Grade School Essays (Examples)

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Therefore, formal education serves a number of purposes that can help a person succeed.
However, life experience can be as valuable as formal education and in fact is just as necessary. A person cannot learn everything in school. There are some lessons that cannot be taught in the classroom. The best example is traveling. A person can only learn about other cultures when traveling. Reading about other cultures offers some helpful background information and facts about the language and history. However, no amount of formal education about a culture can teach someone what it feels like to interact with people from that society. Another example of why life experience is just as important as formal education is interpersonal communications. In school students meet many people from different backgrounds but cannot socialize in the classroom. Their social interactions take place after school. Students of all ages need to learn proper behaviors,….

Evidence-Based Leadership
As a grade school principal evidence-based leadership requires that I implement learning strategies that have been adequately researched and proven to be successful and effective with the population my school serves. Evidence-based leadership also requires that I continuously gather feedback and data regarding my leadership activities and my effectiveness within my school's environment. As a grade-school level principal in an underperforming urban school I have many opportunities to use evidence-based leadership to improve our school's instructional design and to monitor and enhance my own performance as the lead administrator. Two areas in which this has been particularly useful is the development of literacy programs in our school and the improvement of internal communications between the administrative team and the staff at our school.

When I entered as the lead administrator at my school site I was charged with the project of assessing our reading and English Language Arts (ELA) program.….

Early childhood education, from preschool to kindergarten, is a critical time. Of this fact, the research is almost completely conclusive. Ample evidence supports preschool as being one of the predicating factors of a child's later academic success. Unfortunately, not all children have equal access to preschool and pre-kindergarten programs. As Bridges (n.d.) also points out, research on preschool's efficacy in helping students reach higher academic achievement later in life is spurious and not necessarily valid. Amid all the "exaggerated claims about the effects of preschool," what emerges as fact and what is fallacy (Bridges, n.d., p. 195)? This review of literature, however small, attempts to answer this question by focusing on situational and contextual variables that impact preschool effectiveness.
Although early research on the efficacy of preschool was wrought with problems related to internal and external validity, Bridges (n.d.) claims that later studies offered more sensible research designs and methods. These….

A teenager's ability to thrive in his/her social circle may have more to do with innate qualities such as companionship than looks or talents, attributes that are commonly associated with popularity.
Whereas peer relationships can clearly have a positive role in social development, there are certain types of peer orientation that can also be detrimental. There are some teenagers who are extremely orientated to their peers to the extent that they break parents' rules, sacrifice school performance, undermine their talents, and even hide positive areas of their lives in order to maintain their peer relationships (uligni et al., 2001). This is the type of peer orientation that parents commonly object to and for good reason. Extremely peer oriented teenagers often feel that they have to stand out and hence seek problem behavior-oriented peer groups such as those that regularly skip class, abuse alcohol, and use drugs (uligni et al., 2001).….

The idea is that imposing a concentration of coursework in reading, writing and arithmetic will make us more competitive with the world and better prepared for the future. According to Robinson, what the policymakers have failed to take into account is that the world is changing faster than ever in our history. He believes that the best hope for the future is to develop a new paradigm of human capacity to meet a new era of human existence. e need to create environments where every person is inspired to grow creatively in order to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
Edward de Bono (2005) notes that not only is the amount of information students learn during the time they are at school very limited, much of the knowledge they acquire while at school is quickly outdated. On the other hand, access to all kinds of information has become incredibly easy.….

School & Community the Use

, 2007).
The use of the Cognitive Tutor not only enriches students' experience at the academic task-level but also impacts the teachers' instructional practices and relationship with her students (Level 3) A district-wide survey of high school teachers using the program reveals that the Cognitive Tutor allows them more time to provide individual assistance to students; gives them the opportunity to adjust their instructional practices as a result of students progressing in problem solving; and makes Algebra more interesting and relevant to students (Schneyderman, 2001). These views imply that the use of the program makes teaching less burdensome in the sense that the teacher acts as facilitator of learning rather than instructor, which is one of the arguments for educational technology in general.

Due perhaps to the wide acceptance of the use of Cognitive Tutor and other instructional software in American classrooms, the "No Child Left Behind" Act called for the U.S.….

Teaching at the university level and at the grade school level can be vastly different. Institutional differences account for the largest part of the disparities between these ostensibly similar careers, but methodological differences also exist. Teaching is considered the primary focus of the grade school teacher's career, whereas university professors are often academic scholars rather than educators and teaching for such people is far less important than academic research.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in four Americans are enrolled in educational institutions. Education is the largest industry in the country, accounting for nearly 12 million jobs. Most of these people teach at the grade school level. Teaching is considered a trade rather than a profession: teachers are usually unionized. Teaching positions constitute almost half of all educational services jobs and require at least a bachelor's degree. Most school districts give their employees incentives to pursue further education; typically….

Utilization of the data and collection of the data should be one of the main aims of the policy makers. The data can be used by the policymakers in order to develop the policies and implement these in order to make sure that improvement can be ensured (Basch, 2011, p. 9).
3. One of the main roles that can be played by the policy makers includes reviewing the policies that have already been designed for the schools. How these previous policies have played roles in an improvement of academics of the children, their environments and their health are important parts of the review by the policymakers. It is important that funding is collected for the issues that affect health and academics of children.

4. The policymakers should make sure that the importance of school-based health clinics that can play roles in looking after the needs of the students.

Great levels of differences….

Schools and Education
Over the last several years, the field of education has been facing tremendous challenges. This is because of shifts in how they address a host of issues and there are changing demographics of students. These are all signs of broader social implications which are having an effect on individual performance and their ability to adapt with a variety of situations. (Rury, 2013)

Evidence of this can be seen with observations from Rury (2013) who said, "e live in a time of considerable social and political turmoil, marked by economic uncertainty that has directly touched the lives of millions of Americans. Deep divisions and critical problems, as a range of issues are debated fervently, extending from economic policy, to poverty and inequality. If there is anything everyone seems to agree upon it the growing importance of education for the future. ithout expanding our present knowledge and abilities, it is unlikely….

Schools in the Future

Schools in the 21st century are very different from the one-room schoolhouses that once dotted the American landscape. Today a single school can house thousands of students at various grade levels and many schools integrate the latest technologies into their curriculums. With this being understood, it will be interesting to see how school curriculum will change in the future. The purpose of this discussion is to examine how schools will change in the future as it pertains to technology. The discussion will also focus on the introduction of schools as social anchors, that are both moral and purposeful.
Schools of the future

Indeed technology will continue to play a large role in schools of the future. Educators will continue to incorporate technology into the curriculum. According to Caldwell and Hayward (1998) "schooling at the upper secondary level will become more complex and diverse, with multiple providers; combined with advances made possible by….

For school retention, the major reason for support of this was academic achievement. If the child does not meet the set benchmarks for performance, the decision-making panel simply agreed to retention of the student. There was no formal assessment system for this decision process.
These results were supported by the result of the study conducted by Hong and audenbush (2006)

who found that student achievement were used in state and district schools to decide social promotion vs. school retention instead of formal systems of assessment of student performance. According to these findings, the schools that used academic achievement as the main criterion for social promotion did not bother to understand how the decision affected the student for who the decision was being made and the other students in general. The findings of these authors showed that these were very important aspects in the general performance of the school itself and the….

They predict age and gender variations relate to bullying concerns. Of the 25 cartoons implemented in the study, two depict characters with different shades of skin color where skin color appeared to be an issue. One cartoon relating to sexual orientation was not used in several countries. Smith et al. report Olweus to assert bullying to be characterized by the following three criteria:
1. It is aggressive behavior or intentional "harmdoing"

2. which carried out repeatedly and over time

3. In an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. (Smith et al., 2002, p. 1120)

In their study, Smith et al. (2002), participating researchers in the 14 countries to completed the following

1. Listed and selected bullying terms as well as social exclusion in the applicable language.

2. Used fundamental focus groups with participating children to confirm usage and extensive comprehensive of terms.

3. Using cartoons, sorted tasks to describe ways terms relating to bullying….

School Choice Has Been a

These issues of professionalism and innovation seem to be a major problem in many public schools in America. In recent years these issues have come to light as teachers have been disciplined and even fired for their interactions with students that have been unprofessional and even criminal at times. Teachers have an ethical responsibility to act professionally and when they fell to do so the ability of students to excel academically is also compromised.
The aforementioned authors also mention the lack of innovation that often occurs as a result of using democratic methods. One of the reasons why school choice is even an issue is because the curriculums that have been implemented in public schools lack variety. Part of the reason for this lack of innovation has to do with bureaucracy and government mandates such as the No Child Left Behind Act. This particular act stifles innovation because many teachers….


Students who are bussed to a larger school can use the time to be productive; reading, homework, etc.

1.5-2 hours per day of commuting is unacceptable for students and will eat into their family and work time.


A larger school will provide greater opportunity for social networks, sports, music, drama, and more extracurricular activities.

Loss of community will make the younger students uncomfortable as well.


A larger school will provide greater academic opportunities for the HS students in preparation for university; there are more resources available.

The student to teach ratio will change and the students will be part of just another large classroom.

Thus, the question really comes down to potential. Neither side can equivocally state that the future of the students will be better or worse; there are arguments for both as well as the possibility that the solution will be quite positive for some, not so positive for others. Clearly, there needs to….

, 1999). In many areas of the country this may be very accurate.
Another problem that comes into the picture where obesity in children is concerned is that many parents must work very long hours today to pay bills and have money for what their family needs (Mokdad, et al., 1999). ecause of this, many children are latchkey kids and are not watched as closely by their parents as they used to be (Mokdad, et al., 1999). Children used to come home from school and go and play with others, but many now live in neighborhoods where this is unsafe or where there are no children their age so they remain inside watching TV or playing video games and snacking on whatever is available (Mokdad, et al., 1999).

If there is healthy food in the house this is often not a problem, but many households are full of potato chips, candy, soda,….

2 Pages


Education From Grade School to

Words: 597
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Therefore, formal education serves a number of purposes that can help a person succeed. However, life experience can be as valuable as formal education and in fact is just…

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2 Pages


Evidence-Based Leadership as a Grade School Principal

Words: 544
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Evidence-Based Leadership As a grade school principal evidence-based leadership requires that I implement learning strategies that have been adequately researched and proven to be successful and effective with the population…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Benefits to Preschool Before Kindergarten and Grade School

Words: 1485
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Early childhood education, from preschool to kindergarten, is a critical time. Of this fact, the research is almost completely conclusive. Ample evidence supports preschool as being one of the…

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4 Pages


School & Peers' Influence on

Words: 1188
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

A teenager's ability to thrive in his/her social circle may have more to do with innate qualities such as companionship than looks or talents, attributes that are commonly…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Schools Kill Creativity The Memoirs

Words: 764
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The idea is that imposing a concentration of coursework in reading, writing and arithmetic will make us more competitive with the world and better prepared for the future.…

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4 Pages


School & Community the Use

Words: 1338
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

, 2007). The use of the Cognitive Tutor not only enriches students' experience at the academic task-level but also impacts the teachers' instructional practices and relationship with her students (Level…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


School Teacher and College Professors

Words: 878
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Teaching at the university level and at the grade school level can be vastly different. Institutional differences account for the largest part of the disparities between these ostensibly similar…

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8 Pages
Literature Review


School Clinics Affects on Students

Words: 3382
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Utilization of the data and collection of the data should be one of the main aims of the policy makers. The data can be used by the policymakers…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Schools and Education Over the Last Several

Words: 4678
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Schools and Education Over the last several years, the field of education has been facing tremendous challenges. This is because of shifts in how they address a host of issues…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Schools in the Future

Words: 2207
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Schools in the 21st century are very different from the one-room schoolhouses that once dotted the American landscape. Today a single school can house thousands of students at various…

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4 Pages
Discussion Chapter


School Retention vs Social Promotion

Words: 1335
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

For school retention, the major reason for support of this was academic achievement. If the child does not meet the set benchmarks for performance, the decision-making panel simply…

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30 Pages


School-Based Bullying Prevention Programs the

Words: 9042
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Thesis

They predict age and gender variations relate to bullying concerns. Of the 25 cartoons implemented in the study, two depict characters with different shades of skin color where…

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8 Pages


School Choice Has Been a

Words: 2363
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

These issues of professionalism and innovation seem to be a major problem in many public schools in America. In recent years these issues have come to light as…

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17 Pages
Application Essay


School Closure Research -- Peggy

Words: 5260
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Application Essay

Transportation Students who are bussed to a larger school can use the time to be productive; reading, homework, etc. 1.5-2 hours per day of commuting is unacceptable for students and will…

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40 Pages
Research Proposal

Health - Nutrition

School-Based Intervention Trials for the

Words: 14493
Length: 40 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

, 1999). In many areas of the country this may be very accurate. Another problem that comes into the picture where obesity in children is concerned is that many parents…

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