Espionage Essays (Examples)

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History of Espionage
Pages: 12 Words: 3730

Espionage has largely been a part of the way in which foreign affairs and foreign policy was conducted especially during the Cold War period. The double agents as well as intelligence spies were regarded as some of the smartest and at the same time dangerous people in history. The topic of this research is Alger Hiss, one of the most representative figures of American intelligence that would ultimately be accused of being a spy for the U.S.S.. At the time in which the rivalry between the U.S. And the U.S.S.. was at its peak, during the Cold War.
The resources used for this research are both academic as well as part of the actual trials that Hiss was subject to. More precisely, there are documents from the NSA Archives that are taken into account and analyzed as well as testimonies of the people that were part of the Alger Hiss case.…...



Shelton, Christina. Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason. (Simon and Schuster, 17 Apr 2012.

Christina Shelton. Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason. (Simon and Schuster, 17 Apr 2012) p12

Christina Shelton. Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason. (Simon and Schuster, 17 Apr 2012)p50

Christina Shelton. Alger Hiss: Why He Chose Treason. (Simon and Schuster, 17 Apr 2012)p134

History Evolution Espionage Pay Attention Spies Reasoning
Pages: 4 Words: 1152

history evolution espionage. Pay attention spies reasoning willingness assume role. This paper cite assigned readings incorporate thoughts deemed relevant forum discussion. Questions discussed forum class participation: Is spying ? Should a spy/source considered a traitor country? How mitigate risks engaging types individuals? If refer books "The Moral Dilemmas Spying" hy Spy? Espionage Age Uncertainty."

hile espionage involves a complex system in the present and while it has come to be a large industry, the first records of espionage are nonetheless impressive and demonstrate that people have been acquainted with this concept long before modern times. Spies need to be looked at from a more general perspective in order for someone to be able to identify them and the jobs they are assigned. Espionage does not only involve collecting information, as it also relates to how individuals can put across false information in order to influence their enemies to focus on…...


Works cited:

Crowdy, Terry, "The Enemy Within: A History of Spies, Spymasters and Espionage," (Osprey Publishing, 20.12.2011)

Olson, James M., "Fair Play: The Moral Dilemmas of Spying," (Potomac Books, Inc., 01.12.2007)

Corporate Espionage Is and Interesting Topic and
Pages: 2 Words: 665

Corporate espionage is and interesting topic and it mirrors espionage that is conducted by governments except for the fact that the activities are directed at commercial purposes as opposed to national security or other related items. Corporate espionage, also called industrial or economic espionage, encompasses a wide range of different activities that involve the illegal acquisition of trade secrets or other corporate information that can be used for financial gain by some other party. The most common forms will covertly uncover information about designs, methods, formulas, manufacturing processes, research, or future plans. Such information can be acquired by disloyal employees, students, private firms, online, or through many other such activities.
There is also a fine line between legally acquiring information and doing so in an illegal fashion and the rules that govern such questions vary significantly by location. The difference between competitive intelligence and corporate espionage would seem obvious: one is…...


Works Cited

Gupta, A., & Wang, H. (2011, May 20). Safeguarding Your Intellectual Property in China. Retrieved from Bloomberg: 

Smith, B. (2012, November 12). Corporate espionage vs. competitive intelligence. Retrieved from The Globe and Mail: 

The Economist. (2013, February 23). Who needs cyber-spying? Retrieved from The Economist: 

Welch, C. (2013, April 5). Silicon Valley voices opposition to China cyber-espionage provision. Retrieved from The Verge:

Cyber Espionage as an Emerging Threat
Pages: 8 Words: 2349

Cyber Espionage
Over the last several years, cyber espionage has become a major problem that is impacting a variety of organizations. This is because hackers and other groups are actively seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in security networks. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than the below tables (which are illustrating the motivations and targets of attacks).

Motivations behind Attacks on Computer Networks


Cyber Crime


Cyber Warfare / Espionage

("Cyber Attack Statistics," 2012)

Distribution of Targets


Government / Infrastructure / Defense / Law Enforcement / Economic

E Commerce / Sports / Political / News Media




("Cyber Attack Statistics," 2012)

These figures are showing how cybercrime and espionage are areas that are continually being exploited by hackers. What makes this troubling is the fact that organized groups could target specific infrastructure projects that are vulnerable. When this happens, classified information is stolen that could be used to shut down entire networks and infrastructure. The close relationship between private…...



Cyber Attack Statistics. (2012). Hack Mageddon. Retrieved from: 

Federal Plan for Cyber Security. (2012). Australian Military. Retrieved from:

Improving Our Nation's Cyber Security. (2011). NAM. Retrieved from: 

Blitz, J. (2012). MI5 Chief Speaks Out. FT. Retrieved from:

Corporate Espionage Defense Don't Become a Statistic
Pages: 8 Words: 2566

Corporate Espionage Defense: Don't Become a Statistic
One does not really know what to make of it, and this was not given any great importance till sometime back. This was due to the fact that communications were then based on direct methods over which people had control. Today with the advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web, the spread of information is very high, and often information is beyond the control of the people whose information is being spread. The importance of corporate espionage has been proved through the efforts of certain individuals who found out all the "hidden" information to meet a challenge. The methods depended on easily available information. At the same time, the technique is not new and has been the reason for the development of industry in United States. The practitioners are also now easily available from the retired employees of the defense services. Earlier,…...


Market, Says Frost & Sullivan. July 3, 2001. Business Wire. Retrieved at Accessed on 29

13 Stanton, John. Industrial Espionage Becoming 'Big Business'. National Defense

Magazine. July 2001 Retrieved at   Accessed on 29 June, 2004 .

Samurai the Espionage-Free Samurai While
Pages: 2 Words: 657

The structure of society forced them into a survival situation
C. Holding different values such as these enforces the differences between these groups.

1. The Samurai would never hide his weapon from the enemy for an advantage. The Samurai will betray his own weakness to uphold ceremony and honor.

2. The Ninja would hide his weapon or anything else to survive.

III. Samurai warriors, in general, followed the moral code of ushido which did not allow espionage-like behavior, while that specific set of codes did not parallel the beliefs of the Ninja.

A. The ushido moral code set many guidelines for the Samurai.

1. ushido value, fearlessly facing enemy in battle and showing kindness.

2. The supreme honor was to die serving one's lord.

3. Serving one's lord was the ultimate priority over all other loyalty

. The Ninja did not follow the ushido code.

1. The Ninja were forced into submission and therefore hiding

2. The Ninja valued their…...



Alexander, Lyta. "The Jedi as Ninja." Qui-Gonline. 

Shotokai Karate Budo. "What is Bushido?"

Shotokai Encyclopedia on Karate-do Japanese Martial Art. , ,, ,

Cyber Terrorism Cyber Crime Cyber Espionage and Cyber Warfare
Pages: 5 Words: 1652

Cyber-Crime, Cyber-Terrorism, Cyber-Espionage, and Cyber-Warfare
Threats, isks, and Vulnerabilities

In the contemporary business and IT (information technology) environments, increasing number of business organizations are investing in the IT tools to enhance competitive market advantages. Integrating the IT tools in a business model has become a crucial strategy that organizations can employ to achieve a market success. While IT tools deliver several market benefits for businesses, nevertheless, businesses face enormous risks when integrating IT tools in their business model. A business faces a threat that involves a potential violation of security with intent to exploit a vulnerability and cause harm to the business market advantages. A vulnerability is the weak aspect of organizational IT asset, which can be exploited to cause a threat to an organization. On the other hand, an asset is any tangible or intangible materials that can add values to an organizational mission or a business operation.

A risk is a…...



Bilge, L. & Dumitras, T. (2012). Before We Knew It An Empirical Study of Zero-Day Attacks In The Real World. Association for Computing Machinery.

Vacca, J.R. (2012). Computer and Information Security Handbook (Second Edition). San Francisco. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.

Naval Espionage
Pages: 11 Words: 3866

Covert Navy Tactics and Strategies: Naval Intelligence
The history of naval espionage runs as complicated as the conflicts that sparked the very need for it. As world powers began to develop highly specialized naval forces, these navies began to play a crucial role in the collection of intelligence and covert actions that took place both during wars and during times of peace. In lieu of German and Japanese naval threats, ritish and American naval forces began to work in the intelligence fields, eventually establishing naval intelligence agencies that were crucial in collecting and acting on information during World War II, the Cold War, and beyond.

Navies were not always associated with intelligence gathering and covert strategy. The move into intelligence was a long one. Early on in the United States' Navy's history, there was a development of covert tactics in order to maneuver around stronger naval forces. "The United States Navy…...


Bibliography of Serial, Journal, and Magazine Scholarship, 1844-1998. Greenwood Publishing Group. 1999.

Delta Green. A History of the Office of Naval Intelligence, 1882-1942. Delta Green Partnership. 1999. Web. 

Federal Bureau of Investigation. "Orange Juice Cartoons and Rubber Hoses: A Spy Story." A Byte Out of History. 2006. Web. 

Federal Bureau of Investigation. "Stopping a Dangerous Insider Threat." Naval Espionage. 2014. Web. 

Hoffman, David. The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy. Knopf Doubleday Publishing. 2010.

Culture of the Cold War Espionage and
Pages: 2 Words: 616

Culture of the Cold War
Espionage and the threat of nuclear drove the two superpowers. According to Whitfield, this is the point in time that highlighted the belief about other communist agents infiltrating the United States. This led to panic among government and military officials. Once this occurred, is when there was massive response to this threat leading to a Red Scare. (Whitfield, 1996, pp. 27 -- 56)

True, with the character Mickey Spillane, Mike Hammer, is using him to show a loner who is patriotic. Yet, he is also above the law. As, he supports a variety of different anti-communist themes to include: helping U.S. troops in Korea and American involvement in Vietnam. Shows like this, encouraged people to do their part and report anyone they believed was a communist. (Whitfield, 1996, pp. 153-178)

The five pieces of evidence that were used to illustrate the popularity of the U.S. Army in the…...



Whitfield, S. (1996). The Culture of the Cold War. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press.

team america'surveillance and espionage
Pages: 6 Words: 1949

.....motif of surveillance features prominently in Captain America: Civil War. More importantly, the film features the ability of a powerful state entity to control the behavior of its citizens. The types of surveillance and brainwashing depicted in Captain America: Civil War are completely different from those used by the American government. However, the methods of surveillance used by the American government to spy on its own people may be no less sinister. The methods of surveillance used by the government cannot directly control peoples' minds and behavior of individuals, but can control other dimensions of the daily lives of citizens. Captain America: Civil War can be viewed as a metaphor and warning to Americans about the extent, purpose, and meaning of government surveillance in daily life. The film can also be instructional, showing that Americans can empower themselves against encroaching infringements on their rights.
Because Captain America: Civil War is a…...

Internet the Globalization of the
Pages: 6 Words: 1813

S. stays one step ahead of the hackers. This is not easy, but the DoD could not have possibly thought it would be.
Proper defenses, enhanced offensive capabilities and strategies to reduce risk by taking some sensitive data offline will all work to deliver better results in e-spionage of the United States. The Internet has become globalized, and nothing can take that back. That there are threats as the result of globalization is nothing new -- it is simply another arena for age-old international political traditions. How we manage the threats and take advantage of the opportunities is the most important aspect to this problem -- and this means proper isolating and neutralizing of viral threats. By addressing the issue of e-spionage effectively, the Internet can still be viewed as a net benefit for the United States.

orks Cited:

Callaham, J. (2012). New Internet Explorer vulnerability used to deliver "Poison Ivy" trojan.…...


Works Cited:

Callaham, J. (2012). New Internet Explorer vulnerability used to deliver "Poison Ivy" trojan. Retrieved November 30, 2012 from 

Grow, B., Epstein, K. & Tschang, C. (2008). The new e-espionage threat. Business Week. Retrieved November 30, 2012 from 

Richmond, S. (2012). German government warns users off Internet Explorer. The Telegraph. Retrieved November 30, 2012 from 

Chaudhury, D. (2009). China's e-spionage. India Today. Retrieved November 30, 2012 from

Alger Hiss There Have Been
Pages: 14 Words: 5142

On the other hand, hittaker Chambers was "a contributing editor of Time (...) from 1925 to April 1938, (he) had been a Communist, a writer of radical literature, an editor of the Communist Daily orker. He had also been what was then vaguely known as a Communist courier."

The major starting point of the case was Chambers' disappointment with the communist doctrine and the dual attitude Stalin had when signing the 1939 pact with the Nazi leadership. Therefore, according to Time Magazine, he "abandoned the party in revulsion and despair, and became a determined enemy of Communism." Consequently, outraged by the dramatic turn that the soviet politics had taken, he began expressing his views on the collaborators of the soviet regime in the U.S. It is in this way that Chambers contacted Berle, who, after the discussion he had with the former communist partisan, wrote in his notes from September 2,…...


Works Cited

Abrahamsen, David. Nixon vs. Nixon: An Emotional Tragedy. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1976

Adolf Berle's Notes on his Meeting with Whittaker Chambers. Responses, reflections, and occasional papers. Avaliable on Internet,   Accessed 15 October 2006 .

Crowell, William P. Remembrances of Venona. Available from Internet, Accessed 15 October 2006

Excerpts from Grand Jury Hearings Relating to the Alger Hiss Case December, 1948. Available from Internet, Accessed 15 October 2006.

Style of Hitchcock in His British Period
Pages: 5 Words: 1713

Alfred Hitchcock's fascination with psychology and the manipulation of the human mind greatly influenced early spy-thriller masterpieces. During his British sound film period, Hitchcock explored the effect of being unwillingly pulled into a psychologically complex environment has on an individual and the consequences that he or she must deal with. These concepts can be found in The 39 Steps (1935) and in The Lady Vanishes (1938), both spy-thrillers that highlight the dangers of espionage and serve as a warning of the impending social and political threat posed by spies. Hitchcock's infusion of psychoanalytic concepts, and the influence thereof, emerge through The 39 Steps's and The Lady Vanishes's narratives, characters, and film structure and style.
Thriller films aim to "promote intense excitement, suspense, a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, and nerve wracking tension" (Dirks). The 39 Steps, a tale of an innocent man, Richard Hanney (Robert Donat), is on…...


Works Cited

The 39 Steps. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. United Kingdom: Gaumont British, 1935. DVD.

Dirks, Tim. "Thriller-Suspense Films." AMC Filmsite. Web. 24 September 2012.

"Hitchcock and Psychoanalysis, 1." Catholic University of America. Web. 24 September 2012.

The Lady Vanishes. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. United Kingdom: United Artists, 1938. DVD.

Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance Wiretapping
Pages: 5 Words: 1723

orks Cited

Blanton, Thomas. (2006, February 4). iretap debate deja vu. National Security Archive.

Retrieved April 22, 2009 at

Congresswoman calls alleged wiretap 'abuse of power' (2009, April 2009).

Retrieved April 22, 2009 at

Lewis, Neil A. & Mark Mazzetti. (2009, April 20). Lawmaker is said to have aided lobbyists.

The New York Times. Retrieved April 22, 2009 at

Maclin, Tracey. (2009). iretapping and electronic surveillance. Law Library.

Crime and Justice: Volume 4. Retrieved April 22, 2009 at

iretapping and Eavesdropping -- contemporary legal status. (2009). Law Library.

Crime and Justice: Volume 4. Retrieved April 22, 2009 at

iretapping and Eavesdropping - early restrictions on electronic surveillance. Law Library.

Crime and Justice: Volume 4. Retrieved April 22, 2009 at

iretapping and eavesdropping - The impact of electronic surveillance on personal privacy.

Law Library. Crime and Justice: Volume 4. Retrieved April 22, 2009



Works Cited

Blanton, Thomas. (2006, February 4). Wiretap debate deja vu. National Security Archive.

Retrieved April 22, 2009 at 

Congresswoman calls alleged wiretap 'abuse of power' (2009, April 2009).

Retrieved April 22, 2009 at

Film Review of the Movie the Breach
Pages: 4 Words: 1356

For a criminal investigator, analyzing key evidence is an important part in being able to establish a pattern of behavior for the suspect. The film the Breach, is discussing the obert Hanssen case and its long-term impacts on U.S. national security. To fully understand how criminal investigators were able to catch him requires carefully examining the film. This will be accomplished by focusing on: the facts of the case, the parties involved, the victim's information, the suspects, the evidence, investigative mistakes, procedural errors, interview mistakes and the life of obert Hanssen. Together, these different elements will highlight how a series of critical blunders led to one of the largest national security breaches in U.S. history.

The Facts of the Case

In the film, Eric O'Neal is assigned to work undercover as a clerk for obert Hanssen. Set in the late 1990s, O'Neal's job is to keep an eye on Hanssen (who was…...



Breach. (2010). IMDB. Retrieved from: 

Barkin, S. (2011). Fundamentals of Criminal Justice. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Describe historical instances of discrimination that prevented immigrants from coming to Canada?
Words: 349

Outline: The Historical Exclusion of Immigrants to Canada

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling anecdote or statistic highlighting the impact of discrimination on immigrant exclusion.
Thesis statement: State that historical instances of discrimination have prevented immigrants from coming to Canada.

II. The Chinese Exclusion Act (1885-1947)

Background: Chinese immigration to Canada in the late 19th century and the growing resentment towards them.
Key provisions of the Act: Head tax, ban on Chinese women, restrictions on immigration.
Impact: Sharp decline in Chinese immigration; creation of a "racial hierarchy" in Canadian society.

III. The Komagata Maru Incident (1914)

Background: The arrival of a ship....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of world war 1 world war 2 compare and contrast ?
Words: 338

## Outline for an Essay Comparing and Contrasting World War I and World War II

I. Introduction
- Define World War I and World War II
- State the thesis statement: Discuss the similarities and differences between World War I and World War II, focusing on their causes, strategies, and impacts.

II. Similarities
- Causes
- Imperialism and nationalism
- Arms race and alliances
- Economic tensions
- Strategies
- Trench warfare in WWI, Blitzkrieg tactics in WWII
- Use of propaganda and espionage
- Mobilization of civilians and economies
- Impacts
- High casualties and devastation
- Political and territorial changes
- Economic hardship and social....

How has the cyber landscape evolved in the past decade?
Words: 562

The Evolving Cyber Landscape: A Transformation in the Past Decade

Over the past decade, the cyber landscape has undergone a profound transformation, driven by technological advancements, societal shifts, and evolving threats. This evolution has shaped the way we live, work, and interact with the digital world, presenting both opportunities and challenges.

Technological Advancements

Cloud Computing: Cloud computing has become ubiquitous, enabling businesses and individuals to access computing resources and software on demand, reducing costs and increasing flexibility.
Mobile Connectivity: The proliferation of smartphones and tablets has made internet access more accessible, expanding the reach of cyber threats.
Internet of Things (IoT): The....

How did the Cold War evolve into the Second Cold War?
Words: 444

1. "The Cold War: Origins, Key Players, and Ideological Clashes"
2. "The Nuclear Arms Race: Fueling Tensions and Escalating the Cold War"
3. "The Proxy Wars: Unveiling the Global Battlefield of the Cold War"
4. "Berlin Wall: Symbol of Division and Catalyst for the Second Cold War"
5. "Superpowers’ Strategies: USSR vs. USA in Shaping the Cold War Era"
6. "The Cuban Missile Crisis: Dangerous Standoff and Precursor to the Second Cold War"
7. "Détente and Dissolution: Brief Thaw and its Limited Impact on the Cold War"
8. "Regional Conflicts and the Second Cold War: Afghanistan, Korea, and Vietnam"
9. "NATO vs. Warsaw Pact: Military Alliances and the....

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