Elementary Essays (Examples)

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2005, 2)."

The article asserts that students benefit greatly from the use of calculators at the elementary school level. The research also explains that calculator use should be used in addition to traditional techniques from problem solving.

McAuliffe (2004) reiterates the aforementioned belief that the use of calculators at the elementary school level can be quite beneficial. The authors asserts that the majority of research has found that there are not any harmful effects that occur as a result of early calculator use. The author explains that the use of calculators simply serves as an enhancement to elementary school mathematics curriculum, when they are properly used. The author insists that this enhancement can be seen in the fact that students have more time to solve problems on a conceptual level. McAuliffe (2004) expounds upon this idea stating

"a simple four-function calculator will allow students to use whatever operation is appropriate in a problem,….

Elementary and Secondary Ed Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's "ar on Poverty." President Johnson believed that providing an education to children in low-income communities would enable them to become successful later in life, and that it would assist them in overcoming their poverty. The Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 has helped to reform the American education system and has had a significant legislative impact in the United States.

Enacted on April 19, 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 passed less than three months after the bill proposing this legislation was introduced to Congress. The bill intended to close the achievement gap created by race and poverty, and also sought to hold schools accountable for educational achievements -- or lack thereof -- and "increase education equality nationally" ("Elementary and Secondary Education….

The premise where the methods of instruction were carried out was a K-5 elementary school campus in Texas hosting 338 students. The other instrument was the portable mathematics and science lab, which provided the venue for methods course instruction. The adequacy of the data analysis procedures was captured. This is because the process of analyzing data involved all the stakeholders of the research. The use of diverse sources in data collection and analysis adds credibility in the analysis process. Effectiveness in analyzing content depends on the comparisons and contracts of the items analyzed. In this case, sufficient data was collected and subjected to a fair analysis.
Indeed, from the process of analyzing the data, much was learnt vis-a-vis the standards that address improvements in student learning and development. It also led to increased understanding of the need for professional development of teachers of mathematics and sciences. The standards established are….

Unfortunately, the traditional textbook-based skills approach focuses on memorizing by rote measurement facts (e.g., equivalent measures such as 12 inches = 1 foot) and measurement procedures (e.g., how to use a ruler)" (1998, p. 15-9).
Absent hands-on exercises, though, many young learners will not have an opportunity to construct an understanding of the process of measurement or a concept of measurement unit which can frequently result in mechanical and inappropriate applications of measurement knowledge and tools. For instance, Baroody and Coslick point out that many elementary-level children tend to confuse area with perimeter and vice versa; some common types of errors that are made by these young learners when using a ruler, for example, include the following:

Counting the number of has marks starting with 0 rather than the units between the marks;

Treating the 1 hashmark as the starting point instead of the 0 hashmark and counting the 2 hashmark as….

Free games, quizzes, and teaching tools for K. through Grade 8, linked to McEL subject standards; site sponsored by Pearson Education.

LearningPage.com (http://www.learningpage.com)

Free instructional materials that can be downloaded and printed, including e-books, lesson plans, worksheets, and clip art.

Source: Koehler, 2007 at p. 286.

There are also a number of activities that can be used in an elementary school classroom that are specifically designed for online use. For example, Lacina (2004) reports that one such popular activity is a Web Quest, which is an "authentic Web-based environment that supports inquiry learning" (p. 113). Generally speaking, Web Quests contain the following elements:

An introduction or scenario;

task that is meaningful or doable;

process for completing the task, often in groups;

Information resources to support the task;

Guidance on how to organize the information acquired;

conclusion that brings closure and reflection (Lacina, p. 113).

In fact, the entire Web publication and maintenance operation is facilitated to a great extent because most….

In all classrooms, teachers deal with at least three curricular elements: (1) content - input, what students learn; (2) process - how students go about making sense of ideas and information, and (3) product - output, how students demonstrate what they have learned." (Tomlinson, 2001, p. 4) Understanding these concepts on a macro level enables teachers to see the concepts that must be addressed. Additional techniques and approaches that are helpful in implementing a differentiated curriculum are included in Table 1.

Curricular element


Differentiation considerations

Content standards

Performance standards

Opportunity to learn

Specific benchmarks should be reviewed and adapted as necessary

Identify optimum levels of proficiency necessary to master content

Ensure that adequate materials and hands-on activities exist to support content

Instructional strategies

Content standards

Performance standards

Opportunity to learn

Identify strategies that facilitate mastery and generalization of content

Consider compatibility between teaching and learning styles used

Ensure that strategies used facilitate effective use of materials/resources

Instructional settings

Content standards

Performance standards

Opportunity to learn

Determine which setting(s) best facilitate….

According to Copland (2001), although the following job description is a parody, it is not too far from the truth concerning the current set of responsibilities that confront the nation's elementary school principals:
Position Opening: Elementary School Principal, Anytown School District. Qualifications: Wisdom of a sage, vision of a CEO, intellect of a scholar, leadership of a point guard, compassion of a counselor, moral strength of a nun, courage of a firefighter, craft knowledge of a surgeon, political savvy of a senator, toughness of a soldier, listening skills of a blind man, humility of a saint, collaborative skills of an entrepreneur, certitude of a civil rights activist, charisma of a stage performer, and patience of Job. Salary lower than you might expect. Credential required. For application materials, contact... (Copland, 2001, p. 528).

While the above advertisement may be beyond the typical requirements, they are not too far off from reality. Copland….

("Science 21-Update Grade 6, Unit 4," 2009)
There is important background information in store for the teachers in this area. This particular activity concentrates on the notion that the natural system of the earth possesses a balance and the different components or members of any one system should react and work in close association in order to achieve and keep the balance. It is important to understand that an ecosystem functions in the best possible manner when every living factor as well as the non-living factors are able to live in harmony. This activity helps the students with a scope to build their independent balanced system. With gradual removal of one or two members of the system, it is going to affect but the system will not have any problem in functioning. But on the other hand, in case a lot of members are eliminated from the system, it loses….

Organization Analysis
The cycle of production, so to speak, is based around the school year, which runs from fall to spring. Students are organized by grades based on this cycle, and the teachers are organized on the basis of which grades they teach. This means that, for example, James will have a different teacher for each grade, and that the interaction between James and each teacher will be different. However, it also means that there should be several teachers in the school who have prior experience with James, from times when he was more successful. The organization is about educating children. In that sense, students are not to be discarded; the school is under obligation to try to work with all students to ensure that they are sufficiently educated to be passed to the next level. The counsellors and others higher up the organizational hierarchy also have direct roles that they….

Student Achievement at the Elementary Level
Elementary education is one of the most important stages of schooling today. This is so because this level of education provides students with important basis points that they can use throughout their lives, not only during their secondary and tertiary education, but also in their adult lives and the workplace. Hence, ensuring a top level of achievement at the elementary level is highly important.

The challenge is, however, that research has not conclusively suggested strategies that can ensure a top level of student achievement at this level. Although much research has focused on student achievement in general, few have focused particularly on the elementary level. Literature investigated for this study suggests that various areas of focus can be investigated for their influence on student achievement at the elementary level. These include teacher qualifications, school size, teacher-student relationships, student-student relationships, and teacher relationships with school leaders such….

elementary school assistant principal. The qualifications entail having a Master's degree from an accredited school, certification in Educational Leadership, Administration and Supervision, Professional School Principal, or School Principal, at least three years of classroom teaching and/or administrative experience, and lastly, must meet requirements from the NCLB. Assistant principals must possess knowledge of regulations, policies, and laws that govern education in both city and state systems. They must possess the knowledge of supervision and scheduling and have the ability to prioritize, plan, and organize. Data they collect must be implemented into the decision-making process involving budgetary and supervisory responsibilities. Assistant principals report to the school principal and must handle the processes of an elementary school.

The reason why I chose the position of assistant principal in an elementary school is because I enjoy the position of leader. I feel I can keep a school running well by implementing sound policy and….

change management strategy can ensure organizational success. Change is inevitable, as internal and external forces will impact organizations continually, requiring ongoing adjustments and assessments. As Nguyen Huy & Mintzberg (2003) point out, "resistance to change is bad," because resistance is a futile exercise in clinging to what will no longer work (p. 79). The goal is not to generate forces of change unnecessarily but to recognize when change is needed, what kinds of change, and how to steer the organization in the right direction to successfully navigate the new playing field. As Morgan (2006) points out, some organizations even thrive on change, particularly when change becomes part of the ways employees use their critical and creative thinking to continually collaborate on new ideas and directions for the organization. Unfortunately, the case study of the elementary school is one that highlights the need for change-resistant organizations to inject new life….

Professional Interview Analysis
This is in an interview of a lead teacher with extensive experience in public relation, administration and educating. She oversees the formulation and implementation of standards and policies in her school. Since she works in management, per of her job is ensuring that educators working in the school are sufficiently motivated to work. This interview gives a glimpse of all it takes to run a school. It gives insights into the challenges educators might face as they seek to impart knowledge on their students. It presented a great opportunity to also learn about the necessary qualities a lead educator needs to adopt to ensure that the institution they work in is a success.

The lead teacher, Gladys -- not her real name, is a very accomplished professional. She has extensive experience in education, school systems and student issues. She holds a bachelor's degree in education and has participated in….

In fact, as early as the 1989-1990 school years, school-based decision making was implemented in three elementary schools in the Memphis City School System (Smith, Valesky & Horgan, 1991). Based on this seminal initiative, improvements were cited in: (a) the coordination provided by the school councils; (b) school-based staff development activities; (c) support and services provided by the district central office; (d) data and reports provided to the individual schools; and (e) the value of the school improvement plans (Smith et al., 1991).
A relevant study of the school-based decision-making process in the State of Tennessee by Etheridge (1990) evaluated the impact of different leadership styles used by school principals on the effectiveness of the school-based decision-making process in seven local school councils in Memphis including their elementary schools following their first 15 months of operation. According to Etheridge, the composition of SBDM councils in Tennessee largely reflects those being….

Details are provided in the primary accounts from men's experiences teaching as elementary school teachers- details that help answer the challenge at hand facing public perception and gender bias in the school system. Coulter and McNay, of the University of Western Ontario, help tease out the intimate details of "various issues these men confronted as they attempted to create for themselves in a work world traditional thought more suited for women" (Coulter and McNay, 1993). Through these male's personal accounts, as supplied in a primary source in the article, the "assumptions and stereotypes" about men are brought to the surface and discussed (Coulter and McNay, 1993). The individual nuances that these teachers discuss helps shed light on the problems at hand and how to overcome these gender stereotypes and public perception of who should be an elementary or primary school teacher.

Finally, given the definition and issues surrounding masculinity and it's….

There are many reasons why it is important for school counselors to focus on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in elementary school.  Doing so gives children the best chance of success academically and socially, as children with ADHD can have a very difficult time working within the rigid structure of the average school day.  Children who are not diagnosed with ADHD, but who experience it, are often treated like they are “bad” kids, which not only causes them to fall behind academically, but can also stigmatize them with their peers.  With appropriate interventions, which....

Topic 1: The Impact of Action Research on Teacher Development

How does action research empower teachers to improve their instruction and student learning?
Examine the role of action research in fostering reflective practice and self-directed learning for teachers.
Analyze how action research supports teachers in identifying and addressing challenges in their classrooms.

Topic 2: Action Research as a Catalyst for School Improvement

Describe how action research can facilitate data-driven decision-making in schools.
Explore the transformative potential of action research in addressing systemic issues and improving school culture.
Analyze the impact of action research on school leadership, collaboration, and student outcomes.

Topic 3:....

History is the study of the past, including events, people, and societies from before the present time. It is important to study history because it helps us to understand how the world we live in today came to be. By learning about past events and their impact, we can make more informed decisions about the present and the future.

Christopher Columbus, Native Americans, the Pilgrims, and slavery are all important topics in American history. However, the way these topics have been portrayed in history textbooks and classrooms has often been biased and incomplete. Historians like Howard Zinn and James Loewen have....

1. The Impact of Multi-Syllable Interventions on Reading Comprehension in Elementary School Students
2. Exploring the Effectiveness of Multi-Syllable Intervention Strategies for Students with Dyslexia
3. The Importance of Early Intervention for Developing Multi-Syllable Decoding Skills in Young Learners
4. Implementing Multi-Syllable Intervention Programs in ESL Classrooms: Challenges and Strategies
5. A Critical Analysis of Different Approaches to Multi-Syllable Intervention in Special Education Settings
6. Examining the Role of Teacher Training in the Success of Multi-Syllable Intervention Programs
7. The Relationship Between Phonological Awareness and Multi-Syllable Intervention Success
8. Using Technology to Enhance Multi-Syllable Intervention in the Classroom
9. Developing a Comprehensive Multi-Syllable Intervention Plan for Struggling Readers

10 Pages


Elementary Education Mathematics Is One

Words: 3187
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

, 2005, 2)." The article asserts that students benefit greatly from the use of calculators at the elementary school level. The research also explains that calculator use should be used in…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965

Words: 582
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Elementary and Secondary Ed Act The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's "ar on Poverty."…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Elementary Education and Math Research

Words: 1119
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The premise where the methods of instruction were carried out was a K-5 elementary school campus in Texas hosting 338 students. The other instrument was the portable mathematics…

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18 Pages
Term Paper


Elementary Measurement area perimeter volume

Words: 4943
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Unfortunately, the traditional textbook-based skills approach focuses on memorizing by rote measurement facts (e.g., equivalent measures such as 12 inches = 1 foot) and measurement procedures (e.g., how…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Elementary Classroom Websites Support Children's

Words: 1475
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

funbrain.com) Free games, quizzes, and teaching tools for K. through Grade 8, linked to McEL subject standards; site sponsored by Pearson Education. LearningPage.com (http://www.learningpage.com) Free instructional materials that can be downloaded and…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Elementary Classrooms as Children Are

Words: 2365
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In all classrooms, teachers deal with at least three curricular elements: (1) content - input, what students learn; (2) process - how students go about making sense of ideas…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Elementary School Principals and Job

Words: 6342
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to Copland (2001), although the following job description is a parody, it is not too far from the truth concerning the current set of responsibilities that confront…

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6 Pages


Elementary Education Field Putnam Boces Science

Words: 2671
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

("Science 21-Update Grade 6, Unit 4," 2009) There is important background information in store for the teachers in this area. This particular activity concentrates on the notion that the…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Elementary School Organizations and Troubled Students

Words: 1602
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Organization Analysis The cycle of production, so to speak, is based around the school year, which runs from fall to spring. Students are organized by grades based on this cycle,…

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8 Pages


Elementary School Instruction

Words: 2275
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Student Achievement at the Elementary Level Elementary education is one of the most important stages of schooling today. This is so because this level of education provides students with important…

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4 Pages
Professional Writing


Elementary School and School

Words: 1502
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Professional Writing

elementary school assistant principal. The qualifications entail having a Master's degree from an accredited school, certification in Educational Leadership, Administration and Supervision, Professional School Principal, or School Principal,…

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3 Pages


Elementary School and School

Words: 917
Length: 3 Pages

change management strategy can ensure organizational success. Change is inevitable, as internal and external forces will impact organizations continually, requiring ongoing adjustments and assessments. As Nguyen Huy &…

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9 Pages


Elementary School and Students

Words: 2903
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Interview

Professional Interview Analysis This is in an interview of a lead teacher with extensive experience in public relation, administration and educating. She oversees the formulation and implementation of standards and…

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20 Pages
Literature Review


Perceptions of Elementary Teachers in

Words: 5192
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Literature Review

In fact, as early as the 1989-1990 school years, school-based decision making was implemented in three elementary schools in the Memphis City School System (Smith, Valesky & Horgan,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Male Primary Elementary Teachers Sociology for

Words: 1067
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Details are provided in the primary accounts from men's experiences teaching as elementary school teachers- details that help answer the challenge at hand facing public perception and gender bias…

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