Drug Trials Essays (Examples)

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Drug Trials One of the
Pages: 2 Words: 619

By upholding estern standards of ethics for drug trials, a company will not only meet its ethical obligations but will also ensure a higher standard of research. Clinical trials in emerging markets will still be cheaper than in estern markets, because the research staff will earn less, and because payouts to test subjects can be adjusted for living costs without violating ethical norms. Also, because standards provide structure, the quality of the research will be improved by applying estern standards in lieu of local standards.
Thus, the strongest ethical case lies for managing drug trials in emerging markets much as they would be managed in the est. The trials need to meet the specifications of the FDA anyway, and even with estern standards the cost of foreign drug trials will be lower. Additionally, when the drug company is free from the perception of ethical violation, not only will the results…...


Works Cited:

Rettue, P. (2012). Clinical trials in emerging economies- challenges and opportunities. Medical News Today. Retrieved November 10, 2012 from  http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/246778.php 

Singh, K. (2012). Lack of compensation norms for clinical trials results in exploitation of poor patients. The Economic Times. Retrieved November 10, 2012 f rom  http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2012-08-21/news/33303228_1_clinical-trials-drug-trials-trial-victim

Uncontrolled Variables in Psychiatric Clinical Drug Trials
Pages: 2 Words: 550

Medication Adherence and Compliance
Uncontrolled variables in psychiatric clinical drug trials

According to Griswold, Murray & Corrado (2012), one troubling aspect of psychotropic drug clinical trials is the lack of controls for subjects' adherence to medication protocols. Psychiatric patients in particular have historically been noted to have relatively low levels of compliance. In general, "as drug dosages increase, treatment adherence decrease" because of intensification of symptoms, difficulty remembering dosages, and other issues (Griswold, Murray & Corrado 2012). Under-medicating or discontinuing medications is common in schizophrenic and bipolar patients, due to reasons such as "perceived or real decreases in disease progression or symptomatology, perceived helplessness, defense mechanisms such as denial, motivational apathy, and lack of family or financial support"(Griswold, Murray & Corrado 2012). For potentially addictive substances such as stimulants and opioids, over-medication is a greater risk.

The study specifically took the form of a literature review. The authors conducted a search using clinical…...



Griswold L., Murray J., & Corrado P. (2012). Medication adherence and compliance:

Uncontrolled variables in psychiatric clinical drug trials. Adv. Pharmacoepidem Drug Safety 1:107. doi:10.4172/2167-1052.1000107

Effects of Minimizing Risk in Drug Trials
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Minimizing isk in a Study
One of the biggest challenges in conducting pharmaceutical research are the risks involved. This is because they can increase the potential legal liabilities and have a negative impact on everyone. To address them requires looking at: the circumstance for exclusion / inclusion / the maximum results, who approves the modifications and what can cause a study to end prior to its completion. Together, these different elements will illustrate how the process occurs and the different variables that are utilized throughout the process. (Konterman, 2010)

Under what circumstances would you modify inclusion and exclusion data to minimize risk and to maximize benefits of the research outcome? Who must approve modifications?

The circumstances that will shift modification of risk in Phase III trials are the side effects and the impacts they will have on participants. This is challenging, as these issues could have short or long-term consequences. In these kinds…...



Inside Clinical Trials. (2015). FDA. Retrieved from:  http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm143531.htm 

Konterman, K. (2010). Anti-Body Engineering. New York, NY: Springer.

Drug Policies Major Policies History
Pages: 12 Words: 3387

14). Soon, Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which was signed into law in 1937. Like the Harrison Act, the Marijuana Tax Act placed marijuana into the same category as the cocaine and opium drugs. It was now illegal to import marijuana into the United States (McWilliams, 1991). However, this law was ineffective in curbing marijuana use (Brecher, 1986, p. 14).
By the early 1940s narcotic addiction had significantly reduced in the United States (Harrison, Backenheimer and Inciardi, 1999). However, this was not the result of legislative initiatives. Instead, it was because World War II was cutting off the "supplies of opium from Asia and interrupt the trafficking routes from Europe" (Inciardi, 1992, p. 24).

Several other legislative efforts in the supply reduction department served to establish more severe penalties for violations of drug laws, and tighten controls and restrictions over legally manufactured narcotic drugs (Harrison, Backenheimer and Inciardi, 1999). The…...



1999). Recreational Drug Information. History of Drug Use U.S. Retrieved from the Internet at www.a1b2c3.com/drugs/.

Brecher, E. (1986). Drug Laws and Drug Law Enforcement: A Review and Evaluation Based on 111 Years of Experience,' Drugs and Society 1:1.

Drucker, Ernest. (1999). Harm Reduction: A Public Health Strategy. Current Issues in Public Health, 1: pp. 64-70.

Drug Policy Alliance. (February 17, 2005). Harm Reduction: Options that Work. Retrieved from the Internet at  http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/021705harm.cfm .

Drug Companies and Poor Nations
Pages: 2 Words: 683

) (adhwa, Rissing, Gereffi, Trumpbour and Engardio, 2008).
Clearly, it is important to have standards for all pharmaceuticals. Perhaps the HO or TO could monitor the quality control of this globally, adding a few cents per dose to help defray the cost, or utilizing a United Nations budget to oversee this program. It is just as important, though, to realize that until the Developed Countries share in their own resources, whether that be intellectual property or certain types of manufacturing, there will remain a large inequity and thus, an inability for globalization to really work (See: Globalization, Patents and Drugs, 2001).

Drug companies like Pfizer do have a utilitarian and moral responsibility to their stakeholders and, conversely, to patients in emerging markets. If there is a drug that will help alleviate suffering, it is not moral to keep it only for the rich countries. Conversely, there is an argument to be made…...


Works Cited

Globalization, Patents and Drugs. (2001, March). Retrieved November 2010, from World Health Organization:  http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/d/Js2251e/ 

Wadhwa, Rissing, Gereffi, Trumpbour and Engardio. (2008, June 18). The Globalization of Innovation: Pharmaceuticals. Retrieved November 2010, from Social Science Research Network:  http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1143472

Drug Use in Teens
Pages: 3 Words: 1071

Drug Use in Adolescents
The author of this report has been charged with writing a brief scholarly report with a few key components. The author of this report has been asked to select a topic of interest. That selected topic shall be substance and drug abuse in adolescents. As part of this scholarly report, there will be three major components. The first will be a description of the area of interest and why the author of this report is interested in it. Second, there will be a brief literature review with scholarly sources that cover that same topic. Finally, there will be a reflection and reaction to the literature review including whether there was agreement, how the author of this report perceives the involved paradigm(s) and so forth. While many kids avoid the pitfalls and negative outcomes of drug use and abuse, many fall prey sometimes or many times and the…...



Jaynes, S. (2014). Using Social Disorganization Theory to Guide Substance Abuse

Prevention among Adolescents: Implications for Educators. Journal Of At-Risk

Issues, 18(1), 35-40.

Lanza, H.I., Grella, C.E., & Chung, P.J. (2014). Does Adolescent Weight Status

Drug Use Enforcement in the USA
Pages: 4 Words: 1614

Drug Trafficking
The author of this report is to answer a few questions relating to drug trafficking. The primary focus of the questions and answers will be on two sources in particular, those being the movie Traffic and the class text authored by Thio, Calhoun and Conyers. The questions include references to the links between drugs and crime, the roles and events surrounding certain people in Traffic and so forth. There will be references other than the two mentioned above throughout the answers, as is required by the parameters of the assignment. While many depict drug use as a victimless crime, this is far from being true and the scope of the people that can be affected by drug use, drug dealing and drug trafficking literally knows no bounds or limits.


There is a heavy amount of examples of how drug use and crime are related, but the author will stick to…...



Abbey, Antonia. 2011. 'Alcohol's Role In Sexual Violence Perpetration: Theoretical Explanations, Existing Evidence And Future Directions'. Drug and Alcohol Review 30(5):481-489.

Helfand, Ezra. 2015. 'U.S. Says Drug Abuse Needs Treatment, Not Just Jail'. NCADD. Retrieved October 16, 2015 (https://ncadd.org/in-the-news/358-us-says-drug-abuse-needs-treatment-not-just-jail).

IMDB,. 2015. 'Traffic (2000)'. IMDb. Retrieved October 16, 2015 ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181865/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 ).

Thio, Alex, Thomas C Calhoun, and Addrain Conyers. 2013. Deviance Today. Boston: Pearson.

Generic Drugs
Pages: 10 Words: 3188

India Pharma Mfg
Many Americans have responded to the high prices on U.S. pharmaceuticals by purchasing them from other countries. Several countries have built cottage industries around shipping drugs to the United States. Initially, Canada was a favored country for this, given the reliability of drugs coming from Canada. However, price caps or not Canada still has Western prices for its pharmaceuticals, which has led to buyers searching the world for even lower-cost options, one of which is India. India's drug export market has grown at 24% per year, and now equals $14.7 billion, of which 55% goes to Western markets, the U.S. being the largest of these (Taylor, 2013). The total U.S. pharmaceutical market is $359 billion and is expected to grow to $476 billion by 2020 (PWeb, 2013). This paper will analyze the impact that Indian pharmaceuticals are expected to have on the U.S. market. This discussion is especially…...



PR Web. (2013). U.S. pharmaceutical market to grow at a 3.5% cagr. PR Web. Retrieved March 27, 2014 from  http://www.prweb.com/releases/us-pharmaceutical/medical-devices-market/prweb10773806.htm 

Sandler, T. (2012). In India, oversight lacking in outsourced drug trials. NBC News. Retrieved March 27, 2014 from  http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/03/04/10562883-in-india-oversight-lacking-in-outsourced-drug-trials 

Subbu, R. (2014). U.S. pharma companies benefit from large Indian generic market. The Hindu. Retrieved March 27, 2014 from  http://www.thehindu.com/business/Industry/us-pharma-companies-benefit-from-large-indian-generic-market/article5764662.ece 

Taylor, L. (2013). India: Exports of generics growing 24% a year. Pharma Times. Retrieved March 27, 2014 from http://www.pharmatimes.com/article/13-10-21/India_exports_of_generics_growing_24_a_year.aspx

Double Blind Trial This Is a Study
Pages: 2 Words: 538

double blind trial. This is a study where neither the researchers or the participants know what they will receive. First and foremost, it removes any potential for bias, as there are no preconceived notions from the participants or those studying the reactions of the trial. Such studies often also "follow less restrictive methodological standards than phase III studies in terms of patient selection, comedictation, and other design issues," (Muller, 2011). Essentially they have greater room to better replicate real world scenarios. They are also much more able to be generalized than studies with more restrictions. However, there are also some downsides to double blind trials. For example, there is a much greater variance that the research will have to deal with. This is "caused by the different kinds of confounders as well as problematic design issues" that can lead to "wrong conclusions," (Muller, 2011). When there are issues it…...



Constanta, R. (2008). An integrative approach to quality of life management. Sapient 1(1), 12-16.

Muller, Hans-Jurgen. (2011). Effectiveness studies: Advantages and disadvantages. Dialogues on Clinical Neuroscience, 13(1), 199-207.

Lewis, John A. (2002). Study designs, duration, and choice of comparators including the use of placebo. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 4(4), 463-469.

Drug Use Among Teenagers
Pages: 6 Words: 1572

Rise of Illicit Drug Use Amongst Teenagers
According to recent surveys, there has been a rise in the use of illicit drugs amongst teenagers. One particular drug that has seen a steady increase in use is Ecstasy, while in other studies researchers have seen drugs become more available in a variety of markets, like the Internet, in order to cover a wider area for distribution.

Teenagers have been a prime source for these Internet-dealers, and while certain drugs have seen a drop in their use, it is only because they have been replaced by more illicit and easier to obtain drugs. Contrary to popular belief, teenage drug use is on the rise, and appears to only be heading on the up and up.

In a study conducted last year by the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research, out of 44,000 students, "the proportions of eighth-, 10th-, and 12th-graders who reported having…...



Teenage Marijuana Use Declines While Ecstasy Use Increases

AORN Journal. Issue February 2001. Association of periOperative Registered Nurses.

Annual Survey Reports Trends in Drug Use by Teenagers

AORN Journal. Issue February 2002. Association of periOperative Registered Nurses.

Drugs and Gangs Among Detroit Teens
Pages: 7 Words: 2335

Street Drug Trade Is One of the Most Important Social Institutions for Young People in Detroit
From his perspective, Bergmann writes that the street drug is one of the most important social institutions for young people in Detroit. As an institution, the drug dealings and everything surrounding it are becoming a transforming force taking people in a certain way of life and perception. Detroit is known to be a major region of the drug trade, including heroin. Like any other society, it suffers consequences of this in many ways, including the economic, cultural, social, and even psychological repercussions arising from the presence of the drug. Drugs are commonly effective and, in some way, change the way people behave, live, and interact. This is seen from his submission that "drug dealing governed the seasonal cycles of their lives and taught them about the nature and power of the state, capitalism and family."…...

Drug Tysabri That Was Tested
Pages: 2 Words: 649

According to these authors, the fatal tragedy could easily have been avoided by taking more time for more focused and carefully planned clinical trials. According to this view, it was unethical to test Tysabri in the way it has been done, and furthermore irresponsible to enter it into the market before all side-effects were ascertained.
3. Interested parties: The interested parties in this case include Walter Smith, Anita's widower, as well as Cambridge biotechnology and Elan Corp. From Smith's point-of-view, the companies are at fault for causing harm to his wife, and potential harm to many others using the drug. His current assertions regarding the reentry of the drug into the market appear to be well thought out and mature, focusing on the future benefit of patients rather than on his own need for revenge.

From the point-of-view of the companies, the drug is developed to help those suffering from multiple…...

Drug Courts on Drug Abuse
Pages: 6 Words: 2106

The later stages focuses on dealing with the problems related to the drug use withdrawal like the withdrawal syndromes, the tendency to relapse. The later stages also focus on restoring the self dignity and also impacting the participant with the prerequisites to self-manage the drug abuse issue once the probation and treatment duration ends (Tara, 2007).

The drug courts are also said to be significant to the economy of the U.S. The drug courts save the taxpayer money for each participant in the treatment as compared to the same individual or one with a similar problem but going through the criminal court system. This is realized by the reduced recidivism cases among the graduates from the treatment facilities recommended by the drug court systems (Daniel, 2003).

In general, the drug use is very addictive and a problem that dealing with it in the U.S. society is very difficult. This is why the…...



Amanda B.C., & Michael R., (2005). The State of Drug Court Research. Retrieved may 30, 2010

from www.courtinnovation.org/_.../state%20of%20dc%20research.pdf

Belenko, S. (2001). Research on drug courts: A critical review 2001 update. National Drug Court

Institute Review, 4, 1 -- 60 www.20.drugpolicy.org/docUploads/2001drugcourts.pdf

Drug Treatment for Anemia
Pages: 2 Words: 623

Pharmacotherapy for Hematologic DisordersAnemia is an hematologic disorder that occurs when the individual lacks the requisite number of healthy red blood cells for bringing oxygen to the bodys cells. Without oxygen, the bodys cells are essentially choked to death. ed blood cells depend on a number of supports, such as iron, B12, and folate for healthy development. In children these supports are especially necessary and they are still in a developmental stage. Treating children with anemia can depend upon the severity and source causing the anemia; however, there are some pharmacotherapy options available. This paper will consider drug treatments for patients with anemia and the factor of age and how it plays a part in the treatment process.As Ozdemir (2015) notes, reduced erythrocyte count or a hemoglobin (Hb) value 5 percentile below the normal hemoglobin value specified for that age in healthy individuals is defined as anemia (p. 11). Treating…...


ReferencesÖzdemir, N. (2015). Iron deficiency anemia from diagnosis to treatment in children. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics/Türk Pediatri Ar?ivi, 50(1), 11.Powers, J. M., Buchanan, G. R., Adix, L., Zhang, S., Gao, A., & McCavit, T. L. (2017). Effect of low-dose ferrous sulfate vs iron polysaccharide complex on hemoglobin concentration in young children with nutritional iron-deficiency anemia: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 317(22), 2297-2304.

Legal Response to Drugs
Pages: 4 Words: 1236

Decriminalization of drugs is an ineffective legal policy that has harmed millions of Americans. Since Nixon's declaration of "war" on drugs, American policy towards mind-altering substances has been as violent and futile as the term "war on drugs" would suggest. Drug use is not qualitatively different from alcohol use. The prohibition of alcohol failed miserably in the early 20th century, leading also to a proliferation in profitable black market businesses that fueled organized crime. The same pattern has been occurring with mind-altering substances of all types. Drug cartels have blossomed throughout the Americas, and the global black marketplace is teeming with criminal behaviors that are linked to protecting the lucrative but illegal drug trade. If trading in drugs were akin to trading in alcohol, then drug cartels would no longer need the massive stashes of weapons used to protect their property. The war on drugs has ruined far more lives…...



Sledge, M. (2013). The drug war and mass incarceration by the numbers. The Huffington Post. Retrieved online:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/08/drug-war-mass-incarceration_n_3034310.html

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