Example Essays (Examples)

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Having influence on a situation can often mean that the person is willing to let other people take the credit. Being humble enough to allow other members of a team to shine is a leadership trait that is difficult for some to cultivate, but can lead to superior results in the long run because morale and trust are developed in the group. Let's say a group is entrusted with the responsibility of developing a new software solution to a problem related to accounting. The leader of the group is a software engineer, who writes down some ideas on a dry-erase board during the brainstorming session. Several members of the group are also software engineers, who contribute the coding that eventually results in the most effective solution to the problem. When it comes time to present the solution to the accounting manager, the team leader has the opportunity to name the….

Example of a Monopoly

Microsoft Antitrust Issues and Investigations
Monopoly conditions can be defined by an array of circumstances that a company can find itself in if it does not have any reasonable competition. These conditions can manifest in a variety of ways and in some cases it is only reasonable to have one company provide goods or services; such as in the case of utilities or internet because these services require massive infrastructure investments to build which creates barriers to entry for other firms in the market. Many of these institutions are regulated by the government to ensure that prices are not raised to an extent that they create a large deadweight loss to society; a price that is higher than the market equilibrium in which marginal revenues equal marginal costs. In the event that a monopoly situation is created, the government can intervene in its operations to attempt to remedy the negative consequences….

Conceptualizing a "Sustainability Business Model"
Stubbs, W., & Cocklin, C. (2008). Conceptualizing a "Sustainability Business Model." Organization & Environment, 103-127.

There are many new pressures in the modern global business environment that require firms to think about sustainability in new ways. The authors of this article believe to quell these pressures organizations will have to literally transform the paradigms that they are operating under. Furthermore, the authors believe that the dominant neoclassical model cannot be supplemented with new addendums or additions that will be adequate in regards to building sustainable business. That is, a new system, new metrics, and new ways to collaborate with deeply rooted culturally capabilities must be introduced on the firm level to truly achieve sustainability. The article uses two case studies to support the hypothesizes and this review will discuss the authors' claims as well as these case studies.

Article eview

The business world operated under the premise that the….

Loblaw Strategy in Wake of Wal-Mart Entry
Comparison of Loblaw's strategy and performance with Wal-Mart.

External and Internal analysis of Loblaw

PESTEL Analysis for Loblaw

Porter's Five Forces

VRIO Frameworks Analysis

Comparison of Loblaw's strategy and performance with Wal-Mart.

Loblaw's was the largest supermarket in Canada with a market share of nearly 35% in 2005 and 609 corporate and 427 franchised stores throughout every province within the territory of Canada. It is also the number one seller of branded consumer packaged goods by sales in Canada.

The corporate strategy of Loblaw is hinged upon the creation of private labels and the offering of a range of products under its own brand. the company has also consolidated its distribution centers and merged many of them to reduce costs along with the closure of stores that were unprofitable. The company seeks to totally capitalize on the fleet and manpower that it posses. One of the strategies that have proved fruitful….

Ethical Implications

Legal Implications

Fairness Implications

Volkswagen knowingly used the software in its emission systems for its diesel cars sold in the U.S. which suppressed the emission readings to suit the requirements of the regulators in 2014-15. The company used these reduced emission readings to market and sell the car not only in the U.S. bit also in other parts of the world including Europe. The company used these reduced emission readings to aggressively market its cars and enhance business. Martin Winterkorn was the CEO of the company at the time of the incident.

This incident or decision by the top bosses of Volkswagen was highly unethical as it violated the established ethical norms of business. They resorted to misinforming the customers. The company willingly and willfully used the software to misinform customers through its marketing campaign. The customers were falsely drawn into thinking that the vehicles of the company were indeed very….

Apple Corporate Governance
Apple is a business that has done very well for itself over the recent years. There have been some corporate struggles from time to time and they recently lost their transformative leader in the form of Steve Jobs. However, they have mostly weathered the storms quite well. However, there have also been some missteps and many of them center on some form of corporate governance. At the same time, they have done quite well in some matters relating to corporate governance. Some of the good things are bad to some and the others are vice versa or otherwise different. The author of this report will get to the bottom of what is meant by that as the report goes on. hile Apple has mostly kept its proverbial nose clean when it comes to corporate governance, there are some things that they should probably pay more attention to.


The proverbial….

What examples of the history of a particular social problem or construct could you use to illustrate the importance of an historical perspective to social work practice?

The prevalence of false confessions and coerced guilty pleas has received renewed attention, in light of the use of DNA evidence to prove the innocence of persons convicted of serious crimes (Innocence Project, 2011). To date, 289 individuals have been exonerated through post-conviction examination of DNA evidence. Of these, 17 were on death row and 70% are members of a minority group. Allegations that race plays a significant role in wrongful convictions are hard to argue against when the most recent U.S. Census estimates indicate that 72.4% of the populace is Caucasian (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011). More to the point, African-Americans represented 62% of the DNA exonerations despite making up only 12.6% of the population. In contrast, Caucasians represented 28.4% of the DNA….

Employers could also misuse data to their advantage. For example, when considering a new employment prospect, if a company discovered, upon consulting with the individual's previous employer, that he or she had contracted cancer several years ago, they might decide to forgo hiring the individual. Also, by virtue of a prospective employee's age, location, and demographic profile, they might conclude that she was statistically likely to have a child within three to five years, and thus decide not to hire her because of the potential expense she might incur due to maternity leave. The surmises derived from data mining are not always accurate, but many organizations would jump at the chance to avoid any possible financial or legal risk, even if this would be unfair to an individual, ethically and morally.


Data dredging, data fishing. (2010). B2B. etrieved February 13, 2010 at http://www.businesspme.com/uk/articles/technologies/13/Data-dredging,-data-fishing.html.

However, the question remains of the need to balance the patient's desire for an active life with the risk of heart disease. hat if the patient wishes to take the risk, given a relatively minor family history of heart complications? hat if NSAIDs are too upsetting to his or her stomach to be bearable, or if he or she has a better response to COX-2 inhibiting drugs? So long as Merck openly disclosed the risk to consumers, it could be considered ethical. However, someone could counter that since heart attack is a 'silent' killer, but the less dangerous but more uncomfortable stomach discomfort and pain could deter individuals from substituting Advil or Motrin, leaving Vioxx as a dangerous option is still ethically tenuous, especially given the vigorous and effective marketing campaign of the corporate drug giant.

Vioxx was recalled from the market in 2004. But only months before the recall, the….

Another problematic paradigm in qualitative study is standards. The standards to which a study is held are often applied only after the completion of the project, when it is too late to make changes to decisions and problems experienced in the field. Reviewers are disconnected from the research process, and can therefore not truly assess the quality of the process used to arrive at the conclusions of the study. Hence the standards may be set at a level that is too high or too low to truly indicate the value of the study for the academic world (Morse et al.).

To remedy this, Morse et al. suggest the process of verification. This is a process by which each step of the research process is investigated for its quality and rigor before being built into the final product. Hence any mistakes relating to the process can be eliminated before it is an….

The people that are still married even though he or she had an affair, but they worked it out, got through it, and got past it - that's commitment. The elderly woman that sits by her husband's bedside every day as his life slowly slips away - that's commitment. The man or woman that stands by his or her partner and the life he has chosen even though their child was born severely handicapped - or maybe they cannot have children at all - that's commitment. The elderly man who painfully makes his slow way to the cemetery to lay flowers on his wife's grave, even though she's been gone 10 years, and there's never been anyone else - that's commitment.
Commitment is about the small things in life much more than the big things. The big things, like why there is life in the first place and how come….

Benin Bronzes are an example of culture and representation encapsulated in art work. Although these artifacts in themselves contain so much controversy because of the way that they were originally attained, it brings cultural, racial, and aesthetic representation to a society that sometimes seems to forget that there were once societies vastly different from one's own. These Benin Bronzes in themselves contain historical representation from a time now forgotten and very little appreciated (Gore 2008). These are examples of artifacts that need to be properly situated in locations that will bring vast amount of interest and understanding of their value.
The most appropriate location to display the Benin Bronzes would be in a place that would be accessible by all those who wish to appreciate the cultural and aesthetic importance of these artifacts. Museums would be a great choice, but only those that are completely dedicated to the preservation of old….

Global Organization
Given an example of a strategic business plan, evaluate the plan and provide recommendations on how the plan could be improved to include more effective planning and decision-making.

A strategic business plan defines the business, quantifies and explains the existing market of the business, quantifies the business' current market, products, services, strategic propositions, routes to market, customers, case studies, sales/marketing/advertising plans, competitors, and potential strategic actions in the near and long-term future of the business. For example, when Starbucks was planning to enter Japan it might define its business as a coffee retailer and cafe, its customer target as younger twentysomethings, its products as coffee beverages and ground beans, its services as making coffee and providing side pastries and sandwiches, its strategy as marketing itself between fast food and formal sit-down restraints, its routes to market as usurping the traditional generic coffee market, its customers defined as individuals seeking a….

Organizational Problem
Example of an Organizational Problem

An Analysis of a Failed IT Project at the Los Angeles Unified School District

Case Overview

In January of 2007, the Los Angeles Unified School District began using a new ninety five million dollar IT enterprise system built by SAP with Deloitte Consulting managing the project (Bowers, 2009). The system was built because the entire existing infrastructure was outdated and consisted of a variety of different software systems that were put together piece by piece over the years. As a result, the schools administration capacity was deemed to be very inefficient and many of the IT functions were redundant across departments. Therefore, the entire school system could reduce the amount of administrative work needed to maintain the schools if the system was modernized.

However, the project was deemed to be a horrific failure in regards to the schedule and the budget. Furthermore, once the system was up and….

Project Example & MBTI

The author of this paper will offer a fictional project team scenario and bridge in the Meyers Briggs frame work vis-a-vis teamwork as well as other important facets of what makes a good project team and what makes a bad one. The author of this response is using a fictional example so it can be best tailored to the topics being discussed and so that there is no concern about "dealing dirt" on someone else's struggles.

Project Scenario

The fictional project scenario that shall be used will be a project that shall engage in the analysis and selection of a new enterprise resource planning solution. The author chose such a project because so many of those sort of projects end miserably (either before, during or after implementation) and a lot of the reason for that are people not working together properly and the Meyers Briggs framework certainly looms….

Citing a web resource in MLA format requires you to provide specific information about the source you used. In some cases, you won't be able to locate all the information. When that happens, provide as much as you can. Overall, you should provide the name(s) of the author(s), the name of the article (in quotation marks), the title of the webpage, project, or book (in italics), the publisher information, the page numbers (if there are any), and publication medium, and the date accessed. As an example: Author, A. "Article about MLA style." The webpage where you found the article. The place....

PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. IntelligentHospitalToday.com has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider WorkcareGroup.com, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

2 Pages


Examples' Influence a Specific Situation Impact Oneself Involved Relating Influence Perception Leadership

Words: 608
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership Having influence on a situation can often mean that the person is willing to let other people take the credit. Being humble enough to allow other members of a…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Example of a Monopoly

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Microsoft Antitrust Issues and Investigations Monopoly conditions can be defined by an array of circumstances that a company can find itself in if it does not have any reasonable competition.…

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2 Pages


Examples of New Business Models

Words: 687
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Conceptualizing a "Sustainability Business Model" Stubbs, W., & Cocklin, C. (2008). Conceptualizing a "Sustainability Business Model." Organization & Environment, 103-127. There are many new pressures in the modern global business environment…

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8 Pages


Examples of Strategic Management

Words: 2238
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Loblaw Strategy in Wake of Wal-Mart Entry Comparison of Loblaw's strategy and performance with Wal-Mart. External and Internal analysis of Loblaw PESTEL Analysis for Loblaw Porter's Five Forces VRIO Frameworks Analysis Comparison of Loblaw's strategy…

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2 Pages


Examples of Ethical Decisions

Words: 1335
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Chapter

Decision Ethical Implications Legal Implications Fairness Implications Volkswagen knowingly used the software in its emission systems for its diesel cars sold in the U.S. which suppressed the emission readings to suit the…

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10 Pages


Examples of Bad Corporate Governance

Words: 2655
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple Corporate Governance Apple is a business that has done very well for itself over the recent years. There have been some corporate struggles from time to time and they…

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4 Pages
Article Review

Criminal Justice

Practice What Examples of the History of

Words: 1613
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Review

Practice What examples of the history of a particular social problem or construct could you use to illustrate the importance of an historical perspective to social work practice? The prevalence…

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1 Pages
Research Proposal


Fishing A Public Health Example

Words: 319
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Employers could also misuse data to their advantage. For example, when considering a new employment prospect, if a company discovered, upon consulting with the individual's previous employer, that he…

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2 Pages


Vioxx Example Vioxx Ethical Questions

Words: 711
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

However, the question remains of the need to balance the patient's desire for an active life with the risk of heart disease. hat if the patient wishes to take…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Academic World for Example Certain

Words: 1975
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another problematic paradigm in qualitative study is standards. The standards to which a study is held are often applied only after the completion of the project, when it is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Commitment Example Marriage Commitment the

Words: 677
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The people that are still married even though he or she had an affair, but they worked it out, got through it, and got past it - that's…

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4 Pages

Art  (general)

Benin Bronzes Are an Example of Culture

Words: 1041
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Benin Bronzes are an example of culture and representation encapsulated in art work. Although these artifacts in themselves contain so much controversy because of the way that they were…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Global Organization Given an Example of a

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Global Organization Given an example of a strategic business plan, evaluate the plan and provide recommendations on how the plan could be improved to include more effective planning and decision-making. A…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Organizational Problem Example of an Organizational Problem

Words: 812
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Organizational Problem Example of an Organizational Problem An Analysis of a Failed IT Project at the Los Angeles Unified School District Case Overview In January of 2007, the Los Angeles Unified School District…

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8 Pages


MBTI Project Example & MBTI the Author

Words: 2207
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

MBTI Project Example & MBTI The author of this paper will offer a fictional project team scenario and bridge in the Meyers Briggs frame work vis-a-vis teamwork as well as…

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