Exploratory Essays (Examples)

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1421: an exploratory study into female students' attitudes and behaviors toward binge drinking at Leeds University" by Carpenter et al. was to understand the perceptions of 12 female college students' attitudes toward binge drinking (2007, 8). Literature on the subject was rarely mentioned, aside from the citation of a few statistics regarding frequency of college-age female binge drinking, which served to support the undertaking of the study by Carpenter et al. (2007, 8). Participants were 12 female college students, and the tests took place in a university setting (Carpenter et al., 2007, 8). Tests took the form of two focus groups where, rather than given questionnaires, unstructured discussions were facilitated (Carpenter et al., 2007, 9) Both discussions were tape recorded and immediately transcribed afterwards (Carpenter et al., 2007, 9). Data analysis was thematic, the researchers looking for and emphasizing key points and themes that existed for all participants (Carpenter….

Value of the article: The value of this article is in the information provided concerning the implementation of a large computer information system in a hospital.

Brooker, oss; Macpherson, Ian and Aspland, Tania (2001) Enriching the Outcomes of Action esearch: Connecting the Local with the Global Through a Hermeneutic Spiral. QJE Vol. 17, 2001. Online available at http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qjer17/brooker.html

esearch question: The research question addressed in the work of Brooker, Macpherson and Aspland (2001) is how localized, qualitative data can move beyond description to authentic levels of analysis and interpretation as a basis for making an impact in the more global arenas of policy formulation and implementation within education systems.

esearch methodology: The methodology in this research is qualitative and in the form of a discussion and review of literature.

Major findings: The major findings of this study include the finding which states that the "...search for ways of making qualitative data and their analyses….

English language. Let there be constructive argumentation and passion behind our claims. The state of a language is in many ways indicative of the people who use it. The character of people can be reflective of or demonstrated in the ways in which they use their language. This paper will be a discussion of the state of the English language in the context of the short piece "Politics and the English Language" composed by the astute and curious writer, George Orwell. This writer expresses a unique opinion as to what the specific problem with English is, how such a problem manifests, purport as to the affects of linguistic issues in society, and in some cases, propose solutions to such a problem. In the very least, the author exudes an air that the problem(s) with English is fixable. Therefore, the paper serves to examine the problems that Orwell speaks of….

A special part of the walk-through is the online shopping part, wherein the researcher will ask the participant on how he/she goes about with his/her online shopping activity.
Note on triangulation

The proposed three-method design for this exploratory study is the researcher's way of ensuring that research results are triangulated. Combining the general findings from the diary and FGDs and specific online shopping behavior from the in-depth interviews would create a more complete picture on the general landscape and specific aspects of consumers' attitudes towards and behavior on online marketing strategies for healthcare products.


Bughin, J., a. Shenkan, and M. Singer. October 2008. How poor metrics undermine digital marketing. The McKinsey Quarterly.

Elberse, a. July-August 2008. Should you invest in the long tail? Harvard Business eview.

James, W. April 2008. Exploring web language orientation in emerging markets: The case of Serbia and the Ukraine. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol. 16,….

insufficient to express the concepts in the research question. Both are valid research methods, but are typically used to cover different subjects. quantitative approaches are used with refined questions that can be subject to statistical analysis, such that the outputs can be proved mathematically. This is called intersubjective certifiability. Qualitative methods are more subjective, but can have a much greater breadth to the information that they convey.
Exploratory research designs rely on qualitative research techniques because it allows for open-ended questions and answers. Furthermore, probing "provides the participant with the opportunity to respond in their (sic) own words, rather than forcing them to choose from fixed responses, as quantitative methods do" (FHI, 2012). Open-ended questions have the benefit of allowing the questions to be meaningful to the participant, or can yield results that were not anticipated by the researcher. Essentially, qualitative research allows for greater exploration of the subject by….

ole of esearch in Social Work
esearch assists in placing social work in its changing political and social context. This implies the ability to define social work's current environment in terms of dynamics like society and politics. esearch assists in establishing a knowledge base and professional status of social work, for example it assisted in establishing evidence-based practice. esearch also assists in analyzing population-based research that identifies people at risk in social work (Leece & Leece, 2010). This is because is assists social workers to understand clients in their social contexts, give voice to clients. Overall, research provides epistemological and value issues that define the nature and purpose of social work.

Social Worker's need to understand research

The main reason social workers need to understand research is to understand effective use of scientific evidence on the social services they offer to clients. esearch assists the social worker to investigate social services and….

Social Work
The research in this study is exploratory and descriptive. The study begins with the declaration that this topic of study has been pursued in the past, yet the sampling methods used proved ineffective in defining or describing why less Asian-Americans utilize healthcare services in the United States. This research seeks to describe the problem of little use of healthcare with their study. The research in this study classifies the phenomenon of lack of healthcare service use/participation by Asian-Americans. The research problem is that Asian-Americans are not using the healthcare services available to them for a variety of reasons. The research problem is stated clearly in the first two pages of the study. In this study, there were no listed hypotheses, instead there are objectives. The objectives of the study are:

…(1) examine rates of mental health-related service use among immigrant and U.S.-born Asian-Americans during a 12-month period, (2) identify….

Global Terrorism

Terrorist Groups Are Aligning to Conduct Global Terrorism.
Terrorism used to be a topic limited to only certain sectors of the world, such as the Middle East or South Africa. However, in recent years, it appears that no one is safe in any part of the world. A growing number of countries must take measures to protect citizens and visitors from the threat of terrorism. The Unites States is the latest addition to this list. It has become evident in recent years that terrorism is not a localized event any more, but has become an increasing global problem. It has also become obvious that terrorism requires a global solution as well. Evidence has been mounting that terrorist groups are beginning to connect and form alliances. This gives them greater strength and greater resources. It seems that they are finding common ground and are beginning to coordinate efforts. This will be the….

S. Department of Health and Human Services et al., 2006). This first study will involve limited human exposure and extreme caution.
Most significantly, the study itself has to be based on sound scientific principles with a thorough knowledge of the properties of the chemical, and the potential results on the human subject. Standard clinical safety evaluations will include serial assessment of patient symptoms, physical signs, and clinical laboratory tests amongst other tests monitoring possible adverse effects. These tests will be of sufficient duration in order to catch potential negative effects. Safety hazards for patients and health care workers during and after administration of the radio labeled product will also be identified, evaluated and appropriately managed.

Finally, as prescribed by Section 505(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) (21 U.S.C. 355(d)), adequate tests must be taken on the drug first before applying to a human individual. The drug must….

Possible one-on-one interventions may include the following retention of pharmacology

Introduction of cognitive behavioral therapy where Brian is shown how to deal with and manage his thoughts as well as how to be responsible for his own behavior rather than attempting to control that of others. This is particularly helpful with Brian's self-imposed isolation

Eclectic Rogerain counseling where counselor practices empathy, non-judgmental tolerance towards client, active listening, and encouraging client to formulate his own solutions

Insight into the conduct and feelings of Brian's mother as well as specific suggestion for how to deal with the mother's seeming apathy to Brian. Understanding can revolve around previous marital concerns, as well as her present medical concerns

Insight into the behavior of his biological father and strategies that may be effective in dealing with his father's abusive behavior and/or keeping away form his father.

Strategies for dealing with his disease and insight into its cause.

Social relationship skills that….

Value of U S Dollar

Down? The Value of the Dollar
International Currency Exchanges

Current Trends and Initiatives

Impact of the Euro on Dollar Valuation

Analysis of Current Trends and Initiatives on Dollar Valuation in the Future

Up or Down? The Value of the Dollar: A Historical Analysis of the Valuation of the U.S. Dollar

According to Michael Artis, Elizabeth Hennessy, and Axel eber (2000), capital losses can be caused by differential changes in the value of assets and liabilities, primarily exchange rate changes; these changes affect the value of a central bank's foreign exchange reserves. To date, exchange rate changes have only been a major problem for national central banks with very large foreign exchange reserves (i.e., Portugal); however, it might also become a problem for the European Central Bank in the future, whose balance sheet on the asset side will be dominated by the approximately 40 billion euro in foreign exchange reserves it has called up from the….

Black Colleges Homosexuality
In order to create more egalitarian, prosocial, and productive campus environments, it is necessary to understand attitudes toward homosexuality and homosexual students. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students experienced relatively high rates of substance abuse, depression, and stress related to discrimination, difficulties forming social relationships, and low self-esteem (Heck, Flentje & Cochran, 2011). As Kirby (2011) points out, "Having a negative self-concept plays a major role in youth suicides, in how well one does in school, and in how one interacts with society at large." Therefore, the need for a more supportive social environment on college campuses is a pressing one.

Unfortunately, traditionally white universities and historically black universities in the United States have addressed the needs of the LGBT student community differently. Historically black colleges and institutions are defined as "institutions classified as higher education that were chartered prior to 1964 and created with the principal mission….

Descrptive Design
esearch Method and Design Proposal

A research design is the approach utilized for a study used as a guide in gathering and analyzing data. There are two popular methods of research; qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research is an inductive, holistic, subjective, and process-oriented method technique employed to understand, interpret, describe, and establish a theory on a given topic, phenomena, or setting. Investigators employ this technique when their studies attempt to describe life experiences and give them meaning. In most cases, the method has associations with words, language and experiences, rather than measurements, statistics and numerical figures. When the investigators use this method, they adapt a person centered, and holistic view to comprehend the given phenomenal without focusing on particular concepts. In addition, this method is dynamic and developmental, and it does not employ the use of formal structured instruments (Hodkinson, 2009).

Most importantly, qualitative data methods are flexible and….

Merger Activity Due in Large

Finance-dominated proponents also maintain that boom economic periods generate a more varied divergence of valuations that fuel merger activity (Medlen 2007). In this regard, Medlen concludes that, "Taken collectively, these understandings may explain some of the merger activity in booms, but they involve certain asymmetries that undercut their explanatory power. High stock valuations allow stock to be utilized as currency and collateral for takeovers; yet stock booms also make targets expensive" (p. 202). Moreover, despite the commonly held perception that mergers are a "quick and dirty" way to grow a business and achieve organizational goals, there remains a lack of convincing empirical evidence in support of this perception (Medlen 2007). As Medlen points out, an "anomalous fact about mergers concerns the lack of evidence that mergers are profitable. This fact begs the question: why then are mergers carried out with such frequency and with such large levels of capitalization?"….

Surveys More on Scaling

Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers
In this study by Ohanian, a scale used in measuring celebrity endorsers' expertise, trustworthiness as well as attractiveness is developed. Psychometric scale development protocols are followed for testing the data reliability and validity as well. In addition, this study uses two exploratory and confirmatory samples to initiate a 15-item scale measuring the celebrity endorsers' characteristics. This article complies fully with Churchill's recommendations in several fronts as outlined below.

Several sources are researched on to identify words, phrases, and adjectives to use for this research's questionnaire; this results in the development of several adjectives describing personality traits. During the construction of the scale, 182 adjectives are identified of which some were eliminated to about 139 adjectives. Additionally, the 139 descriptors were further trimmed by a group of 38 college students; the researcher believed the words were unfamiliar with respondents, to 104.

For the identification of celebrities for the study,….

Interviews vs. Questionnaires: Purpose and Distinction in Research


Interviews and questionnaires are two widely used data collection methods in research. While both involve obtaining information from respondents, they differ significantly in their purpose, approach, and advantages. Understanding the distinction between these methods is crucial for researchers to select the most appropriate tool for their research objectives.

Purpose and Objectives


Purpose: To gather in-depth, qualitative data from a small number of respondents.
Explore complex issues and perspectives
Understand motivations, beliefs, and experiences
Uncover hidden meanings and narratives


Purpose: To collect quantitative data from a large number of respondents.
Measure variables and....

Purpose of Questionnaires in Research

Questionnaires are widely employed in research to gather data from a specific population or sample. They consist of a series of questions aimed at collecting information on various aspects of the research topic. Questionnaires serve several critical purposes in the research process:

1. Data Collection:

The primary purpose of questionnaires is to collect data on the research topic. They allow researchers to gather information on respondents' demographics, opinions, attitudes, behaviors, and experiences. This data is essential for understanding the research problem, testing hypotheses, and drawing conclusions.

2. Quantifying Responses:

Questionnaires typically use closed-ended questions, which allow respondents to select pre-defined....

Purpose of Interviews in Research

Interviews are a qualitative research method used to gather information and insights from individuals through direct, face-to-face interactions. Interviews play a crucial role in research by providing rich and nuanced data that can help researchers delve into the subjective experiences, perspectives, and beliefs of participants.

Types of Interviews

There are several types of interviews, each suited for different research purposes:

Structured Interviews: Highly standardized, with predetermined questions and limited flexibility.
Semi-Structured Interviews: More flexible, allowing for some deviation from a set list of questions to explore particular areas of interest.
Unstructured Interviews: Free-flowing conversations where the researcher follows....

The Subversive Role of Nostalgia in Julian Barnes's Work

In the literary landscape, Julian Barnes stands out as a master of nostalgia, exploring its complexities and contradictions with a keen eye and incisive wit. While many essays delve into the overt manifestations of nostalgia in his work, a lesser-known but equally fascinating aspect lies in its subversive role.

Barnes's nostalgia is often a double-edged sword, cutting through the comforting haze of the past to reveal its darker undercurrents. In his novel "Flaubert's Parrot," the narrator, Geoffrey Braithwaite, embarks on a pilgrimage to the French countryside in search of traces of his literary....

1 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

1421 An Exploratory Study Into Female Students'

Words: 446
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

1421: an exploratory study into female students' attitudes and behaviors toward binge drinking at Leeds University" by Carpenter et al. was to understand the perceptions of 12 female…

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8 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Business - Management

Zhang Zhi-Xue Nd an Exploratory

Words: 2072
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Value of the article: The value of this article is in the information provided concerning the implementation of a large computer information system in a hospital. Brooker, oss; Macpherson, Ian…

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5 Pages

Communication - Language

Composing an Exploratory Draft

Words: 1510
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

English language. Let there be constructive argumentation and passion behind our claims. The state of a language is in many ways indicative of the people who use it.…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Advertising

Marketing an Exploratory Study on

Words: 1501
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

A special part of the walk-through is the online shopping part, wherein the researcher will ask the participant on how he/she goes about with his/her online shopping activity. Note…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Black Studies - Philosophy

Insufficient to Express the Concepts in the

Words: 620
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

insufficient to express the concepts in the research question. Both are valid research methods, but are typically used to cover different subjects. quantitative approaches are used with refined…

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8 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Role of Research in Social Work Research

Words: 2302
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

ole of esearch in Social Work esearch assists in placing social work in its changing political and social context. This implies the ability to define social work's current environment…

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3 Pages
Article Critique


Social Work the Research in This Study

Words: 997
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Social Work The research in this study is exploratory and descriptive. The study begins with the declaration that this topic of study has been pursued in the past, yet…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Global Terrorism

Words: 5841
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Terrorist Groups Are Aligning to Conduct Global Terrorism. Terrorism used to be a topic limited to only certain sectors of the world, such as the Middle East or South Africa.…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Safety as Prescribed by the

Words: 950
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

S. Department of Health and Human Services et al., 2006). This first study will involve limited human exposure and extreme caution. Most significantly, the study itself has to be based…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Brian Cane Has Various Challenges

Words: 1346
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Possible one-on-one interventions may include the following retention of pharmacology Introduction of cognitive behavioral therapy where Brian is shown how to deal with and manage his thoughts as well as…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Value of U S Dollar

Words: 3662
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Down? The Value of the Dollar International Currency Exchanges Current Trends and Initiatives Impact of the Euro on Dollar Valuation Analysis of Current Trends and Initiatives on Dollar Valuation in the Future Up…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Welcoming Homosexual Lifestyles at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Words: 3029
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Black Colleges Homosexuality In order to create more egalitarian, prosocial, and productive campus environments, it is necessary to understand attitudes toward homosexuality and homosexual students. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Advertising

Descrptive Design Research Method and Design Proposal

Words: 2120
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Descrptive Design esearch Method and Design Proposal A research design is the approach utilized for a study used as a guide in gathering and analyzing data. There are two popular methods…

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27 Pages
Term Paper


Merger Activity Due in Large

Words: 7696
Length: 27 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Finance-dominated proponents also maintain that boom economic periods generate a more varied divergence of valuations that fuel merger activity (Medlen 2007). In this regard, Medlen concludes that, "Taken…

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5 Pages


Surveys More on Scaling

Words: 1516
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers In this study by Ohanian, a scale used in measuring celebrity endorsers' expertise, trustworthiness as well as attractiveness is developed. Psychometric scale development protocols are…

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