ethical issues related to my personal case will also be discussed. The analysis will inform a thorough diagnosis and treatment plan, as well as suggesting possible alternatives.
The following issues are part….

Divorce and Its Impact on

In regard to how a child's sense of family is affected by the remarriage of either parent, Ahrons points out that binuclear families have proven to be rather undesirable. This is more so the case given the unusual combination of both blood and non-blood relationships which according to Ahrons could effectively defy clear definition of roles.
indings from this study as the author further points out clearly indicate that children can only have an enhanced sense of biological family as well as maintain close relationships with their parents once the said parents reduce or minimize their conflicts. Thus in the final analysis, parental conflict and subsequent divorce does have a negative impact on the well-being of the affected children. The sample used for this particular study was largely random, with 98 pairs of individuals who were at some point in a marriage union being interviewed. Interviews involving the divorced parents….

Divorce Rate
Improving the Divorce Rate

The divorce rate in many modern nations has been steadily climbing in recent generations. This is complex phenomenon that involves many factors and underlying social changes. There are cultural changes that seem to be altering the perceptions of marriage as well as socio-economic changes that also apply stress to many marriages. Despite the trend of an increase in the divorce rate, the benefits of marriage have timeless qualities such as greater economic advantages and a creating a better environment for raising children. Furthermore, there are many advantages to forming a lasting relationship with a partner and one of the strongest versions of this is the institution of marriage. This analysis will consider many strategies that could be used to reduce the divorce rate from different angles. It will consider general social and economic trends as well as strategies that could be used on an individual level….

The no fault law should be revised, and ensured that the motives for the marriage were investigated at the time of the divorce. If the motives and actions indicate that the marriage would've ended in a divorce eventually, the appeal for divorce should be shot down. Moreover, the newspapers and selected electronic media has a duty to not publicize celebrity divorces as if they are some gallant acts, but to give a strong backlash to those going through the divorce for all the wrong reasons, so as to ensure that the society at large doesn't get influenced by such celebrities. Divorce should always be an option for those who need it. Sometimes, it is the only way out for the couple of a horrible fate. But those, who use marriage and divorce for ulterior purposes, the laws need to be stricter. Again, all divorce cases should be presented in….

But it was not like that from the beginning."
The eformed Theology looks at marriage and divorce from the standpoint of being covenantal. They quote the Bible as saying in Malachi 2:14, "…because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant" (Fielding, 2010). Fielding goes on to say,

"In the Old Testament, "divorce" was carried out by a literal physical execution of the guilty party for capital offenses, which were the same as what most people would consider divorceable offenses today, such as adultery, rape, incest, homosexuality, bestiality, murder, child-sacrifice, witchcraft, and blasphemy. "Divorce by death made remarriage possible, and freed the innocent partner from bondage to a guilty and unclean person," writes ousas John ushdoony in the Institutes of Biblical Law" (Fielding, 2010).

The eformist views almost all aspects of the Bible as being covenantal in relations to God's interactions with man….

Divorce and Its Effects on

Moreover, a gradual increase of divorce rate has been found in this period as well.
Lyons, Linda. "Gallup Tuesday Briefing." Kids and Divorce 1.1 (2002):1-3.

Citing the study of Hetherington and Kelly, Lyons provided a more positive outlook on the effects of divorce as she states that the divorce experience can be a source of empowerment for the children. Lyons also looked at teen's perception and attitude towards marriage and divorce.

Mack, Kristin. "Childhood Family Disruptions and Adult Well-Being: The Differential Effects of Divorce and Parental Death." Death Studies 25.1 (2001): 419-443.

This empirical study, which employed psychological theories, examines family disruptions in general. Findings of the study show that adults who have had experienced parental divorcer are more likely to have lower quality of their own parent-child relationship. But they are more confident and have lower levels of depression as compared to those who have experienced parental deaths.

Storksen, Ingunn et al. "Adolescent….

There is a typical decline in the standard of living of mother-headed families, for children of divorce, that often pushes them below the poverty level. A number of developmental problem, in children, are associated with a lack of economic resources. A child's nutrition and health may be negatively affected by economic hardship. Educational items such as: private lessons, educational toys, computers, and books are also often difficult for single-parent families to afford, as often found in the loss of income experienced by custodial mothers. educed income may force the family to move into lower income neighborhoods, where school systems are not as adequately funded. Lastly, living in poverty can be stigmatizing for the child, which can lead into the entry into deviant subcultures.
The general well-being of children of divorce is also negatively affected by the conflict during the separation period. This interparental hostility is a severe stressor for children.….

Agreements and Disagreements

hen we consider the arguments and perspectives of both Coontz and May on the subject of divorce in America, some disagreements emerge, though by and large the two agree in principle if not on all of the details. From the above discussion of the two authors' points-of-view on divorce in America, it is more than evident that there is some disagreement in what the authors believe to be at the heart of current rises in divorce rates in the United States. Coontz, on the one hand, argues that changes in the underlying cultural attitudes and beliefs about marriage shifted around two hundred years ago, and that these new beliefs are still having an effect on the institution of marriage, specifically through divorce. May, on the other hand, looks to socioeconomic changes in the history of the country to account for rising divorce rates, and ties the historical rise….

Divorce can have a tremendous effect on the lives of children and the parties that are getting the divorce. More than half of all marriages in America end in divorce. It is believed that the people that are affected the most by divorce are children, over a million of them experience divorce in their families each year. During the decade between 1990 and 2000 about 15 million children, under the age of 8, became products of divorced families. It is estimated that by 2010,over 50% of children will come from a single family home. The purpose of this discussion is to explore the effects of divorce on children and their parents.
Divorces can devastate the most important relationship in a child's life, and experts believe that divorce can have a negative effect on the relationships that children have later in life. When children have experienced the divorce of their parents they….

Divorce, "the legal dissolution of a marriage" (American Heritage Dictionary, Fourth Edition) is considered as the bane of the contemporary American society ruining the lives of not only the two people involved but also deteriorates the well being of the children with divorced parents. Research shows that the number of children experiencing parental divorce is as large as one million every year, in the United States (Amato et al.: 895). Innumerable theories and studies have been conducted, addressing the similar issue, outlining the causes as well as the effects of divorce on the victimized family in particular and on the nation in general. Causes of divorce are many from extremely low levels of satisfaction to appalling levels of commitment and gradual weakening of bond due to adultery or abuse (Sprecher). Hence, divorce is a problem worldwide, augmenting at an alarming pace, compelling researchers and experts in the field to take….


Summary In the study by Nusinovici et al. (2018), the researchers used a quantitative method to assess the impact of divorce or separation of parents on their preterm children’s (preterm meaning born before 35 weeks) academic performance at 5 years of age. Thus, the main variables included in this study were: 1) the subject had to be a preterm baby, 2) the subject’s parents had to be separated or divorced at some point prior to the child’s 5th year (at which point children typically enroll in kindergarten), and 3) and the child had to be in school and able to be assessed by a teacher. The purpose of the study was to see whether there was any correlation between the variables of premature birth, parental divorce or separation, and academic achievement of the child at 5 years of age. The method used was purposive sampling, survey data of “clinical anomalies associated….

Adolescent adjustment and well-being: Effects of parental divorce and distress Introduction
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of divorce or separation on an adolescent’s psychological adjustment, investigate if there are any gender differences in the effect of divorce, the impact of time on the adolescent after divorce, and the effect of divorce on the adolescent after controlling for parental symptoms of depression and anxiety (Størksen, Røysamb, Holmen, & Tambs, 2006).
The independent variables for this study were divorce and parental distress. These two variables were selected because the researchers wanted to establish the effect of divorce on adolescents and compare it to those of adolescents whose parents had not divorced or separated. Adolescents who had grown up with one parent were included in the no divorce group since they had only known a single parent. Parental distress was used to determine the impact this would have on an adolescent….

Divorce and Communication
In the past few decades, divorces have become much more common than they traditionally were. Lack of communication has been identified by psychologists, marriage counselors, and clergy members as the main reason why families end in divorce. The last-reported U.S. divorce rate for a calendar year, available as of May, 2005, was .38% divorces per capita per year (National Center for Health Statistics, 2005). Since every divorce involves two people, the percentage becomes somewhat more meaningful if you double it; for example, .74% of the entire population gets divorced every year (National Center for Health Statistics, 2005). This paper will first analyze the divorce statistics in the United States, along with a discussion of the issue of communication as it relates to the reasons behind divorce, family breakups, conflict in marriage caused by different cultures, lack of friendship in a marriage, and what can be done to salvage….

The Significance of Present-Day Changes in the Institution of Marriage:

Today, it is a fact that more and more marriages are becoming impermanent and less long lasting than they ever have been before. What is the cause for this phenomenon? Levi-Strauss maintain that today, there is an equal division of labor, and as a direct consequence, what happens is that the rights and responsibilities between both the partners of opposite sexes becomes equalized, and as a result, there is less dependence of one partner on the other. Perhaps the so called 'woman's movement' may have also contributed to this type of occurrence, and various other changes in society, including a considerable lessening of housework, and also the sexual revolution that took place during the sixties may also have contributed to the upsetting of the balance of the equation between men and women. Consider housework, for example, today. (Nazzari, pp: 333- 335)


Data will be collected using a survey instrument. The instrument will be designed by researchers for the purposes of this particular study and will feature two sections. The first section will ask for some brief familial and biographical information. First and foremost, the survey will ask the life and marital status of the respondents' parents, accounting for single mothers, single fathers, legal non-biological guardians, divorced parents, remarried parents and married parents. This section will also ask for information regarding siblings and other particulars of the family living situation. Surveys will not ask for names or other individual identifiers, insuring anonymity and privacy for all respondents.

In the second section of the survey, aata will be collected using a Fixed Alternatives Likert Scale survey. Here, 20 statements will be presented to the respondent. The respondent will be asked to circle one of five numbered responses:

-2. Strongly Disagree

-1. Disagree

0. Neutral

1. Agree

2. Strongly Agree


According to some authors, divorce is a problem when it comes to delinquency. Others do not see a strong correlation. For example, "The variables that predict male delinquency were found to be different from those that predict female delinquency. Characteristics of the parents' marriage play an important role for boys, while misbehavior of girls is more strongly predicted by variables measuring parent-child interaction and parental control." comes from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1533-8525.1982.tb01014.x/abstract and appears to say that only boys are affected by factors in their parents' marriage when it comes to delinquency. However, this article: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J087v39n01_07#.UnhDkOLufLY states that divorce is a cause of....

The Reformation was one of the most significant religious movements in the modern Christian Church.  Also known as the Protestant Reformation, it is most highly associated with Martin Luther, who began the Reformation by publishing the Ninety-five Theses in 1517, which lead to a split between the Catholic Church and Luther in 1521 with the Edict of Worms.  This Edict officially condemned Luther and was aimed at preventing people who were Catholics, which consisted of most of Europe, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire, from supporting or defending Luther’s ideas. 


Crisis management refers to many things, but in a business context it specifically refers to how a firm identifies threats to both the business and its stakeholders and how the organization deals with the threats.  Many large organizations have crisis management plans, but smaller businesses should have them as well, since it is entirely possible for small businesses to be impacted by crisis scenarios. The possible negative outcomes of these types of crisis range from a decline in revenue all the way to the total loss of the company.  This is of....

8 Pages


Divorce Is a Traumatic Experience for a

Words: 2611
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Divorce is a traumatic experience for a child under any circumstances. They were certainly so in mine, in which several intervening factors complicated the ability to develop effective psychological…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Divorce and Its Impact on

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In regard to how a child's sense of family is affected by the remarriage of either parent, Ahrons points out that binuclear families have proven to be rather…

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1 Pages

Family and Marriage

Divorce Rate Improving the Divorce Rate the

Words: 366
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Divorce Rate Improving the Divorce Rate The divorce rate in many modern nations has been steadily climbing in recent generations. This is complex phenomenon that involves many factors and underlying social…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce Rates and Strict Divorce

Words: 1847
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The no fault law should be revised, and ensured that the motives for the marriage were investigated at the time of the divorce. If the motives and actions…

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8 Pages
Reaction Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce in Regards to Christian

Words: 2522
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

But it was not like that from the beginning." The eformed Theology looks at marriage and divorce from the standpoint of being covenantal. They quote the Bible as saying…

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4 Pages


Divorce and Its Effects on

Words: 1785
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Moreover, a gradual increase of divorce rate has been found in this period as well. Lyons, Linda. "Gallup Tuesday Briefing." Kids and Divorce 1.1 (2002):1-3. Citing the study of Hetherington…

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7 Pages


Divorce of Parents Harms Their

Words: 1982
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Thesis

There is a typical decline in the standard of living of mother-headed families, for children of divorce, that often pushes them below the poverty level. A number of…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Divorce in America Historical Perspectives

Words: 1359
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Agreements and Disagreements hen we consider the arguments and perspectives of both Coontz and May on the subject of divorce in America, some disagreements emerge, though by and large the…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce Can Have a Tremendous Effect on

Words: 816
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Divorce can have a tremendous effect on the lives of children and the parties that are getting the divorce. More than half of all marriages in America end in…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce The Legal Dissolution of a Marriage

Words: 1003
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Divorce, "the legal dissolution of a marriage" (American Heritage Dictionary, Fourth Edition) is considered as the bane of the contemporary American society ruining the lives of not only the…

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4 Pages



Words: 1268
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Summary In the study by Nusinovici et al. (2018), the researchers used a quantitative method to assess the impact of divorce or separation of parents on their preterm children’s (preterm…

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4 Pages
Article Review

Psychology - Counseling

Impact of Divorce to Children

Words: 1273
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

Adolescent adjustment and well-being: Effects of parental divorce and distress Introduction The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of divorce or separation on an adolescent’s psychological adjustment, investigate…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce and Communication in the Past Few

Words: 1923
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Divorce and Communication In the past few decades, divorces have become much more common than they traditionally were. Lack of communication has been identified by psychologists, marriage counselors, and clergy…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Divorce the Significance of Present-Day Changes in

Words: 3190
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Divorce The Significance of Present-Day Changes in the Institution of Marriage: Today, it is a fact that more and more marriages are becoming impermanent and less long lasting than they ever…

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4 Pages

Family and Marriage

Divorce Children the Impact of

Words: 1042
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Data will be collected using a survey instrument. The instrument will be designed by researchers for the purposes of this particular study and will feature two sections. The first…

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