Good Leader Essays (Examples)

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What Makes a Good Leader

Leadership and Legacy
Defining leadership is never an easy task. Leadership is about managing people, but, quite often, it is about a lot more than that. It involves a visionary lookout into the future, it includes setting objectives and determining how to reach those objectives, as well as planning in the right manner to be able to handle the task of getting the human resource to perform in an adequate manner that will eventually lead to fulfillment.

As such, leadership is not necessarily about the business world. Leadership serves well as an attempt to define and understand how the military works, for example, and, in a more comprehensive and overarching manner, how countries are led in a successful way.

Along these lines of defining leadership is Mark Sanborn's book. Sanborn looks at leadership in a comprehensive manner, not directed necessarily to leadership in an organization. He tries to define leadership along general lines,….

Ethical Leadership: Yahoo Inc.
A good leader possesses a range of characteristics and skills that portray a positive outward image of his organization. Such a leader leads by example, and displays strong willpower in "making decisions, dealing with people, developing relationships, and enhancing careers" (Cantrell & Lucas, 2007). These characteristics are crucial to the growth, performance, and sustainability of any corporation. ecent years have seen numerous scandals, most involving Fortune 500 Company CEOs, which have had detrimental effects on the respective companies' financial performance. Experts attribute the inverse relationship between the two to the fact that the public is significantly responsive to unethical leader behavior (Cantrell & Lucas, 2007). Therefore, a CEO who attaches importance to, and practices ethical behavior would more often than not steer the corporation to success.

Scott Thompson, the former Yahoo boss, is a perfect example of a Fortune 500 Company CEO who displayed utmost ethical behavior. Thompson….

What makes extroverts such good leaders, is they are embracing certain attributes that will help them to work well with others. This can allow them to forge alliance and navigate the social atmosphere inside an organization. Moreover, their outspoken personality ensures that they are able to connect with various stakeholders. Once this takes place, everyone is motivated to do more and go the extra mile.

Evidence of this can be seen with observations from othstein (2010) who said, "Extroverts have a greater natural ease with social demands and may be willing to put forth the effort necessary to interact effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds. These individuals can successfully assert themselves and navigate through the hierarchy of their social environment to achieve personal and professional success." This is highlighting how extroverts have the kind of personality that allows them to communicate with stakeholders and work well with everybody. This….

perceived to be an ethical leader, am I an ethical leader? Why or why not? What happens when perception and reality are not congruent? Can I be a toxic leader and still be an ethical leader? Why or why not?
Just because I am perceived to be an ethical leader does not mean that I actually am one. The leaders of Enron were viewed as being ethically and morally upstanding as they promoted themselves and their workplace organizational culture as being transparent and accountable -- but the reality was that they were simply lying both to themselves and to stakeholders in the company. Their accounting practices were deceitful and they basically orchestrated a Ponzi-scheme with their finances in order to dupe investors (Eichenwald, 2005; Elkind, McLean, 2013). This is an example of why perception is not always reality when it comes to ethical leadership.

What happens when perception and reality are….

Leadership to Improve Ethical Performance
Leadership skills, ethics, and communication are demonstrated by Bishop Hawkins in a number of ways: through the books he has written, through the sermons he has preached, through the events he has hosted, through the parishes he has led, through the organizations he has founded, and through the examples in his own life. He embraces a servant leadership style as well as a transformational leadership style -- because his aim is both to serve those in need and to help them develop so as to attain the goal, which he teaches them to value -- namely the attainment of union with God and the expression of Christian living in every aspect of their lives, whether at work or in recreation. Thus through a combination of self-sacrifice and transformational leadership, Pastor Hawkins has become the leader of a rapidly growing organization in the U.S. By applying….

Psychodynamic Approach
The Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire was absorbing to fill, but the scoring showed that the self-awareness and internalized moral perspective scores were a high of 16. Those of balanced processing and relational transparency were a score of 14 and 12 respectively, which is low. The questions were direct, but some were confusing and demanded one to reflect more closely on one's leadership styles. For the Team Excellence and Collaborative Team Leader Questionnaire, the first seven questions related to team excellence and while answering the questions, I was able to polish my weak areas through the whole process. Thereby, I am more determined that the next group project I undertake, I am going to incorporate all the questions raised and ensure that the group is well aware of their objective. Moreover, for the other part of the questionnaire, I added more knowledge towards attaining consistency and empowering team members to….

The maxim, "Great leaders, are born, not made" has some truth in it and at some point; the capacity for great leadership is innate. Nonetheless, learning to be an effective executive is within the grasp of everyone, that is, whether one is leading multiple teams, one staff member or the entire company. Intelligence, imagination, and knowledge are resources that are essential, but effectiveness converts all these into results. Knowledge authority is legitimate as that authority of position, and the realities ascribed to an executive's situation require effectiveness from him and make effectiveness exceedingly problematic to attain. Therefore, an effective executive is all about managing oneself, and the learning process entails covering eight practices. The practices were two questions that asked the things that needed to be done and the right thing for the enterprise. The third practice entailed the development of action plans and the fourth and fifth looked….

George Washington

As the evolutionary War began to wear on and the effects were seen in the soldiers -- militiamen who had received little to no formal training in combat -- George Washington saw that something was needed to shore up the American forces. He suggested that enlistments had to be made longer so as to give his men the much need time to become better at living the life of a soldier (Lengel, 2005). Although the strategy was sound, the Continental Congress begrudged Washington his request and by 1776 enlistments continued to be short and therefore ineffective in raising the kind of seasoned veterans that Washington saw were needed (Ferling, 2010). This paper will discuss how Washington played a pivotal role in the evolutionary War, how his leadership, insight, strategic sense, and relationship with the Continental Army and with Congress all helped to shape him into a successful American general.


General Electric (GE) is one of the world's most renowned companies involved in the production, distribution and the use of electrical products globally. The business was started in 1978. It has developed to be the best performing and highly competitive organizations by providing quality products to its consumers. Much of the performance of the GE Company is highly attributed to the nature of leadership adopted to ensure the maintenance and improvement of the operations management. For example, the company has well developed leadership style and culture that focus on employee development and provision of customer focus services to maintain their loyalty alongside the reputation of the GE Company. Therefore, this essay analyzes most of the activities that take place in the company and contributes to its performance.

Evidently, the GE Company has been able to maintain a surplus of qualified managers since the earlier times of its development. Throughout history,….

The guide Best Practices for Tobacco Control Programs has among the best practices there is opportunity to glean what effective leadership looks like from an outcome perspective. For example, on page 64, the following tasks are identified as success factors:

• Strategic planning

• ecruiting and developing talent

• Coordinating program implementation

• Developing a fiscal management system

• Coordinating across programs

• Educating public

These are all important functions, illustrating that leadership needs to do the following. Leadership needs to work with people in different organizations, needs to have vision for planning and human development purposes, have a high level of managerial functionality and should be able to bridge communication gaps to achieve outcomes.

Furthermore, a good leader should be able to build other leaders. Page 66 of the guide talks about the importance of multi-level leadership, which fostered buy-in and leadership from a variety of different, related entities, and also from within. There is a….

Facets of a Good Leader

.....leadership traits and scores as ascertained and scored using the Northouse LEAD structure and its associated guidelines. The scores that will be summarized and described in here will include leadership and leadership styles, overall strengths and weaknesses, emotional intelligence, dealing with conflict and tension, power and interactions, motivation of others, team development/enforcing of ground rules, developing creativity, team effectiveness, what has been learned and so forth. Each individual scoring realm, as part of the larger paradigm, will be covered one by one. While the author of this report certainly has a ways to go in terms of being a great leader, there are indeed some encouraging signs when it comes to comparing what is stated in VLA and LEAD as compared to the author's self-inventory when it comes to the same. Summary & Analysis
Leadership & Leadership Styles

The author of this response was especially curious about this aspect of leadership given that….

How to be a Good Leader

I work in a Kuwait finance house bank in the anti-money laundering department. The department is under the oversight of the risk management department. My job is to assist in making sure that the finance house is in compliance with all anti-money laundering regulations. It is a very important job because failure to abide by the rules can lead to severe penalties for the institution. The bank must also work with larger regulatory bodies so as to prevent money used by terrorists from being laundered through the bank. This job requires a lot of thinking and monitoring and it is important to pay attention to the details. As a leader in my department, I have to be in communication with various people and stakeholders because of the nature of the work. I am always in contact with different people and looking at data and making important decisions that will impact….

How to be a Good Leader

I work in a Kuwait finance house bank in the anti-money laundering department. The department is under the oversight of the risk management department. My job is to assist in making sure that the finance house is in compliance with all anti-money laundering regulations. It is a very important job because failure to abide by the rules can lead to severe penalties for the institution. The bank must also work with larger regulatory bodies so as to prevent money used by terrorists from being laundered through the bank. This job requires a lot of thinking and monitoring and it is important to pay attention to the details. As a leader in my department, I have to be in communication with various people and stakeholders because of the nature of the work. I am always in contact with different people and looking at data and making important decisions that will impact….

Essay Prompt Are you naturally a leader or a follower? What can you do to make yourself feel more comfortable as a leader or more effective as a leader? Please use the following components of a good leader:
1. self-awareness (know yourself, understand your moods, emotions as it affects others)
2. self regulation (ability to control your disruptive impulses and mood)
3. motivation (passion to work for reasons other than money and status)
4. empathy (understand the emotional makeup of others)
5. social skill (ability to find a common ground and build rapport)
Please write the essay as a leader not a follower.
I believe I am naturally a leader because I am self-aware, can control my impulses, am self-motivated, am capable of empathy, and have social skills. Of these qualities, my social skills are the weakest set. I can build rapport but I am also direct with people at times and do not display requisite amounts of….

In contrast, a high-stress job, such as in a police department or hospital may create a sense of solidarity between friendly colleagues that is extremely strong to the point that it can influence job performance ratings. Bias can influence superior's perceptions of how much a friend deserves a promotion or a raise, and there is a strong sense of being part of an 'in-group' that is intrinsic to the profession in an 'us vs. them' mentality. A lack of financial resources may further raise the stakes in terms of the need to promote friends. However, such high-stakes jobs demand a high degree or professionalism, and promotion of in-group members may not always yield higher-quality performance, as measured in an objective fashion.
If the in-group is too tight, and too reliant upon standard operating procedures, solutions to using scarce resources can result in a lack of creativity and a failure to….

1. The Qualities of a Good Leader: Exploring the Essential Traits and Skills

2. Effective Leadership: Inspiring and Motivating Teams to Achieve Success

3. Ethical Leadership: The Importance of Integrity and Morality in Guiding Others

4. Transformational Leadership: Empowering Individuals to Reach Their Full Potential

5. Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Understanding the Role of Empathy and Self-Awareness

6. Leading in Times of Crisis: How Good Leaders Navigate Uncertainty and Instill Confidence

7. The Role of Communication in Effective Leadership: Building Trust and Collaboration

8. Servant Leadership: Putting the Needs of Others First for Sustainable Organizational Growth

9. Gender and Leadership:....

Exceptional Leadership Qualities

Exceptional leaders possess a unique blend of qualities that empower them to inspire, motivate, and guide their teams to achieve extraordinary results. These qualities encompass a combination of personal attributes, communication skills, and strategic vision:

1. Visionary Mindset:

Exceptional leaders possess a clear and compelling vision for the future. They articulate their goals and aspirations with passion and enthusiasm, inspiring their followers to share their dreams and work towards a common purpose.

2. Integrity and Authenticity:

Trust is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Exceptional leaders demonstrate honesty, integrity, and consistency in their actions and words. They lead by example, setting high ethical....

Good leaders possess strong communication skills, display a high level of emotional intelligence, and embody integrity and honesty in their actions and decision-making. In addition to these key characteristics, my thesis also emphasizes the importance of a leader's ability to inspire and motivate their team. Effective leaders are able to communicate a vision clearly and set goals that challenge their team members to do their best work. They lead by example, demonstrating a strong work ethic and dedication to the goals of the organization.

Furthermore, my research suggests that adaptability and resilience are crucial qualities for successful leaders. In today's fast-paced and....

3 Pages
Book Review


What Makes a Good Leader

Words: 836
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

Leadership and Legacy Defining leadership is never an easy task. Leadership is about managing people, but, quite often, it is about a lot more than that. It involves a visionary…

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2 Pages


Ethical Leadership Yahoo Inc A Good Leader

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethical Leadership: Yahoo Inc. A good leader possesses a range of characteristics and skills that portray a positive outward image of his organization. Such a leader leads by example, and…

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2 Pages


Extrovertism What Makes Extroverts Such Good Leaders

Words: 581
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Extrovertism What makes extroverts such good leaders, is they are embracing certain attributes that will help them to work well with others. This can allow them to forge alliance and…

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2 Pages


How to Be a Good Leader in an Organization

Words: 709
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

perceived to be an ethical leader, am I an ethical leader? Why or why not? What happens when perception and reality are not congruent? Can I be a…

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3 Pages


How to Influence Others and Be a Good Leader

Words: 1022
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Leadership to Improve Ethical Performance Leadership skills, ethics, and communication are demonstrated by Bishop Hawkins in a number of ways: through the books he has written, through the sermons…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Qualities of a Good Leader

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Psychodynamic Approach The Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire was absorbing to fill, but the scoring showed that the self-awareness and internalized moral perspective scores were a high of 16. Those of…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Leader

Words: 832
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Executive? The maxim, "Great leaders, are born, not made" has some truth in it and at some point; the capacity for great leadership is innate. Nonetheless, learning to be…

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2 Pages

American History

Why Washington Was a Good Leader

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

George Washington Washington As the evolutionary War began to wear on and the effects were seen in the soldiers -- militiamen who had received little to no formal training in combat…

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5 Pages


GE's Development of Good Leaders

Words: 1575
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

CEO General Electric (GE) is one of the world's most renowned companies involved in the production, distribution and the use of electrical products globally. The business was started in…

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3 Pages


Good Leader and Leadership

Words: 985
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Leader? The guide Best Practices for Tobacco Control Programs has among the best practices there is opportunity to glean what effective leadership looks like from an outcome perspective. For…

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5 Pages


Facets of a Good Leader

Words: 1551
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

.....leadership traits and scores as ascertained and scored using the Northouse LEAD structure and its associated guidelines. The scores that will be summarized and described in here will include…

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11 Pages


How to be a Good Leader

Words: 3415
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

I work in a Kuwait finance house bank in the anti-money laundering department. The department is under the oversight of the risk management department. My job is to assist…

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11 Pages


How to be a Good Leader

Words: 3415
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

I work in a Kuwait finance house bank in the anti-money laundering department. The department is under the oversight of the risk management department. My job is to assist…

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2 Pages

What It Means to Be a Good Leader Essay

Words: 825
Length: 2 Pages

Essay Prompt Are you naturally a leader or a follower? What can you do to make yourself feel more comfortable as a leader or more effective as a leader? Please…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


Leader Member Exchange Theory Leader-Member

Words: 1848
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

In contrast, a high-stress job, such as in a police department or hospital may create a sense of solidarity between friendly colleagues that is extremely strong to the…

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