Electronic Health Records Essays (Examples)

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Electronic Health Records
Pages: 3 Words: 944

Electronic Health ecords
The state of today's technology has transformed many of the methods and systems society uses to live and interact with one another. In the medical community, technology has also become a much larger part of how healing and the healing processes are carried out by health care professionals on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how one piece of technology as represented by Electronic Health ecords, has changed and modified the delivery of health care. To help understand this argument, this subject will be approached from the aspect of society's beliefs and values and how this affected this evolution of practical medicine.

Growth Of Technology

The ability to compress data in small, electronic packages has changed the world in many ways. Electronic health records (HE) have manifested in the medical community because of this technology that allows the compression of data into simply transferable packages…...



Menachemi, N., & Collum, T.H. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. Risk management and healthcare policy, 4, 47.

Thede, L. (2010). Informatics: Electronic Health Records: A Boon or Privacy Nightmare?. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(2).

Electronic Health Records Since the Introduction of
Pages: 3 Words: 1248

Electronic Health Records
Since the introduction of electronic health records, the U.S. government, information systems developers and associations of healthcare providers have worked toward establishing a uniform, integrated system of electronic health records. This collaboration is designed to significantly enhance patient safety and treatment, as well as effectively assist in the management of public health issues such as disease. hile some health practitioners report difficulties in dealing with electronic health records, it appears that continued efforts and refinements are gradually solving problems of computerization and are improving healthcare.

Characteristics and Components of Efficient EHR

In 2003, the Institute of Medicine released a report called Key capabilities of an electronic health record system. In this consensus report, the Institute stated that an electronic health records system should consist of:

"a longitudinal collection of electronic health information for and about persons;

2. [immediate] electronic access to person- and population-level information by authorized users;

3. Provision of knowledge and…...


Works Cited

Institute of Medicine. (2003). Key capabilities of an electronic health record system. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

National Research Council. (2004). Patient safety: Achieving a new standard for care. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Open Clinical. (2011). Electronic medical records. Retrieved on February 10, 2012 from OpenClinical.com Web site:  http://www.openclinical.org/emr.html

Electronic Health Records the Advent of Technology
Pages: 5 Words: 1688

Electronic Health ecords
The advent of technology has had an impact on almost every facet of our lives. Today, thanks to technology, the maintenance of patient records is becoming increasingly easy and efficient. In this text, I will concern myself with electronic health records (EH). In so doing, I will amongst other things take into consideration the effect of EHs on health care and the implications of adopting this technology from a privacy and security perspective. Further, I will highlight HIPAA privacy and security rules and how they relate to EHs.

Electronic Health ecords (EHs): An Overview

Electronic health record according to Kirch (2008) "describes a longitudinal (lifetime) record of a patient's health and health care." However, a more comprehensive definition of EH has three key components. According to the Institute of Medicine - IOM (as cited in Niles, 2010), these components are "the collection of longitudinal data on a person's health, immediate…...



Health Resources and Services Administration -- HRSA (2012). What are the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules? Retrieved August 2, 2012, from the HRSA website: http://www.hrsa.gov/healthit/toolbox/HealthITAdoptiontoolbox/PrivacyandSecurity/hipaarules.html

Iyer, P.W., Levin, B.J. & Shea, M.A. (2006). Medical Legal Aspects of Medical Records. Tucson, AZ: Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company.

Kirch, W. (Ed.). (2008). Encyclopedia of Public Health: Volume 1: A - H Volume 2: I -- Z. New York, NY: Springer.

Niles, N.J. (2010). Basics of the U.S. Health Care System. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Electronic Health Records the Medical Community Has
Pages: 4 Words: 1460

Electronic Health ecords
The medical community has begun using electronic health records (EH) as an alternative to paper records (Gunter & Terry, 2005). While there are many benefits to this, there are also concerns with hacking and security. Another concern is how patients get copies of these records, because they want to make sure that they are able to access information that is rightfully theirs. It should also be able to be transferred to other doctors and hospitals easily, and provided to people who are legitimately allowed to have it -- such as family members or friends that a person has specifically authorized to view his or her medical information. Doctors and hospitals that like having the EHs prefer them because the information can be sent to another person so quickly and accessed almost anywhere, making it convenient during emergencies (Gunter & Terry, 2005). These EHs also reduce the need for…...



Ackerman, M.J. (2007). The personal health record. Journal of Medical Practice Management, 23(2): 84 -- 5.

Agarwal, R., & Angst, C.M. (2006). Technology-enabled transformations in U.S. health care: early findings on personal health records and individual use, In Galletta G, Zhang P, (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction and Management Information Systems: Applications (Vol. 5). NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

Gunter T.D., & Terry N.P. (2005). The emergence of national electronic health record architectures in the United States and Australia: Models, costs, and questions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 7(1): e3.

Kierkegaard, P. (2011). Electronic health record: Wiring Europe's healthcare. Computer Law & Security Review, 27(5): 503 -- 515.

Health Systems Management and Electronic Health Records
Pages: 7 Words: 2298

Health Systems Management and Electronic Health ecords
Healthcare is an essential factor or tool in relation to the American society. The society of America has no national socialized healthcare system. In this research paper, the focus will be on the Medicare healthcare system in the context of the United States. The paper will focus on illustration of the concepts of the Medicare healthcare system, various management challenges, problems, and opportunities in relation to the organizational impact of the policies governing the system.

Healthcare is an essential factor or tool in relation to the American society. The society of America has no national socialized healthcare system. This forces the citizens to adopt and integrate various ways of paying for their healthcare needs. In the context of the United States, various systems provide healthcare services to the rich and less fortunate society members. In this research paper, the focus will be on the Medicare…...



Altman, S.H. (2012). The Lessons of Medicare's Prospective Payment System Show That the Bundled Payment Program Faces Challenges. Health Affairs, 31(9), 1923-1930.


Carpenter, C.E. (2011). Medicare Advantage: Where It's Been; Where Is It Headed?. Journal Of

Financial Service Professionals, 65(4), 23-26.

Electronic Health Records EHR Electronic
Pages: 2 Words: 652

The other dimension is related but is definitely separate. Some end-users are not only uninformed on how to administer electronic health records, they may actively resist and otherwise undermine the setup and these people need to be identified or even removed if they will not play along. It cannot be denied that, when done properly, electronic health records allows for such a seamless and beautiful result. As such, people that are intentionally or unconsciously undermining the setup need to be fleshed out and corrected (Bates, 2010).

The last sentence of the proper paragraph is very important in the medical context because life and death decisions are made (or not made) based on the contents and accuracy of the data in electronic health records. For example, if a drug allergy is known in one set of data but it never makes it to the central repository for this patient, the results can…...



Bates, D. (2010). Getting in Step: Electronic Health Records and their Role in Care Coordination. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25(3), 174-176.

Murphy, J. (2010). The Journey to Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records. Nursing Economics, 28(4), 283-286.

Electronic Health Records and Meaningful
Pages: 2 Words: 666

Due to the need to solve the issues that emerge in the workplace, various problem solving approaches have emerged and are used to help in finding solution to the issues. egardless of the utilized or adopted problem-solving model, the process generally involves several stages (Hicks, 2004, p.35). However, it's not necessary to strictly adhere to the stages in a particular problem-solving model in order to be effective in finding the solution to the problem.
An example of a current issue in the workplace setting is the lack of motivation by the employees in their work that contributes to the ineffective or poor delivery of services. This issue can be solved through the use of a problem-solving model that incorporates seven important stages. These stages are identification of the underlying problem or issues, understanding people's interests, listing potential solutions, evaluating options, choosing the best possible option, recording agreements, and agreeing on…...



"Electronic Health Records and Meaningful Use." (2011, September 2). The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Retrieved U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website: http://healthit.hhs.gov/portal/server.pt?open=512&objID=2996&mode=2

Hicks, M.J. Problem solving and decision making: hard, soft, and creative approaches (2nd ed.).

North Yorkshire: Thomson Learning

Electronic Health Records EHR --
Pages: 2 Words: 843

All three systems typically require a practice to install the EH software onto on-site servers, although they all appear to require only standard "off-the-shelf" hardware, and all of them also offer Application Service Provider (ASP) access as an option. (McKesson, 2010, General Electric Corporation, 2010, Sage 2010). Because all three systems are applications that reside on the practice's hardware, back-up of the server data seems to fall on the shoulders of the practice itself to manage this process (Compliant Backup, 2010).

Among special additional features, Practice Partner offers "BrightNote" technology allowing physicians to dictate patient information, which then populates discrete data in different parts of the patient's chart automatically (McKesson, 2010). GE Centricity offers a Medical Quality Improvement Consortium that allows a practice to consolidate and benchmark quality of care measures (General Electric Corporation, 2010). Sage Intergy includes a set of online "marketing" tools that allow a practice to send newsletters…...



Adler, K.G. (2005). How to Select an Electronic Health Record System. Family Practice Management, 12 (2). Retrieved from  http://www.aafp.org/fpm/2005/0200/p55.html 

Compliant Backup (2010). Centricity Backup: Are You Backing Up Your Centricity Data? Retrieved April 7, 2010 from the Compliant Backup website  http://centricitypractice.gehealthcare.com/public/requirements.htm 

Garets, D. & Davis, M. (2006). Electronic Medical Records vs. Electronic Health Records: Yes, There Is a Difference, A HIMSS AnalyticsTM White Paper. Retrieved from the Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) website  http://www.himssanalytics.org/docs/wp_emr_ehr.pdf 

General Electric Company (2010). GE Centricity. Retrieved April 7, 2010 from the GE Healthcare website  https://www2.gehealthcare.com/portal/site/usen/menuitem.e8b305b80b84c1b4d6354a1074c84130/?vgnextoid=5bb454fbded30210VgnVCM10000024dd1403RCRD&productid=4bb454fbded30210VgnVCM10000024dd1403

Electronic Health Records the Debate
Pages: 2 Words: 635

It might seem like great convenience that patient data, such as weight or blood sugar readings can be sent directly to a nurse or healthcare provider daily. But will self-reported data really be an effective replacement for human contact? The patient could report inaccurate information if he or she is embarrassed about his or her weight or misread the device used to record the data. And the human contact between nurse and patient is often very important for the elderly and chronically ill. While systems such as the Zuri are presented as an enhancement to face-to-face medical treatment, it is not hard to envision a 'nightmare' scenario where they are used to replace it.
These devices are not covered by HIPAA, although the FTC has proposed a rule that requires vendors of personal health information "to notify the owner of the personal health information within 60 days and prescribes a…...



FTC issues notice of rule regarding breach of security of personal health records. (2009, April

22). Holland and Hart Healthcare. Retrieved March 26, 2010 at  http://www.hollandharthealthcare.com/healthcare/2009/04/internet-medicine-part-iii-ftc-issues-notice-of-rule-regarding-breach-of-security-of-personal-health.html#more 

Wangness, Lisa (2009, April 13). Electronic health records raise doubt. The Boston Globe.

Retrieved March 26, 2010 at  http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2009/04/13/electronic_health_records_raise_doubt/

Electronic Health Records the Development
Pages: 2 Words: 799

Staff must be trained to use Electronic Health ecords in a way that optimizes the potential benefits of the new technology, while avoiding sloppy habits that not only reduce effectiveness but are even potentially detrimental to the quality of health care (Hartzband & Groopman, 1998). There are literally hundreds of Electronic Health ecords applications and products available on the market today. It is up to each organization to choose the product that suits their user environment, but they should also select a product that is well designed to promote good clinical and practices.
For example, check-box style systems force a practitioner to interact with the computer screen more than the patient, and limit a doctor's ability to customize a chart to capture unique or individual information relevant to that patient. Thus systems that allow for at least some amount of free-text entry are preferable (Hartzband & Groopman, 1998). At the…...



CCHIT: Find Products. Retrieved March 30, 2010 from the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology's website:  http://www.cchit.org/products 

Hartzband, P. & Groopman, J. (1998). Avoiding the Pitfalls of Going Electronic. New England Journal of Medicine, (16)358, 1656-1658.

Lohr, S. (2007). Risks and Rewards; Who Pays for Efficiency. The New York Times. Retrieved from  http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/01/business 

Lorenzi, N.M., Kouroubali, A., Detmer, D.E., & Bloomrosen, M. (2009). How to successfully select and implement electronic health records (EHR) in small ambulatory practice settings. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, (15)

Electronic Health Records and E-Prescribing
Pages: 3 Words: 829

In so doing, the EH alerts the physician of any potential conflicts thus requiring the physician to prescribe an alternative drug. For drugs that have been recalled due to health risks or other issues, the EH will also alert the physician of any problems that the drug may cause thus also requiring the physician to prescribe an alternative drug Sidorov, 2006()
EH systems also prevent physicians from overdosing, under-dosing or giving their patients the incorrect medication for their diagnosis. Since the EH system collects all relevant information about the patient such as laboratory tests conducted and results and other tests such as X-ray, MI, etc., the system prevents physicians from giving patients the incorrect medication for the diagnosis Pagliari, Don, & Singleton, 2007()

Electronic health record systems can help in the quick and systematic identification of operational issues and adverse effects from a certain drug. For example when the system notices…...



Laerum, H., Ellingsen, G., & Faxvaag, a. (2001). Doctors' Use of Electronic Medical Records Systems in Hospitals: Cross Sectional Survey. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 323(7325), 1344-1348.

Pagliari, C., Don, D., & Singleton, P. (2007). Potential of electronic personal health records. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 335(7615), 330-333.

Sidorov, J. (2006). It Ain't Necessarily So: The Electronic Health Record and the Unlikely Prospect of Reducing Health Care Costs. Health Affairs, 25(4), 1079-1085. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.25.4.1079

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2012a). Hospira Announces a Nationwide Recall of Three Lots of Propofol Due to Glass Vial Defect Retrieved October 8th, 2012, from  http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm315719.htm

Electronic Health Records I Trouble Starting Project
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Electronic Health ecords
I trouble starting project. I write electronic health records ( company's NextGen), create a multi-step Strategic Marketing Analysis: Marketing Plan, a strategic analysis, recommended actions. This project emulates steps a marketer real world determines a company respond operating environment, providing offering customer .

Electronic Health ecords

As a market player in the healthcare sector, NextGen is indeed facing some of the greatest opportunities and challenges that confront the other market players in the field. In this regard, the company is certainly obliged to put measures through which it can take advantage of these opportunities and address some of the challenges that it realizes in the course of its operations. One of the ways through which NextGen is seeking to enhance its operational efficiency concerns its health records management. Electronic health records are becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare sector as ways through which efficiency and productivity is enhanced Kotler, 2001.




Kotler, P. (2001). Principles of marketing (5th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall.

Mallen, B.E. (2007). Principles of marketing channel management: interorganizational distribution design and relations. Lexington, Mass: Lexington Books.

Randall, G. (2001). Principles of marketing (2nd ed.). London: Thomson Learning.

Tanner, J.F., & Raymond, M.A. (2011). Principles of marketing. Irvington, N.Y.: Flat World Knowledge.

Electronic Health Records
Pages: 4 Words: 1220

EH Mandate
The electronic health records mandate comes from the federal government and is described by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. The objective of the program is to "enable the secure collection and exchange of vast amounts of health data about individuals" (ONC, 2011). Electronic health records (EHs) are one of the key technologies in the plan. The mandate is therefore to convert the U.S. medical system to electronic health records. This will reduce errors, enable the provision of information quickly across multiple health providers and thereby improve health care outcomes for Americans.

There are five strategic goals that come within this mandate. They are to achieve rapid learning and technological advancement; to empower individuals with health IT to improve their health and the health care system; to inspire confidence and trust in health IT; to improve care, improve population health and reduce health care costs; and…...



Davies, N. (2006). Making IT happen: Strategies for implementing EMR-EHR HIMSS. Retrieved October 22, 2013 from  http://www.himss.org/files/HIMSSorg/content/files/davies/Davies_WP_Implementation.pdf 

Hanson, S. (2013). Provider age, aversion to tech remain EHR obstacles. Physicians Practice. Retrieved October 22, 2013 from  http://www.physicianspractice.com/blog/provider-age-aversion-tech-remain-ehr-obstacles 

ONC. (2011). Federal health information technology strategic plan 2011-2015. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Retrieved October 22, 2013 from  http://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/utility/final-federal-health-it-strategic-plan-0911.pdf 

Rouse, M. (2013). EHR implementation plan. Health IT. Retrieved October 22, 2013 from  http://searchhealthit.techtarget.com/definition/EHR-implementation-plan

Electronic Health Records EHR --
Pages: 15 Words: 6203

They also claim to have worked on more than 1,400 mobile applications. (www.babelmedia.com)
Beta Breakers is a relatively new entrant into the market but has achieved $7.7 million in revenues. Their focus is games and multi-media testing, but they seem to be focused primarily on PC and Mac games (not console), as well as peripheral device testing. Their rapid growth could be attributable to a dedicated focus on this particular niche of the market, where they appear to have made significant headway. (www.betabreakers.com)

Game Instinct (a division of Testing 1-2-3) is a game-industry specific division of larger software testing firm Testing 1-2-3. Game instinct has revenues of $2.25 million. Their services tend more towards the hardware side of the business with a focus on TC checks/compatibility testing, localization testing, black box/crash testing. But they also do standard functionality testing, playability testing, localization testing, and offer beta administration services (helping a company…...



Crook, J 2009, 'Mobile gaming to reach $18B by 2014: study', Mobile Marketer, 11 August, 2009. Retrieved 27 April, 2010 from  http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/research/3892.html 

DFC Intelligence 2004, the business of computer and video games. San Diego, CA: DFC Intelligence, March 2004.

Hertzlich, P 2009, Ovum Consulting report, as cited in Red Orbit, 'Software testing market continues to rise', 11 March, 2009. Retrieved 27 April, 2010 from  http://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/1652726/software_testing_market_continues_to_rise/ 

Ivan, T 2009, 'Online gaming sees significant U.S. growth', Edge, 1 July, 2009. Retrieved from  http://www.edge-online.com/news/online-gaming-sees-significant-us-growth

Electronic Health Records EHR --
Pages: 4 Words: 1444

At the moment, oral macrolides continue to be the best option for an anti-inflammatory treatment. Various other drug-based treatments, including the use of mucolytics to break up thick, viscous sputum and the use of osmotic agents to keep airways moist, are well established in CF treatment protocols, but research continues in order to refine and improve on these approaches as well.
A novel therapeutic method being tried for CF is "the modulation of non-CFT ion channels in epithelial cells." (Jones & Helm, 2009). The drug Lancovutide (Milil901, duramycin) "activates an alternative chloride channel in epithelial cells by elevating intracellular calcium levels, and thus, may potentially compensate for CFT deficiency in the airway epithelium." (Jones & Helm, 2009). These agents have reached the clinical trial stage, and, if successful, will be able to offer a new category of treatment option for CF patients.

Gene therapies, which seek to correct "the underlying gene…...



Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (n.d.). Retrieved 15 April 2010 from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation website,  http://www.cff.org/ 

Deleu, S. et al., (2009). Human cystic fibrosis embryonic stem cell lines derived on placental mesenchyman stromal cells. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 18(5), pp. 704-716.

Jones, A.M. & Helm, J.M. (2009). Emerging Treatments in Cystic Fibrosis. Drugs 69 (14), pp. 1903-1910.

Kids Health (n.d.). What is Cystic Fibrosis, Retrieved 15 April 2010 from the Kids Health website  http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/lungs/cf.html

Can you provide me with some sample essay titles, essay topics, and outline for paper on health informatics?
Words: 570

Health informatics, also known as healthcare informatics or biomedical informatics, refers to a discipline that is a hybrid of science and engineering and involves the application of informatics fields to medicine.  There are number of different topics that fall under the healthcare informatics umbrella, though the creation of electronic health records for patients is probably the most widely used application.   

Essay Titles and Essay topics for Health Informatics

Tallying the Tests: How Monitoring COVID-19 Test Results Has Helped Track the Pandemic in the U.S. and Abroad

Vaccine Records and Privacy Concerns: How Do State....

Need Help with Essay Topics on health it data governance?
Words: 839

1. The importance of data governance in healthcare IT systems.
2. The role of data governance in ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality in health IT.
3. Challenges and solutions in implementing effective data governance strategies in healthcare organizations.
4. The impact of data governance on improving healthcare outcomes and patient care.
5. The role of data governance in ensuring data quality and integrity in health IT systems.
6. Ethical considerations in data governance for health IT data.
7. The role of data governance in facilitating interoperability and data sharing in healthcare.
8. The impact of data governance on healthcare analytics and predictive modeling.
9. Strategies for building a....

I need some suggestions for health care policy essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 282

1. The impact of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on access to healthcare in the United States
2. The effectiveness of Medicare and Medicaid in providing affordable healthcare to low-income and elderly populations
3. The future of universal healthcare in the United States
4. The role of pharmaceutical companies in rising healthcare costs
5. The importance of mental health coverage in healthcare policies
6. The debate over the privatization of healthcare services
7. The impact of electronic health records on patient care and privacy
8. The implications of genetic testing and personalized medicine on healthcare policy
9. The role of preventative care and public health initiatives in reducing....

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