Global Issues Essays (Examples)

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Global Issues in Public Administration
Globalization is a controversial issue perhaps because it is not yet fully understood. And while the term has recently been tossed around by businesses, sociologists, scholars, journalists and others, there is still confusion as to what globalization means. Some have claimed that globalization will "erode the sense of community and urban power structure" and others worry that through globalization new "suprastate governing agencies" will supplement or even "supplant" the other nation states that are not powerful enough to stand on their own (Farazmand, 1999). But the actual benefits and positive changes that globalization potentially offers for public administrators is the subject of this paper in terms of how my future career as a public administrator will be impacted.

Meanwhile, which globalization issues from the readings will affect my work and my career in the next five years?

Clearly globalization will have an effect -- and is having an….

Restricted democracies limit the abilities of political parties to organize freely and expand their power bases, and undermine their ability to present viable alternative agendas."
Since the early 1990's there have been a steady 19.9% of the Arab people living below the poverty lines. However, in the rural parts of the country or the 'shadow zone' where 39% of the Arab population lives the child mortality rate is double that of the urban areas. Women are discriminated against terribly in this area with 52% of the mortality rate being attributed to 'maternal deaths.' The rate of female illiteracy is double that of the men in the region. What is it within the global framework that allows this inequality within inequality to exist or is it indeed allowed or simply a natural process such as the food chain that is a natural life process?


The author explains that in regards to varying….

Global warming has become an issue of major global concern. This research explores the complexities of the issues surrounding global warming and the development of models to help curb the human contributions to its continuation. This research focuses on the UAE and its initiatives to develop sustainable cities in the future.
Evolution of Cities

environmental change and Global warming

Field Work and Case Studies

Back Ground

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) covers an area of approximately 777 sq. km and has a population of over 5 1/2 million residents according to 2009 statistics (Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division. 2009). The country has the six largest oil reserves in the world and is one of the most developed economies in the Middle East. It has one of the most developed infrastructures in the Middle East as well. Global warming has become a key issue in developed nations that rely heavily on industry such….

Global Poverty
The World Bank (2012) points out that "…nearly 1.3 billion people remain below the extreme poverty line with an income of U.S. $1.25 or less a day." The global financial institution further points out that "another 2.6 billion live on less than U.S. $2 a day, another common measurement of deep deprivation"(World Bank, 2012). It is important to note that although inequalities in terms of wealth exist regardless of which country one comes from, developing countries have been hit worst by the same.

In general terms, unemployment levels in Australia are relatively low. The levels of education in this case remain relatively high. Further, given the high average incomes of a vast majority of Australians, most citizens do not encounter many of the problems faced by millions of people from other nations. In a way, some of the most common problems the word's poorest people face are occasioned by the….

Global Law and Politics:
Political and legal institutions and communications have played an integral role in the development and provision of legitimacy in contemporary societies. This has been through the development of obligatory collective decisions, general legal principles, exercise of political power, and resolution of conflicts. In the new global system, these legal and political institutions have created and conveyed social values, political power, and social meaning in every sector of the society. Both of the institutions are considered as legitimate because they have been established on core values that are related to essential freedoms, the rule of law, and democracy.

Aspects of a New Global System:

Modern societies across the globe are faced with critical issues and problems that are dealt with at the global level by the establishment of laws and policies, which are developed in various institutions. Global law and politics has had a significant impact on various areas including….

Global warming occurs due to the rise in temperature. The trapping of light and heat from the sun causes this rising of temperature. Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor are the green house gases, these gases trap the light and heat from the sun, and as a result, the temperature rises. This global warming hurts a large number of people, plants and animals living in the earth. There are many reasons due to which global arming is increasing day by day. Human beings also cause global warming but many other things are also responsible for it (Maslin, 2006).
The main activity that human beings perform due to which global warming occurs is to flaming the fossil fuels. Whiled riving a car, carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere. This increases the greenhouse effect. In addition to this, jet fuel in the airplane also contributes in releasing the carbon dioxide.….

Global Marketing
According to Cleveland and Laroche (2007), the global consumer is characterized as someone who fits in with global consumer culture. This is a culture that has certain characteristics that are static internationally, such that the global consumer can be subject to global marketing. The global consumer is understood in contrast to the local consumer. The local consumer bears strong characteristics of the local market, in their tastes and buying patterns. The global consumer trends more towards international norms. The global consumer is aware of and has some preference for international products and bears similarity to international buying patterns. In essence, the global consumer in Shanghai will have tastes and characteristics that relate more to other global consumers in Vancouver, London or Mumbai than to the people of the local Shanghai market.

Global consumers have emerged as the result of two key trends, identified in Czinkota and onkainen (2013). These trends….

Global Warming
Major Issues of the 21st Century: Who is Responsible for Addressing Global Warming?

Global warming is one of the most pressing issues in the 21st century. In the last few decades, the world has experienced higher temperatures, increased melting of ice caps, rising sea levels, more regular and more adverse weather events (such as storms, floods, heat waves, and drought), and changing rainfall patterns. We have also observed increased rain and ocean acidification, desert expansion, as well as greater species endangerment. These occurrences have largely been linked to human activity, particularly air pollution, burning of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions, industrialization, and deforestation. The issue is so pressing that it threatens the ability of future generations to sustain their lives, which is ethically unfair. Indeed, global warming threatens food security, human health, human and non-human survival, as well as socioeconomic stability in the future (Cummins, 2014; Justin, 2015). Addressing the….

Global Business

Global Business
When businesses go international, they have to operate in a more competitive, uncertain, and risky business environment. The forces present in the Global environment bring a number of challenges for the businesses; making it more difficult for them to maintain their market share, enhance profitability, and keep the customers satisfied (Cherunilam, 2007). To compete successfully and ensure a sustainable future in the international markets, business organizations have to analyze these forces carefully and strategize accordingly. Globalization has also impacted the way countries use to recognize themselves as internationally competitive and advanced than other countries (Tellis, Stremersch, & Yin, 2003).

This paper presents a comprehensive discussion on the positive and negative impacts of Globalization and the efforts which nations and business organizations make in order to become internationally competitive and keep up pace with the Globalization. The paper starts with a brief description of different environmental forces that are an integral….

Global Mindsets
Importance of the Global Mindset

I agree with the assertion made by Cohen that possessing a global mindset is a key and integral part to being successful in business, particularly if global expansion is an organizational goal or aspiration. To be successful in today's marketplace, leaders must understand that the world is no longer made up of only local/regional/national customers and competitors. It has been shaped by the digitized age we live in. Customers come from everywhere, for just about everything. Similarly, competition does too. This means to be truly successful, business leaders must know how to integrate a number of geographies, cultures, demographics, tastes, preferences, and business strategies from across the globe (Gumbel 2008). Leaders need an appreciation for diverse business relationships and more specialized skills to achieve their goals.

Universal cooperation is a daily business reality. The vast majority of this is due to technological advancement and the new….

While global warming is still hotly debated global pollution is already a fact. An environmentally sustainable development plan is the need of the hour.

1) University of East Anglia (2009, November 17). 'Fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions up by 29% since 2000.' ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 9, 2009, from

2) NGC, 'Acid Rain', retrieved Dec 9th 2009, from,,

3) WHO, (2006), 'Indoor air pollution. 4000 deaths a day must no longer be ignored', retrieved Dec 9th 2009, from,

4) lacksmith Institute, (2009) 'Pollution Facts, Retrieved December 9, 2009, from, '

5) U.S. PIRG Education Fund, (Jan 2005), 'Pollution on the Rise: Local Trends in Power Plant Pollution', retrieved Dec 9th 2009, from

6) NASA, 'NASA Satellite Measure Pollution from East Asia to North America', retrieved Dec 9th 2009, from,

7) EEA Report, (2008) 'Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends and Production in Europe 2008', retrieved Dec 9th 2009, from,

8) Worldwatch Institute, (Dec 2005),….

S., who is duly aware of their hardships and struggles. Again, there are many reasons why they are not given what they need to succeed (covert imperialism, ideological differences, etc.) but one of the main reasons is global overcapacity. If there are more countries producing goods and services the supply of those goods and services continue to increase. When supply goes up, and demand remains relatively unchanged (or static) one of the only ways to earn a profit is to lower costs (Judis, 2010). Lowering costs means a smaller profit margin. A smaller profit margin means, well, less money for the CEs and shareholders.
ne may think that this theory is a bit of a reach, that there is no conspiracy to retard the efforts of fledgling countries to take a power position in this new "flat" world (Friedman, 2005). And maybe they're right, there is no coordinated effort to do….

The capital requirements together with reserve policies were overhauled with the entry of new leadership and avenues of the company. Moreover, the company had to align compensation with long-term returns. The strategies, which were laid by the company after its revival was to settle the dividends of the purchasers, and pay debts, which had been accrued in payments (Stonehouse, 2004).
Porter's Five Force

The Porter's Five Forces have a great influence of the way McDonald's Company has been operating in the market. Literally, the company has embraced all the five figures making up the Porter's Five Forces. These are the forces, which influence the market as it happened to McDonald's Company. The company faced the threat of new entrants into the market. When the company was introduced, it dealt with different products, most of which were also being produced by some other companies. As such, the company had to shift from….

Global Woman
The book Global Woman: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hothschild is a series of essays that explore the subject of female migration at the beginning of the 21st century. The work contains eight essays covering a range of topics, which are related to each other by a common thread. The subjects include migrant maids, prostitution as a means of gaining access to legal migration, overseas brides, and the role of global cities in female migration. The common thread to these essays is the migration of lower-wage women around the world, and the patterns than such migration takes at present. The authors and editors of this project tie these essays together under the umbrella argument that one form of modern globalization has women in the wealthier nations turning over "women's work" to women from the underdeveloped world. They note that fewer….

As the road is being laid the fumes from the chemical materials and the concussive force of the construction equipment are devastating to local wildlife (Forman & Alexander, 1998). The result, is displaced organisms which ultimately put increased pressure for food, land, and water on other ecosystems. The extent of these ripple effects are still yet to be fully known.
In instances where above or below ground water supplies must be altered in order to make way for a new road system the effects are if anything more dire. When laying the bed of a road, it is nearly impossible to prevent a percentage of the chemicals used in the road surface itself from leeching into the soil (Forman & Deblinger, 2000). When in the presence of water those toxins are carried the course of the water supply affecting all of the vegetation and wildlife which it comes into contact….

Global issues are those issues that have an impact on more than one area of the globe, whether that impact is direct or indirect.  These issues can be things that impact all people, such as global warming, or issues that may not currently impact all people but have a potential global impact, such as the political unrest in the modern day United States.  We have compiled a list of suggested topics for an essay on global issues.  Each of them has at least two perspectives, though one of the perspectives may be stronger or more....

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to the Greenhouse Effect:

1. The causes of the Greenhouse Effect and its impact on global climate change.
2. The role of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, in exacerbating the Greenhouse Effect.
3. The importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing sustainable energy solutions to mitigate the effects of the Greenhouse Effect.
4. The potential consequences of unchecked global warming due to the Greenhouse Effect, such as rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events.
5. The role of international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, in addressing the Greenhouse Effect....

Thesis Statement:

The Evolution of Scientific Inquiry: A Historical Perspective on the Transformation of Epistemological Paradigms and Methodological Approaches


Science, an ever-evolving pursuit of knowledge, has witnessed a remarkable transformation over time. From its rudimentary beginnings to its current sophistication, the scientific method has undergone profound shifts in its epistemological foundations and methodological approaches. This thesis explores the historical trajectory of science, examining how its paradigms and practices have evolved to shape our understanding of the natural world.

Part 1: The Roots of Modern Science: The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

During the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, a pivotal shift occurred....

- The fusion of traditional and modern music styles in popular world music
- The impact of globalization on the spread and popularity of world music
- The role of social media in promoting and sharing world music
- The significance of language and cultural exchange in world music collaborations
- The influence of political and social issues on the themes of world music songs
- The evolution of world music festivals and their contribution to cultural exchange
- The representation of indigenous cultures in mainstream world music
- The use of technology and digital platforms in creating and sharing world music
- The role of women in....

2 Pages


Global Issues in Public Administration

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Issues in Public Administration Globalization is a controversial issue perhaps because it is not yet fully understood. And while the term has recently been tossed around by businesses, sociologists,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Global Issues & Inequality the

Words: 994
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Restricted democracies limit the abilities of political parties to organize freely and expand their power bases, and undermine their ability to present viable alternative agendas." Since the early 1990's…

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15 Pages


Global Warming Has Become an Issue of

Words: 4496
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Introduction

Global warming has become an issue of major global concern. This research explores the complexities of the issues surrounding global warming and the development of models to help curb…

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5 Pages


Is Global Poverty a Global Responsibility

Words: 2226
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Poverty The World Bank (2012) points out that "…nearly 1.3 billion people remain below the extreme poverty line with an income of U.S. $1.25 or less a day." The…

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6 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Global Law and Politics Political and Legal

Words: 1871
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Law and Politics: Political and legal institutions and communications have played an integral role in the development and provision of legitimacy in contemporary societies. This has been through the…

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3 Pages


Global Warming Occurs Due to the Rise

Words: 941
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Global warming occurs due to the rise in temperature. The trapping of light and heat from the sun causes this rising of temperature. Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane and…

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5 Pages

Business - Advertising

Global Marketing According to Cleveland and Laroche

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Marketing According to Cleveland and Laroche (2007), the global consumer is characterized as someone who fits in with global consumer culture. This is a culture that has certain characteristics…

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6 Pages

Global Politics  (general)

Global Warming in 21st Century

Words: 1501
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Warming Major Issues of the 21st Century: Who is Responsible for Addressing Global Warming? Global warming is one of the most pressing issues in the 21st century. In the last…

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10 Pages


Global Business

Words: 3054
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Business When businesses go international, they have to operate in a more competitive, uncertain, and risky business environment. The forces present in the Global environment bring a number of…

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4 Pages


Global Mindsets Importance of the Global Mindset

Words: 1507
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Mindsets Importance of the Global Mindset I agree with the assertion made by Cohen that possessing a global mindset is a key and integral part to being successful in business,…

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5 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Global Pollution Has Increased Significantly

Words: 1562
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

While global warming is still hotly debated global pollution is already a fact. An environmentally sustainable development plan is the need of the hour. ibliography 1) University of East Anglia…

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4 Pages


Global Overcapacity A Major Cause

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

S., who is duly aware of their hardships and struggles. Again, there are many reasons why they are not given what they need to succeed (covert imperialism, ideological differences,…

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12 Pages
Research Paper


Global Management of McDonald Company

Words: 3780
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The capital requirements together with reserve policies were overhauled with the entry of new leadership and avenues of the company. Moreover, the company had to align compensation with…

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5 Pages

Sports - Women

Global Woman the Book Global Woman Nannies

Words: 1618
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Woman The book Global Woman: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hothschild is a series of essays that explore the subject…

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12 Pages
Research Proposal

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Global Change Science the Negative

Words: 3243
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

As the road is being laid the fumes from the chemical materials and the concussive force of the construction equipment are devastating to local wildlife (Forman & Alexander,…

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