Dog Essays (Examples)

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Dogs of March by Ernest Hebert
Hebert tries hard, I think, to depict the lives of the native rural denizens -- the Elmans and their friends -- as realistically as possible. What are the characteristics of their lives? What are their values, especially their attitude toward their land and nature? How do you think we are supposed to feel about them -- sympathetic? Are they romanticized in any ways? What effects do they experience from the changes that are happening around them? Can you tell if Hebert's sympathy lies with the natives or the newcomers?

Set in New England the Dogs of March by Ernest Herbert, is a novel about the American Dream giving an emotional drama of characters that live simple lives and depict the common day-to-day turmoil faced by people and the effect that this turmoil has on others. Presented in the quaint hills of New Hampshire the story….

Dogs Verses Cats
Dogs and cats are the two most common animals among pet owners. Each provides unconditional love as well as health and emotional benefits for the owners and each are fairly equal regarding responsibility and care, however, dogs and cats each have unique qualities.

There are numerous benefits to pet ownership, whether one owns a dog or a cat. It is reported that pet owners live longer and healthier lives than individuals without pets and that blood pressure can fall to resting levels or below just by petting an animal (Health pp). The cholesterol levels of pet owners are two percent lower and heart attacks are four percent lower in pet owners compared to non-pet owners (Health pp). Moreover, the survival rate of people who have had a heart attack and own pets increased from one in fifteen to one in eighty-seven (Health pp). Petting or stroking a cat or….

Dog Training
Training a dog requires proper planning and execution of the training methods so as to reinforce and encourage repetition. Proper training calls for the creation of a desire by the dog to please and seek positive attention and feedback from its handler. For a well behaved and trained dog, proper behavior adjustment and obedient command training are needful. This training starts with the sit command and training. The sit command and exercise stands as the most effective beginner training to a dog. The norms in the "sit" training and command to a dog makes it possible for the handler to change a dog's ability to listen and obey easily. The training also orients the dog away from requiring bribes to follow commands.

Training 'Wolph' to "Sit"

Conditioning in Wolph's training response to "sit" is undertaken by giving treats and rubbing on the chest in case the dog demonstrated clearly the instructed….

Search and Rescue Dogs

Search and escue Dogs

Search and rescue is all about saving lives. And the capability to save a life is regularly dependent upon how quickly a person can be found and accessed (National Association for Search & escue, 2011). Search-and-rescue dogs are smart, nimble and compliant, but their high drive to want to play is what makes them look for a missing person in all kinds of different places and situations. At its most fundamental, the job of a Search and escue (SA) dog has two components. The first is to find the source of a human scent and the second is to let the handler know where it is (Layton, 2011).

The dogs trained for urban search and rescue, utilize their noses to find living victims who are trapped when disastrous events take place like a building collapsing due to an earthquake, hurricane or explosion. Other SA dogs are trained in….

Smakey Dog Foods
Discuss how the SEC has influence (if any) over the audit of Smackey Dog Foods, Inc.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has a significant influence on the audit of Smackey Dog Foods, Inc. By Keller CPAs. The SEC's influence comes primarily by the audit standards that have to be applied to the business and independence is one of the principles of the AICPA. The other principles are responsibilities, the public interest, integrity, objectivity and independence, due care, and scope and nature of services. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 introduced many new requirements. These requirements relate to: the independence of audit committee members; the audit committee's responsibility to select and oversee the issuer's independent accountant; procedures for handling complaints regarding the issuer's accounting practices; the authority of the audit committee to engage advisors; and funding for the independent auditor and any outside advisors engaged by the audit committee (U.S. Securities….

Smackey Dog Foods
My role at Smackey Dog Food is to apply the audit procedures and objectives to this company. A cursory examination reveals that there are many areas where Smackey's accounting practices can be improved. At times, there are faults with the techniques that are being used. At other times, there are faults just as much with the control systems. Inadequate control systems are often the cause of problems with a company's accounting practices, and ensuring that proper controls are in place is one of the most important roles of the auditor (CSU, 2009). In this analysis, the issues will be taken one at a time, and then some final overarching recommendations will be made to ensure that not only are these problems addressed but that systems are in place to ensure that there are no further problems.

Problem #1 -- aste and Margins

The one-serving packages that are freshly manufactured are….

Neutering Dogs: it's a Good Thing
It's funny. One of the first things one notices when one travels out of the United States, especially to a "third world" country, is the amazing proliferation of stray dogs. I noticed this on my recent trip to a small village in Central Mexico with a friend. There, literally packs of dogs would wander the street, scattering under the hail of rocks hurled from the small fists of children, and waking me in the middle of the night with their snarls and barks outside my open window. It made me think about the U.S. And how it is actually strange to see a stray dog wandering the streets, let alone packs of dogs. I realized from this how important it is to neuter dogs.

It is true that many people consider it to be inhumane to neuter dogs. However, neutering dogs is immensely important in protecting….

Wag the Dog

ag the Dog
The Public Relations Society of America espouses a code of ethics that includes protecting and advancing the free flow of "accurate and truthful" information ("Ethics"). Likewise, the Public Relations Society of America advocates honesty and accuracy in its core practice guidelines for professionals. In age the Dog, Conrad Bream (Robert DeNiro) deliberately machinates a plan to divert the public's attention away from a presidential sex scandal by hiring movie producer Stanley Motss (Dustin Hoffman) to manufacture multimedia images for the media. The fake war is an outright, deliberate, and overt affront to the first ethical tenet of the Public Relations Society of America, which would never admit Bream as one of its members. Interestingly, though, Bream does not try to lie about the sex scandal, but only wants to create a lie that will prove more sensational in the media.

Every other example of how Bream violates the core….

Bad Owners Not Bad Dogs
Bad Dogs or Bad Owners

Bad Owners, Not Bad Dogs

It is not debatable that some dog breeds are inherently more potentially dangerous and lethal. A pit bull or ottweiler, by its very genetic and physical makeup, is going to win a lot more fights than a Chihuahua or a Maltese. However, the key word in that first sentence was "potentially." There are no bad dogs…just bad owners. While the author of this paper does not argue against ownership restrictions for certain breeds, an outright ban on certain breeds being owned at all is a bridge too far and is symptomatic of laziness on the part of government and other regulatory agencies.

A Common-Sense Solution

As stated in the literature review, punishing owners to the extent of banning dog breeds outright is not the right solution because the true problem in play is the owners and not the dogs themselves.….

Marketing Plan for Caninantics' "Pooch Pantry"
Situational Analysis

It is well documented that Americans love their animals and dogs lead the popularity charts for pets (Watters & uff, 2013). Indeed, many people grieve over the loss of a dog to the same extent they do over the loss of a close human loved one (Watters & uff, 2013). It's estimated that 70-80 million dogs are owned in the United States. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates that there are around 80 million dogs in the United States and that nearly half (47%) of all households in the United States own at least one dog (Facts about pet ownership, 2014).

The dog food-dispensing product developed by Caninantics provides busy pet owners with the ability to feed their dogs during their absences. The device, known as "Pooch Pantry," automatically opens dog food cans and empties the contents into a dog….

Their sex life clearly lacks maturity and mutual respect, and Peckinpah makes it clear early in the film that Amy is frustrated with her dull husband.
Straw Dogs is permeated with symbolism, one of the features that makes the film remarkable. The first and most immediate symbol is one that foreshadows the violent climax of the movie: the antique bear trap that Amy purchases. Being trapped is a motif in the movie, as the couple plus Henry Niles are trapped in their house during the film's climax. Hunting is also a theme. David becomes an ironically literal sitting duck when the local lads take him on a duck hunt, leave him alone to sit on a stone and tell him the ducks will just come on out of the woods and jump into his sack. David is emasculated many times in Straw Dogs, adding further nuance to the film's title….

Family Dog
Our Family Member, olfie

Our German Shepherd olfie has always been the most popular member of our family. Even though there were four of us, including Mom, Pop, and my little sister, it was olfie that everyone on the street knew best. Even the neighborhood kids loved her and would come over just to play with her. My sister and I did not even have to be home (and if we were that did not necessarily mean we would be asked to come out and play). No, the dog was everyone's favorite. Yet, for some reason, none of us were ever jealous of olfie. She deserved her popularity, after all. This paper will show why our family will always be remembered -- not for what we ourselves did -- but for what our dog did!

From the time olfie was born, she was the most welcome dog to have ever lived….

Marketing Plan
Dog Scrubs a-Go-Go: A Service and Retail Marketing Plan

Dog Scrubs A-Go-Go is a planned portable dog washing/animal grooming service and animal products retail selling business that incorporates the full service array available at a typical grooming establishment with the convenience of at-home service. A large van can be equipped with all of the necessary restraints, equipment, and supplies needed to accomplish most dog washing and animal grooming tasks, and of course maintaining a supply of retail products available for customer purchase would be relatively easy. With this set up and the proper marketing plan, a fair profit margin and a substantial living could be made from this venture. The following paragraphs present a brief marketing plan for the described Dog Scrubs A-Go-Go business that will help develop the brand's recognition and market share.

Situational Analysis

There are millions of pet owners living in the United States, and in urban areas especially….

Film Analysis Wag the Dog

Perhaps the clearest violation of the principles of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) in ag the Dog is its essential premise: the PR firm is working to create the impression that the U.S. is at war to save the reputation of the current president, even though the country is still at peace. The PR firm deliberately deludes the American public into believing falsehoods based upon the needs of the client. As well as inhibiting the dissemination of truthful information, the PR firm actively stifles open communication by covering up the sex scandal of the president by creating false footage about the supposed war in Albania. The PR firm also collaborates with a movie producer to create fake film footage of the actual war specifically designed to tug at the heartstrings of Americans. hat the public should actually be focused upon (the politician's credibility) is completely changed and reversed.


Behavioral Training for Therapy Dogs:
Therapy dogs basically refers to dogs that are trained to offer affection and comfort to individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, stressful conditions, retirement homes, schools, and mental institutions like disaster areas. Throughout the years, health care professionals have recognized the therapeutic impact of animal companionship like lowering blood pressure, stress relief, and raising spirits. As a result of the huge recognition of the therapeutic influence of animal companionship, the demand for therapy dogs has continued to grow. Actually, in the past few years, therapy dogs have been enrolled to assist children suffering from emotional and speech disorders.

The use of therapy dogs in assisting individuals in the health care facilities and other relevant institutions to provide affection and comfort originates from the human-animal bond. In most cases, the human-animal bond outcomes are based on affection and/or respect. Behavioral training of therapy dogs effect the human-animal bond through….

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

A surprising number of factors contribute to church leadership.  While many people think that either knowledge of religion or adherence to religious principles are the two most important characteristics in a church leader, they are often secondary to actual leadership characteristics.  Servant leadership has served as a model for the ideal Christian leader, both in and out of the church, but on its own is not enough to be an effective leader for the church.  Leaders have to incorporate some other management principles to be truly effective. 

Church Leadership Essay Topics and Essay....


The Little Albert Experiment, conducted by John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner in 1920, stands as a seminal study in the field of psychology. This experiment sought to investigate the principles of classical conditioning, focusing on the acquisition, generalization, and extinction of conditioned fear responses in a human infant. The Little Albert Experiment has had a profound impact on our understanding of behaviorism and remains a foundational study in the history of psychology.

 The Experiment:

Watson and Rayner meticulously selected an 11-month-old infant, Albert B., for their experiment. They began by introducing Albert to a variety of stimuli, including a white rat,....

3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Dogs of March by Ernest Hebert

Words: 1018
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dogs of March by Ernest Hebert Hebert tries hard, I think, to depict the lives of the native rural denizens -- the Elmans and their friends -- as realistically…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Owning a Dog Versus Owning a Cat

Words: 768
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dogs Verses Cats Dogs and cats are the two most common animals among pet owners. Each provides unconditional love as well as health and emotional benefits for the owners and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Progress in Dog Training and Observation of Training Responses

Words: 1208
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Dog Training Training a dog requires proper planning and execution of the training methods so as to reinforce and encourage repetition. Proper training calls for the creation of a desire…

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4 Pages


Search and Rescue Dogs

Words: 1458
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Nursing Search and escue Dogs Search and rescue is all about saving lives. And the capability to save a life is regularly dependent upon how quickly a person can be found…

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5 Pages


Smakey Dog Foods Discuss How the SEC

Words: 1519
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Smakey Dog Foods Discuss how the SEC has influence (if any) over the audit of Smackey Dog Foods, Inc. The Securities and Exchange Commission has a significant influence on the audit…

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7 Pages


Smackey Dog Foods My Role at Smackey

Words: 2126
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Smackey Dog Foods My role at Smackey Dog Food is to apply the audit procedures and objectives to this company. A cursory examination reveals that there are many areas where…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Neutering Dogs IT's a Good Thing IT's

Words: 652
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Neutering Dogs: it's a Good Thing It's funny. One of the first things one notices when one travels out of the United States, especially to a "third world" country, is…

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6 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Wag the Dog

Words: 2055
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

ag the Dog The Public Relations Society of America espouses a code of ethics that includes protecting and advancing the free flow of "accurate and truthful" information ("Ethics"). Likewise, the…

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4 Pages


Bad Owners Not Bad Dogs Bad Dogs

Words: 1336
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Bad Owners Not Bad Dogs Bad Dogs or Bad Owners Bad Owners, Not Bad Dogs It is not debatable that some dog breeds are inherently more potentially dangerous and lethal. A pit…

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3 Pages
Marketing Plan


Marketing Plan for Dog-Feeding Device

Words: 727
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan for Caninantics' "Pooch Pantry" Situational Analysis It is well documented that Americans love their animals and dogs lead the popularity charts for pets (Watters & uff, 2013). Indeed, many…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Straw Dogs Sam Peckinpah's 1971

Words: 708
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Their sex life clearly lacks maturity and mutual respect, and Peckinpah makes it clear early in the film that Amy is frustrated with her dull husband. Straw Dogs is…

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2 Pages


Family Dog Our Family Member Wolfie Our

Words: 670
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Family Dog Our Family Member, olfie Our German Shepherd olfie has always been the most popular member of our family. Even though there were four of us, including Mom, Pop, and…

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3 Pages


Marketing Plan Dog Scrubs A-Go-Go A Service

Words: 724
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Plan Dog Scrubs a-Go-Go: A Service and Retail Marketing Plan Dog Scrubs A-Go-Go is a planned portable dog washing/animal grooming service and animal products retail selling business that incorporates the…

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4 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Film Analysis Wag the Dog

Words: 1272
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

PRSA Perhaps the clearest violation of the principles of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) in ag the Dog is its essential premise: the PR firm is working to…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Behavioral Training Therapy Dogs

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Behavioral Training for Therapy Dogs: Therapy dogs basically refers to dogs that are trained to offer affection and comfort to individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, stressful conditions, retirement homes, schools,…

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