Extracurricular Activities Essays (Examples)

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Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities and Student Success: a Connection
Extracurricular activities are very popular with students from elementary school through college. These activities can run the gamut of things from sports to drama, from chess to yoga, and everything in between; extracurricular activities really cater to a student's individual interests, and there are groups for just about every imaginable interest. Extracurricular activities are normally conducted outside of the normal school day, are entirely voluntary, and students do not receive grades for participating in them (Holloway, 1999). Nevertheless, these activities remain extraordinarily popular, thereby reinforcing the notion that school is not just about grades to most students. However, despite the fact that extracurricular activities are not associated with academics (in most cases) and have nothing to do with grades, a growing body of research suggests that participation in extracurricular activities may in fact have a beneficial effect on a student's academic performance. This paper….

We had prepared presentations for the college authorities as well as for the students.
We explained to the college administration and senior professors about the ways in which our organization can benefit their students in long run. Moreover, we also took permission to give presentation to the students in the college and encouraged them to join our firm as internees now and employees afterwards. Handouts were also provided to them, which also contained details about our company and the skills and abilities that internees can learn by working with us. We also pitched the colleges to advertise us on their notice boards so that the students who missed to attend the presentation can also avail the opportunity of working at a better place.

As a result of our efforts, many internees joined our company and were provided training. I also joined their group and learned so much about the basic HR….

Gender and Career Success
On many resumes, the applicant will list their extracurricular activities and interests. If nothing else, it gives the interviewer something with which to break the ice, a conversation starter that is not all that relevant to the job for which the applicant is being interviewed. Or is it? People put down their extracurriculars in part because they think that companies want to know those things. It can look good to say that you help the homeless, or referee youth soccer. But does any of that actually matter in terms of career success?

There has not been much work done to measure the link between extracurricular activities and career success. A lot of the research that does exist comes from the education field and relates to students. At that level, at least, there is evidence to support the idea that extracurricular activities are beneficial. Students who participate in extracurricular….

extracurricular activities encompass the activities that students take part in, which are not constituted in the sphere of normal curriculum of the schools. These activities are perceived in all school levels. Extracurricular activities (ECA) include different activities, such as clubs, sports, art, music, drama and even the school student newspaper (Massoni, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to highlight the positive impacts of ECA on the eventual career prospects of the students and their level of success through different literature reviews.
esearch shows the level of participation in extracurricular activities is significant to companies. This is for the reason that, participation in these activities signifies potential soft-skill capabilities and proficiencies, such as leadership skills, organizing skills, social and relational skills and cooperation. Ming Chia (2005) examines the impacts of emotional intelligence, extracurricular activities and academic performance with respect to prospective accounting-major graduates on the results of their individual cross-examining….

Extra-Curricular Activities and Career Success
Leadership is defined as a set of attitudes and skills, which can be practiced and learned at a very young age. Through community service activities, sports, and school clubs, the adolescents explore their strengths and learn how to make a difference on their parts. Several adolescents who have taken active part in the extracurricular activities have reported to have strong opportunities of leadership and a much greater voice in the process of decision making. Different extracurricular activities have provided different success patterns in the adolescents; studies have suggested that those who were involved in the sports activities had positive results as compared to the ones who were not involved in organized activities (Hancock, Dyk, & Jones, 2012 ).

An environment that involves learning increases student motivation, resulting in the increase in learning results. This shows an important relationship with the success in the beginning phases of the….

Procurement Analyst.
espected Sir or Ma'am,

This letter is in response to a job post or advertisement for the position of procurement analyst. I believe I am the perfect candidate for the position. I have both education and experience. Along with my Bachelor's degree I also have 15 years of experience as a procurement analyst in NYC and 7 years of experience as a contracting agent.

I am highly proficient with using a multitude of computer aided management tools and programs such as FMS and APT. My strengths lie in preparing and analyzing spreadsheets and feel comfortable in teams, leading and training others as well as utilizing software for business management.

I am an excellent communicator and have advanced time management skills. My experience has prepared me to handle a plethora of various tasks. I am dependable, consistent, and committed to my work. My resume along with this letter offers information on my….


During the proposed study's process, the researcher plans to fulfill the following objectives.

Objective 1: Address each of the proposed study's research questions during literature review:

Examine the effect athletic participation has on student GPAs;

Identify the effect athletic participation has on student DC CAS math scores;

Determine the effect athletic participation has on student DC CAS English eading scores;

Explore the effect music participation has on student GPAs;

Investigate the effect music participation has on student DC CAS math scores;

Discover the effect music participation has on student DC CAS English eading scores.

Objective 2:

Complete study with 150 tenth grade student participants in the first semester of school year 2008-2009.

Objective 3:

Analyze test results and compare with findings from literature reviewed.

One of the Best Investments

Despite current reported budget cuts and constraints in education, high school activity programs continue to constitute one of the best investments schools can make, as cost range from only one to three percent (less….

My broadcasting career began early, when I anchored for our high school's Hawk News Network (HNN). It was then that I realized for certain what I wanted to do for the rest of my life: to be of service to all people and leave a legacy through effective communication and journalism.
A plan to pursue broadcast journalism by taking rigorous courses that directly pertain in my field of interest. I also intend to stretch my boundaries and step outside of my comfort zone by taking challenging coursework in unrelated areas, areas that might expose and therefore strengthen my weaknesses. Another way I intend to pursue my academic interests is through clubs, organizations, and other extracurricular activities that relate to broadcast journalism. Just as I became actively involved in student-run television stations in high school and college, I will also involve myself deeply with such resources at USC (CHRISTINE: YOU MIGHT….

Significant findings were that the survey revealed that "participants in any type of extracurricular activity were significantly more likely than non-participants to exercise and consume nutritious foods, to like school and do homework, and to express positive attitudes about self, peers, teachers, and parents. Involved students were less likely to skip school, get into fights, vandalize property, smoke cigarettes or marijuana, binge drink, or have sexual intercourse. Students who participate in sports are less likely to suffer depression than non-participants. "
3. The Involvement Principle:

Reported in the Journal of Higher Education (1995) the work entitled "The Other Curriculum: Out-of-Class Experiences with Student Learning and Personal Development" sought to understand the relationship between leadership and socialization skills in relation to the personal development that seemingly takes place during extracurricular activities. According to the author of this work George D. Kuh, graduates believe that participation in student's organizations, part-time work as well….

2007)." The authors also explain that there is a great deal of interest in the concept of school engagement because it is believed to be influenced by environmental changes (Fredricks et al., 2004; Dotterer et al. 2007). As a result of racial and ethnic achievement gaps, the study of school engagement amongst students of color is essential to closing these gaps. Previous research uncovered a pattern of underachievement in African-American students who have lower grades and receive less education than non-Hispanic White students (Dotterer et al. 2007).
According to Jimerson et al. (2003) there are three dimensions of school engagement: affective, behavioral, and cognitive. The affective dimension is associated with an emotional connection to school and the sense of belonging that students have with their school. Additionally this dimension of school engagement is often referred to as school attachment (Johnson et al., 2001). The affective dimension of school engagement "reflects….

The visits would also include the distribution of basic food items to help alleviate the food shortages and associated hunger in the area. The country is one that has a high reliance on agriculture and subsistence farming, but with the recent civil war the poverty is exacerbated with a need to recover. Recovery is needed for both production and the access to funds that may be realized from the sale of agricultural goods. This is an ongoing issue which one is constantly aware of when handing out food, knowing it is a short-term solution to a long-term problem. However other projects do exist which are seeking to address this issues.

The visits also involve medical checks, with doctors and healthcare workers visiting people in their homes to help with medical issues to carry out checks and to give advice. This was also a learning experience, seeing the range of medical issues….

This study used quantitative techniques to measure the dependent variables, but the answers obtained have a high level of subjectivity present in them.
Confounding Variables

Aside from the independent and dependent variables, almost every study has a number of factors present that affect the results obtained in the study and the ability to interpret them. In this study, there are a number of factors that must be addressed in regards to the teacher responses to the survey. Confounding variables can be internal or external factors over which the researcher has no control. It id difficult to find a study that has absolutely no confounding variables that could affect the results.

In this study, the first confounding variable is dependent on the interactions of other confounding variables. The student's type and severity of emotional disturbance are the first factors that affect the results obtained in this study. Neither the teachers, nor the researcher….

To these kids playing video games is an extracurricular activity and they don't see any reason to do anything else.
The major problem with this is that the incidence of childhood obesity in the U.S. is three times higher than it was 40 years ago. esearch shows that the increased use of technology by children during leisure time has transformed play from what used to be more physically active to sedentary. Children are often engaged in an environment that exposes them to food advertisement that encourages even more caloric consumption. Despite the linkage between technology and sedentary behavior, no consistent policy exists at the federal level that articulates government's role to address this issue (Campbell, Gilmore, McGinty, Pickering and amos, 2009).

A new study shows that every hour that a child plays video games or watches television may double their risk of obesity. This is not the first study to associate….

Learning should be a natural part of life, not seen as something confined to the classroom.
To improve my school, first and foremost, I would allow for periods of class discussion, so students would have the freedom to question what they have learned. I would have smaller classes, so students could have enough time to discuss the lesson in a meaningful fashion and engage in hands-on problem-solving activities in math and science. I would allow for more open-ended and creative assignments in my humanities and social science classes. I would make the arts, including music and drama, an integral part of the curriculum so students could enjoy the pure pleasure of learning and use their knowledge in the process of creation and self-discovery.

Introducing greater number of extracurricular activities at my current school is essential: sports are a passion of mine, but I would also like to write for a school….

With Kim's help, I saw that I had a knack for helping people. I was able not just to be supportive of others, but I could really connect with people and help them. I also had a great knowledge of course planning for almost every major at UConn, because I liked to read through the course booklet and see what kinds of classes were out there and see the different majors and what the requisites were for each. Also, I realized that I often helped my friends with their course selections and major planning before they went to their own advisors. Therefore, I decided to major in Human Services, where my concentration was in academic advising.
Thus, in my own way, I was able to travel through each of the seven vectors identified by Chickering and elucidated by eisser, ultimately arriving at the final point: the development of purpose in….

How you write your outline for your essay on how online learning is impacting teens depends on the structure of your essay.  Most academic essays are done in the same manner, with an introductory paragraph, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.  The default length for a basic academic essay is five paragraphs, but the outline we are providing is for a six-paragraph essay because we think you should define online learning and explain why people are using it and then look at the educational, social, and mental impacts of online learning.

Online Learning Essay Outline:  Impact on....

Government can support schools in rural areas in various ways to help them provide quality education. Here is a suggested answer with proper spacing and formatting:

1. Infrastructure development: The government should allocate funds to improve the infrastructure of schools in rural areas. This includes constructing well-equipped classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and administrative buildings. Adequate spacing within the school premises should be ensured to accommodate a sufficient number of students and facilitate their learning experience.

2. Technological support: Governments should invest in providing schools with necessary technological infrastructure such as computers, projectors, and internet connectivity. This will enable teachers in rural areas to....

Yes, schools definitely need more funding. Adequate funding is essential for providing quality education, supporting teachers, maintaining facilities, and offering resources and programs to enhance student learning. Insufficient funding can lead to overcrowded classrooms, outdated materials, limited extracurricular activities, and difficulty attracting and retaining qualified educators. Investing in education is vital for the future success of our students and society as a whole.
In addition to the immediate benefits for students and teachers, increased funding for schools can also have a positive impact on the overall economy. Research has shown that a well-educated workforce is crucial for economic growth and prosperity.....

When writing an academic preparation response, it is important to follow a proper format to ensure clarity and organization. Here is an example of how you can structure your response:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient's Name]
[Recipient's Title]
[Recipient's Organization]
[Organization's Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing in response to your request for information on my academic preparation for [specific program or position]. I have carefully considered the skills and knowledge needed for this opportunity, and I believe my academic background has prepared me well for success in this role.

Firstly, I have completed a Bachelor's degree in [relevant field]....

12 Pages
Term Paper


Extracurricular Activities

Words: 3929
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Extracurricular Activities and Student Success: a Connection Extracurricular activities are very popular with students from elementary school through college. These activities can run the gamut of things from sports to…

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3 Pages


Extracurricular Activities I Always Enjoy

Words: 939
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

We had prepared presentations for the college authorities as well as for the students. We explained to the college administration and senior professors about the ways in which our…

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2 Pages


Effect of Extracurricular Activities on Career

Words: 776
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Gender and Career Success On many resumes, the applicant will list their extracurricular activities and interests. If nothing else, it gives the interviewer something with which to break the ice,…

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2 Pages


How Extracurricular Activities Influence the Success of Peoples Career

Words: 697
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

extracurricular activities encompass the activities that students take part in, which are not constituted in the sphere of normal curriculum of the schools. These activities are perceived in…

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2 Pages


Extra Curricular Activities Leading to Career Success

Words: 732
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Extra-Curricular Activities and Career Success Leadership is defined as a set of attitudes and skills, which can be practiced and learned at a very young age. Through community service activities,…

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2 Pages


Extracurricular Activities and Procurement

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages

Procurement Analyst. espected Sir or Ma'am, This letter is in response to a job post or advertisement for the position of procurement analyst. I believe I am the perfect candidate…

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17 Pages
Research Proposal


Positive Effects of Extracurricular Activity

Words: 4686
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Objectives During the proposed study's process, the researcher plans to fulfill the following objectives. Objective 1: Address each of the proposed study's research questions during literature review: Examine the effect athletic participation…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Activity or Accomplishment That Is

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

My broadcasting career began early, when I anchored for our high school's Hawk News Network (HNN). It was then that I realized for certain what I wanted to…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Participation in Ext-Curricular Activities Affect

Words: 5071
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Significant findings were that the survey revealed that "participants in any type of extracurricular activity were significantly more likely than non-participants to exercise and consume nutritious foods, to…

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15 Pages


Co-Curricular Activities High School Can

Words: 4210
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Dissertation

2007)." The authors also explain that there is a great deal of interest in the concept of school engagement because it is believed to be influenced by environmental…

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3 Pages


Community Working Placement in the

Words: 1109
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The visits would also include the distribution of basic food items to help alleviate the food shortages and associated hunger in the area. The country is one that has…

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20 Pages
Research Paper


ED Students and Teacher Behavior

Words: 6032
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This study used quantitative techniques to measure the dependent variables, but the answers obtained have a high level of subjectivity present in them. Confounding Variables Aside from the independent and…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Recreation Pros and Cons of

Words: 1474
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

To these kids playing video games is an extracurricular activity and they don't see any reason to do anything else. The major problem with this is that the incidence…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Social and Academic Culture at

Words: 622
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Learning should be a natural part of life, not seen as something confined to the classroom. To improve my school, first and foremost, I would allow for periods of…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Education and Identity in His

Words: 1737
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

With Kim's help, I saw that I had a knack for helping people. I was able not just to be supportive of others, but I could really connect…

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