Education Reform Essays (Examples)

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E-mail provides ability for 'peer review' and editing of assignments whilst word processing programs enables students to creates their own ideas and documents. More sophisticated programs encourage inquiry-based learning where students explore new fields and format solutions in all sorts of creative manners to all sorts of fields. Computer also assists the teacher in that students can work independently at certain programs whilst others receive teacher-based instruction. In many ways, therefore, technology has become part of the school-based reform. (
After school programs

After school programs also called 'extra learning opportunities" (ELO) offer students a spectrum of enriching opportunities that go beyond their school day and regular education. Opportunities extend to subjects such as sewing, cooking, carpentry, ballet, drama, athletics, or small business enterprise. These not only indirectly improve student's academic progress but also enhance student's esteem whilst pointing them towards their special skills and enabling them to actualize their talents….

Education Reforms: Private or Public
United States education system is not at par with general standards of quality education worldwide. The problem lies with our school and college curriculum and lack of sound reforms in the area of education. Though every year, our administration declares that education reforms is at the top of its political agenda, still each year we fail to notice any changes in the school and college education. Not only is our curriculum faulty, we also do not have right degree of private participation in this field which is resulting in deterioration of education especially in state run schools and colleges. For this reason it is important to encourage private initiative in this area because public participation has not only failed to improve the standard of education, it has also resulted in intense public resentment. Many people feel that public funds must not be used to educate selected….

Education: Education eform
Education eform: Public Education

Education reformers have proposed a number of strategies to help increase teacher effectiveness and overall student performance in public schools. Proposals include, among other things, reducing the level of teacher autonomy, use of testing and standards to evaluate performance, and introduction of charter schools as a way of encouraging public schools to improve their performance. This text examines the arguments put forth by the proponents and critics in each of these three areas.

School eform

School reform is the name given to the various efforts geared at changing public education in the country to focus on outputs (student achievement) as opposed to input. School reformers acknowledge public education as the primary source of K-12 education for the country's young generation. As such, they desire to transform public education to be able o work like a market, that is, an input-output system where accountability creates high stakes for….

Governor Cuomo and Education Policy
Governor Cuomo strongly supports the establishment of a statewide teacher evaluation system. New York is following the robust example of states like Kentucky that have put teacher evaluation systems in place, and will soon to add principle evaluation systems. Borrowing phraseology from the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling, Cuomo recently asserted that public schools are failing so badly that "the great equalizer that was supposed to be the public education system can now be the great discriminator." Cuomo is putting money where his mouth is since the evaluation system is the key to school districts being able to access an increase in state education aid that has been scheduled. Cuomo has been pressuring the teachers' union and schools in New York City to implement the new standards approved by the State Legislature, including the use of an instructional framework that stipulates criteria for teacher….

Responsibility for Failing Schools
Central Falls, Rhode Island came under Obama Administration's "Race to the Top" policy in January 2010 with new district policy to improve the district's low student performance. After months of debate, teacher firings and rehiring, lawsuits, and negotiations, the policy was finally implemented. Questions remain on how effective the new policy will resolve the district's problems.

The Obama Administration's "Race to the Top" policy consists of implementing one of four turnaround models (Rochefort, 2011). The transformational model replaces the principal, strengthens school staff, implements researched-based instruction with new governance and flexibility, and extended learning time. The turnaround model replaces the principal, rehires only 50% of staff, implements researched-based instruction, new governance, and extended learning time. The restart model converts or closes the school and reopens under an effective charter operator or an educational management organization. And the school closure model closes the school and sends students to other….

Professional Learning Community"?
Professional learning communities: rticle review

DuFour, R. What is a 'professional learning community?' Educational Leadership, 2004.

popular idea in the field of education today is the need to develop a 'professional learning community' of educators to facilitate the goals of the institution. One of the 'big ideas' of a professional learning community is the responsibility for educators to come together and to determine how students really learn and how to achieve set learning objectives. For example, if a teacher is struggling with providing differentiated instruction to a diverse community of learners, the school can offer her additional support and resources to bolster the performance of her students (DuFour 2004: 1). Creating a professional learning community ensures that there are institutional structures to support learning in a meaningful fashion so that learning is 'easy' and avoiding learning is not an option. Not only educators and administrators but the students….

Evidence-Based Instruction and Intervention
Evidence-Based Instruction & Intervention

The terms evidence-based instruction, research-based instruction, and scientifically based instruction are often used interchangeably. What is the basic meaning of such terms and the approach to instructional practices and interventions advocated in their name?

The terms evidence-based, research-based, and scientifically based are used interchangeably in the field of education. At the most fundamental level, these terms are meant to indicate that formal research has been conducted on a particular methodology, technique, or approach. Generally, an assumption prevails that the research conducted is grounded in a positivist or an empirical tradition that is, by its very nature, a theory building endeavor. The attributes associated with an evidence-based practice include, reliability, validity, trustworthiness, and replicability.

Moreover, there is an implicit understanding that the approach can be generalized to populations outside the original research, and that similar outcomes can be anticipated when the recommended and researched techniques or methods….

Reparations for Black Communities through Educational ReformIntroductionBackground. Just over four centuries ago, the first African slaves arrived in the United States, beginning what would become a rapidly growing and lucrative industry well into the 19th century. Indeed, by the start of the Civil War in 1861, there were nearly 4 million black slaves in the United States despite the federal government banning the importation of new African slaves in 1808 (Hacker, 2021). In fact, the importation of African slaves did little to stop the trade and the practice continued on a large scale after 1808 in defiance of federal law (Africans in America, 2022). Although precise figures are unavailable, current estimates indicate that during the period between 1619 and 1865, enslaved Africans in the U.S. contributed 410 billion hours of labor to the American economy (Hacker, 2021). Moreover, modern scholars routinely underestimate the economic value of these billions of hour….

Analysis ProjectI. TopicReparations within Black communities in Chicago through educational reform is an important topic that has gained significant attention in recent years (Darity & Mullen, 2020; Rubin et al., 2020). The idea behind reparations is to provide redress for past injustices, and one of the ways to achieve this is through educational reform (Taiwo, 2022). The goal of educational reform is to create equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their race or socioeconomic status (Fung et al., 2022; Zajda, 2022).There is statistical data that shows a positive correlation between the rate of Black student college attendance and college students financial hardships. This means that Black students are more likely to face financial difficulties when pursuing higher education compared to non-Black students. These financial hardships can include student loan debt, lack of access to resources such as textbooks and technology, and difficulty finding employment after graduation.The effects of these….

esearch Proposaleparations for Black Communities in Chicago through Educational eformQualitative esearch Methods IAbstractThis research proposal explores the feasibility of employing educational reforms as a form of reparations for Black communities in Chicago, addressing the persistent educational disparities rooted in systemic racism and the legacy of slavery. The study adopts a qualitative research design, utilizing in-depth semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and participatory observations to gather rich narratives from Black students, educators, and community members. These methods aim to capture the lived experiences, challenges, and aspirations within the educational system, providing a comprehensive understanding of the disparities faced by Black communities in Chicago. Guided by Critical ace Theory and eparative Justice, the analysis employs Braun and Clarke\\\'s thematic analysis framework, ensuring an inductive and iterative approach to data interpretation. Ethical considerations, including Institutional eview Board approval, informed consent, and confidentiality, are prioritized to protect participants\\\' dignity and rights. The study\\\'s trustworthiness is….

Lack of Education Reform

eparations for Black Communities through Educational eformOutlineI. Introductiona. Backgroundb. Problem Statementc. PurposeII. Need for eparations for Black Communitiesa. Argumentb. LiteratureIII. Educational eforma. Increased funding for black-majority schoolsb. Increasing curriculum optionsc. School vouchersIV. Conclusiona. Summarize the problem/findingsb. estate thesisesearch QuestionsThe history of black oppression in the United States is well documented. From the days of slavery through the Jim Crow era and into the present, black Americans have faced discrimination and violence at the hands of their white counterparts. This long history of racism has left black communities at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to education. In order to begin to rectify this injustice, reparations should be paid in the form of educational reform.The research question guiding this paper will be: in what ways can education reform serve as reparation for black communities?The paper will show that educational reform should take many forms, including but not limited to: increased funding….

, 2000). This increased responsibility has placed a tremendous amount of pressure on teachers, which in turn places a tremendous amount of pressure on the students as well.
However, even with the negative issues that have come with education reform, it has been shown that discarding certain traditional teaching methods may be a positive step for education especially in the math and science departments. Hands-on lab exercises have begun to dominate the landscape of science classes, replacing the traditional methods of passive-student lectures. True experimentation and exploration of scientific principles is encouraged and highlighted in many classrooms and seem to be much more effective than the traditional "recipe"-driven lab experiences. These interactive approaches have, so far, been proven to be far more effective teaching techniques than the traditional ones. However, even through these techniques the scoring on standardized tests are still disappointingly low in America especially in comparison to students of….

According to a British Study conducted on all students born in the first week of March 1958, and following them through adolescence and on until the age of twenty-three:
There were no average differences between grouped and ungrouped schools because within the grouped schools, high-group students performed better than similar students in ungrouped schools, but low-group students did worse. Students in remedial classes performed especially poorly compared to ungrouped students with similar family backgrounds and initial achievement. With low-group losses offsetting high-group gains, the effects on productivity were about zero, but the impact on inequality was substantial." (Gamoran 1992)

As Gamoran points out, grouping or "tracking" tended to accentuate a student's skills or lack thereof. High-ability students benefited from segregation, but low-ability students did even worse than before. And while low-ability pupils received no benefit whatsoever from the tracking system, neither did their schools. The net gain in performance among the….

Over the last several years, educators have been facing considerable challenges in meeting rising expectations for performance. This is because a host of solutions (such as the No Child Left Behind Act) have not addressed the lack of student achievement. Instead, academic performance has continued to linger and become worse in some areas (i.e. mathematics and science). (Hannah, 2012)

In New Jersey, the Core Content and Common Core Curriculum standards is designed to provide clarity on specific subjects and topics students must learn in order to graduate from high school. To fully understand how this occurring requires examining the way it is related to the concepts from Mary Zimmerman's Metamorphoses and a contemporary issue. This will be accomplished by focusing on the modes of communication, its shape and the way the literature can provoke cultural insights. Together, these elements will highlight how the Core Content and Common Core Curriculum standards are….

Nearly all failing schools fit this description (Six Secrets of School Success 2000)." If a country is to overcome educational problems, they must take into account the mentality that poverty creates and how that mentality deteriorates the wherewithal to do well in school.
Although poverty is the issue that affects most underachieving schools, the idea of the super head was conceived as the answer to poorly performing schools. According to Marshall (2001), recruiting exceptional headmasters to improve schools was begun with what was once known as the Hammersmith County School (Marshall, 2001). The local authority school was located in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (Marshall, 2001). The neighboring schools were grant maintained and church schools (Marshall, 2001). The Hammersmith School was being closed because of poor results and OFSTED reports (Marshall, 2001). However, instead of closing the school the administration decided to reopen it and called it the….

Essay Topics Related to President Trump and President Biden

Domestic Policy

Fiscal Policy Differences: Examine the contrasting approaches to fiscal policy employed by Presidents Trump and Biden, highlighting their impact on the economy and national debt.
Immigration Reform: Analyze the evolution of immigration policies under Presidents Trump and Biden, considering their motivations, implementation, and implications for the nation.
Healthcare Debate: Discuss the heated debate on healthcare under Presidents Trump and Biden, examining the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid expansion, and drug pricing reforms.
Education Reform: Compare the educational initiatives and policies proposed by Presidents Trump and Biden, evaluating their effectiveness and potential....

The Mangudadatu Family: A Political Dynasty in the Philippines

The Mangudadatu family is a prominent political dynasty in the Philippines, hailing from the province of Maguindanao in the southern region of Mindanao. For decades, they have held significant power and influence in the political landscape of the country, particularly in local and regional politics.

Origins and Rise to Power

The Mangudadatu family traces its political lineage back to the late Datu Udtog Matalam Mangudadatu, who served as a representative for Maguindanao in the Philippine Congress during the 1960s. However, it was his son, Esmael "Toto" Mangudadatu Sr., who cemented the family's political legacy.


Colonization and Indigenous Identities in Canada
The colonization of Canada by European powers profoundly impacted Indigenous identities, leaving a complex and lasting legacy. It imposed a foreign value system, disrupted traditional ways of life, and marginalized Indigenous peoples from society.
Impacts on Indigenous Identities
Forced Assimilation: Colonizers implemented policies to assimilate Indigenous peoples into European culture, including residential schools, reserves, and the suppression of Indigenous languages and cultural practices. These policies eroded traditional identities and severed connections to community and land.
Land Dispossession: Indigenous lands were seized and redistributed to European settlers, disrupting the spiritual, economic, and cultural connection to their territories.....

2 Pages
Case Study


Education Reform in America Year

Words: 605
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

E-mail provides ability for 'peer review' and editing of assignments whilst word processing programs enables students to creates their own ideas and documents. More sophisticated programs encourage inquiry-based…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Education Reforms Private or Public United States

Words: 1712
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education Reforms: Private or Public United States education system is not at par with general standards of quality education worldwide. The problem lies with our school and college curriculum and…

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4 Pages


Education Reform Public Education

Words: 1329
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Education: Education eform Education eform: Public Education Education reformers have proposed a number of strategies to help increase teacher effectiveness and overall student performance in public schools. Proposals include, among other…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Education Reform Redux in New York

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Governor Cuomo and Education Policy Governor Cuomo strongly supports the establishment of a statewide teacher evaluation system. New York is following the robust example of states like Kentucky that have…

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5 Pages


Holding Teachers Responsible for Fixing Failing Schools the Battle Over Education Reform

Words: 1578
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Responsibility for Failing Schools Central Falls, Rhode Island came under Obama Administration's "Race to the Top" policy in January 2010 with new district policy to improve the district's low student…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Education Reform and the Creation of Learning Communities

Words: 556
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Professional Learning Community"? Professional learning communities: rticle review DuFour, R. What is a 'professional learning community?' Educational Leadership, 2004. popular idea in the field of education today is the need…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Making the Case for Research in Education Reform

Words: 1631
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Evidence-Based Instruction and Intervention Evidence-Based Instruction & Intervention The terms evidence-based instruction, research-based instruction, and scientifically based instruction are often used interchangeably. What is the basic meaning of such terms and…

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14 Pages
Research Paper

African-Americans - Slavery

How Educational Reforms Can Pay Part of the Reparations Bill to Slave Descendents

Words: 4219
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Reparations for Black Communities through Educational ReformIntroductionBackground. Just over four centuries ago, the first African slaves arrived in the United States, beginning what would become a rapidly growing and…

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11 Pages
Term Paper

Race / Racism

Black University Students and Debt Relief Reparations

Words: 3236
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Analysis ProjectI. TopicReparations within Black communities in Chicago through educational reform is an important topic that has gained significant attention in recent years (Darity & Mullen, 2020; Rubin et…

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21 Pages
Research Proposal


Qualitative Research for Implementing Education Reform

Words: 6250
Length: 21 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

esearch Proposaleparations for Black Communities in Chicago through Educational eformQualitative esearch Methods IAbstractThis research proposal explores the feasibility of employing educational reforms as a form of reparations for Black…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Lack of Education Reform

Words: 390
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

eparations for Black Communities through Educational eformOutlineI. Introductiona. Backgroundb. Problem Statementc. PurposeII. Need for eparations for Black Communitiesa. Argumentb. LiteratureIII. Educational eforma. Increased funding for black-majority schoolsb. Increasing curriculum…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Reform Movement's Effect on Teaching

Words: 774
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

, 2000). This increased responsibility has placed a tremendous amount of pressure on teachers, which in turn places a tremendous amount of pressure on the students as well. However, even…

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22 Pages
Term Paper


Education Factors Relating to the

Words: 5961
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to a British Study conducted on all students born in the first week of March 1958, and following them through adolescence and on until the age of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Education Over the Last Several Years Educators

Words: 1132
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education Over the last several years, educators have been facing considerable challenges in meeting rising expectations for performance. This is because a host of solutions (such as the No Child…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Education Throughout the World There

Words: 5288
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nearly all failing schools fit this description (Six Secrets of School Success 2000)." If a country is to overcome educational problems, they must take into account the mentality…

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