Final Exam Essays (Examples)

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The fact that the sampling distribution of sample means can be approximated by a normal probability distribution whenever the sample size is large is based on the a. central limit theorem
B. fact that we have tables of areas for the normal distribution

C. assumption that the population has a normal distribution

D. None of these alternatives is correct.

Answer: A- central limit theorem

Use the following situation for Questions 21-23. In order to estimate the average time spent on the dialysis machines per kidney patient at a local university hospital, data were collected for a sample of 81 patients over a one week period. Assume the population standard deviation is 1.2 hours.

21. The standard error of the mean is

A. 7.5 B. 0.014 C. 0.160 D. 0.133

M =Standard error of the mean =where N. is the sample size and ? is the sample deviation.



Answer: D. 0.133

22. With a 0.95 probability, the margin of error….

Terrorism Final Examination
Questions #1, #3, & #5

Bjorgo discusses levels of causation in the introduction of his book. These include structural causes, facilitator (or accelerator) causes, triggering causes, and motivational causes. At a macro level, how does each of these contribute to terrorism? In other words, concentrate on each of these types of causal factors at a general level (e.g. all kinds of structural causes), instead of focusing on individual causes (e.g. globalization, which is a type of structural cause). In your opinion, which of these contributes most significantly? It is in answering this question that you can introduce more on the individual causes.

Structural causes of terrorism are typically more plentiful and easy to measure. oss states "structural theories posit that the causes of terrorism can be found in environment and the political, cultural, social, and economic structure of societies." (oss, 1993,-Page 317) Structural causes of terrorism can be religious or….

CJ Final Exam Describe the

For example, juries must be informed of mitigating circumstances such as the offender's mental health status, before they can recommend the death penalty. Other mitigating circumstances might be crimes of passion in cases where the offender killed after years of abuse or torture. While these circumstances do not excuse the crime, they may reduce the severity of the final punishment. The same is true of aggravating circumstances. Another writer notes that this places the jury in a moral dilemma. He writes, "It is, instead, a matter of moral judgment that has to proceed in the absence of any determinate legal standards, other than the instruction to the jurors to weigh aggravating circumstances against mitigating ones and come to their own conclusion" (Garland, 2007). They must weigh if the aggravating circumstances, such as the weapon used, or a murder in conjunction with another crime, and they must decide if the….

Student Performance Analysis
In Australia, universities play a significant role in the provision of higher education though there are other higher learning institutions. Universities constantly look for measures to improve their understanding of learning in order to help students realize their full potential. This process is also geared towards ensuring that universities provide the best possible educational experience and outcomes. One of the ways utilized by universities to gain insights regarding learning is examining factors that influence a student's exam performance. In this case, universities utilize statistical means to study exam data collected from students. This formal report summarizes, analyzes, and interprets dataset obtained from 705 students to determine potential factors that affected student's exam performance. Statistical analysis is used in this process to provide the theoretical foundation for teaching management and quality (Yuan, Deng, Zhu & Li, 2012, p.162).

Distribution of Exam esults

The lowest and highest values in the final exam….

Noah Cross from Roman Polanski's "Chinatown" provides the audience with a layer of complexity unseen in other films. On the surface, Noah Cross seems to the unaware soul as a jovial, pleasant man. When one hears him speak he appears untroubled and comfortable in his own skin. His facial expressions also give a hint of self-assurance and openness as he remains friendly-seeming no matter what words come out of his mouth. Along with his perceivable ease with words, he has a faintly chauvinistic charm with a smile always at the ready, managing to avoid displaying even the slightest trace of cruelty or psychosis.
As the film progresses, however, this appealing and harmless exterior reduces, shrinks into the mask that it provided him. Eventually he displays the inner, sociopathic nature the audience realizes he was hiding, making him all the more frightening. He does not care for others. He does not….

Final Bedside Handoff

ability to adapt and overcome the challenges that are associated with transformation and change are deep and profound without the proper approach, research and application of knowledge. The Samaritan Hospital is examined in this research presentation to highlight this process and produce a comprehensive and detailed examination into the changing of procedure within this organization.
Patient handover techniques are clinical in nature and are extremely important in the healing process for patients. Additionally, Samaritan Hospital's s organizational strategy is directed at improving patient quality and reducing staff overtime costs. To meet these strategically placed objectives, the switching of handover techniques to the bedside from away from the bedside is examined to be a useful and appropriate measure to accomplish such goals.

This idea is expressed in this research by presenting reasonably argued literature supporting the results of such handoff changes. To make the research practical, a procedural change is introduced that….

Mass Comm Final
One theme that is a constant throughout the study of contemporary mass communication is the function that mass communication holds in the democratic political process. Although the present-day concepts of "media" or "mass communication" would have been unknown at the time of the Bill of Rights, it is nonetheless clear that the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of the press essentially enshrines in law the notion that an informed and intellectually engaged electorate is crucial for the health of the American political system. And certainly the drafters of the U.S. Constitution were familiar with the notion that clear reasoned argumentation that could reach a broad majority of citizens was necessary for the political system they envisioned: there would not be a U.S. Constitution if there had not been Thomas Paine's "Common Sense," a widely-reproduced pamphlet laying out the basic argument for American independence. However, in different ways, the….

Home Exam
Globalization refers to the ease and ability of businesses to acquire sources of raw material, manufacturing facilities, services and markets for their goods and services anywhere in the world. This ease has been brought about by the developments in transportation and communication technologies that have made instantaneous sharing of information and material over large geographical distances possible. Along with these developments, political changes have made markets less defined by national borders and natural boundaries. At the global level, countries have decided to bring down barriers to free movement of labor, goods and capital in the form of reduced taxes, tariffs, quotas and other protectionist measures. Along with this, to encourage unrestricted international trade, countries have to encourage imports that may be cheaper than locally manufactured goods.

Globalization policies are the result of the neo-liberal order that was espoused by Reagan and his supporters. In the United States, the Republicans….

Sociology Take Home Final
Unequal Power Relationships and Laborers

The unequal power relationship that characterizes many employment relationships is characteristic of industrialized capitalism. Capitalism itself is defined by the manufacturing division of labor, which systematically divides the work of economic production into limited operations. The result is that no one man in the Capitalist system would know how to produce a good from start to finish, destroying the traditional notion of occupations, e.g. artisans or craftsmen.

ecause each worker is only qualified to perform a particular, often narrow, task which creates no value in itself but must be combined with the fruits of other tasks by the Capitalist, the worker is at the mercy of the Capitalist who owns the means of production. The dominant mode of employment arising from the manufacturing division of labor is wage labor. In wage labor, a worker does not work to improve his own property, as with….

Socially Innovative and Socially Responsible Commerce: Examination of Carbon Tax in Australia
In a November 8th 2011 report in the Australian Times it is reported that as the final hurdle to carbon emission tax was cleared by the Federal Government of Australia, "Prime Minister Julia Gillard avoided saying the passage of the controversial impost would mark a turning point in Labor's fortunes." It is related that a new polled demonstrated "a modest uptick in its primary support." (Australian Times, 2011) The new tax is geared toward a reduction in carbon emissions in theory however; it is likely that the carbon tax is in reality more focused on government receipts in terms of its revenue. This issue will be examined through the lens of theorists Senge (2000) and the Dynamics of Systems, Jenkins (2008) and value and identities, and einhocker (2006) theories and global commerce.

Carbon Tax in Australia: An Overview

It was reported….

Ancient Greek urban planning dates its glory to Pericles. Temple architecture sourced in a precedent civilization, the Minoan of Crete, is actually reflective of palace architecture from that society's maritime city-state, Knossos (de la Croix, H. And Tansey).
The Greek civis was largely informed by astronomy; influencing everything from temple design to the order of the public City-State. 'Archaeoastronomical' patterns beginning with the Geometric through the final Hellenistic period in Greece reveal sophistication in calculation synonymous to solar alignment. This perspective fits with what is known about the star gazing cult practices found in the archaeological record (Belmonte). Sacred objects further this theory, and there remain a significant number of votive statuary stored at temple sites. Votive offerings were left by devotees of that particular cult, including weapons, helmets, and even statues. The interior of the temple, known as the cella, was often decorated with columns and most used for….

Penetrating Poetry:
An Examination of Cultural Poetry

Every country, culture, and time period has had poets living within their society to help record the very essence of which their people live. These poets, known for expressing raw emotion, have become particularly talented at expressing their experiences. From Australia to England, Japan to Pakistan, during the ninth century or the twentieth, poets have learned to capture their true meaning of the word "love."

Christopher Brennan was an Australian poet, librarian, and lecturer born 1870, passing away in 1932. Among the many famous pieces he wrote was, "Because She Would Ask Me Why I Love Her." Brennan expresses romantic frustration and dissatisfaction with the question of why he loves his significant other. When questioned, he replies to her, vividly and picturesque: Do not ask why I love you, or if I love you (Brennan, 2010). He claims that his love will last forever, and that….

Tenet of the theory

2. Another tenet of this theory (and one that is connected to certain clinical practices such as those of Rogerian therapy) is that humans are generally inclined to try to achieve greater levels of self-fulfillment, which in turn is linked to greater levels of insight and self-awareness.

Methodological assumptions of this model

. This question is a little more difficult to answer since a model or epistemological framework since the methodological connections to a theoretical framework are strong but not absolute. Any methodological approach to test the validity of Levinson's developmental framework would have to be qualitative since the model reflects complex, subjective states that are not discernible through statistical analyses.

Some of the most interesting potential research topics that could be devised around Levinson's model would be how subjects interpret their own status in terms of where a researcher assesses them to be. Levinson's model is based on his….

Republicans recently overtook Democrats in fundraising, for instance, yet they will continue to play the underdog on most issues because the "good" qualities of security and being disadvantaged (which is generally viewed favorably in the country) are mutually exclusive, and because the appearance of being the underdog helps their cause regardless of its truth.

This also reflects a singularity of purpose and a determination that one's own conclusions, and not those derived from the advice of others, should be the guiding principles of leadership.

Political parties and leaders still tend to use this singularity while attempting to appear as populist leaders; the former allows for strength and true achievement, while the latter allows for the support of the people. Both are necessary, but they cannot be held at the same time. Machiavelli understood this, but this doesn't make him evil.


The Prince cannot be good or bad on its own. Like any of….

ort Exam
Barnaby Willows owns a small boutique petting zoo in downtown Sydney. his petting zoo harbors two of each kind of local species of animal. he zoo is open to the public seven days a week for 8 hours a day. he animals are kept in cages pursuant to city ordinance and have received all of the required vaccinations mandated by public health code. he petting zoo has been in operation since January of 2000; to date no member of the public has been injured by any of the animals. Paul Hogan has been an employee of Barnaby for the past two (2) years his main job includes tending to the animals in their cages. his includes feeding the animals and making sure they are comfortable at all times.

Barnaby has recently received an import of Coyotes from the United States Southwestern Cultural Center located in Phoenix, Arizona. he Coyotes are….

1. The Importance of Final Exams: Evaluating Students' Comprehensive Understanding

2. Assessing Student Learning: A Case for Final Examinations in Education

3. The Role of Final Exams in Promoting Effective Learning and Retention

4. Pros and Cons of Final Exams: Weighing the Benefits and Drawbacks

5. Encouraging Academic Accountability: The Need for Final Exams in Education

6. Alternatives to Traditional Final Exams: Exploring Innovative Assessment Methods

7. The Impact of Final Exams on Students' Preparation for Future Challenges

8. Balancing Assessment Methods: Incorporating Final Exams as Part of a Comprehensive Evaluation

9. Final Exams: Enhancing Students' Study Habits and Time Management Skills

10. Promoting Fairness in Assessment: The Role....

Title: The Final Examination Debate: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Teacher-Administered Finals

The practice of administering final examinations in educational institutions has been a subject of ongoing debate for decades. While some argue that finals serve as a valuable assessment tool, others contend that they create undue stress and do not accurately measure student learning. This essay will delve into the arguments for and against the use of teacher-given finals, examining their potential benefits and limitations.

Section 1: Arguments in Favor of Finals

Comprehensive Assessment: Finals allow teachers to evaluate students' overall understanding of the course material by testing knowledge and....

7 Pages
A-Level Coursework

Education - Mathematics

Offline During the Final Exam

Words: 2030
Length: 7 Pages
Type: A-Level Coursework

The fact that the sampling distribution of sample means can be approximated by a normal probability distribution whenever the sample size is large is based on the a.…

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15 Pages


Terrorism Final Examination Questions 1 3 &

Words: 4815
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Terrorism Final Examination Questions #1, #3, & #5 Bjorgo discusses levels of causation in the introduction of his book. These include structural causes, facilitator (or accelerator) causes, triggering causes, and motivational…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

CJ Final Exam Describe the

Words: 1046
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

For example, juries must be informed of mitigating circumstances such as the offender's mental health status, before they can recommend the death penalty. Other mitigating circumstances might be…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Students' Performance in Final Exams

Words: 1166
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Student Performance Analysis In Australia, universities play a significant role in the provision of higher education though there are other higher learning institutions. Universities constantly look for measures to improve…

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3 Pages


Examination of Character Noah Cross

Words: 904
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Noah Cross from Roman Polanski's "Chinatown" provides the audience with a layer of complexity unseen in other films. On the surface, Noah Cross seems to the unaware soul…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Final Bedside Handoff

Words: 435
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ability to adapt and overcome the challenges that are associated with transformation and change are deep and profound without the proper approach, research and application of knowledge. The…

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5 Pages

Communication - Journalism

Mass Comm Final One Theme That Is

Words: 1998
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Mass Comm Final One theme that is a constant throughout the study of contemporary mass communication is the function that mass communication holds in the democratic political process. Although the…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Home Exam Globalization Refers to the Ease

Words: 2904
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Home Exam Globalization refers to the ease and ability of businesses to acquire sources of raw material, manufacturing facilities, services and markets for their goods and services anywhere in…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Sociology Take Home Final Unequal Power Relationships

Words: 2734
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sociology Take Home Final Unequal Power Relationships and Laborers The unequal power relationship that characterizes many employment relationships is characteristic of industrialized capitalism. Capitalism itself is defined by the manufacturing division…

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7 Pages


Socially Innovative and Socially Responsible Commerce Examination

Words: 2165
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Socially Innovative and Socially Responsible Commerce: Examination of Carbon Tax in Australia In a November 8th 2011 report in the Australian Times it is reported that as the final hurdle…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

Ancient Civis an Examination of

Words: 1418
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Ancient Greek urban planning dates its glory to Pericles. Temple architecture sourced in a precedent civilization, the Minoan of Crete, is actually reflective of palace architecture from that…

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3 Pages


Penetrating Poetry An Examination of Cultural Poetry

Words: 1366
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Penetrating Poetry: An Examination of Cultural Poetry Every country, culture, and time period has had poets living within their society to help record the very essence of which their people live.…

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3 Pages


Levinson Part Two Examination of

Words: 866
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Tenet of the theory 2. Another tenet of this theory (and one that is connected to certain clinical practices such as those of Rogerian therapy) is that humans are generally…

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6 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Machiavelli Finding Machiavelli An Examination

Words: 1624
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Republicans recently overtook Democrats in fundraising, for instance, yet they will continue to play the underdog on most issues because the "good" qualities of security and being disadvantaged (which…

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20 Pages

Business - Law

Tort Exam Barnaby Willows Owns a Small

Words: 5672
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Assessment

ort Exam Barnaby Willows owns a small boutique petting zoo in downtown Sydney. his petting zoo harbors two of each kind of local species of animal. he zoo is open…

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