Employee Training Essays (Examples)

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Employee Training in a Culturally Diverse orkplace
orkplace training is vitally important for any company -- whether the company has mostly native-born experienced workers or a culturally diverse workforce including recent immigrants. But when it comes to training needs for culturally diverse employees there are strategies that should be applied and fine-tuned, and this paper addresses those strategies and tactics. Thesis: Old training models -- used by HR departments and in business colleges -- that are linear and simplistic should be considered outdated and irrelevant. The up-to-date training strategies do not stereotype cultures based on national cultural generalizations, but rather they approach cultural training based on individuals and their values and their ability to adjust to values in the new work environment.

The Literature -- The Future of Training and Development

The workplace that features culturally diverse employees is in need not only of training those whose cultures are different than the majority….

Ultimately, the very goal of training on this case is to minimize the number of complaint calls or any other problems that may be pulling down the employees' performance.
The CEO requests team efficiency training to address the declining numbers of employees attending quarterly pep rallies.

Training required in this case can be in the form of teambuilding seminar/workshop. Pep rallies or any other group activities are normally attended by almost, if not all, of the workforce. If there are a continuously declining number of attendees from the workforce, it just reflects that there is a problem with the relationship of the group. Interactions or communications between the workers may not be in a very good level, hence the need for teambuilding. This type of training is aimed at enhancing the relationship among the employees so that the overall performance of the organization will be enhanced too.

Whatever the purpose of the….

Employee Training and Development
It is not unusual for development managers who have worked at their positions for a significant amount of time to begin to feel listless and desire a new challenge at work. For most employees who are at an organization for any substantial length of time, such a feeling is nearly inevitable. However, there are a number of recommendations and best practices that these individuals can implement to change these circumstances for the better.

Lateral Movement

Ideally, such employees can move up in an organization and attain more responsibility and greater salaries and benefits packages. Many, however, find themselves in situations where for whatever reason, they cannot. In these instances, lateral movement is not only desirable, it is also necessary to eventually gain upward mobility. Lateral movement is simply taking on different responsibilities and different positions in an organization that are not based on either promotions or demotions. Instead, they….

Effective and Ineffective Employee Training

Few features define an organization as directly and as fully as its personnel. The knowledge, dedication and ability required to afford a company success must all be encapsulated in said company's employees. hile recruitment and screening will play a significant part in ensuring that personnel are an adequate fit to contribute these qualities to a company, it is also critical that the hiring company employ training strategies both for initiation into the company and for ongoing advancement of skills.

As the discussion hereafter will demonstrate, training is necessitated by a combination of the specific procedures, practices and expectations within a specific company and by the various ways in which objectives, companies and industries will undergo change. As the text provided by eCornell (2010) denotes,

"the many challenges associated with the changing nature of work and the workplace environment are very real for every organization. Rapid change requires….

Future Issues That Will Impact Employee Training
Applying knowledge gained in the course

The emerging trends in workforce demography of any organizations are fundamental to determining the future of employee training. Hiring and training of employees significantly determines the success and future progress of any organization (Bradley, 2011). There is a difference between hiring and training processes. While an employer may hire qualified workers, it is not what the curriculum vitae is written which makes them produce results, but rather the kind of training and skills they have. A person may be good in passing tests, but when it gets to actual work, they cannot produce results. Therefore, in this line of thinking, the human resource department of every organization should set its concentration on the trends of employee training if better results are expected.

Employee training is a significant factor in management of an organization. Newly hired employees need to be accustomed….

Human esource Management for Employee
Training and etention in the Modern World

The modern business organization devotes much more effort and coordination to the entire spectrum of human resource management (HM) processes than its predecessor. Previously, even if all of the individual functions and responsibilities of HM were administrated by the same department, they remained largely separate initiatives. ecruitment was not coordinated with other aspects of HM, let alone with other departments outside of HM, beyond the initial request or notification to HM that new personnel were required. New hire training was primarily organized and delivered within individual business units rather than by the organization in any uniform way; and the notion of "organizational culture" rarely played any role in that training. Legal training was limited to the department of legal counsel and higher-level management, or provided otherwise, only after being necessitated by problems after they had already become manifest. Organizations made….

Section 1. The three objectives that will guide this customer service training for call center employees will be as follows;
1. Desired outcome- By the end of the training, each employee should be able to effectively and satisfactorily handle diverse calls from varying range of customers of different social and economic backgrounds, providing the desired service or scaling up the customer need as would be necessary to the highest expectations of the customers.
2. Conditions under which the individuals are to perform – the training expects to equip the cal center employees to develop skills to work under some of the most strenuous conditions yet still keeping their cool and impacting the positive energy to the callers, offering a range of solutions to the callers and making follow-ups even in the most difficult customer demands.
3. Standards that define acceptable performance – the training aims at training the employees on the standards of operations,….

Customer Service Training Class For New Employees
This memorandum is in response to your request for a customer service training class for all new employees. The memorandum sets forth the justification in support of the use of a needs assessment for this initiative, including five ways in which such an assessment could identify current performance deficiencies. In addition, an implementation plan for the initiative is provided together with a description of the recommended training method and supporting justification. Finally, two ways of motivating new employees who have no interest in attending a training class are proposed, followed by a proforma survey that collect feedback from employees who attend this class. Please let me know if you have questions or comments.

Justification for a Needs Assessment for the Proposed New Employee Training Program

In any business setting, it is axiomatic that in order to improve something, it must first be measured. A needs….

Organizational Analysis
The organization to be assessed for the training is an agency that provides Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act training to the private sector. The agency contracts with private educational systems and business enterprises to ensure their operations, facility, and employees are compliant with federal law. The training would need to cover the language of the federal law, implementation of the law across various industry sectors that are represented by the businesses, and processes for assessing employee knowledge regarding the law.

The agency is charged with ensuring that the businesses they train understand the importance of removing all structural barriers in the public areas of existing facilities, in as much as the removal of these structural barriers is readily achievable. Moreover, the agency must be sure that trained employees understand that the Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is designed to "afford every individual….

The problem Bounce House is facing is lack of a formal or informal training program for its employees. This is a problem the organisation cannot afford to ignore given its implications on organisational performance. Already, the business is grappling with reduced customer satisfaction and declining revenues, in large part due to lack of professionalism on the part of its staff. The importance of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce cannot be overemphasised (Truss, Mankin & Kelliher, 2012). Workers with the necessary skills and qualifications are better placed to fulfil their roles and responsibilities effectively (Stredwick, 2014). For Bounce House, having workers with extensive knowledge of handling children and leisure safety is critical for the success of the business. This is important for ensuring the safety of children. Parents are likely to bring their children to the facility when they are assured that their children are in safe hands. It is imperative for….

Training and Development Plan / Employees' Training and Development Plan
Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company's proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies

Develop a customer service training implementation plan and determine the method of training (i.e., presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, simulation, modeling, or on-the-job training).

Justify why you selected the training method that you did

Propose two (2) ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class

Develop a survey to collect feedback from the employees who attend the training


Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company's proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies

In many businesses, particularly in the retail industry, one of the ways one can significantly improve the service delivered is….

An effective learning program is inherently supportive. Such a program can for example involve new employees that learn from existing employees in a mentoring environment. In this way, new employees are supported and existing employees feel valued for their years with the company. In the learning paradigm, employees can also benefit from reward programs, such as being rewarded for star performance or creative learning.

Finally, an important component of employee training programs is carrying the costs of such programs. Employees should not be expected to pay for any part of their tuition. Any travel or food costs should be carried by the company.

A program that helps employees to learn will therefore be frequent, supportive, incur rewards, and be reimbursed by employers.


Levine, Leslie. (2009). Strengthen Your usiness by Developing Your Employees. Allusiness.com. http://management.about.com/od/trainingsites/a/LunchandLearn.htm.

On the other hand, the comparative value of the real-time presentation must be considered in relation to the potential technical issues involved. Specifically, whereas pre-recorded presentations and self-directed learning online training programs can be tested and perfected in advance to ensure there are no technical problems with delivery, that is not necessarily the case with real-time presentations, especially those involving two-way communications. No matter how much preparation and troubleshooting is conducted in advance, live two-way presentations are notoriously susceptible to technical problems that can interfere with planning and lesson delivery. Moreover, the more computer terminals and office locations involved, the greater that potential for difficulties in execution.

Anticipated Problems

Beyond technical delivery-of-training issues, other anticipated potential problems associated with online employee training include lower levels of individual engagement and reduced opportunity for meaningful interpersonal exchanges. In that regard, even the best corporate instructors cannot implement all of the same teaching techniques across….

Employee Customer Service Training
New Employee Customer Service Training Plan

Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company's proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies.

The employees of an organization act like the 'driving force' which can either lead the organization towards success or can turn out to be the cause of its failure. A company's progress not only depends on an employee's individual performance but the way these employees communicate with the customers has its own significance. Thus, in order to run a successful organization, it is quite essential to monitor the correlation between the outcomes and the employees' input on a regular basis. To ensure employees' effectiveness, organizations usually remain concerned about training their employees.

Training means a methodical intentional process of changing behavior of organizational members in a direction which contributes to organizational effectiveness. (Hinrichs, 1976).


There are several models for organizing training departments, and each has merits depending on the needs of the company. Training often falls within the purview of human resources, or it may comprise its own department. Somewhere in between, there may be departments called organizational development or human resources development that are basically training departments. In smaller organizations, training departments may be nonexistent, as the role of trainer falls to each employee and supervisor who can help newcomers adapt the surroundings and thrive. Depending on the needs of the organization, a model for organizing the training department can be complex or simple. Most large companies need a distinct human resources training/development department that is separate from the human resources management function. The models used are generally grouped under Faculty Model, Customer Model, Matrix Model, Corporate University Model, and Virtual Model.

If I were the Vice President of Human esource Training at a….

1. The importance of data governance in healthcare IT systems.
2. The role of data governance in ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality in health IT.
3. Challenges and solutions in implementing effective data governance strategies in healthcare organizations.
4. The impact of data governance on improving healthcare outcomes and patient care.
5. The role of data governance in ensuring data quality and integrity in health IT systems.
6. Ethical considerations in data governance for health IT data.
7. The role of data governance in facilitating interoperability and data sharing in healthcare.
8. The impact of data governance on healthcare analytics and predictive modeling.
9. Strategies for building a....

I. Introduction
A. Overview of Summit Financial and its HR challenges
B. Thesis statement: Outline of key HR recommendations for Summit Financial

II. HR Issue 1: Low Employee Engagement
A. Factors contributing to low engagement (e.g., lack of recognition, limited career growth)
B. Proposed solution: Implementing an employee recognition program and revised career development plan

III. HR Issue 2: High Employee Turnover
A. Causes of high turnover (e.g., poor onboarding, lack of training)
B. Proposed solution: Enhancing onboarding process and expanding employee training programs

IV. HR Issue 3: Poor Communication
A. Obstacles to effective communication (e.g., unclear communication channels, lack of transparency)

Here are the requirements for operationalizing a new institution:

1. Establish goals and objectives:
Before launching a new institution, it is important to clearly define the goals and objectives that the institution aims to achieve. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This will provide a clear direction for the institution and help in guiding decision-making processes. (Smith & Rasberry, 2018)

2. Develop a strategic plan:
A strategic plan outlines the actions that need to be taken to achieve the institution's goals and objectives. It includes elements such as a mission statement, a description of the institution’s core values,....

8 Pages


Employee Training in a Culturally Diverse Workplace

Words: 2708
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Employee Training in a Culturally Diverse orkplace orkplace training is vitally important for any company -- whether the company has mostly native-born experienced workers or a culturally diverse workforce including…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Employee Training the HR Department

Words: 487
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ultimately, the very goal of training on this case is to minimize the number of complaint calls or any other problems that may be pulling down the employees'…

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2 Pages


Employee Training and Development

Words: 572
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Employee Training and Development It is not unusual for development managers who have worked at their positions for a significant amount of time to begin to feel listless and desire…

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2 Pages


Training Effective and Ineffective Employee Training Few

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Training Effective and Ineffective Employee Training Few features define an organization as directly and as fully as its personnel. The knowledge, dedication and ability required to afford a company success…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Future Issues That Will Impact Employee Training

Words: 2381
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Future Issues That Will Impact Employee Training Applying knowledge gained in the course The emerging trends in workforce demography of any organizations are fundamental to determining the future of employee training.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Human Resource Management for Employee Training and Retention in the Modern World

Words: 1413
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Human esource Management for Employee Training and etention in the Modern World The modern business organization devotes much more effort and coordination to the entire spectrum of human resource management (HM)…

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1 Pages

Teaching - Social Issues

call center employees training

Words: 774
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Section 1. The three objectives that will guide this customer service training for call center employees will be as follows; 1. Desired outcome- By the end of the training, each employee…

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5 Pages


Developing a New Employee Training Program to Improve Customer Service

Words: 960
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Customer Service Training Class For New Employees This memorandum is in response to your request for a customer service training class for all new employees. The memorandum sets forth…

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4 Pages


Employee Training Based on Needs Assessments

Words: 1136
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational Analysis The organization to be assessed for the training is an agency that provides Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act training to the private sector. The…

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2 Pages


Solution Identification for Bounce House

Words: 633
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The problem Bounce House is facing is lack of a formal or informal training program for its employees. This is a problem the organisation cannot afford to ignore given…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Human Resources

Employees Training and Development Plan

Words: 1900
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Training and Development Plan / Employees' Training and Development Plan Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company's proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways…

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1 Pages


Human Resource Management Employee Training

Words: 334
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

An effective learning program is inherently supportive. Such a program can for example involve new employees that learn from existing employees in a mentoring environment. In this way, new…

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4 Pages


Employee Orientation Situational Overview a

Words: 1097
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

On the other hand, the comparative value of the real-time presentation must be considered in relation to the potential technical issues involved. Specifically, whereas pre-recorded presentations and self-directed learning…

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6 Pages


Employee Customer Service Training New Employee Customer

Words: 1621
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Employee Customer Service Training New Employee Customer Service Training Plan Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company's proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which…

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1 Pages


Training There Are Several Models for Organizing

Words: 336
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Training There are several models for organizing training departments, and each has merits depending on the needs of the company. Training often falls within the purview of human resources, or…

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