Greenhouse Effect Essays (Examples)

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Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
Pages: 4 Words: 1236

Greenhouse Effect and Global arming
The modern world, while no doubt has provided us with immense luxuries and facilities, it has also come at a cost that our future generation will have to pay. The modernization of our world has meant that our towns and cities expand more and more, and increasingly greater pressure is being put on our planet; this is true, not only in terms of the demands for resources, but also how we are damaging the planet. Industrialization, Deforestation, Urbanization and our inconsiderate lifestyle has already meant a major uprooting of wildlife from their original habitats; all of this is a resultant of human neglect.

This human neglect today can be seen clearly in the form of Climate Change and its various implications. Climate Change is a problem that has taken the entire world in its fold and therefore requires taking a closer look at what and why this…...


Works Cited

BBC Weather Center. Climate Change: Greenhouse Gases. July 2009. 22nd September 2011 .

Effects of Global Warming: Signs are everywhere. n.d. 23rd September 2011 .

Greenhouse Effect. n.d. 22nd September 2011 .

The Greenhouse Effect. n.d. 22nd September 2011 .

Greenhouse Effect Solution Over a
Pages: 5 Words: 1350

He further protested that exempting many developing countries from the five percent reduction clause would place many American industries at a disadvantage in the world market.
For the past decade, the United States government has tried to lower air pollution levels through legislation. Because car emissions are probably the greatest contributor to air pollution, states like California have initiated strict "zero emission vehicle" policies in 1990. Under this mandate, all vehicles in California are required to follow strict emissions guidelines. The Environmental Protection Agency is set to phase in similar antismog standards in the rest of the country beginning in 2004 (Ball).

The need for zero emissions vehicles has spurred auto manufacturers to develop new vehicle technologies that cut down on these emissions.

For example, many auto companies are now marketing cars powered by batteries and fuel cells (Ball). By using alternative sources of energy, these vehicles do not produce smog-causing emissions…...


Works Cited

Ball, Jeffrey. "Fuel for Debate: California Clean-Air Czar's Shift Is New Boost for Diesel Engines." Wall Street Journal. October 24, 2002. Proquest Database.

Morgan, Sally. Global Warming. Chicago: Reed Publishing, 2003.

Robbins, Gary. "UCI's research influential Series: warming." Orange County Register. January 6, 2003: A3. Proquest Database.

United States Environmental Protection Agency.. "Emissions." Global Warming. 23 April 2006. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 23 April 2006 .

Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
Pages: 4 Words: 1398

There are several models using the scientific method used to measure and support the concept of global warming. Scientists are measuring items that have remained on Earth for millions of years, such as the ice core samples, but they are also measuring tree rings and other living indicators of the Earth's temperature. Scientist Johansen continues, "By 1998, the Earth had sustained 20 consecutive years above the 1961 to 1990 average temperature, with the upward curve steepening toward the end of the period" (Johansen 34). This has continued into the 21st century at an even steeper rate, and the scientific evidence points to even greater warming in the next decades.

The bottom line on global warming is that people need to take it more seriously. It seems that many people still do not understand the reality of global warming, and that if the planet continues to warm the way it has been…...



Editors. "Wrapping Greenland." Oct. 2008. 19 Dec. 2008. 

Johansen, Bruce E. The Global Warming Desk Reference. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.

Pidwirny, M. "The Greenhouse Effect." Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition. 2008. 19 Dec. 2008. 

Wheldon, Julie. "Greenhouse Effect Is a Myth, Say Scientists." The Daily Mail 5 Mar. 2007: 28.

Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect Are
Pages: 2 Words: 657

Global warming and the greenhouse effect are realities of contemporary living. These phenomena are the result of humankind's lack of stewardship of the environment which put a tremendous strain on nature and every living species thereto. The greenhouse effect is one of the culprits causing global warming and although it is a "natural occurrence that helps regulate the temperature of our planet (EPA 2010)," there are negative effects occurring of late. When the sun hits the earth's surface, "some of this heat escapes back to space. The rest of the heat, also known as infrared radiation, is trapped in the atmosphere by clouds and greenhouse gases (EPA 2010);" this is why it is called the greenhouse effect. ut when the few trace greenhouse gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, hydrogen, nitrous oxide and ozone (Global Greenhouse Warming 2009) increase in concentration in the atmosphere, less heat energy…...



Global Greenhouse Warming. What is Global Warming? 2009. 28 Apr. 2011. .

Kluger, Jeffrey. Global Warming Heats Up. Time/CNN. 26 May 2006. 28 Apr. 2011. .

Ozone Hole. Global Warming. 2010. 28 Apr. 2011. .

Time for Change. Cause and Effect for Global Warming. 2008. 28 Apr. 2011. .

Behavioral Changes Reducing the Effects
Pages: 4 Words: 1835

hy the huge disparity in viewpoints when the science has been empirically established for twenty years or more? Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma State Universities (Riley Dunlap and Aaron McCright, respectively), who say there has been a "well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science" (alsh, 2011). In the book written by Dunlap and McCright (the Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society) they assert that global climate change science has been "assaulted" by fossil-fuel corporations, conservative think tanks" for over twenty years.
Hence, in conclusion, one way to spread the word to consumers and citizens is to battle back against the propaganda that seeks to deny the truth about climate change. In addition, very simple changes in lifestyles (using CFLs, taking the bus, hanging clothes out to dry, keeping the car tuned up, and sealing up leaks and…...


Works Cited

Chevrolet. (2012). Somebody Has to Be First. Chevrolet VOLT. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from .

Environmental Protection Agency. (2011). Frequently Asked Questions About Global Warming

And Climate Change: Back to Basics. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from . (2010). Green Driving Tips. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from .

Lived Effects of Historic Climate
Pages: 5 Words: 1851

John K. Horowitz. "The income-temperature relationship in a cross-section of countries and its implications for predicting the effects of global warming." Environmental and Resource Economics 44(4) December, 2009

Ian Moffatt. "2 Global arming," in the Economics of Climate Change. Edited by Owen, Anothony D. And Nick Hanley, 6-34. New York: Routledge, 2004.

Louis Putterman. "Agriculture, Diffusion and Development: Ripple Effects of the Neolithic Revolution." Economica, 75(300):729 -- 748, November 2008.

Jeffrey D. Sachs, John . Mcarthur, Guido Schmidt-Traub, Margaret Kruk, Chandrika Bahadur, Michael Faye, and Gordon Mccord. "Ending Africa's Poverty Trap." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, no. 1 (2004): 117-129.

Eugene R. ahl and Caspar M. Ammann. "Robustness of the mann, bradley, hughes reconstruction of northern hemisphere surface temperatures: Examination of criticisms based on the nature and processing of proxy climate evidence." Climatic Change, 85 (1-2):33 -- 69, November 2007.

John C. Bluedorn,,Akos Valentinyi, and Michael Vlassopoulos. The Long-Lived Effects of Historic Climate on the…...



John C. Bluedorn, Akos Valentinyi, and Michael Vlassopoulos. The Long-Lived Effects of Historic Climate on the Wealth of Nations University of Southampton, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (the central bank of Hungary) 17 November 2009.

Melissa Dell, Benjamin F. Jones, and Benjamin a. Olken. "Climate Change and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Last Half Century." NBER Working Paper, (14312), June 2008.

Olivier Desch'enes and Enrico Moretti. "Extreme Weather Events, Mortality, and Migration." NBER Working Paper, (13227), July 2007. 2

John Luke Gallup, Jeffrey D. Sachs, and Andrew D. Mellinger. "Geography and Economic Development." International Regional Science Review, 22(2):179 -- 232, 1999.

Effects of Climate Change
Pages: 4 Words: 1376

Global Warming and Climate Change
Natural versus anthropogenic forces in climate change are a common topic for discussion. Some people believe that the global warming experienced now is part of a natural cycle while other others believe it is accelerated thanks to human evolution on earth. Although there is a natural cycle on the planet concerning global warming, this is not the case regarding the information provided from scientific data on the effects of human-generated global warming. Natural global warming takes long periods of time to develop.

People that have analyzed previous global warming trends have noted the rise in temperatures occurred over a prolonged period, like thousands of years. However, human-caused global warming has produced a warming trend at a faster rate. Instead of thousands of years, it is decades. Secondly, humans were not around for the previous global warming trends and if they were, they were much smaller in number…...

Greenhouse Gases and Earth
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Earth's Climate System is a complex system that is influenced by many different factors. The manner in which the climate is maintained, and makes life on Earth possible, is a culmination of the atmospheric conditions and the Earth's energy balance that is determined primarily by energy introduced into the system as well as its ability to trap energy in the greenhouse layer. The Earth resides in the "Goldilocks Zone", or the habitable zone, which is believed to be the region around a star in which the right conditions for life can be sustained; recently scientist have been able to discover other planets that could also reside in such zones. (Zin, 2017).
The Earth's climate system provides an ideal habitat for life based on its relationship to the closest star, the sun, and its orbital patterns. The rotation of the earth, as well as the rotation of the moon, give the planet…...


Works Cited

NASA. (N.d.). Climate Change: How do we know? Retrieved from NASA: 


Effects of Aging on Functional Ability
Pages: 4 Words: 1410

ockstein and Sussman (1979) defined senescence as the period of life where the human body weakens and declines in function rather than grows, a period which is of course associated with physical aging. There is much individual and cultural variation in this process, this is a gradual process, and it occurs across all cultures and in all individuals. Cultural perceptions of aging were also noted by ockstein and Sussman to affect functional abilities as individuals grow older. An acceleration of senescence that occurs due to external factors such as disease, tobacco use, alcohol and drug abuse, poor diet, or physical trauma is known as secondary aging, and for the sake of brevity these factors will not be considered here. As people age there are numerous physical changes that take place that affect functional abilities, some obvious and some not so obvious. There are also cognitive changes that occur as a…...



Al-Abdulwahab, S.S. (1999). The Effects of Aging on Muscle Strength and Functional Ability of Healthy Saudi Arabian Males. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 19 (3), 211-215.

Birren, J.E., Butler, R.N., Greenhouse, S.W., Sokoloff, L. & Yarrow, M.R. (Eds.) (1963). Human Aging: A Biological and Behavioral Study. (HSM Publication Number 71-9051). Washington DC: U.S. Publishing Office.

Paterson, DH, Jones, D.R., & Rice, C.L. (2007). Ageing and physical activity: evidence to develop exercise recommendations for older adults. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 98 (Supplement 2), S69 -- S108.

Rockstein, M. & Sussman, M. (1979). Biology of aging. CA: Wadsworth.

Global Warming and Its Effects for Many
Pages: 6 Words: 1671

Global Warming and Its Effects
For many years, people have been talking about how the weather has changed over the past ten years. In fact, you may have witnessed these changes first hand. The earth's climate has been continuously changing for millions of years. Currently, studies indicate that the Earth is undergoing global warming. The first time I ever heard about global warming was a television commercial. I remember that the commercial featured two children and an adult. In the commercial, the adult started to explain global warming, however his explanation was beyond the scope of the children's understanding. The little girl in the commercial was too confused by the explanation that then prompted the adult to flash-forward into the future to show the children the effects of the climatological concept he was talking about. While the trio are seen in a luscious park at the beginning of the commercial,…...



Gore, Al. An Inconvenient Truth. United States: Paramount Classics, 2007. DVD.

Carbon dioxide 07 Dec.2007

Discover the scientific facts on global warming effects 07 Dec.2007

Greenhouse Gas Emissions 07 Dec.2007

International Business The Effect of Climate Change
Pages: 5 Words: 1601

The Effect of Climate Change on International BusinessClimate change is currently a critical issue sparking heated debates in society because of its effects on international business. The definition of climate change is quite complex as it refers to changes in average weather of a region or city (Ssusman & Freed, 2018). Numerous reasons cause climate change, but the major cause is the increasing emission of greenhouse gases. On the other hand, climate change not only impacts the environment but also impacts businesses. Fortunately, climate change has some upshots in the business area as it has some positive impacts. The reason is that businesses can adopt environmentally friendly practices that can help reduce the cost of operation and production. International businesses can also penetrate the competitive business environment by creating a sustainable image that makes them appear trustworthy. Conversely, climate change also impacts international businesses because extreme weather conditions can disrupt…...


ReferencesAllen, M.W. & Craig, C.A. (2016). Rethinking corporate social responsibility in the age of climate change: A communication perspective. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 1.   Human, I. R. J. M. S. (2018). The impact of climate change on international business strategies. Isara Solutions. Sussman, F. G., & Freed, J. R. (2008). Adapting to climate change: A business approach (p. 41). Arlington, VA: Pew Center on Global Climate Change.  Unsworth, K.L., Russell, S.V. & Davis, M.C. (2016). Is dealing with climate change a corporation\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s responsibility? A social contract perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. Winn, M., Kirchgeorg, M., Griffiths, A., Linnenluecke, M. K., & Günther, E. (2011). Impacts from climate change on organizations: a conceptual foundation. BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 0(3), 157-173 

Positive and Negative Effects of
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

(Economic Impacts of Tourism: United Nations Environment Program)
The development of the tourism industry could cost the local government as well as local taxpayers a huge amount of money. The government resources being utilized on developing the airport, roads as well as other infrastructure or providing tax breaks for developing the tourism industry could enable the government to minimize their investment in other important sectors like education as also health thereby affecting local development. Further the seasonal nature of the tourism industry leads to economic issues for areas which are seriously dependent on it. The increased demand from tourists for basic services as well as goods could mostly lead to price hikes which could negatively impact the local residents whose income does not enhance in a proportionate manner. The development of the tourism industry and the increase in the demand for real estate which are being linked could bring about…...

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles
Pages: 5 Words: 1386

Comparing Climate Change Mitigation Strategies for Global WarmingEven diehard climate change deniers are forced to concede the reality of global warming today, and many members of the scientific community cautions that the tipping point towards unpreventable climate change has already been reached and crossed. Nevertheless, efforts are underway on numerous fronts to identify effective mitigation strategies to address global warming to prevent a worst-case scenario from developing in the near future by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the most widely advocated climate change mitigation strategies for this purpose include the use of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar as well as replacing greenhouse gas-emitting internal combustion engines with electric vehicles (Climate change mitigation, 2022). The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation concerning the characteristics of greenhouse gas emissions and how climate change has exacerbated this threat in recent years. In addition, an evaluation of…...


ReferencesAlagu, M., Selladurai, R., & Chelladurai, C. (2022). Simultaneous placement of electric vehicle charging station and DG units in urban area using novel enhanced antlion optimizer. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 43(1), 707–719.Climate change mitigation. (2022). Global Environment Facility. Retrieved from   %20strategies%20include%20retrofitting%20buildings,sustainable%20uses%20of%20land%20and.Ebi, K. L., Capon, A., Berry, P., Broderick, C., de Dear, R., Havenith, G., Honda, Y., Kovats, R. S., Ma, W., Malik, A., Morris, N. B., Nybo, L., Seneviratne, S. I., Vanos, J., & Jay, O. (2021). Hot weather and heat extremes: health risks. Lancet, 398(10301), 698–708.Inaction on climate change. (2022). Deloitte. Retrieved from  pages/about-deloitte/articles/press-releases/deloitte-report-inaction-on-climate-change-could-cost-the-us-economy-trillions-by-2070.html.Kraan, O., Kramer, G. J., Nikolic, I., Chappin, E., & Koning, V. (2019). Why fully liberalised electricity markets will fail to meet deep decarbonization targets even with strong carbon pricing. Energy Policy, 131, 99–110.Liu, X., Li, X., Tian, J., Wang, Y., Xiao, G., & Wang, P. (2022). Day-Ahead Economic Dispatch of Renewable Energy System considering Wind and Photovoltaic Predicted Output. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 1–14.Mitra, C., & Roychowdhury, S. (2022). Consumers’ Awareness and Inclination Towards Eco-Friendly Cars with Reference to Sustainable Development. IUP Journal of Operations Management, 21(2), 43–51.Shaffer, B., Auffhammer, M., & Samaras, C. (2021). Make electric vehicles lighter to maximize climate and safety benefits. Nature, 598(7880), 254–256. 

Negative Effects of Climate Change
Pages: 4 Words: 1008

Negative Effects of Climate Change
The weather patterns are changing all over the world and it has become one of the most debated issues across the globe with environmentalists having their concerns pertaining to global warming and its adverse effects on the environment in general. It is important for us to note here that scientists at NASA are doing extensive research on this issue and it has been proposed that the climate change is predicted to have harmful effects in some regions of the world; meanwhile the changes in the weather patterns will also have some beneficial effects in some other parts of the world. However, the main focus of this paper will be on the harmful effects of climatic changes (Cox et al.).

Current and Future Consequences

The effects of global climate change on the environment of the world have already been observed by the scientists and environmentalists. Ice on lakes…...


Works cited

Cox, Peter M. et al. 'Acceleration Of Global Warming Due To Carbon-Cycle Feedbacks In A Coupled Climate Model'. Nature 408.6809 (2000): 184 -- 187. Print.

Randal Jackson, Amber Jenkins. 'Effects'. Global Climate Change. N. p., 2014. Web. 9 Aug. 2014.

Vitousek, Peter M. 'Beyond Global Warming: Ecology And Global Change'. Ecology 75.7 (1994): 1861 -- 1876. Print.

Cause and Effect Essay Example Climate Change & Hurricanes
Pages: 11 Words: 3527

Writing doesnt have to be a chore.
To prove it, heres a cause and effect essay example that gets down and dirty with a semi-controversial issue that polarizes a lot of people (no pun intended): yes, were talking about climate change.

This topic has been in the news for a good long while.
Climate Change

There have been movies made about it, conferences held about it, and many works of scholarly and not-so-scholarly literature written about it.

So lets take a look at how to turn this subject into the main topic of a cause and effect essay.

Well start off with a title, give you the hook, underline the thesis, and highlight some important parts for you to consider.

Best of all, well show you how to have fun with your essay. Lets go!
I. Intro
a. Hook
b. Did climate change cause Harvey et al.?
c. Noand heres why.
II. Body
a. Defining terms
b. History
c. Is it Really Change?
d. What…...

I need help with forming a good title for my research paper on greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect?
Words: 257

The greenhouse effect, the impact of greenhouse gases, and climate change are all extremely topical issues.  They are considered political, but the science strongly supports the idea that these gases are increasing the earth’s average temperature, creating global climate change, fostering superstorms, and rapidly making the earth less habitable to humans. 

Here are some titles that would be appropriate for a range of essays about greenhouses gases and the greenhouse effect:

  1. Greenhouses Gases: Great for Plants, Not so Great for Humans
  2. How Manmade Climate Change Differs from Natural Climate Change
  3. Jurassic World: Are Greenhouse Gases Returning....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Greenhouse Effect. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 454

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to the Greenhouse Effect:

1. The causes of the Greenhouse Effect and its impact on global climate change.
2. The role of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, in exacerbating the Greenhouse Effect.
3. The importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing sustainable energy solutions to mitigate the effects of the Greenhouse Effect.
4. The potential consequences of unchecked global warming due to the Greenhouse Effect, such as rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events.
5. The role of international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, in addressing the Greenhouse Effect....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Greenhouse Effect. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 567

## Essay Topics on the Greenhouse Effect

1. The Science of the Greenhouse Effect

Explain the mechanisms and natural processes that contribute to the greenhouse effect.
Discuss the role of greenhouse gases in trapping heat within the atmosphere.
Analyze the evidence supporting the anthropogenic (human-caused) enhancement of the greenhouse effect.

2. Impacts of the Greenhouse Effect on the Earth's System

Describe how the greenhouse effect influences global temperature and climate patterns.
Discuss the effects of rising sea levels, melting polar ice caps, and changes in weather extremes.
Examine the potential impacts of the greenhouse effect on ecosystems, biodiversity, and human societies.

3. Sources....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Global Warming. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 395

## Essay Topics Related to Global Warming: A Comprehensive Guide

Topic 1: Scientific Foundations of Global Warming

The Greenhouse Effect: Exploring its Mechanisms and Impacts
Climate Change as a Consequence of Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Scientific Evidence Supporting the Existence and Severity of Global Warming

Topic 2: Impacts of Global Warming on the Environment

Rising Sea Levels: Consequences and Mitigation Strategies
Extreme Weather Events: The Increased Frequency and Intensity of Storms
Biodiversity Loss: Impacts on Ecosystems and Human Well-being

Topic 3: Impacts of Global Warming on Human Societies

Health Effects of Global Warming: Heatwaves, Air Pollution, and Infectious Diseases
Food Security and Agriculture:....

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